• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Matthais Unidostres

I am Matthais Unidostres, I'm a Christian and I love FanFiction!


Izzy Moonbow decides to make a fun Livestream of herself sliding around on a frozen lake. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen consequences, things take an odd turn for the worse. Can Izzy get through this video without getting in serious trouble? No.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Izzy tensed up, and turned to the side to see her smartphone still floating next to her. Throughout her entire misadventure, Izzy had somehow managed to subconsciously keep her smartphone levitated in her magic field in just the right positions to capture every bit of the events. She brought the smartphone close to her face and took a look at the live chat. Upon reading the comments, she gasped, and she smiled adorably with her forehhoves pressed into her chubby cheeks and said, “They like me! They all really like me!”

Basically the ponies and the live streams saved her life to give everybody a heads up where she is

Wow I would say this was a pretty interesting story here so izzy was doing a live streaming for the viewers watching her videos showing off her ice skating tricks but lately she's been stumbling everywhere and fall down a couple of times and there was some cartoon moments that she was frozen solid but luckily for her the live streaming was still on and sunny and the others knows where she is and saved her life and apparently Izzy is pretty strong with her magic that she kept that phone floating while this is all happening nice I would say this was a pretty nice and pretty funny story keep out the good work

Excellent work on this one-shot. Really appropriate mix of funny and scary at exactly the right moments. Yeah, unfortunately for Izzy, the ice on the top of the lake WASN'T thick enough to handle somebody on it. And, I got a couple of laughs out of when she was briefly wondering if she was part cat but decided against it (though it IS a reasonable popular theory that she is descended from Pinkie Pie). And, yeah, in this case, the livestreaming helped her friends find her in time.

Now that was a cute story, lol. Izzy, you can be a klutz at times... :rainbowlaugh:

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