• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 987 Views, 16 Comments

The Forgotten Element - Nailah

Just like a flower, Sprout blooms

  • ...

The only chapter

Sprout was sitting in the local bar, drowning his sorrows away in apple cider. He sighed heavily, and stared down into the hardwood of the countertop.

“It’s not fair,” He pouted, and looked up. There were pictures plastered all over the walls. He couldn’t help noticing a picture of Hitch up on the wall, local hero of Maretime bay. He was a hero, and what was Sprout? Nothing.

Sprout stood up from his barstool, leaving a tip on the counter. With every step, he could feel his heart aching, like a piece of him was just missing.

“I should go and just talk to him…” He began saying as he stared at the doors out of the bar. He felt dizzy, a bit shaky, and instantly knew he was tipsy from too many drinks.

“I should just go home,” He said, leaving the establishment, and walking right into the bright daylight outside. The light was so bright, it blinded him immediately. He found himself shielding his eyes with his hoof, and falling over into a slump of dirt.

Sprout stood back up, trying to get the dirt out of his fur. He felt like it was pointless, no matter how much he tried, he’d still be dirty. He walked home, going inside and immediately going to his room. He didn’t feel like talking.

Somehow he knew his mother would ask. It was an everyday thing, she’d ask how he was doing, and he’d find some way of avoiding answering the question.

Sprout sank into his bed, belly first, and put both pillows to the sides of him against his ears, so that he couldn’t hear her calls.

It didn’t take long until there was a knock on his door.

“Go away mom, I don’t wanna talk about my day,” Sprout pouted, trying to hide the teardrops that were forming in his eyes. Even if no one could see him, he hated feeling like he was weak, unworthy of attention or even love.

“Sprout, it’s me Hitch. Your mom is just worried about you.” Hitch said firmly through the door.

His voice was achingly familiar to him. His heartbeat thumped faster, and it was hard to ignore that familiar feeling of friendliness that Hitch had. It was charming, and attractive even.

“Go away,” Sprout fussed and buried himself deeper under his pillows.

“Alright, if that’s really what you want,” Hitch said, sighing.

Sprout could hear his hoof steps beginning to walk away from the door. He cried.

“WAIT! Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me again…” Sprout shouted, resounding right through the door.

Hitch went to open the door, but found it locked. The doorknob wiggled and made a click sound to indicate that Sprout had indeed locked the door. Likely to keep his mom out.

“Sprout, the door’s locked,” Hitch replied back adamantly.

Sprout heard him, and felt himself sinking into his bed further, but he shook his head. He couldn’t keep doing this. His heartbeat trembled, and his whole body was shaking. He opened his eyes, and forced his body to move.

Once he was standing up, the distance to the door looked oh so far away… Sprout shook his head. One step at a time, he would make his way to the door. It didn’t matter how fast or slow he went, he knew Hitch would wait.

Sprout unlocked the door, and allowed Hitch inside, once he was in his room, he relocked the door for privacy.

“You know you should talk to her too, she’s worried about you Sprout,” Hitch began putting a hoof to his shoulder. “I’m worried too.”

“Why do you even care? I ruined everything,” Sprout sulked, sitting on his flank and wrapping his tail around him, hugging himself.

Hitch sighed heavily, and leaned in to give Sprout a big hug.

“I care because you’re my friend, and my partner,” Hitch explained. “Remember it was always the two of us protecting Maretime bay. You have always been helping me, even if you never fully realized it, yourself.”

“I’m not a good sheriff. I’m not even a good partner. I was…bad,” Sprout reminded him, looking away from Hitch, and out his bedroom window. “All my fault, I hurt so many ponies trying to be a good pony. Trying to be a good boy.”

“Sprout, I admit you did mess up, but that doesn’t mean I am not still your friend,” Hitch tried to get through to him. Hitch could see how Sprout was trembling. Healing would take time, but he had to try.

Sprout looked up to him. “Do you really mean that Hitch? Are we really still friends?” Sprout asked. His teeth chattered, and his ears began to wiggle ever so slightly from a flopped down position to a more upright posture.

“Of course I do. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care,” Hitch said, while leaning in to give Sprout a big hug. He put both his forelegs around him, and pulled Sprout closely to his chest.

“It’s okay to cry. Let it out, we both know you’ve been holding on to it for too long.” Hitch encouraged him, while simply holding him, and being there if he wanted to actually talk.

Sprout sobbed, and felt the tears that had been building all pour out of him like a waterfall. He cried, and he didn’t even care if Hitch saw his tears. For the first time, it actually felt like someone actually wanted him around. He knew his mom cared, she was supposed to, that’s what mothers’ do, but it was even more important for Hitch to be here.

Sprout sniffled, and after he felt he could speak, he looked up to Hitch. The way his expression was so calm, so melconic just made him aspire to be like him even more.
“I’m sorry. Really, really really sorry for everything I did. I swear I’ll be a good boy now.”

His body was still trembling, and his voice felt weak, like it was only really halfway there. Sprout didn’t want to let go of Hitch, but he forced himself to let go. He knew he had to grow, and the first step was to know when to make the first step towards healing.

“It’s okay, Sprout,” Hitch said, letting go of the hug at the same time that Sprout did, and placing his hoof on top of Sprout’s head and giving him a slightly teasing headpat that ruffled up his golden blonde mane a bit. Hitch chuckled, and handed him a mirror so he could see how silly he looked.

“Hey! Hitch, that wasn’t nice,” Sprout pouted looking at his mane, but chuckling. “But it’s funny too.”

“See? I can have my moments.” Hitch smirked, and winked at him. “And I’m sure with time, you’ll have your own moments to look back on with a smile on your face. No more sad Sprout. Time for you to bloom into a beautiful stallion, the one I’ve always known you could be.”

Sprout blushed deeply, and immediately tilted his head to the right, trying not to let Hitch see how flustered he was.

“Hitch…” Sprout began asking.

“No, I don’t think you can have your job back as deputy. I have a better idea.”

Sprout listened.

“I think you should focus on healing first,” Hitch explained. “I also think you should talk to your mom, and tell her about how you’ve been feeling. I know you don’t want to, but she deserves to know. If you need anything, I’ll be here every step of the way. So, will you at least try for me, Sprout?”

“YES, I will! I promise I’ll be a good boy and talk to my mom about stuff. But not today, if that’s okay.”

“You don’t have to ask for my permission, Sprout. You are the one who decides when to make the next move or not. I’m not going to force you to do anything. That isn’t the point.” Hitch explained, and shook his head at him. “I swear, you can be so naive and it’s part of what I love about you.”

Sprout hesitated, his whole body trembling. Did he just say he loves me? No, I must be hearing things or crazy. He dared not to look at Hitch, the utter look of desperation filled his eyes. Sprout held still, waiting.

“Sprout, what’s wrong? Was it something I said?” Hitch asked, as he put a hoof over his shoulder.

Sprout tensed up more at the touch, but he didn’t back away from it either. Just feeling another pony so close to him, was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Hitch…,” He stuttered, trying to form a cohesive sentence, all the while his emotions were trying to fight him, telling him he should keep quiet, keep to himself. Never allow any creature in, but this was Hitch, his best friend. “Did you mean it?”

“Hmm? Mean what?” Hitch asked, tilting his head at Sprout.

Sprout whimpered, and felt the urge to curl into a ball. No! Not today. I am a big strong stallion, and I’m gonna tell him!

Hitch waited.

“Supper time you two! Come on down and enjoy it!” Sprout’s mom called from downstairs.

Hitch didn’t move, and neither did Sprout. The air between them was both light and heavy. Hitch went to move his hoof away, but felt Sprout taking his hoof into his, and looking desperately into his eyes for any sign of clarification.

“Do you love me? Did you mean it?”

Hitch laughed, putting his other hoof on his chest, as he shook his head at Sprout. “Of course, I meant it. Sprout, you are annoying at times, but I kind of like it. However, you are also adorable, passionate, and always willing to protect those that matter to you"

Sprout knew Hitch wasn’t one to mince words or try to sugarcoat things. No, Hitch had always been honest, loyal, and handsome. His whole body trembled and he felt just a drip of sweat beading down from his forehead. Sprout took a deep breath, trying his best to be a good boy. To remember that today was different, he could choose his own future, one with Hitch by his side.

“Hitch…,” Sprout muttered. His heart beating a mile a second. He gasped for breath as Hitch held his hoof, and didn’t let go.

“Yes, Sprout?” Hitch asked.

Sprout cheeks went a deep dark red, that could hardly be seen against his red face. His upper lip formed into a pout, and he just glared daggers at Hitch.

“You know very well what I’m going to say!”

“Do I?” Hitch asked, putting his other hoof under his chin, and seeming to be deep in thought. “Sprout, we all know I’m not psychic. I know I have a lot of cool things about me, but I can’t read minds. Only you know what you are thinking.”

Sprout pouted. Grrrrrrr!!! Why did he have to be so… wonderful. Amazing. Handsome. Hitch and his paid off mortgage. He was so awesome. I wish I could have listened to him more back then, but now I can choose. I decide what I want, no pony else.
“Hitch, I… I…,” Sprout stuttered. Words were hard, and these three little words were so important. “I love you.” He finally uttered, his face deep cherry red, and forcing his eyes to look right at Hitch.

A moment passed between them. Silence.

Sprout leaned in against Hitch, and wrapped both hooves around him, giving him a big squeeze, and just thanking him over and over again.

"Sprout, you don't have to thank me. I've always wanted you to come into your own pony. To make your own choices." Hitch said, "And now, I get to love you even more than I did before."

Sprout leaned back, and relaxed his shoulders. He felt his lips rising up into a grin, even as the tears were threatening to start again. He dared to lean towards Hitch, and for the first time make his own bold decision.

He kissed Hitch right on the lips, pushing forward against his lips.

Hitch allowed him to do so, and returned the kiss, wrapping his hooves around Sprout.

"BOYS, Your dinner is getting cold!"

Neither of them cared about food in this moment. The only thing that mattered was each other. True harmony.

Comments ( 16 )

loved how cute this was when i read it in QnS!

Sprout pouted. Grrrrrrr!!! Why did he have to be so… wonderful. Amazing. Handsome. Hitch and his paid off mortgage. He was so awesome. I wish I could have listened to him more back then, but now I can choose. I decide what I want, no pony else. “Hitch, I… I…,” Sprout stuttered. Words were hard, and these three little words were so important. “I love you.” He finally uttered, his face deep cherry red, and forcing his eyes to look right at Hitch.

this is so adorable!!!

Neither of them cared about food in this moment. The only thing that mattered was each other. True harmony.

:fluttercry::heart: MY HEART! My- STUPID SMILE ON MY FACE

Just came to say that cover is pwecious :rainbowkiss:

awwwwww, cute! i'm not really a big fan of sprout, but i can kinda see it with this dynamic, the "i can see something special in you, you just need to move forward and take it" kinda thing

Thank you! If I made you like Sprout even a little, my story succeeds

Cute little story. :twilightsmile:

My gosh, this is adorable...

Posh #10 · Jul 29th, 2022 · · 2 ·

Sprout stood up from his barstool, leaving a tip on the counter. With every step, he could feel his heart aching, like a piece of him was just missing.

“Phooey on that damn pacemaker, who needs it, anyway?

“I should just go home,” He said, leaving the establishment, and walking right into the bright daylight outside. The light was so bright, it blinded him immediately. He found himself shielding his eyes with his hoof, and falling over into a slump of dirt.

Well, that’s what you get for bar-hopping at 2:35 in the afternoon, Sprout.

Incidentally, I’ve never related harder to a character in a story’s opening paragraphs.

How delightfully homoerotic! Hurt/comfort isn’t really my bag, and I have no idea who these characters are, seeing as I haven’t watched anything G5, but good for them, and good for you.

This is a wonderful story good job mate
It's good to see more stories like this around

Loooved this! It is so precious and sweet. I think I might need a shot for diabeetus now. :P Its just that cute.

Of course it all makes sense now the forgotten element was gay pride all along. Jokes aside love it ❤️

This was cute!

Can you make more chapters are a sequel I will love that:heart: please answer back

yass that would be awesome

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