• Published 30th Jun 2022
  • 285 Views, 7 Comments

Feel ZeBurn - Mind Jack

Zecora and Braeburn end up on a date. The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to help.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Zecora hummed to herself, working on her latest brew while she awaited her friend's arrival. She looked forward to this visit every week, as she didn't get many visitors, and only made the long trek to the market every other week.

She tasted the brew briefly. It tingled on her tongue. Hm. Not quite enough salt. She quickly remedied that with a toss of white powder.

There was a turn of the lock, and her door opened. Applebloom knew better than to think she needed to knock, so the red-maned, yellow filly just walked right in. "Afternoon, Zecora! I found some option root on the way, so I brought it along!"

"Ah! Thank you, Applebloom!" Zecora said with a fond smile. "As always you forbid any doom and gloom."

Applebloom chuckled, pulling the black roots out of her saddlebags. "Ya know, we should go foraging together sometime. You need to get out more."

"I may not be among the gentry, but rest assured I get out plenty!" Zecora protested.

Applebloom batted at Zecora's traveling cloak with a hoof, causing dust to fall off it. "Uh huh."

Zecora winced, smile turning much more sheepish than was usual for a zebra. "I suppose it would not be a chore, to leave my home a little more."

"Well, if you're looking for a chance to do that, I've actually got some good news," Applebloom said with a bright smile as she recalled something. "Applejack and I talked earlier. Ya see, the Apple family reunion is coming up soon. Since you and I are such good friends, she said I can invite you."

Zecora had to take a moment to formulate both an answer and a rhyme. She winced a little as she realized how few words rhymed with 'bad idea.'" "While I understand your caring plan, I honestly don't think I can. If I interrupt your family huddle, I feel I'd cause you too much trouble."

"It ain't no trouble!" Applebloom argued. "Everypony likes you. You ain't gonna get weird looks no more."

Zecora still hesitated, frowning.

"Come on!" Applebloom encouraged. "Remember how much fun you had hosting Nightmare Night last year?" She smirked. "You'll be fine. No need to fear."

That made Zecora smile, and even laugh slightly. "I suppose you're right. I did have fun. It would be foolish to say I'm done."

She paused for a long moment, thinking it over. She had been just as nervous before helping host the Nightmare Night festivities, but it had turned out perfectly, especially with the unexpected arrival of Princess Luna herself.

Zecora glanced at Applebloom. The filly was giving her the biggest, saddest, most pleading set of puppy eyes that she possibly could.

Zecora sighed. "I cannot bring myself to tell you no." She smiled down at Applebloom. "I have decided that I will go."

Applebloom jumped for joy, positively beaming. "I promise you won't regret it! I'll make sure you have an awesome time!"

Zecora laughed. "Happy as I am to see you smile, our brew boils all the while. Let's save that talk for another day, and get our potion underway."

After Applebloom left, Zecora spent a fair amount of time preparing. She was too nervous to sleep, so she spent much of the night making a few pies to bring to the gathering.

It wasn't much trouble. Zecora was a night owl anyway, and she much preferred having something to do over being idle. She actually hoped she'd be able to help out at the reunion, so she didn't stand around feeling awkward.

So when she strolled into Sweet Apple Acres the next day, she had a box full of goodies to share.

Applebloom immediately trotted up to greet her. "Glad ya made it!" she said with an excited grin. "What's that box?"

"I thought it best to forge new ties, if I took the time to bake some pies!" Zecora replied. "It was a long walk all the way from town. Could you show me a place to put this down?"

"Of course!" Applebloom trotted off. "Come on! The kitchen's this way!"

Applejack, two other mares, and three stallions were also in the kitchen, helping prepare and pass out a frankly absurd amount of apple-themed treats.

"Zecora!" Applejack greeted with a wave. "Glad you could make it!"

"It's a joy to be in your lovely home!" Zecora said, smiling. "I brought some presents of my own."

Applejack sniffed the pies. "These smell great! I'll put 'em with the others. You go on and have fun!"

"Being idle is not for me, I fear," Zecora admitted. "Is there anything I can help with here?"

"Now now, you're a guest," Applejack admonished. "You don't gotta help with anything. You're here to have a good time!"

Zecora didn't want to argue, but couldn't help a slight slump of her shoulders as she went outside.

The Apples were everywhere. Square dancing, building things, playing games, and other activities.

It made her smile a little. It reminds me of when I first came to Equestria.

But just like when she arrived, she felt very out of place.

Thankfully, Applebloom came to her rescue. "Why don't we head over to the bonfire?" She suggested. "I can introduce you to some of the others, and we can make kebabs together!"

Zecora let out a relieved breath. Not wanting to come up with a rhyme for kebab, she just gave a smile and a nod.

The campfire had a couple of other ponies around it. One yellow stallion, with a golden mane under a stetson hat, and an orange, red-maned filly, with a pair of scissors for a cutie mark.

"Greetings, you two pony folk!" Zecora said. "I don't believe we've yet spoke."

They both looked up at the unfamiliar voice. "Oh! Hey!" the filly exclaimed in a Manehatten accent. "This that friend you were telling me about?"

"Eeyup! This is Zecora!" Applebloom replied. "Zecora, meet Braeburn and Babs Seed!"

"When it comes to friends, I have very few. It is good to meet the two of you!" Zecora greeted, still feeling somewhat nervous.

Braeburn tipped his hat. "Pleasure to meet you too, ma'am!"

"You some kinda poet?" Babs asked.

That was a common question, and one that made Zecora give a good-natured laugh. "No. I don't have it in me to chant or sing. Speaking in rhyme is just a cultural thing."

"Really?" Babs said. "Jeez. That must be a pain."

"When it becomes as familiar as one's own home yard, in truth it is no longer very hard," Zecora replied.

"That's pretty impressive!" Braeburn praised. "What're ya standin' around for? C'mon and sit down! Tell us about yourself."

Zecora had to try very hard not to beam at the friendly invitation as she sat down on a log.

They listened as Zecora informed them of the circumstances of her visit. She tried not to sound too desperate for company as she explained.

They let her help out with roasting snacks over the fire. Though Babs eventually had to leave to do something with Applebloom, Zecora still found Braeburn to be good company.

"—And so Silver Star says, 'That ain't a buffalo! That's my wife!'"

Zecora chuckled at Braeburn's story, taking a roasted apple kebab off the fire. "Oh, liking you isn't hard. Braeburn, you really are a card."

Braeburn laughed too. "You're a likeable lady yourself, Ms. Zecora. We ought to hang out more before I head back to Dodge Junction. You up for coffee together tomorrow morning?"

"That is something I would not hate!" Zecora agreed. "But… is this what you might call a date?"

The stallion actually blushed. "Well… yeah. If you'd be up for that."

Zecora could feel herself blushing too. This was something she certainly hadn't expected. "Then I truly must confess, the only thing I can say is yes."

Across the farm, Applebloom's tail twitched. "I feel a disturbance in the force." She turned to her square dancing partner. "We gotta go!"

"Crusader emergency?" Babs asked.

"Sorta!" Applebloom replied. "Come on!"

Thankfully, Babs had been a crusader long enough to know to follow Applebloom's lead, especially as she dove into a bush.

"The coffee place is right next to the park," Braeburn explained.

"Caffeine, pastries, and a wilderness view!" Zecora said, excited. "You are quite good at planning dates, aren't you?"

"A date!?" Applebloom hissed.

Babs shushed her.

Braeburn blushed. "Well, I ain't totally a greenhorn. But quality over quantity and all that."

"We need an emergency crusader meeting right now!" Applebloom hissed. "Go get the others! I'll meet you at the treehouse!"

Zecora had a good time for the remainder of the first day of the reunion. Applebloom had vanished for a little while, but eventually turned back up with a suspiciously big grin on her face.

She spent much of her time chatting with Braeburn, but he also introduced her to several Apple family members she'd never even met, who lived right near her. Thanks to him, she left that day with several new friends in town.

Zecora couldn't help but smile to herself as she left. Tomorrow was going to be great.

Zecora woke up to a panic attack the next morning. She had completely forgotten to set an alarm to wake her up! As a result, she had to go through a panicked rush to get ready ten minutes before her date.

On the way into town, a tree had fallen in her way, making her even more worried. But a group of kind lumberjacks that suspiciously resembled the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped get it out of her way. But there were four of them. Three had beards, and one had a handlebar mustache. So surely it couldn't have been them.

Her luck started turning around as she entered Ponyville. She found multiple bits on the ground. The cloudy day cleared up, letting just the right amount of sun through. Hm. Perhaps this is a good sign, that I will be able to have a good time.

The coffee shop was a quaint little beige building. Unlike many of the other, more colorful buildings in town, it was very unassuming, save for little potted plants outside.

Inside was decorated with exotic plants as well, a design decision she liked. Braeburn sat at a table, and waved excitedly as he saw her enter. He quickly got up to pull out her chair for her. “I apologize if I am late. I had a few unlucky twists of fate.”

“Aww, shucks. No need to worry, he assured. “Hope you don’t think a coffee date is a bit too cliche.”

“I admit, coffee is not for me,” she replied. “But in life, trying new things is key.”

“Wise words!” he agreed with a half-grin. “Hmm… Surely we can find something you’d like. What don’t you like about it?”

“I prefer flavors to be more discrete,” she explained. “All coffee I have had is either too bitter or two sweet. It does not help in personal growth, that some cups I’ve tried have even been both.”

He nodded, pursing his lips thoughtfully. “Hang on one sec. I think I gots me an idea.”

Braeburn left for a moment, going to the counter. Zecora swore that the barista’s dark orange coat and cherry-red mane looked familiar, but he wore a trench coat and had a braided, black, viking-style beard. So surely it could be no one she knew.

He came back with a cup of coffee, which was tinted slightly red. “Here. Try this.”

Zecora took a sip. To her surprise, while sweetness and bitterness were both there, it also had a subtle flavor that somewhat resembled apple pie, without being too sweet. “I cannot think of a thing amiss! I must ask, what kind of coffee is this?”

“Apple spice coffee,” Braeburn replied. “Glad you like it! My cousin came up with the recipe."

"Ah. I find there is no jest. Family recipes are often best." She chuckled a little awkwardly. “Sadly of those I am alone. I have no family recipes, only my own.”

“You don’t have much family?” Braeburn asked, frowning.

“Oh no, of course I do!” she reassured. “Please do not feel blue. But I felt sheltered, as if packed on a shelf. So I left home early to make something of myself.”

“Really? Where’d you come from? Where’d you go?”

“Excuse me!” Another barista, who had a cotton medical eyepatch on, and a coffee cup cutie mark, said.

“Gah!” Braeburn jumped. “Where’d you come from!?”

Wordlessly, the barista set Braeburn’s coffee down on the table, and left.

Zecora laughed a little. “To give a reply to your inquiry, I left to study alchemy theory. Zebrica is boring, without much fun. The college of alchemists was no exception. I learned what I could from the professor’s drone, then went on a journey to learn on my own. I traveled far, from sea to sea, then made my home in the Everfree. A perfect spot to perfect my brew. But enough of me. What about you?”

“Well…” Braeburn took his hat off, dusting it off to soothe his nerves. “Started off like any other Apple. Workin’ a farm. Buckin’ trees.”

“Drinking milk and eating hay,” Zecora said with a small smile, thinking his scruffy, blonde mane was kind of cute. “But by the sound of it, it did not stay that way.”

He blushed. “Nope. Got the same bite of wanderlust that you did. My momma pushed me to chase my dreams. I wanted to help set up a town. Mark my spot in history. So she packed a little bindle for me, and I went on my way. For a few years, I had a run of bad luck on that front. Ended up just workin’ on other farms. But eventually, a couple of buddies let me in on a plan to start settin’ up Dodge Junction. So I’m gettin’ to live my dream after all.”

Unbeknownst to Braeburn and Zecora, the moustachioed barista in the trenchcoat had vanished. The four fillies that had been using him as a disguise were hidden behind an old jukebox. “C’mon, Scootaloo!” Applebloom hissed. “You said you could do this no problem!”

“I’m trying!” Scootaloo whispered back. “It isn’t easy to mess with a jukebox from the inside! Gimme a… got it!”

Suddenly, the speakers of the coffee shop started playing a slow, romantic song by Sapphire Shores.

Zecora and Braeburn both looked at each other, clearly not expecting that to happen.

“Not that this is not a kind of strange bliss… but were you the one to arrange this?” Zecora asked.

“Wasn’t me!” Braeburn said quickly. “I was thinkin’ it was you. But I guess it’s just a coincidence.”

Zecora blushed. “Well, I do not mean to complain or whine. Perhaps we should take this as a sign.”

Braeburn didn’t just blush. The rest of his body almost fainted from the loss of the blood that rushed to his face. “So uh… you wanna go on a second date then?”

“Though the sensation is rather new, I do believe I certainly do,” Zecora replied.
After following the couple as Braeburn walked Zecora home, the Cutie Mark Crusaders split up. It was hours before they met back at the clubhouse. The moon had risen, and all of them were up far past their bedtimes.

Applebloom got up onto her podium. “I call this meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders to order! Babs, watcha got from spyin’ on Braeburn?”

“He’s taking Zecora to a fancy restaurant on the edge of town,” Babs explained.

Applebloom nodded. “Sweetie Belle, you got our stuff for a heist?”

Sweetie Belle dumped a large pile of mountaineering equipment on the floor. “Don’t ask where I got this!” she said cheerily. “You won’t like my answer!”

“Great!” Applebloom praised. “Scootaloo, you plant the dummies?”

“Nopony will know we’re gone!” Scootaloo confirmed.

“Alrighty then! Let’s roll Crusaders!”

Even Babs joined in on the chorused shout.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Matchmakers, YAY!”

Le Petit Cheval was a restaurant in the middle of Ponyville. For some reason, it had a fireplace and a chimney. It was a very serious security flaw to two enterprising little fillies. Hence the grappling hook and rope leading down the narrow, brick passage.

“Hurry up!” Sweetie Belle encouraged.

“I’m trying!” Scootaloo whispered back. Both of them were dressed all in black, with ski masks. “Forging a whole reservation book to give them a better table takes time!”

“Well it can’t take too much longer, or the night guard will wake up!”

Nearby, a blue stallion had fallen asleep in a chair. He always took an hour nap around this time. They knew it from last time they’d broken in here.

“Fine! But if my rush job turns out to be unsubtle foreshadowing for a disaster later, I’m blaming you!”

She emerged with the real reservation book. “Alright. I left the forgery. Let’s get out of here.”

They met up with Babs and Applebloom in the town square. “We bribed Vanille Blush to give Zecora a free sample, and put the outfits in the mail!” Babs informed. “Everything should be set up for this date to go great!”

“We got the reservation book switched out!” Sweetie confirmed.

“We?” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Doesn’t matter!” Applebloom interrupted. “Let’s all get back home before somepony notices we’re gone!”

Zecora’s day began unusually well.

She awoke perfectly on time, not wanting to repeat the mistake she’d made on the morning of their previous date. While going out to collect some groceries, she’d been given a free sample of dark-blue eyeshadow that went very well with her coat colors.

Even more strange, she had come home to find a wrapped gift box on her doorstep, and the mark of the mailmare who had crashed into her door, before leaving. When she opened it, it contained a beautiful blue gown to match the eyeshadow. Was this a gift from Braeburn?

She was hardly going to look a gift bird in the beak. She put on the dress and eyeshadow as the day faded into evening.

Zecora was a little worried that the forest would dirty her dress as she walked through, but she was careful, and made it to their meeting spot without much incident.

Braeburn was waiting near a fountain in the center of town, wearing a very nice suit that he looked very uncomfortable in. "Howdy!" He greeted. "Yowza! You look like a million bits! Thanks for the suit, by the way."

Zecora blinked in surprise. "While indeed you do look very cute, I did not purchase you a suit. I must then ask you to confess, did you not gift me this dress?"

Braeburn looked absolutely mystified. "I sure didn't. Though I wish I did."

Zecora hummed thoughtfully. "Well, it seems we have somepony willing to cater, though that is a matter to deal with later."

They made their way to the restaurant. On occasion, each would inch just a little closer to the other, until their sides were touching. Neither pulled away.

A crowd had formed in front of the restaurant, but it was hard to hear what they were saying, because they'd become so rowdy that the voices were all drowning each other out.

They had to shimmy their way through, to where a panicked host stallion with a curly mustache was warding off the wall of ponies. "Ah! You must be Mr. Braeburn! Please come inside!"

Braeburn tipped his hat in thanks, but both were struck with confusion when they found the beautiful restaurant empty except for themselves and the employees.

After locking the door behind them, the stallion led them to a table on the balcony, with a great view of the crowd… and the angry mob. "Whoa nelly! I don't think I can afford a balcony table."

"It's the table listed for you in our reservation book," the stallion replied. "You're our only reservation for today. That is very rare. So all our attention will be focused on you."

He gave them menus, and then gave them space. Zecora was grateful for that. "I do not mean to sing a song of fear, but I feel something is wrong here."

"Me too," Braeburn admitted. "Not sure there's much we can do, though."

Zecora desperately searched for something to break the awkwardness. "Perhaps we should attempt to progress. What on the menu would you suggest?"

"I've… never actually been here before," Braeburn replied.

Out of nowhere, the house band started playing a nice, slow song.

Braeburn laughed. "Saved by the music again. How about we dance while we're thinking of what we want?"

"Hard not to agree, that sounds good to me," Zecora agreed, smiling a little shyly.

While the two of them were making their way to the dance floor, Sweetie rejoined the other Crusaders outside, near a giant cart covered in long, black strands that looked suspiciously like fuses. "I bribed the band! Are these for the finale?"

"Yup!" Babs confirmed. "Got em from a buddy of mine. She made the fireworks herself."

"Is that safe?" Applebloom asked.

"As long as we don't let any fire near it!" Babs confirmed.

Nearby, the angry mob was preparing pitchforks and torches. The restaurant had mysteriously lost all of their reservations. They were not going to take that lying down!

Zecora slowly relaxed into Braeburn's embrace as the two of them swayed back and forth. She'd never really had a special somepony before. It was a unique feeling. She felt warm, inside and out.

Her eyes opened at a crash as the angry mob burst into the restaurant. Somepony threw a torch at her, and it sailed out the window.

"What the hay!?" Braeburn exclaimed. "Somehow I don't think this is dinner and a show!"

Zecora was about to speak, when she felt a stinging in her eyes, and her vision went blurry. "Gah! Trouble in great size! I think the shadow got in my eyes!"

The mob was wrecking the restaurant. Several of them had pounced on staff members, and were actively brawling.

Braeburn didn't hesitate to scoop Zecora up onto his back, and make his escape.

Outside, the Crusaders had moved a distance away, getting into position to watch Zecora and Braeburn. So they were in perfect position to watch the thrown torch land on the cart full of fireworks. "Uh…" Applebloom said.


"Oh." The four of them said in unison, cringing.

Le Petit Cheval was very lucky that Ponyville had both good firefighters, and the Elements of Harmony to quell the angry mob.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were not so lucky, as they were caught trying to sneak away from the scene disguised as a single, large pony with a mustache.

This was the scene that Braeburn and Zecora looked over from outside, as he helped clean the eyeshadow from her eyes.

It took both of them a very long time to find any words. "Well… that was something."

Zecora was so taken aback that she couldn't even come up with a rhyme, so she just nodded.

"I… guess this means there won't be a third date?" Braeburn said softly.

Zecora sat bolt upright. "Do not joke with me! Why ever would there not be?"

Braeburn blinked. "Well… because this one was a disaster?"

"While it was not exactly ten out of ten, I would still like to try again!" Zecora argued.

"Wait, really?" Braeburn said.

She slumped a little. "Yes. While admitting it is the worst, when it comes to romance, you are my first. I do not wish it to be so, that I would need to let go."

A happy smile returned to Braeburn's face, as did a bright blush. "Dawww. Well, I ain't goin' nowhere if you don't want me to. Hay, seems all this goin' wrong was random chance." His grin widened a little. "How bout we go find someplace else to have our dance?"

Zecora let out a relieved breath. "Let us flee from here at high pace. I'll make us dinner at my place."

Two weeks later…

"Order up!" Scootaloo called.

Le Petit Cheval had been reconstructed with shocking speed. The restaurant had been extremely gracious with its accidental arsonists, demanding only that they work off the damage they'd caused.

Applebloom took the plates of fried wild greens to table six. On the way, she passed Sweetie, who was being taught how to operate a sound system by a member of the house band. Babs waved at her from the host booth at the front of the restaurant.

"Thanks, Applebloom," Braeburn said as she set the plates down between him and his date. "You girls doin' okay?"

"Yeah," Applebloom said. "Personally, I'm surprised we didn't get more of a punishment."

"That plothole is quite the stain," Zecora admitted. "But personally, I would not complain."

"I guess that's true. We're still real sorry about ruining your date."

The two shared a glance, and a smile. "Don't worry about the rest. It all turned out for the best." Braeburn rhymed teasingly.

Zecora laughed, and the two kissed over the table.

"Awww," Applebloom gushed. "I'll give you two your space then."

It was a good thing she did. This was Braeburn's last day in town, so immediately afterwards, Zecora walked him to the train station.

"I'll come visit again as soon as I can," Braeburn assured.

"I am not one to fetter. I can easily send a letter," Zecora replied.

They shared one last kiss for now. Zecora's heart sped up during it, like it always did.

Then he boarded, and departed.

Even though he'd be far away, Zecora felt much less alone than before they'd met.

The town clock chimed. It was nearly time for Applebloom's shift to end, and they had planned a new potion recipe to try out.

In a good mood, Zecora headed for home.

Comments ( 7 )

Zecora glanced at Applebloom. The filly was giving her the biggest, saddest, most pleading set of puppy eyes that she possibly could.

Lol oh Apple Bloom you something else

Across the farm, Applebloom's tail twitched. "I feel a disturbance in the force." She turned to her square dancing partner. "We gotta go!"

Hold on for a second Apple Bloom has some Twitchy tail type going on here that's new

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Matchmakers, YAY!”

Lol I kind of miss when they do that

Well this was a cute story so Zecora is teaching Apple Bloom about making potion until she to join in with the Apple family reunion and Zecora was a little nervous but she accepted it and once the day came she arrive to the apple farm and it looks like everybody is there and it looks like Apple Bloom's cousin Babe Seed is here and Apple Bloom introduce to the other two apple family member babe and Braeburn and it looks like both Zecora and Braeburn headed off pretty well and he even asked her on a date which she was pretty nervous about it but she accepted it and it looks like the Cutie Mark Crusader is on the move trying to make the best date ever even though we remember how that went with Big Mac and Charlee and with sugar Belle but anyway Zecora was almost late for her date but Braeburn forgive her and they continued there date and apparently the Cutie Mark Crusaders gave them a little boost and even the next day they kind of went a little bit too far by canceling everybody's reservation in the fancier's restaurants and creating more problems and Zecora and Braeburn got in the cross fire and things did not go very well but somehow both of them really enjoys their company with each other and it looks like they became an item and it looks like the Cutie Mark Crusaders got in trouble and had to help pay off the damages but it worked out pretty well with Zecora and Braeburn this was a pretty cute and very funny story keep out the good work

Thank you for all the comments. I'm glad you liked the story. ^^

This was a riot--almost literally, in a way. XD

Thanks so much again for the story!

No problem! Glad you liked it. ^^

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