• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 57 minutes ago

Art Inspired

8000 soldiers!

Comments ( 58 )

1291733 You like it?! Sweet! Thanks for the feedback.:pinkiehappy:

Is it funny that I skipped the parts with Twilight talking about... What was she talking about?

It's actually Meta like that. Most people are just going to do what Pinkie did, and just ignore Twilight.

I'd guess Pinkie just pronounced it STFuu rather than spelling it out; Twi answering with "gesundheit", for a complete role reversal:pinkiehappy:

Ah, I actually have always found different dimensions and space to be very interesting, but none the less, this was great! :rainbowlaugh:

>every Pinkie randomfic ever

Let me resume what you did in four words:
You win the internet!

Hello again Art Inspired! How is our dear friend doing? We presume your um.. having a blast! Heh. Wow this story has been absolutely wonderful! Although what Twilight Sparkle said about cloning uh, we are not sure about having two Princesses of the Night ruling Equestria. It will certainly be interesting without a doubt though. The fun has been quadrupled! Art, we have to ask about thy story. In what other ways may we experience it? Your Princess of the Night, Luna :heart:

I'll be honest, it's only modestly funny, and not written very well. Lots of grammatical errors; more importantly, word choice and organization is very poor, which creates many run-on sentences and hardly legible thoughts throughout.

While Twilight's theory is ultimately flawed and thusly unworkable, I found it quite interesting.

So Twi does the Pinkie Style and Pinkie can´t take it? Lolz :rainbowlaugh:

In the first line deGree not deCree, in the last line pointeD not pointeR. Just catching typos

Well, I'd have said that the multiverse theory fell more into Philosophy and Metaphysics than science, but this is still a fantastic and hillarious story. :rainbowlaugh:
THis is exactly the kind of thing I need to help me loosen up after spending five hours on the same freakin' history essay. THankyou you hillarious person!!!!

I have to be honest: Meh.

It wasn't that funny, and it ended way too soon. The last line is OOC and... not really funny. I liked Twilight's rambling, that was adorkable as usual. I could almost see her waving her hooves around and having a nerd-gasm.

Right now this is just a draft of an idea. You could flesh out Pinkie's reactions much more, and maybe make it a little longer.

I have to be honest: Meh.

It wasn't that funny, and it ended way too soon. The last line is OOC and... not really funny. I liked Twilight's rambling, that was adorkable as usual. I could almost see her waving her hooves around and having a nerd-gasm.

Right now this is just a draft of an idea. You could flesh out Pinkie's reactions much more, and maybe make it a little longer.

1296879>>1296884 The comments have been doubled.


What? Not enough comments for you?!

I just can't see Pinkie doing this. I mean, her telling someone to stfu is one thing, but letting someone else talk for this long uninterrupted...

I understood the jargon, however it would warp the time continuum and you would be forced not to make eye contact with yourself in order no not completely destroy that universe and in your universe you will have never been born; howeverthat would prevent you from...... saddlestrap paradox where another you ........ and that's how equestria was made!

1296333 she was talking about the multivers theory. also she was predicting what she could do if she could pull another twilight into her dimension. eh simple stuff. i paid attention to twi did you?:trixieshiftright: you snoring yet?:pinkiecrazy:


The only flaw I see in Twilight's plan is the idea of doing it for everyone and that she would get along with herself. I have the feeling that would be a rude awakening for most anyone, never mind someone with as many mental issues as any of the Mane 6, to see yourself from the third person perspective.

heh heh heh... is it sad for me to be actually undertsanding and interested in the information the Twilight is rambling? :twilightsheepish: This. Has. Got. to be. Featured :pinkiehappy:

I love the multiverse theory. it's my headcannon for the world.

Hilarious pic...unhilarious story. :ajbemused:

I thought it was interesting...

Ahhhh, so it seems someone is interested in the Multiverse Theory as well? :rainbowkiss:

My old roommate and I used to discuss it all the time. :rainbowlaugh: And my Philosophy professor brought an interesting point on the topic. "Are all possibilities really possible? Could there be dimensions with square triangles and empty boxes full of bananas?"

Though he was making a point for Moral Realism vs. Moral Anti-Realism, I liked the idea he suggested. Could universes with paradoxes exist?

I strongly believe it's possible. :rainbowkiss:

1303257 Ah ho, ho... I like this guy! Bloody like you tech, bloody like you!:rainbowkiss:

And, random fact of the day, my favourite artist KloudMutt did the original "Pinkie eating cereal" picture :rainbowlaugh:

1303277 I couldn't find the source of this except meme generator!:derpytongue2: One sec and I'll give him credit after verification.


:rainbowkiss: Aaaaoooooo! Stawp it, you! You'll make me blush :rainbowlaugh:

I'm a very well-read individual :rainbowlaugh: I often research theories for fun. The Fourth Dimension and the Multiverse and String Theory have to be a few of my favourites :raritywink:



There ya go :twilightsmile: I don't know if he coloured it though. I only see the B&W in his gallery :rainbowhuh:

1303299 Ah, thank you! I was justly seeing all his clop pics too.


ROFL Well I guess the search wasn't all that bad then :rainbowlaugh:

Wow. Twilight's considering trying to enter a parallel universe? She's not getting the support she deserves. :twilightangry2:

the multiverse theory is directly responsible for AU and HiE fics

1308176 o'rly bro, O'rly

Legendary story. Its lack of being Featured angers me.

I do find it odd that so many people can like a story purely because of one line at the end of the story. It seems like it would be so much easier if I just made some silly little tag at the end of my stories. I might even get featured, and all it would take is one silly line, the rest of the story doesn't matter. I respect and admire your writing, in fact I thought the story was good, but the mindset of most readers is that of a starvation for shock value. I guess it may just be in the reputation, who knows! :pinkiehappy:

1317359 Test fic. That's all this was.

1296329 No THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!! Oh and author SUPERDUPERMEGAAWESOMEPINKIEPARTYWORTHY Stoy:rainbowkiss::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Twilight, your theory is very nice. Try it. That's what science is all about.

Pinkie is a bit OOC but she is random. Other than that if I think about the multiple universes theory too much it makes my brain cry. The reason is there could be a universe where there is a minor difference. Like a speck of dust landed in a different place or our breathing pattern was a little different or a sock landed in a different place by an atom's length. The list goes on and my brain overloads and cries.

The multiverse consists not only of alternate realities, but also of abstract concepts that don't quite make up a whole other universe. There could be a point in the multiverse that consists entirely of Pinkie Pie, and it is access to this point that grants Pinkie Pies their amazing abilities.

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