• Published 3rd Aug 2022
  • 1,063 Views, 30 Comments

The Call Of The Void - Jahbraz

Sans, desperate to find some way of stopping the human's endless slaughter, forms alliances and takes drastic measures. But new variables are introduced... ones that could change everything.

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FIGHTs, ACTions, and Time Paradoxes - Part 1

Sans the Skeleton did not consider himself a very physically active monster. It was well known around the Underground that he was rather lazy, and took every opportunity he got to take breaks and nap for lengthy periods of time.


He didn't have multiple jobs just so he could increase the number of 'legally required breaks' he had; Sans figured it may be somewhat of a good way to get some exercise in. Although he could (and often did) just take shortcuts to get to his sentry stations, the skeleton would sometimes take the long route and walk all the way to his station.

It was exhausting at first, considering he didn't exercise at all before that point and as such was not used to exerting himself that much, but as he walked more often, Sans built up his physical stamina by a good amount.

Something that was very much proving useful now.


Summoning a Gaster Blaster, the skeleton feinted backwards before turning around and running like his life depended on it. Which it did, anyways.

A red slash of Determination energy went flying through the spot he'd just been in and into a brick-red wall of igneous rock. narrowly avoided that attack this time, Sans thought.

He'd been running for the past hour or so as the human pursued him through the Underground after he ambushed them at the exit to the Ruins. While Sans was unable to save Toriel, he at least was able to send Papyrus to the CORE with the other monsters and Royal Guardsmen. While Papyrus was somewhat oblivious to what the plan truly was, he at least knew that this particular human was dangerous (not that he cared all that much; he would have approached them anyway) and that the Guard, with Undyne leading the charge, would be in Hotland where they'd lead the human to the CORE and then capture them. Not wanting to miss a chance to both see Undyne in action and impress her enough to get into the Guard, Papyrus hadn't wasted any time getting to Alyphs' Lab.

He'd been briefed by their enigmatic friend, who only gave his last initial, G, on how to operate the Determination Extractor, which would be critical to the plan. Sans hoped the old machine would work; it worked fine when he and Alyphs had tested it several hours earlier. But somehow, he felt something was going to happen, and that it wasn't good.

Spotting Doggo frantically waving him over, Sans figured he'd save some physical energy and shortcut over to the Guard. Vanishing with a 'snap-click', the skeleton reappeared next to Doggo.

"C'mon! Undyne's heading into the Lab now! We need to get there, and quick!" the canine Guardsman said, an urgent tone to his voice. Doggo wasn't the brightest of monsters, especially with his visual disorder, but he sure wasn't stupid. He knew when he was outmatched, and when he saw Sans running towards him with the human hot on his heels, Doggo had sprung into action.

However, Doggo also knew that with how closely the human pursuing the skeleton, who was undoubtedly tired by now, there simply wouldn't be enough time to charge the Determination Extractor before the human arrived. Someone would have to stay behind and buy time for everyone else.

Reaching this grim conclusion, the canine skid to a halt, much to Sans' confusion. This wasn't part of the plan.

Slowing down a bit, Sans turned back towards Doggo and called out.

"hey. uh. this wasn't the plan. what are ya doin'?" the skeleton asked.

"Someone needs to buy time. I may not know too much about that rickety old extractor thingamajig back down near the CORE, but that thing clearly needs time to charge up." the guard responded.

Sans heard the response and immediately knew that Doggo's fate was sealed, but it didn't stop the skeleton from speaking up.

"ya sure about that? you're not gonna make it outta here, ya know. i could cover fo-"

Shouting now, the canine cut him off. "No! We can't afford to lose you, with how powerful you are. You die, this entire plan goes up in flames, and we all die for nothing. Go! NOW!"

Getting the message, Sans continued running again, this time faster than before. He looked back, a sad look on his face, before refocusing on the path in front of him as the sounds of a FIGHT played out behind him.

"Papyrus, please leave Mister G alone."

An exasperated Undyne had been putting up with questions and accusations for over an hour now, alongside the antics of Papyrus as he asked question after question about their mysterious friend and if Sans would be okay. Once Papyrus had seen the footage of monsters dying to the human, he'd become very worried, and it had taken Undyne bribing him with the promise of cooking spaghetti to calm him down.

Unfortunately, the idea of his favorite dish had only held him for several minutes before he asked about Sans again. Her patience was being whittled down little by little, and even though she truly liked Papyrus (He was one of her besties after all!)

Mr. G's skeleton-like appearance had caught Papyrus' interest, and as such, had asked the mysterious man questions not-stop. Thankfully, G didn't seem to mind; if anything, he seemed rather amused.

He'd actually answered all of the taller skeleton's questions, and even when he couldn't provide a clear answer, he'd answer to the best of his ability. He'd (apparently) been stuck in the Void for a while, after all; not every question he got asked would be able to be answered completely.

Undyne hadn't quite trusted the glitchy skeleton at first. He did look rather... off... and there was a nagging feeling of something just being flat-out wrong with G. But G was actually the first to point out this fact and provided the reasons why he was that way (the Void felt wrong to anyone not used to it). He even admitted that there wasn't exactly a good way of proving he could be trusted, which is something most people wouldn't admit due to their own pride.

Footsteps from beyond the open doors of the Laboratory alerted Undyne to someone's approach. Readying her weapon of choice (an energy spear manifested with her magic), she began giving orders as the other monsters began scrambling to finalize preparations.

I just hope that's Sans that's running towards us and not that... thing... Undyne thought.

Fortunately, the person that came barreling into the room was very much a skeleton monster. Skidding to a halt, Sans caught his breath, leaning against a wall for support.

However, there was something else Undyne noticed that placed a seed of fear in her heart. Someone else is missing. Where's Doggo?

"Sans! You made it!" Undyne called out, relief slightly tinging her tone. "Where's Doggo? I thought he'd be running in right beside you."

Sans eyes hollowed immediately. "he stayed behind."

With that morose statement, Undyne's heart sunk. Doggo was a good warrior. He didn't deserve to die to a snivelling, conniving demon like The Player.

Undyne was about to have the remaining Guards of the K9 Unit begin sealing the doors when a completely new voice sounded out.

"Weelll, well, well.... what do we have here?"

Everyone's skin crawled at this. Sans whirled around, and found, to his horror, the Anomaly had already reached the Laboratory. What was truly frightening, though, was that the human had never, ever actually verbally spoken before. This was entirely new, and bode disturbingly unwell for what else the Anomaly could be capable of.

Acting quickly, Sans shouted "alphys! quickly! activate the dt extractor!"

The saurian doctor, snapping out of her terrified stupor, nodded and methodically mashed several buttons on her computer console, before grabbing her items and hightailing it out of the room. As she did so, Sans ported over a laptop computer of his own, and stood ready to monitor the DT Extractor's condition.

The old machine had run well in the tests, but with how old the thing was, it was best that someone keep an eye on it's condition.

He'd seen what happened when its' operators lost control of it.

The Player seemed delighted by all the action. "Heh, all this for me? I'm flattered. This is something new... I like it!"

Undyne immediately began corralling the remaining scientists to be evacuated. Meanwhile, the other Royal Guards formed a defensive line between the evacuating monsters and the human.

G moved up next to Sans... with Papyrus in tow. That was to be expected, unfortunately; no matter how hard he tried to convince his brother otherwise, Sans couldn't get Papyrus to back down on fighting alongside him.

"Human! You are going down a dangerous path. I... want to help you. I really do." Papyrus addressed the human. "But, unfortunately, you have caused too much trouble. Even when I tried to help you, you struck me down. I... may not be the smartest skeleton, but even I know that not everyone wants to try and be good."

Sans was rather surprised at his brother's admittance. He knew of the younger skeleton's philosophy. Papyrus always believed that anyone, no matter how bad, no matter the deeds they did, could be a good person, if they just genuinely put the effort into being good. As such, during the Anomaly's 'Genocide Routes', Papyrus was always struck down offering MERCY to the human, truly believing there was still good in them.

To see that even Papyrus of all people had realized that the Anomaly was unredeemable was a testament to how much G had helped them out here. If Papyrus hadn't seen the truth, things could have gone a lot worse.

Turning his attention back towards the Player, Sans began his habit of making a speech before the fight that called out the human for their sins.

"so. you've made it. you've finally found something new. was it worth everything you went through to get here? was it worth it to kill everyone here?"

The Player simply laughed. "Yes. Yes, it was. You don't know how boring it was all this time. To find something new is exciting! There's so many new possibilities... It's such a shame you won't live long enough to see them all, skeletons."

"you could have simply left us alone and found something else to do. this world's a game to you, right? so go play another game. heck, you could have fixed all this with the press of a button," Sans retorted. He didn't like the fact that the Player was only doing this for the sake of entertainment and curiosity. If the world of monsters and humans truly was a video game in another world, then one should simply play it, then leave it after completing it.

Annoyed, the Player made to respond, but was cut off by an ominous cacophony of mechanical noises. Looking up, the Anomaly's face paled as they saw the DT Extractor begin to do its' job. They may not have known everything about the old machine, but they at the very least knew what it could do to them.

"Y o u ' l l b e d e a d w h e r e y o u s t a n d," Sans spoke, his eyes hollowed, his voice quiet, but simmering with barely restrained fury.

Author's Note:

Sorry if I took a while to get this out. As of this writing, my first week of school just finished up. I've only now taken the time to write anything new. Expect this to be normal.

The word 'Paradoxes' in the chapter title is a misnomer, but I put it there because it sounds a bit better (I also don't know a better word for 'catastrophic fluctuation in space-time that tears a hole in reality').

EDIT 1, 8/15/2022: Don't have much time, my computer locks soon, so this is a small update. Finished 2 paragraphs.

That is all.

Expect this to be normal.

FINAL EDIT, 8/26/2022: Made this into a two-parter. I don't think you'd like me holding this back for much longer, nor would you want this to be over 5000 words in length after the Prelude. Finished up today and posted. ENJOY!