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Welcome to Equestria

Author's Note:

If I have time I would continue on with the story. Otherwise you can consider this a one-shot impulsive writing.

Hey there! My name is Toby Dusk and there's nothing really special about me. But I do like to sit down and play a game of Kingdom Hearts. I don't mean to brag or anything but I think I've gotten pretty good at it. Don't mind me flexing my Level 50, high attack power, and skilled reflex. But in my opinion, this game is a bit too easy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this game but every boss I face is a walk in the park. The only boss I ever died to was that fucking Ursala one because the camera was acting autistic for the whole fight.

I booted up the PS3 and hopped on the game. Ok, let's see. I chose the memory slot with level 50 (Also in proud mode) and loaded the save file. After a few seconds of loading, the screen showed the gummi map and a mystery world shown on it.

World: ?????????
Battle Lvl ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

My heart sort of dropped when I saw the fucking 12-star battle level. But then again, I wasn't too surprised. I was pretty much far into the game anyway and I do have the metal Chocobo. One of the powerful keyblades so I wasn't too worried. But still a 12-star level?! This world better gives me some godly keychain for something so hard. Oh boy. I began my gummi flight into this new world and not even 10 seconds pass before a whole swarm of heartless gummi ships start to come my way. "HOLY SHIT!" I exclaim as I took two seconds to remember how to press the "attack" button and started to fend off the heartless. Oh, and did I mention that these ships shoot lasers too? Damn, I usually don't have trouble with going from world to world but this one specific one does not want me to go there. In addition to the colossal heartless ships, there were these big-ass meteors that were bigger than any other ones I've seen. But the most annoying one was this huge ship. So at first, I thought I just needed to shoot it down but no. It blasted this fucking energy laser at me and my gummi hp was down to the alarming stage. "HOLY FUCKING CHRIST!" I swerved to the left right and attempted to attack it but it didn't seem like there was a scratch on it. Luckily the flight itself wasn't too long only a minute and a half but it was without nearly dying. Holy shit I didn't think a gummi flight could be hard and to think I'm not even in the actual world yet. But here we are. I choose to disembark and now I'm finally in.


Nope I don't have time for this. I skipped the cutscene only to find Sora, Donald, and Goofy had been turned to animals. Specifically ponies. Sora had turned into a unicorn. His mane and tail were the same color as his original human skin and his wing's color matched the color of his skin too. Donald and goofy were earth ponies with their mane and tail matching their original forms. Okay So I'm in a My Little Pony World. Don't really know about the show for much but I do understand it's main target demographic is young girls. Now I don't get why this is such a difficult battle level considering this show is meant for such a young audience. I ventured out further into the woods when all of a sudden, five heartless appeared but these were new. They looked like pegasus but were covered entirely by a black disguise. They had a yellow lightning symbol on their backs complete with a heartless emblem on it.

*battle theme for this world*
(Video by Toby Macarony)

Holy they are fast! One of them charged at me at lightning speed and I tried to counter with the aircombo but the heartless quickly flew up in the air while another two charged into me. Taking away more than half my HP. OH my god! I quickly healed myself and could hear Donald shouting "Goofy!" and vice versa healing each other. After I managed to take down three of the five heartless the last two flew up in the air and started to attack me with lightning. No I don't mean just a single lightning strike I mean this motherfucker unleashes like five lightning bolts a second. It reminded me of the yellow opera's attack except on steroids. One of them swooped down but I had timed it luckily and deflected it, giving me 60 technical points. I casted another healing spell on me but the other one swooped in to attack and caught me off guard. I looked at Goofy and Donald who were trying their best to help me but when I say these heartless were fast I mean the reaction time required to defend yourself is just under two seconds. After I took down the last heartless I thought I was done but no four more just had to spawn in. Fucking super. Oh and the best part? Donald and Goofy have been KO'd. I haven't even gotten to a boss fight and I'm already doing dog shit. Now because Donald and Goofy are knocked down, all these four heartless just unleashed their fury of attacks to which I had barely dodged with my luck. After an elixir, I locked on to one of them but I SWEAR TO GOD THEY WOULD NOT STAY STILL! Two of them charged at me so fast I didn't even have time to react while the other two unleashed their furious lightning bolt attack. Yep, there's no way I'm wininng. For the first time in my Kingdom Hearts playthrough, I had expirenced my first game over. My mind was a huge collection thoughts. Mostly it was How am I dying in a little girl's world?. After a little research on wiki, I found out a little about the heartless and it's world. The text read the following:

Pegasus Heartless who appear in Equestria and attack with lightning. They absorb and react violently to lightning attacks and their
incredible speed, agility, and flight ability makes them difficult to defeat.

There were other heartlesses that were yet to be encountered. Such as the Angel Alicorn, who are not as fast as Wondervolts but are ridiculouosly powerful in magic and Shadow Guards. Pony heartless wearing armor who behave like the soldier heartless except they're much more smooth in movement and 100x harder to beat. Not much variety but they do make it up by being so fucking difficult. I haven't even gotten to the bosses. Not one...not two...BUT THREE FUCKING BOSSES! For the world itself, it's recommended players be at level 70. Now I'm looking at my Level 50 and thought to myself, Maybe, I'm 20 levels below but I think I can manage. This is going to be fun