• Published 5th Jul 2022
  • 1,287 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria: Singular Point - lazejovanov

Through unusual circumstances, the Mane Six and the Mane Five meet each other and band together to face down a hopeless future.

  • ...

Godzilla's attack

Twilight and her friends stared in awe and disbelief at the unbelievable and nightmarish creature that was now crawling along the sandy beach like a giant reptilian version of a seal. Just five minutes ago, this gigantic, semi-terrestrial creature that was standing before them was restricted to the water and resembled something that Twilight referred to as a 'Mosasaur' — a marine reptile native to the human world that supposedly went extinct millions of years ago. The Princess of Friendship may not be an expert on Mosasaurs, but she was 100% certain that they did not metamorphose into terrestrial forms in order to venture onto land like frogs and salamanders.

So then what was this abomination that was standing before them, expelling massive plumes of red dust from its body?

"I don't suppose Mosasaurs could do that, too. Could they, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, more curious than scared as she turned to look at her friend.

"No. I'm certain that Mosasaurs were incapable of metamorphosing." The princess answered without hesitation, starring at the colossal reptile in awe. "I... I have no idea what this creature is."

At this point, Pinkie Pie's body finally ceased vibrating like a jackhammer. "Huh. My body stopped moving. That means the doozy's over!" The pink pony cheerfully declared. Unfortunately, her cheerful demeanor quickly changed to that of horror when Godzilla Amphibia suddenly turned his head towards the Mane Six's direction and stared directly at them. The beast opened his mouth, revealing countless sharp teeth as he let out a bellowing roar, the force of which partially blew away some of the red dust, revealing more of his transformed body to the ponies.

"And by the looks of it, it doesn't look like a pretty good doozy." The pink Earth pony quietly said to herself as her ears flattened against her head.

"Fluttershy, you're the animal expert. Can't you talk to him?" Rainbow Dash asked in concern.

"Um... I could try." The yellow pegasus meekly replied as she prepared to fly over to the behemoth reptile, only to be stopped by Twilight who extended her right wing to prevent her friend from going any further.

"I don't think it's a good idea to get any closer to him, Fluttershy." Twilight stated firmly. "Not with the massive cloud of Archetype surrounding the creature." The princess pointed towards the ever-growing plumes of red dust that once again began to partially obscure Godzilla's massive body. "You'll have to communicate with him from here."

"Okay, I'll try." The yellow pegasus nodded before turning her head towards the massive kaiju — who was still silently staring at the ponies — and taking a few steps forward. "Excuse me, Mr. Monster?" She called out a little louder than normal due to the significant distance between herself and the kaiju, but her tone was filled with her usual soft-spokenness. Responding to her call, Godzilla fixated his attention solely on the yellow pegasus now. "Um, hi. My name is Fluttershy, and I'd like to kindly ask if you can stop spreading this red dust everywhere? You see, its very harmful to magical creatures, as it causes them to lose their magic. And overall, it's really harmful to the environment, too. You understand, don't you?"

After Fluttershy finished her explanation and gave him a pleading smile, Godzilla Amphibia remained unmoving, sans the swinging of his massive tail, but his yellow-colored eyes held their chilling gaze on the shy Pegasi, which unnerved her more than a little. After nearly two minutes of non-response, the quadrupedal colossus eventually made a move; lifting one of his massive flipper-like forelegs, the kaiju took a step forward, shaking the ground beneath the ponies. He took another step, followed by another short tremor. Slowly but surely, Godzilla was dragging his huge body forward and slowly advancing towards the Mane Six's direction. His incredibly long tail was waving back and forth in the air like a faceless serpent as the colossal reptile headed inland. Whats more, the thick cloud of Archetype surrounding Godzilla rapidly began spreading in all directions the moment the kaiju started moving.

"Well, so much for communicating with him." Applejack muttered at the lack of progress from the kaiju.

"We have to get out of the way. That red dust is coming in fast!" Twilight warned.

Heeding their wise friend's warning, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack nodded at the princess before galloping away from the fast-approaching tsunami of crimson fog. Twilight herself, however, stood her ground and looked at the advancing kaiju with a look of determination on her face. Lighting up her horn, she aimed it at Godzilla's face and fired a purple beam of magic at him. As soon as the beam came in contact with the red cloud, however, it instantly frittered into dozens of tiny glowing particles before disappearing completely. Her beam didn't even come within 30 meters of Godzilla Amphibia before it dissipated.

"Just as I thought. The Archetype instantly absorbed and nullified my magic." Twilight said to herself as she studied the phenomenon. "If we're going to stop this creature, we're going to have to think outside the box."

All of the sudden, Godzilla Amphibia halted his advance and stared directly at the alicorn princess, seemingly in surprise. It was difficult for Twilight to tell what the kaiju was thinking of. Was he perhaps surprised at her magical ability? Did he assume she was going to do something else or retreat like her friends? Regardless of the reason behind the beast's unexpected halt, the Princess of Friendship flapped her wings and took to the sky to avoid the fast-approaching crimson fog. Godzilla's attention was still fixated on the alicorn princess as she flew upwards, seemingly studying the equine.

Then, the kaiju began to undertake a new action — something that Twilight was completely unprepared for. Godzilla aimed his head down at the ground and opened his jaws as wide as possible; this was followed by a strange hissing sound emanating from inside the kaiju's open mouth. At first, Twilight had no clue as to what he was doing, only hearing the strange noise. But then, she suddenly felt a sharp change in the very air around her — she felt the temperature of the area dropping rapidly. Within seconds, the air became hostile and downright frigid, and it wasn't due to the red dust (which she was safely away from). The princess' eyes widened in shock when she noticed that Godzilla Amphibia was spewing some kind of transparent vapor from his mouth and on the ground, allowing it to spread rapidly like the waves of a tsunami.

"What is he doing now?" Twilight thought out loud, her breath visible due to the increasingly low temperature as her mind raced with questions.

Elsewhere, high up in the clear, blue sky, the three famous Wonderbolts, Spitfire, Soarin, and Misty Fly were soaring through a sea of clouds, leaving long trails of colorful thunderclouds behind them as they flew. By now, they had been flying for nearly an hour, but they were not doing this to have some free time after a hard day's work — they were sent on a mission by princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Alright," Spitfire spoke up. "According to witnesses, there have been sightings of strange, bird-like creatures flying in the skies all over Equestria. And according to the latest report, some of these creature have been spotted flying somewhere near here. So keep your eyes open!" She said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am!" Soarin and Misty Fly both said in unison.

An hour ago, the Wonderbolts have been hearing increasing reports of unidentified flying creatures occupying the skies in Equestria. These creatures were allegedly first spotted emerging from the sea around Manehattan, but their presence quickly spread to other locations such as Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Las Pegasus, Seaward Shoals, and very recently, they were even seen further inland in places such as Appleloosa. Normally, the presence of animals wouldn't warrant an investigation from the Wonderbolts, but the fact that no animal expert could identify what these creatures combined with their ever-growing presence in the land was starting to get many ponies to feel more a little uncomfortable, prompting Twilight to contact them and ask if they can look further into this recent phenomenon.

"Are you sure this is where these creatures were spotted?" Misty Fly asked as she glanced at her surroundings, and seeing nothing but clouds, mountain peaks, and the occasional towns. " 'Cause I don't see anything."

"Keep looking." Spitfire replied nonchalantly. "They're around here somewhere."

Soarin was scanning his surroundings, but so far saw nothing out of the ordinary. He was considering to ask Spitfire to call off the investigation... until his spotted movement on his right from the corner of his eye. Turning his head to his right, Soarin's eyes widened behind his goggles when he saw a dark-brown bird-like creature with backward-facing horns and a long beak emerge from a nearby cloud, its membranous wings were spread wide as it glided on the air currents not too far from them.

Before he could alert their leader, a sudden exclaim from Misty Fly caused his words to get caught in his throat.

"Ma'am, I think I found our culprit!" Misty shouted, prompting Soarin turn his head to his left, and see another Rodan flying not too far from Misty Fly on the other side.

"What in Equestria is that thing?" Spitfire asked, equally-puzzled as her two colleagues at what they were seeing.

A sudden loud screech from below prompted the three Pegasi to shift their attention beneath them, where the sea of clouds had become thin enough that the ground was visible — or lack thereof; because, instead of seeing the actual ground, what the Wonderbolts saw sent a chill down their spines and made their eye widen in horror and astonishment. Flying roughly a mile below the Wonderbolts was massive flock that consisted of hundreds or perhaps even thousands of Rodans, most of which were leaving faint trails of red dust in their wake.

"I think we should probably alert Princess Twilight about this." Soarin softly suggested, gazing at the sea of pterosaurs in shock and disbelief.

"That definitely goes without saying." Spitfire nodded, still unable to believe what she and her fellow Wonderbolts were seeing.

Twilight was hovering high in the air, watching in astonishment at the scene that was happening on the ground below her. The ever-expanding thick cloud of crimson haze was being expelled and blown away from Godzilla Amphibia's body like gusts of wind, leaving the kaiju completely exposed to the outside environment. Regardless, Godzilla didn't seem to acknowledge this as he was still busy vomiting his ice vapor from his fanged maw, which was continuing to spread further and further, with the ground beneath the kaiju having already become coated in a layer of ice particles. Watching this, the princess could only assume that the freezing vapor was blowing away the red dust, but she still wondered what Godzilla was doing. Her question was soon answered when the kaiju suddenly jutted his head up at the sky and breathed forth his ice vapor at her, directly washing it over the hovering alicorn to bathe her in a continuous, sub-zero breeze.

Twilight screamed in distress and pain as the extreme cold engulfed her completely. The second the frigid ice vapor struck her, she could feel her entire body being chilled to the bone. Quickly, the alicorn princess flapped her wings before her muscles fail her, and flew out of the freezing assault. Unfortunately for her, Godzilla seemed to have every intent on freezing the equine as he turned his head to follow her flight path. Twilight found it hard to fly fast enough to evade the freezing vapor due to already taking serious damage from the kaiju's first assault. In moment of a mixture between desperation and frustration, the princess aimed her horn at the attacking beast.

"Stop it!" She yelled before firing three consecutive powerful blasts of magic at Godzilla Amphibia.

Her blasts struck Godzilla in the head and shoulders, but did no noticeable damage to the kaiju. Growling in frustration, Twilight summoned even more magic and condensed it at the tip of her horn, where it manifested as purple sphere of condensed energy about the size of a basketball. Thinking it was enough, the princess aimed at the inside of the kaiju's mouth and launching the powerful energy sphere at Godzilla.

The magical attacked raced towards the quadrupedal colossus and struck the inside of his gaping maw as he was spewing out his vapor. When the sphere impacted, it exploded with enough power and force to make the beast flinch in pain and even cry out a little. For a moment, Twilight allowed herself to smile, thinking she had finally halted the monster's rampage... only for her eyes to widen in shock when the resulting explosion of her attack was absorbed into Godzilla's vapor. A brief but very bright flash of light formed inside Godzilla's mouth before another, more powerful explosion consumed his head. The resulting shockwave of this second explosion was so powerful that it completely dispersed the entire haze of crimson particles, allowing the entire area to once again be visible. But only for a moment, for Twilight soon saw (and felt) the Archetype particles surging upwards into the air around Godzilla's body with incredible speed like a powerful gush of wind. As the particles continued to rapidly accelerate upwards into the sky, forming gigantic a column, they were also glowing bright orange in color.

The princess' eyes widened in horror as she realized what was about to happen. Acting on instinct, her horn lit up and she disappeared in a flash of light.


Elsewhere, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were at least 100 meters away from Godzilla and the ever expanding crimson fog he was producing. Hovering high in the air, Rainbow and Fluttershy had a much better view of the situation. A minute ago, they saw the beast unleash some kind of ice vapor from its mouth that it used to freeze the ground beneath it and later unleashed it on their friend. Rainbow initially wanted to fly over there and help Twilight, but stopped when she saw the princess fire several energy beams at Godzilla, before launching a particularly powerful energy sphere at him, which struck the kaiju in the mouth. Rainbow and the others initially cheered for Twilight, thinking she had won, but their cheer was cut-short when they saw another explosion suddenly occur from inside Godzilla's mouth. That is when the crimson fog monetarily dispersed and cleared away before the particles that comprised said crimson fog suddenly began accelerating upwards into the air and glowing an orange color.

"We have to get out of here! NOW!" In a flash of light, a desperate and terrified Twilight Sparkle appeared before the five ponies, startling them by her sudden appearance.

"Wait, what?" The cyan pegasus barely got a few words out.

"No time to explain!"

Not giving her friends time to ask anything else, Twilight ignited her horn, causing herself and her five friends disappear in less than a second. Just in time before...


A bright flash of white light filled the area where Godzilla was, followed by an incredibly powerful shockwave and a very loud booming sound from said light. After the light died down and disappeared, a gigantic mushroom cloud that reached a height of 500 meters was present where the light was. Fiery sparks rained down from the top of the cloud, while the column below was composed of dark smoke mixed with orange flames, complete with a very wide ring of black smoke around its middle. This powerful explosion was followed by a loud, resonating sound that could be heard from a mile away!

Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, and their newest companion, Jet Jaguar, were still navigating the thick foliage of the forest they have grown accustomed with. It has been nearly an hour since the five ponies encountered Jet Jaguar, and since then, they still had no luck in finding any civilization or other ponies that could help them. Jet Jaguar opted to walk in front of the group to protect them in case they run into trouble. While Sunny, Pipp, and Izzy appreciated this, Hitch and Zipp were somewhat bothered as they didn't want to be seen as helpless.

"What is wrong with me? I'm still not able to fly." Zipp complained as she flapped her wings and jumped forward to try and get airborne, only to fall back to the ground. "It's been almost an hour. Our wings should be dry enough to fly by now."

"I know. My magic's not working, either." Izzy commented, trying to activate her magic, to make her horn glow and levitate something, only for nothing to happen.

"You think that red stuff in the water might have something to do with them not being able to use magic?" Hitch asked Sunny curiously.

"Well, it did somehow transport us in a forest we've never seen before, so that's definitely another possibility." Sunny replied.

"This sucks!" Pipp cried out. "Not only are we in the middle of nowhere, not knowing where we're going, but we also lost our magic. Again!" She said, hanging her head in despair.

The others looked at her sympathetically, understanding what she is going through. They've had their home attacked by flying reptiles, which sent them splashing into the sea where they were subsequently sucked into a maelstrom, and arrived here. And now, they have learned that they don't even have magic anymore. Honestly, it was surprising that the others weren't as distraught as Pipp was.

"Hey, sis." Zipp gently placed her hoof underneath Pipp's chin to lifted her head up slightly and look her in the eyes. "We're gonna get through this, okay? Somehow, someway, we're gonna get through all this and get back home, safe and sound."

"Even if we're on the other side of the world?" Pipp sarcastically asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Zipp answered without hesitation. "Even if we're on the other side of the world."

Pipp couldn't help but smile as she shook her head. "Sometimes, you say the craziest things. When you do, I usually scoff at you. But right now, I'm grateful for it."

Zipp returned the smile.

The tender moment between the two sisters was interrupted when a very loud booming sound suddenly filled the forest. The ground and the air seemed to shake from the force of the loud sound. All the birds and other forest-dwelling creatures immediately fled for their lives. That was when Sunny and her friends spotted the massive mushroom cloud farther northeast in the distance, easily towering over the surrounding forest.

"Wow! What in Equestria was that?!" Hitch cried out.

"Whatever it is, it's huge!" Izzy stated the obvious.

"Do you know what that is, Jet Jaguar?" Sunny asked the tall robot, who responded by shaking his head back and forth to indicate that he does not know what that is.

"Looks like something big's happening over there." Zipp mused as she studied the explosion.

"It could be a civilization!" Pipp exclaimed with hope. "Maybe we finally found the help we need!"

"If that's the case, why would they be making explosions like that?" Hitch asked worriedly.

"Maybe they're just testing something out." Pipp shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm worried about this." Hitch said nervously. "For all we know, it could be another, more powerful monster that made that explosion."

Both were equally-possible scenarios and it was impossible to tell which was the true one. Therefore, there was only one option.

"I think we should check it out." Sunny suddenly said, prompting her friends to turn and look at her.

"Sunny, you can't be serious!" Hitch was quick to protest.

"Hear me out, Hitch." His apricot friend raised a hoof. "We won't know for sure what that explosion came from unless we go over there and check it out ourselves. We'll approach quietly and cautiously, and if it is a monster like you said, we'll turn tail and leave. But if this is something that can help us get back home, we can't pass up the opportunity."

The stallion saw the reasoning in Sunny's words and couldn't see himself disagreeing. If there truly is a pony civilization where the explosion came from, and said explosion was merely some kind side-effect of a possible test they may have been conducting, then it would only be logical to go over there and ask them for help.

Finally sighing in defeat, Hitch said "Fine. Let's go. But quietly!" He said, adding emphases on the last word.

"Thanks, Hitch." Sunny smiled at her friend.

"Finally! Civilization, here we come!" Pipp cheered.

"Yay! We're going back home!" Izzy cheered alongside her pegasus friend.

"Hey, what did I just say?!" An annoyed Hitch hissed.

"Sorry!" Izzy and Pipp apologized in unison.

With that, the five ponies and Jet Jaguar turned away from their initial pathway and began heading towards the still-looming mushroom cloud.

After gigantic explosion that Godzilla Amphibia produced died down and disappeared, Twilight and her friends reappeared somewhere around at the edge of the explosion's destructive reach. The ground in the area of where the explosion occurred was covered in a red, sand-like substance. The nearest trees that were caught in Godzilla's explosion were little more than bare skeletons covered in the same red sand. On the bright side, the thick fog of red dust that the kaiju was producing had seemingly evaporated and disappeared completely.

"What just happened...?" A confused and somewhat startled Rainbow Dash asked.

"Twilight here saved us from being turned into dust, that's what happened." Applejack said, smiling at her friend, who returned the smile.

"The creature unleashed some kind of ice vapor that freezes things." Twilight explained, recalling what happened. "But the vapor was also flammable. And when I blasted him with my magic, the creature's vapor seemed absorb it and then created an even more powerful explosion. I don't know any creature that could do something like that."

"So, I assume the beast is destroyed, then?" Rarity asked hopefully.

"Possibly." The alicorn replied with uncertainty. "I'll go and have look just in case."

"I'll come with you!" Rainbow immediately insisted.

"Me too. Um... If you don't mind." Fluttershy said shyly.

"Alright." The princess nodded before the three ponies flapped their wings and took to the air.

However, Twilight and her friends didn't need to go very far, for as soon as they were high up in the air, they almost immediately spotted something in the distance. Curious, they flew closer to inspect the object, but soon halted and hovered in place upon realizing what they were seeing. In the center of the red dune was what appeared to be the form of the kaiju. Upon taking a closer look, the ponies realized that the quadrupedal creature's entire form was covered in a glimmering, seemingly crystalline layer of charcoal-black rock and minerals, still in the same place where the explosion occurred. Godzilla was frozen in place entirely, as if he had been turned into a giant black mineral statue vaguely resembling his former self, not dissimilar to what happened to Celestia, Luna, and Cadance when Tempest turned them into obsidian statues during the Storm King's invasion.

"What happened to him?" The cyan pegasus voiced her confusion as she stared down at odd sight.

"Did he turn into stone somehow?" Fluttershy asked, half in confusion and half in horror.

"I'm not sure how this happened." Twilight said, equally-baffled as her friends. But then again, considering this creature was able to produce an ice vapor that was both -20 degree Celsius and flammable, it was anypony's guess as to what else it was capable of.

"So then, problem solved, right?" Rainbow asked, hoping this was the last they've heard of this monster. "I mean, that thing basically destroyed itself."

"As much as I want this to be over, we still have a lot of other problems to deal with." The alicorn said, eyeing the crystalline form of Godzilla with suspicion and worry. "The Archetype is still spreading across Equestria, and there are still those pterosaurs we have to deal with."

"Of course..." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Come on. Let's head back." Twilight said as she and her friends turned and started flying back to their waiting friends.

As soon as they returned, they were greeted by their friends who began asking questions about the creature's fate. "So, is that monster still in one piece?" Asked Applejack.

"You could say that..." Rainbow responded cryptically.

"The creature seems to have somehow turned to stone. I think." Fluttershy answered, the confusion in her tone matching the surprised looks on their faces.

"Turned to stone?" Rarity repeated with a raised eyebrow. "It did that to itself? Why would it do that?"

"Believe me, I wish I knew." Twilight answered. "Maybe my magic mixing with its vapor caused that, for all I know."

All of the sudden, Pinkie Pie's body once again begins vibrating uncontrollably before stopping temporarily. "Oh, wow! My Pinkie Sense just started acting up again!"

"What does that mean?!" Rarity asked worriedly.

"It means that that monster was not the doozy!" The pink pony's answer took all of her friends by surprise. This creature just now that was able to seemingly shape-shift into a terrestrial form and then create an incredibly powerful explosion with a flammable ice vapor was not the doozy?

"Then, what is—?" Applejack's sentence was cut short when all the ponies heard a loud roar they've come to be familiar with.


Turning around, the Mane Six saw the armored kaiju that they now call Anguirus emerge from the forest behind them, stopping right in front of them.

"Anguirus? What is it?" Twilight asked, noticing that the quadrupedal dinosaur appeared distressed by something. Anguirus began letting out a series of low growls and grunts, before turning his head in the direction of where he arrived.

"I think he wants us to follow him." Fluttershy said, still not quite certain what the Ankylosaur was saying.

"We probably should." Rainbow said. "He might lead us to the doozy Pinkie's been sensing."

"Then there's no time to waste!" The purple alicorn said before turning to the Ankylosaurus. "Lead the way, Anguirus!"

Nodding in response, the quadrupedal dinosaur turned around and took off running into the forest, prompting the Mane Six to follow after him close behind.

As they continued to walk toward their destination, some of the Mane 5 occasionally tried to start a conversation with Jet Jaguar, but understandably, this turned out to be futile due to the robot's inability to speak, and so he could only communicate via sign language. Still, it was nice to have another sapient being alongside them as they made their journey towards the unknown.

Suddenly, Jet Jaguar's eyes flashed blue several times followed by a beeping sound that came from his 'grin', prompting both the robot and the five ponies to stop.

"What is it, Jet Jaguar?" Sunny asked, slightly worried.

The robot did not respond to her question and simply stared at the thick foliage in front of them as if silently anticipating something. The atmosphere grew chillingly quiet as the ponies stood their ground, silently looking in the direction Jet Jaguar was staring at. There was little doubt that something was lurking behind those thick bushes and trees, possibly staring back at them.

Jet Jaguar took his right hand and tapped it on top of his left hand to make the sign for 'be careful' to the ponies.

After another minute of intense waiting, whatever was lurking behind the thick vegetation finally stepped forward and allowed itself to be seen by the Mane Five and the robot. The five ponies gasped as a quadrupedal creature who's body was covered in scaly armor plating emerged from the thick foliage and stared directly at them. They could see that its armored back was covered in large, sharp spikes that curved inward, and also saw that it possessed a long tail that terminated in a spiked club. In terms of size, this beast was slightly bigger than even Jet Jaguar and nearly the size as Sprout's War Machine. Narrowing its amber eyes, the armored giant let out deep growl at the intruders.

"Wow! What is that thing?!" Pipp cried out, instinctively taking a few steps back from the imposing beast, as did Sunny and Izzy.

Hitch, in particular, felt a sense of satisfaction of being proven correct that there indeed was a dangerous monster, after all. "Well, Sunny, I hate to say I told you so, but... I told-"

"Anguirus, wait up!" The stallion's would-be boast was cut off when a feminine voice was suddenly heard from behind the quadrupedal beast.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity soon emerged from the thick foliage, and stood next to the large Ankylosaurus.

"Geez, you sure took off in a hurry." Rainbow muttered at the dinosaur. "What was your hurry, anyway?"

"Um... I think the answer is right in front of us, darling." Rarity said offhandedly.

Along with her friends, the cyan pegsus turned her attention to where her friends were gazing at, and just ten meters away from them, they saw five ponies - four mares and one stallion - standing before them, silently staring at the Mane Six with looks that could only be described as if they saw something out of this world.

One was an Earth pony mare with apricot-orange fur and maroon hooves. Her mane was magenta-purple and tied back in a braid with aquamarine elastics. Her tail had no braiding, her eyes were emerald green, and her cutie mark was of a pink star with a blue trail, with two smaller stars on the anterior side of the large one.

Standing next to her was an Earth pony stallion with light amber fur and brown hooves. He had a white underbelly, and a white blaze. His mane was short and aqua-green in color, as was his a tail, and his eyes were of amber eyes. His cutie mark was of a gold shield with a teal horseshoe in the center, and two teal hearts on the bottom of either side of said shield.

The next was a unicorn mare with lilac fur and navy-blue hooves. She had a wavy, cerulean blue mane and tail with an indigo ombre. She had magenta eyes and a long powder-blue horn with white swirls. She also wore a headband around her head and a bracelet on her left hoof made of chunky blue, pink, and purple beads. Her cutie mark was a purple heart with a blue button in the center. The anterior side of said heart had three sewing pins: two pink and one purple.

The next two mares were both Pegasi that were quite distinct. One of them had light pink fur with golden hooves, and her wings had a slight gradation into lighter pink feathering. Her mane was violet, wavy and swept to her right side. Her eyes were kiwi-green, and her cutie mark was a deep magenta music note with white bulbs. She also wore a gold headdress (or tiara) with a green jewel and golden wheat. She was also noticably shorter than the other ponies.

The other pegasus that stood next to her had white fur and silver hooves. Her wings had light blue and lavender feathers. Her mane was pink with aqua and pink streaks, and her tail being similarly colored. She had turquoise-blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a pink-and-blue lightning bolt with a yellow crown on top.

Of course, the thing that caught most of the Mane Six's attention was the presence of 17 foot-tall bipedal robot that stood next to these five ponies, and it appeared to be in a fighting posture as it held its three-finger hands up and stared at Anguirus. On the other hand, the five ponies were staring directly at the Mane Six without saying word, their mouths were hanging open and their eyes were as wide as dinner plates, seemingly in a loss for words and awestruck by what they were seeing. Twilight could easily tell that it wasn't their dinosaur friend they were staring at, but them — specifically her.

"Um, hi. Can I help you...?" The princess asked, feeling a bit awkward by the silent yet astonished looks these ponies were giving her and her friends — especially the apricot Earth pony.

There was another moment of silence between the two parties, with Twilight and her friends looking confused and even a bit unsettled by the uncomfortable silence of these ponies. Anguirus and Jet Jaguar, on the other hand, stared fiercely at one another, ready to go into full-battle mode even at the slightest indication of a threat. Eventually, the apricot Earth pony finally said something — and what came out of her mouth could only be described as the excited yell of a fan girl.

"IT'S THE GUARDIANS OF HARMONY!" Sunny shouted at the top of her lungs, breaking the awkward silence, and also slightly startling Twilight and her friends.

Author's Note:

After much anticipation and patience, the Mane Six and Mane Five finally meet each other for the first time! Stay tuned to find out how this story will go from here!

Also, here is a fan-art that I drew, depicting Izzy Moonbow meeting and befriending GSP Anguirus.