• Member Since 11th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago

Bronze Inkwell

Hello to all the bronies and pegasisters. I'm a writer for fun and I am beginning to make Youtube videos of stories that I think deserve to be told.

Comments ( 178 )

And don't forget he's the only species of his kind he needs that get his numbers up there. Do mares go into heat

"Kinda, archery and fencing are considered sports nowadays. No, the real danger is from guns. You try stopping a pinkie sized projectile traveling close to the speed of sound." I say, raising my pinkie finger. Celestia's eyes widened as she understood the analogy.

Incorrect, most bullets do in fact travel faster than sound. It’s why there is a crack when bullets fly by, that is a miniature sonic boom.

I'll correct this. I just forgot to fact check this when I wrote this bit.

Another promising story added to my lists, keep it up! :moustache:

*<>* rare to see anon protagonist immediately recognized human race superiority and opted to not go back to earth ...:trollestia: He knew, just from taking a look at our castle and guards, that we would be practically defenseless against his race… that is before he knew about magic.

I wrote this mainly based on how I would think in this situation. It's like Columbus and the Indians, except the Indians actually have some powerful magic on their side. Still, I doubt, based on how I have seen their magic shields work, they would be able to keep them up long if an LMG was firing at it. Shining Armor was holding a shield over an entire city for days, and it took a few hundred Changelings banging on it at maybe half a mile per hour, for it to come down after, what, several minutes? Even if the shield was smaller, those rounds are hitting faster than the speed of sound, at a much higher rate, in a much more concentrated area. It'd take, at most, 4 minutes before sustained fire would bring the shields down. That's not counting grenades, tank shells, or other such things. I put a lot of thought into this.

Also almost humans won’t attack on site but instead will point their weapons at you if you are trespassing or warn you to get back but shoot on site not really unless it starts being hostile then yes fire on site but finally hopefully they’ll develop guns and some modern armor for their guards

You have sunk a hook into my curiosity. I look forward to it being sated. :twilightsmile:

True, but from Dylan's perspective of Earth, that's what he thinks would happen. Gotta keep that in mind. There is more than one perspective of Earth you got to think about.

I really doubt the armor is actually made out of gold. I would assume that its gold painted.

Considering they use actual gold for their currency, would you really put it past them? And I don't mean a small amount of gold like we used to, those bits are at least half an inch thick and an inch and a half in diameter at least. They also don't have credit or debit, or any of the stuff we do. There are entire vaults full of bits in Equestria. That's not even mentioning Dragon Hordes. So is it really that hard to believe that, since they have so much of the stuff laying around, they use it for armor?

Yeah that is true.. wait what state is he from anyways? And will the equestrians finally get upgraded Modern equipment or you know celestia being celestia and not making it since it’s too dangerous and it hurt her little ponies.

But they will get firearms at least right

In order, He's from Maryland.
They will get upgraded equipment eventually.
And Celestia will approve of certain upgrades. Not all, but some. Guns, for example, will be a definite no. If those got out on the black market, the backlash alone would cripple the government. But something like kevlar for offensive magic, she will definitely not say no to.

No, maybe, just maybe, magic based pistols, but that's about it.

So basically celestia being a hippie and instead thinking it out logical because more people get injured with bullets then killed and hey at least it’s not a nuclear bomb also pinkie will find a way, she always does.

That's Celestia. I haven't said anything about Luna, Cadence or Twilight, have I?

No you didn’t just celestia but does Luna at least make her forces actually tactical and ready for battle or the same as the solar guard

Me, leading my readers astray of what I actually have planned? Never.

Hmm.. sure

But I’m keeping my eye on you.

But great story also where is shining armor at anyways

Read the description, I added some stuff to it.

Well all I can say is eh idiot also who the heck are the other princesses and is one of them ember hmm

Did I say they were royalty? Hint, one of them is mentioned in this chapter.

Eh fair enough but when will the next chapter be done by also congrats on being added to a group

This came to mind when I read the title. I'm sorry.

I'm at work at the moment, so probably next week.

It was? Which one?

Can't wait for next chapter 😊

Who are all the allotted creatures these are in the running for the harem?

All that are at the same level of sentience and sapience of homo sapiens.

Kinda fast at getting certain things done, but a good start.

And here I am hoping for a dragon and a Diamond Dog since I read this

Hey, Dragons are up there. Diamond Dogs though...

D-Dog... imo are under-rated and get a bad rap... but considering that they get mentioned MAYBE 3 times in an 9 season series... I always liked the Wolf, Husky, or Shepard breeds in many fanfics...

I do to, always fascinating to see what people come up with. But Diamond dogs aren't really going to show up in this story. Maybe have an ambassador meeting or something, but other than that, no D-Dogs.

Also as Russian badger would put it would have sub brick intelligence.

Some of the best royal anthro Waifu harems stories come from Israel Yabuki; if anyone wants a taste, inspiration, or another harem story try these:
Special Birthday Bash, Celebrating in Style, or Belly Dancing Funtime, Israel has other waifu stories involving many MLP chracters, but the one with all the hot royals is the 1st link.

I hope the author finds inspiration from this...

P.S. there is potential for Chrysalis to have been reformed; and non-alicorn females to join the harem/herd: such as Fleur di Lis, Ember, or Novo....

That's all fair, I'm intrigued to see what you make of this story sill I'll be following, good luck and happy writing!

Lol, haven't seen a reference to him on FimFic before!

Shining Armor has been killed in this universe.

Alright, that made me laugh, so I'll give you credit; massive balls for straight-up killing Shining from the get-go so you don't have to deal with an awkward love triangle, so I'll deffo be giving this a read.

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