• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 13 )

Princess Twilight Sparkle another settlement needs your help...... I'll mark it on your map

And the ashes moved on their own, forming marks on the floor. Oddly, the marks were perfectly formed equiish words which read: General, I’ve gotten word about another settlement that needs our help. I’ll mark it on your map.

Well yeah that tracks for me I think the only reason I chose the Minutemen yesterday when I was playing was because I was on some really really strong painkillers so I could tolerate Preston‘s ramblings. you want me to help another settlement OK do do do do do do do do do do do blast blast smash smash do you do hello mister super mutant I’m giving away free bullets today would you like a sample “filthy bleeder!”understood sir blast hey thanks for the cap Donation have a wonderful day

Might still be feeling a little of the effect

Good story BTW

Forever and ever, the ghost of Preston Garvey haunted Twilight. Being an immortal alicorn she was unable to kill herself. Her friends could not see, or hear Preston Garvey. The poor alicorn had to be put away in an insane asylum.

That ending was priceless:rainbowlaugh:

Kai #7 · Jun 24th, 2022 · · ·

She shook her head. “No! There has to be friendship problems! I just need some help!” she shouted.

Twilight made to light up her horn with a deep pink glow. There then came a flash, and then an African American appeared before her.

lesson zero unreleased cut is wild

Twilight just needs to install the mod 'We Are The Minutemen', as it lowers the odds of Preston's radiant quests appearing, and sets a hard limit of one per 48 hour (in-game) period. This will allow her to fully appreciate the Minutemen storyline, without the radiant's being too annoying to bear.

You haven't unlocked The Last Minuteman quest yet.

Nnnnnnnnnneeeiiiiiiiihhhhhgggggghhhhhh!” she neighed at him angrily, glaring daggers at him.

You know what they say, hell is other people.

A fate worse than death

Freaking Garvey! Never understood why enough firepower to kill a pair of BIG super mutants wasn't enough to deter bandits. Or why all those minute men waltzing around the base could do it. A General is supposed to command people to handle that stuff, NOT do it himself! AS a character he'd not a bad dude, really. But as to his main function, well, everyone has felt that pain. Now even poor Twilight has!

Honestly, I like Preston. He's an altruistic character in a sea of cynics, raiders, and factions without humanity's best interests at heart. I mostly ignore the settlement/map issue with him, because it's a bug. I've noticed that just before he gives you the mission, for a split second a message appears before being replaced by another, as though the game would have given you a choice but the bug causes it to auto-accept Preston's missions. Preston as a character (not as faction leader/ quest-giver) is awesome, one with a hopeful outlook for the future and a positive vision for the Commonwealth.

As opposed to the Institute (replace people with synths and perform experiments on the Commonwealth), The Brotherhood (just out to kill synths, gather tech, and bully people into giving them food), the Railroad (obsessed with synth, and only synth, slavery), and the Nuka World Raiders (kill and steal from everyone), the Minutemen and Preston look pretty good.

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