• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Deus Foalt

Part-time foalcon enthusiast. I also enjoy editing stuff sometimes. I appreciate any support you can give me!

Comments ( 8 )

This fic is absurdly adorable and I love it.

I think this is a cute story and well made. The fiction made me horny!!!

cute clopfic

though the ocassional RumbleLane incest mentions felt unnecessary

Having Kettle Corn automatically makes this great
That you made her so cute makes it even sweeter

That was really cute. Heat of the moment Haikus, must be hard to do.

Not normally one to call this out but, 69th like. Appropriate and I'll take it.

deus is best <3

I'm wondering if they go to dinner just after doing that if the family would notice. Kettle seemingly 'around the playground' maybe their ok with it...?

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