• Published 22nd Jun 2022
  • 847 Views, 9 Comments

Izzy’s “What The Heck?” Day - Lulamoon-Crystal

It was a normal day, until a certain unicorn put her hooves on it

  • ...

What Did I Just Read?

It was a lovely Saturday morning, the sun was shining, and most ponies were doing things with their friends, or working if they worked on weekends. In the Crystal Brighthouse Izzy was the last to wake up, which was unusual. But she shrugged it off and did a stretch. She hummed to herself as she grabbed her lavender brush in her hooves, the brush was decorated with glitter and bows. After she brushed the knots out of her long curly mane, she gasped as she remembered something.

”Oh yeah!” She exclaimed, “I can’t wait to show them!” She said, recalling what she had created the other day and wanted to show her friends. Unfortunley, she raced out of the bedroom in such joy that she didn’t hear Pipp shout.

“Izzy wait! The floor is-“

Before she knew it, Izzy found herself slipping and sliding across the wet floor like a hockey puck on her belly. She crashed into a bucket, dousing her with the soapy water in it. Sunny watched in shock as she stood where the bucket once was, holding a mop, she had a surprised face as she watched Izzy hit a wall with the bucket on her head.

”Okay, that’s some seriously slippery soap,” Zipp said as she hovered in the air, holding onto the soap bottle, “Didn’t expect it to be as soapy as it claimed,” She said with a shrug.

Izzy got up, taking the bucket off she did so. Sunny walked towards her, careful to not slip, but that failed as she soon ended up on her tummy. Pipp and Zipp simply flew over to Izzy.

”Izzy, are you okay?” Zipp asked with concern.

Izzy got up with a giggle, “Are you kidding? That was actually pretty fun, I also have an idea!” Izzy said before running off.

“Oh?” Pipp gasped, “I’m live-streaming this, me and the Pippsqueaks just love Izzy’s uni-cycling,” She said cheerfully.

Both Pipp and Zipp landed on the floor happily. Before they knew it, Izzy has returned, Sunny stood next to the two wondering what Izzy was about to do. Soon enough, Izzy threw some buckets filled of water all over the shiny floor.

”Hey!” Sunny exclaimed as her and her friend’s hooves were soaked in the process. Pipp shook water from her wet hooves. Izzy then put on some small shoes that had sponges attached to the bottom.

“Hello Pippsqueaks! Are you excited to see what Izzy had Uni-cycled?” She asked the camera, making Zipp role her eyes.

As soon as Izzy has put the shoes on, she started skating across the soapy water covered floor as if she was ice skating or roller skating. A large trail of bubbles was created in her wake. “Well... That’s one way to clean the floor,” Sunny commented, impressed by Izzy’s abilities. As Izzy raced past the three, they were covered head to hoof in soapy bubbles.

Pipp just kept on filing as if she wasn’t covered in bubbles, Zipp shook her head then her wings to remove the bubbles from her body. Sunny noticed that the whole room, almost to the kitchen and up the ramp to the bedrooms, was completely covered in bubbles. She shook them from her body before speaking and walking forward, “Izzy, I think that is en-“ She said before slipping and landing flat on her face.

Izzy went towards them. They all gasped in shock and tried to run, but it was too slippery! Soon after, Izzy hit them, making the slide in different directions! Zipp yelped out loud and scowled at Izzy, who only responded with, “Is your name Zipp or Zlipp?” Followed by Zipp face planting into a wall. Everyone got up and watched Izzy, now a bit annoyed at her.

Both pegasi hovered in the air to avoid getting covered in bubbles or slipping again. There was also the noise of running water coming from the bathroom. “Uh... Izzy?” Questioned Zipp, “Did you turn off the tap after you?”

”Uh...” Izzy commented as she slowed down.

Zipp curried to the bathroom to check, she put her hoof on the door. “I’m gonna be hit by a wave, aren’t I?” She asked no one at all. She opened the door and accepted the incoming wave as it raced out. It picked up both Sunny and Izzy as it hit the front door with a crash. Pipp was laughing to herself as she filmed the whole, thing, hovering above the water since she spotted it in time.

After all the water moved elsewhere, Pipp flew down onto the wet tiles of the floor. She smiled, “The Pippsqueaks enjoyed that.” Zipp glared at Pipp, forelegs crossed. Sunny spat out a long stream of water like a fountain as she laid on her back as Izzy laid on her belly. Bubbles flew from Izzy’s mouth as she hiccuped.

Hitch was walking towards the Brighthouse happily, he opened the door to see a very clean looking room, he stepped inside and looked around. “Wow, you guys did some wonderful cleaning, it’s so shiny that I can see my face in the floor,” Hitch said, impressed. He soon kneeled close to the floor and admired his reflection, “Lookin’ good,” He said proudly as he grinned.

“Hey, Sheriff!” Zipp alerted, making Hitch jump in surprise, he turned around to see Zipp in the kitchen with a smug face. Sunny was with her, finishing a cookie as she laughed to herself. “Bout time you came,” Zipp said with a grin, “Izzy has been planning something to show everyone all morning!”

”Alright, what is it?” Hitch questioned.

Everyone sat on chairs in Izzy’s workshop. She stood in front of two large, heavily decorated cupboards that were made from recycled materials, she had a huge smile. “Alright, so you know how Sunny explained and mentioned old Equestria? I was amused by Pinkie Pie, so I wanted to recreate her party cannon!”

”Ooh!” Pipp exclaimed as she filmed with her phone.

”Oh, nice!” Zipp exclaimed.

”Oh, that’s amazing, Izzy!” Sunny stated with a smile.

”Sounds good to me,” Hitch was a little unsure about a cannon but was sure it couldn’t go horribly wrong.

”So, I made multiple different versions to try out!” Izzy said before taking a blue cannon decorated by images of balloons and streamers. It had pink wheels and a matching pink button at the end.

She pressed the button with a huge grin, but nothing happened, “Huh?” She tried again, but still nothing. Her friends cocked their heads in confusion. “C’mon!” Izzy shouted as she rapidly hit the button. She soon sighed, “Well, this one didn’t work.”

As soon as she said that, it started to shake. “Is it meant to do that?” Asked Hitch. Everyone looked at it with concern and confusion. But soon the whole thing exploded, covering the ponies and the workplace in confetti and glitter.

Izzy waved away the smoke as she coughed, “Well that didn’t work,”

”The next one better not explode,” Hitch complained. Sunny sneezed from the glitter from her nose, followed by Zipp, Pipp and finally Hitch in such good harmony like a song. Every pony looked at Hitch after her gave his high-pitched sneeze, Izzy even laughed. “Hey... Not my fault...” He blushed a little. Soon, Izzy dragged out another party cannon.

“Okay, number two!” She said happily before hitting the button. What came out knocked Sunny and her wooden chair backwards, everyone looked at her with concern as she got up. There were two cookies over her eyes, a line of gummies under her nostrils resembling a moustache and mashed banana and bread on her forehead. Plus there was a carrot in her mouth, she immediately spat out.

”Ooops!” Izzy laughed, “Seems I put my lunch inside by mistake.” She then looked at the party cannon, “But it seems this one-“ It them crumbled to pieces, “Works- oh... Time for the next one!”

“Ugh...” Sunny groaned as she got back in her chair and shook the food to the floor.

Soon, Izzy grabbed out a third one, “Third time’s a charm!” She hit the button, it blasted back so hard it broke through the wall, taking Izzy with it. It blasted through the sky like a rocket. Izzy’s friends had raced to the edge of the cliff through a large hole left in the wall and watched the cannon blast away over the sea with Izzy.

The only thing they could do was stare with wide mouths and eyes. They watched as the cannon zipped away faster than Zipp could fly. Everyone cringed when as soon as the cannon vanished from sight, it exploded into a large firework explosion. “Oooh-“ Everyone cringed in unison.

On the beach, a pony laid in the sand as waves washed over her. This pony was Izzy, thankfully she had fallen off the cannon before it exploded. She opened her eyes with a groan, two starfish were stuck to her chest and her rump, tail and legs were in the mouth of a large red fish. Also, seaweed was throughout her mane. She took as while to process what had happened.

”Look a real mer-Pony!” A foal exclaimed as it pointed at Izzy, who finally noticed the fish flopping as it tried to get Izzy out of its mouth. Another foal poked at her with a stick.

”Hehe,” Izzy responded sheepishly, “I’m no mer-pony,”

”That’s exactly what a mer-pony would say!” The first foal exclaimed.

The second earth pony gasped, “Let’s show everyone! Our classmates will be so jealous!”

“Yeah!” A third pony said as it ran over.

”Well, good luck with that!” Izzy chuckled as she tried to get herself out of the fish without hurting it. Soon enough, one of them grabbed onto her left foreleg and the other grabbed her right one and started to drag her. “Gee, you earth ponies are really strong!”

Her back half slowly went out of the large fish’s mouth and they pulled her, as soon as she was out it flopped back into the water. The starfish also fell off her belly, the foals didn’t suspect a thing, they simply dragged her across the sand, slowly since they were just foals trying to drag a full-grown pony.

The foals slowly dragged Izzy on her butt towards the steps, still thinking she’s a mer-pony. “How do we get a mer-pony up the steps?” Asked one of the foals.

“Dragging it, Obviously.”

Izzy had a smug face as they started dragging her up the steps, “Been five minutes, they still haven’t realised I’m not a mer-pony.”

”Ugh,” A foal grunted as he pulled, “Stop saying that, we saw your tai!”

”Yeah!” The second one groaned, “It’s hard enough without you getting us to forget about your huge fishy tail!”

Izzy giggled, “What huge fishy tail?” She asked.

The foals gasped and screamed when they saw her lack of tail, “We were scammed!”

”She lied too!”

”It’s a fake!”

The colt cried like a baby as the filly went to kick Izzy in the jaw but was stopped by the other colt, “Not worth it,” He told her before the three walked away. Izzy sighed in relief before getting up and walking towards the town, unaware of the crab on her back that soon pinched her rump, causing her to cry out in surprise.

Izzy walked through the town, on her way she plucked out the seaweed from her mane. Soon enough, she saw the bakery store, so she happily skipped over to it and entered. It was pretty basic looking, a bunch of tables and a display stand near the counter. She walked up to it, and rung the small bell.

“One jam filled, chocolate chip donut with chocolate icing, and sprinkles! Lots. Of. Sprinkles... Oh! And a medium strawberry milkshake with cream and ice cream, with sprinkles, please!” She exclaimed.

”Oh, Izzy,” The bartender said, he was a bit taller than Izzy. “I think that’s a bit much, how about a small milkshake instead of medium?” He asked. Izzy sighed and nodded. ”Alright,” He said as he nodded and walked away to get her order ready. She then moved to the queue and waited patiently for her order.

She didn’t need to wait that long for her name to be called out. Izzy happily grabbed her donut in the white paper bag and her drink that was in the white cardboard up with the bakery’s logo and name on it and paid. Happily, she skipped and giggled as she hurried outside to have her snacks. There were tables and chairs outside, so Izzy sat at one, licking her lips.

Izzy levitated her donut out the bag and took a bite into it. She didn’t realise that the donut was an orange colour with red specks and icing. Her mouth started to feel hot as she held the donut in her hoof, after she took a large bite. Confused, she had a look at it. “Huh? This doesn’t taste or look like a chocolate-chip donut at all!” She exclaimed in confusion.

Her mouth started to feel more spicy, “Oh gee, this donut is really-“ She panted, it was the spiciest thing she had ever had in her life! That was really saying something, Izzy she had spicy things before and loved it, but this one was really- “HOT!” She shouted, feeling like her mouth was on fire!

Izzy quickly grabbed her drink and glugged it down to wash the spiciness away. The drink tasted bitter, but it seemed to take away the hotness. “Hey this drink is also weird...” Izzy noted, never having had coffee once in her life.

Suddenly her body felt more energetic, “I feel... More... Powerful...” Izzy gasped. She jumped up on the table, and it immediately felt like she was going fast, “I’m as fast as Sonic!” She screamed in excitement as she ran ahead and dashed through town. To her, it felt like she was going at super speed. As she ran, she would have sworn she was leaving behind a trail of magical stars.

Izzy felt more magical than she had ever had.

There was an unsuspecting blue unicorn walking around with a light blue mane with blue stripes. She hummed to herself as she held a chocolate and strawberry ice cream in her magic. She held it in front of her, a bar of chocolate stuck out the side. “Oh, you’re just delicious,” She said happily. But before she could take a bite, a blur of purple raced past her.

“Hi Trixie! Bye Trixie!” The voiced said as she dashed past, knocking Trixie’s ice cream to the floor, leaving her to mourn her lost treat. “I’ll get revenge, Izzy,“ She said bitterly as she shed some tears and shoot her hoof up threateningly. “A great and powerful revenge indeed.”

Izzy raced through town, she jumped on tables and over ponies who shouted as she ran past.

On the way through town as she pretended to be a train she had knocked over many foals, destroyed balloon, toys and such without even noticing! She also managed to start jumping from roof to roof. “I’m ninja-pony!” She squealed as she jumped from roof to roof. As she jumped across rooftops, she missed one and fell onto a trampoline that was at an angle that caused her to jump across the air.

”I’m flying!” She shouted before crashing into a flower stand and making a mess of flowers. She giggled and spun around as she was hyped on the caffeine from the coffee. Soon she climbed into a roof, “I’m Spider-Pony!” She grinned. Soon she spotted a white earth pony stallion with a short green and red mane and green eyes. “Zipp!” She called out to him.

”Who?” He asked. She ran over and jumped up to tackle hug him. Luckily, he ran away, causing her to crash into the ground. Izzy did a stretch and a yowl like a cat. She looked around this part of Maretine Bay, she didn’t recognise it, because it looked so slow. As soon as she spotted a fountain, she screamed in delight, “A swimming pool!” She jumped in with a splash and soon fell asleep with her front half hanging out.

The real Zipp was flying around and spotted Izzy in the fountain. She sighed with relief, “Oh, Izzy, there you are, we were worried,”

”Zipp...” Izzy muttered in her sleep, “Thank-you for letting me borrow your wings, that was so fun...” She muttered in her sleep.

Zipp chuckled a little, “You’re welcome,” She smiled as she grabbed her gently in her hooves and flew towards the Brighthouse. She entered with Izzy still asleep in her hooves.

”You found her!” Pipp exclaimed.

”is she okay?” Asked Hitch.

”I was so worried!” Exclaimed Sunny.

”Yeah,” Zipp explained, “Just exhausted through.”

Pipp walked up to Izzy, “So, we heard you’ve been causing- huh?” Pipp noticed Izzy snuggle her leg in her sleep, “Please let go...”

“Aww, that’s cute!” Sunny exclaimed.

”I suppose, but...” Pipp explained, “I suppose I’ll just stand here until-“ Pipp said before Izzy suddenly bit her leg, “AAARRRGH!” She screamed. Izzy gasped as she shot up, opened her eyes and looked around.

”What happened?” Izzy asked, “I dreamt I had Zipp’s wings and I bit into a fluffy marshmallow stick...” she said, sounding tired.

”Well, that fluffy marshmallow stick was my leg!” Pipp scolded and growled.

Zipp shrugged, “Seemed you had a crash after getting some sort of sugar rush,”

Sunny tried not to laugh, she soon got a serious posture and looked at Izzy as she got up. “We were told you were running around upsetting ponies, what happened?” Asked Sunny.

”Welll...” Izzy exclaimed, “I fell off the cannon before it exploded... Washed up on the beach where some foals thought I was a mer-pony!” She laughed, “So I went to a bakery, and I was served the wrong order and the drink gave me so much energy I felt like I could do anything! Coffee is amazing!”

”Okay then... You didn’t have a sugar rush...” Zipp added, “You had a coffee rush...“

”Coffee?” Asked Hitch, “I thought Izzy didn’t drink that stuff,”

Izzy nodded, “It was amazing”

”You just said that!”

”Note to self...” Sunny sighed, “Never give Izzy coffee...”

“Izzy, you can’t keep causing chaos in the town, Hitch warned, as sheriff I’ll have to arrest you if you do it again.” Soon a timer went off in the kitchen, Hitch gasped and looked at Sunny. “Pizza, I think your Sunny is ready!” Hitch then realised what he said, “Wait- what?“

Sunny laughed as she walked to the oven to take the pizza out. Izzy jumped over as everyone chuckled at Hitch’s mess up. She looked at the three pizzas on the table, “Yum!” Everypony sat down and ate their lunch happily.

After lunch, Izzy had worked on recreating the party cannon. It was a tricky task, but soon she managed to complete it, she even painted this one purple instead of blue. She called her friends over, and they sat back down on the wooden chairs and watch as Izzy got ready to fire the new party cannon.

Everyone watched with suspense and excitement as Izzy rose her hoof. She slammed her hoof down on the button as she did so something raved out the barrel and towards the ponies.

It was confetti and glitter, it worked! “Ow!” Sunny cried as she rubbed her eye, the other one watered slightly. There was a hammer on the ground.

”Oops,” Izzy commented, “So that’s where my sparkly hammer went!”

Izzy giggled to herself as she hugged the cannon proudly. It was one heck of a day.

Comments ( 9 )

This is a really well written story. Loved the various forms of slapstick that you used in it, especially in regards to that bathroom wave.

Still, I do have a question: what in the world is Trixie doing in Maretime Bay? How did she get there, especially since G5 takes place over a thousand years after FiM ended. Did she use some sort of time travel spell in a previous story?

Yeah, she was accidentally transported to G5 in another story. But her appearing there is also a bit of a reference to my AU and a roleplay I did with a friend on another site where Trixie explored other worlds, including G5

Okay, what is this and why did I upvote it?

Pipp walked up to Izzy, “So, we heard you’ve been causing- huh?” Pipp noticed Izzy snuggle her leg in her sleep, “Please let go...”

“Aww, that’s cute!” Sunny exclaimed.

Yeah, Pizzy (Pipp x Izzy)!

Awesome story! It's all so in-character!

Everyone sat on chairs in Izzy’s workshop. She stood in front of two large, heavily decorated cupboards that were made from recycled materials, she had a huge smile. “Alright, so you know how Sunny explained and mentioned old Equestria? I was amused by Pinkie Pie, so I wanted to recreate her party cannon!”

Aww the party cannon and something tells me this one not end well

Suddenly her body felt more energetic, “I feel... More... Powerful...” Izzy gasped. She jumped up on the table, and it immediately felt like she was going fast, “I’m as fast as Sonic!” She screamed in excitement as she ran ahead and dashed through town. To her, it felt like she was going at super speed. As she ran, she would have sworn she was leaving behind a trail of magical stars.

Oh my God it's the end of the world as we know it

“Hi Trixie! Bye Trixie!” The voiced said as she dashed past, knocking Trixie’s ice cream to the floor, leaving her to mourn her lost treat. “I’ll get revenge, Izzy,“ She said bitterly as she shed some tears and shoot her hoof up threateningly. “A great and powerful revenge indeed.”

What Trixie there did she time travel again

Well this was certainly an interesting story and apparently Izzy wanted to try something new and a little bit of old and she got the inspiration from Sunny's stories about the old Equestria and Pinkie Pie's party Cannon she wants to try of her own and she showed it to her friends but unfortunately some of the candidates did not go as well especially that flew her away luckily she was okay but days was very interesting productive for her first off these kids mistake her as a sea Pony then she wanted to get a milkshake and a donut but accidentally got the wrong order and drink the coffee and she went totally insane luckily her friends found her but afterwards she still testing out the party Cannon it wasn't perfect but it looks like they found a winner well like I said this was a very interesting story keep up the good work

Lol, cute story, Izzy sure is random at times. :pinkiehappy:

She jumped up on the table, and it immediately felt like she was going fast, “I’m as fast as Sonic!” She screamed in excitement as she ran ahead and dashed through town.

Okay, this is where you broke me. Idk how a long would even know about Sonic or be a e to compare themselves to him, but congrats, you made quite the interesting story here. I love it.

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