• Published 9th Jun 2022
  • 888 Views, 57 Comments

Mind over Midnight - Moproblems Moharmoney

Calmy Storm is the one --and only-- Para Psychotherapist in Canterlot City. The strange and unusual is his bread and better, but will his latest client be beyond his skills?

  • ...

Interlude - Date with a Dazzling

Stablebook Messenger Group

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Hey there stud πŸ˜‰ How's it going?

Idonthaveyourps518 – Umm...it's ok dear.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – 'Dear'?

Idonthaveyourps518 – Sorry, sorry! I'm not used to this kind of thing, am I going too fast?

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Oh far from it lover boy, it's just sweet to see is all.

Idonthaveyourps518 – Really?

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Trust a girl, babe. It's rare to be called anything but 'tits' this early in a relationship.

Idonthaveyourps518 – That's repugnant! I'd never do that to you. You're...special to me.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Awwww, do go on 😊

Idonthaveyourps518 – Yes you're pretty, probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Heck, I still don't understand why you even messaged me, but there's more to beauty than just what's on the surface. You're kind, generous, open, friendly-

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Don't forget funny and loyal πŸ˜‰

Idonthaveyourps518 – Yeah! I honestly don't know anyone who'd tough out the stuff your family's going through.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – It's not easy 😒

Idonthaveyourps518 – No, yet you still have time for a dweeb like me.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Oh honey you're not a dweeb. Not to me 😘

Idonthaveyourps518 – ….thank you.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – For what? Telling the truth?

Idonthaveyourps518 – No, for being with me. I know you think I'm some kind of 'super chad' but I'm not an idiot. You're talking to the chief geek of CHS, a joke, forever alone in the computer lab. Even with things getting better around here I'm still on the edge of everyone's social circles. Outside of school? Even more of a nobody. These last few months have been some of the happiest I can remember.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – …..

Idonthaveyourps518 – Cheese and crackers I screwed it all up didn't I? I'm so sorry, just forget everything I said A-

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – No. It was just a lot to take in.

Idonthaveyourps518 – I can understand if you don't want to meet up later. πŸ˜”

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Don't be foolish! You were just being honest, why should we cancel our date over something like that?

Idonthaveyourps518 – I just thought I scared you, sounding weird and needy.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – You, needy? Please, I'm the needy one. Except what I need right now is you, sexy πŸ’‹

Idonthaveyourps518 –

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Don't worry your pretty little head about tonight though cutie, I'll be there.

Idonthaveyourps518 – I finished the thing we were talking about last night btw.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – That quickly!?

Idonthaveyourps518 – Well programming is my special calling in life. That and being a monster in Hocus pocus: The Get Together. Crushed Shining Armour again this week.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – That's nice babe, but the program?

Idonthaveyourps518 – Oh yeah, that. It was an interesting puzzle, took a bit of tinkering. Not sure how it'll help your sister though. I mean it's kinda dubious legally speaking. Using a localised wifi router to link every cell phones audio recording settings to always on, then to your private server with a built-in search function? Seems a bit much just to catch incriminating evidence.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – It's absolutely necessary, I won't have my poor sister being exploited by that tyrant anymore!

Idonthaveyourps518 – Couldn't she just quit?

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – No, I know what kind of man Calmy Storms is, he'd destroy any chance she has of getting another job. These people talk after all. A viper like him poisons everything it touches.

Idonthaveyourps518 – Just please be careful dear, I know I can't stop you but I think this guy might be trouble.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – What do you mean?

Idonthaveyourps518 – Well I did some digging after you told me about your sister's problems, nothing too serious, your basic snooping for anything weird or incriminating. This guy Calmy? He was arrested seventeen years ago.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – What!

Idonthaveyourps518 – Yeah, I found some articles by the Storming Stallion at the butt end of a few search engines. The problem is they cheaped out on their website, every link's dead.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Godammit!

Idonthaveyourps518 – It's not all bad news. The brief descriptions mention he was arrested in late September for *something*, the first link literally says 'Local man arrested'. Not the most descriptive. The next few are quite similar, 'Local man this' and 'Local man' that. The last two at least give us names. 'Calmy Storm exonerated over Rose family case'.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – So he got away with it?

Idonthaveyourps518 – Uhhh maybe? I mean we don't even know what 'it' is. Might be something as mundane as vand-

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – That settles it then. I need that program now babe, please!

Idonthaveyourps518 – Should have hit your e-mail around ten minutes ago.

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – You already sent it?

Idonthaveyourps518 – I like to surprise my girlfriend now and then πŸ˜‰

MorelikeoDISHYus35 – Oho, someone's getting brave... I'll have to reward you tonight. Maybe that dress you like?

β€œADAGIO, GET YOUR FUZZY BUTT OFF THE LAPTOP! I NEED TO EARN THIS FAMILY SOME REAL MONEY!!!” thundered the voice of my personal pain in the ass, her fists hammering on the side of our home with a grating tinny noise.

Softly sighing I finished up. A wink here, a flirt there, it was all too easy. Toga, Tunic, T-shirt, different time, same reaction. Men never changed. Shifting in the nest of bundled sheets I was wrapped in, a grin broke through my growing irritation. Aria may be a nuisance, but the day was going well. Very well indeed.

β€œPoor, poor, Micro Chips,” the laptop clicked shut, β€œyou're sweet but oh so gullible.”

Author's Note:

This was a surprisingly fun chapter to write. Getting to the format though took a bit. Originally there was a full dinner date planned out, but I scrapped it. Couldn't quite get the feeling I wanted. Then it morphed into an Aria chapter which seeded a few bits for the tentatively dubbed 'Nightingale' spin-off one shot, but it still didn't work. So I decided something a bit different was in order, inspired by a few fics which have experimented with the concept of text and instant messaging as an aspect of the story.

When you think about it though it's not that far fetched. Consider that Dracula is written as a series of letters going back and forth. This style could be considered an evolution of that.

Either way, thank you for continuing to follow the story.