• Published 12th Sep 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

  • ...

Chapter 2 Ep 8: Have You Seen This Dragon?

Chapter 2 Ep 8: Have You Seen This Dragon?

At the Maretime Bay station, Hitch was sleeping using some cabinets as a bed, as he mumbled to himself in his sleep.

“Oh, no, the butter’s gone…” Hitch muttered as he snores as a butterfly flew on his nose. “Grandma, don’t worry, I-I’ll make you a cake.” He muttered with a smile. Suddenly, a light from Sparky's dragon fire became bright enough to wake up Hitch. "Wha-What are you doing, Sparky?" He asked the baby dragon. "I thought I said no dragon fire without supervision. Huh…" He exclaimed as he got up.

Hitch slowly got up from the cabinets and walked near to his desk and then stopped when he found a plate with a chomped sandwich on a small table.

"Oops, forgot to finish that!" Hitch said. "I'm surprised you didn't eat it." He told the baby dragon, but got no response. "Sparky?" He called out again, but still he didn't reply, and panic got over him. "Sparky, where are you?!" he asked again, crashing with the table and sending the sandwich flying. Hitch opened the closet where Sparky slept usually, but found nothing but his blanket and gasped. "Sparky's Blankie?!" He said with panic and horror. "Where are ya, little buddy?! Up here? No. In here? No!" He exclaimed, checking over the closet and inside a cabinet. “Spar-- Spar…” Hitch tried to say as he backed up to his desk as he began to panic. “Sparky, where are you?!” He cried out as his voice echoed through the station as his critters heard it as the two birds flew off.

Sometime later, the mares were sleeping peacefully on their beds in the Brighthouse, until Hitch came in with megaphones at his friends.

"Sunny!" Hitch called out through the megaphone, which made Sunny fall from her bed.

“Huh?” Sunny asked in confusion as she got up.

Hitch then moved to the other side of the room, between the two sisters, while Pipp had a sleep mask. "Pipp! Zipp!" he called out on the megaphone again, making Pipp wake up with a frown as she took off her sleep mask, and Zipp woke up with a gasp as she shook her pillow of her head that was stuck to.

“Sunset!” Hitch called out through the microphone as it startled Sunset awake, which made her fly to the ceiling like a cat before glaring at Hitch for the rude awakening.

“Why did you do that?!” Sunset yelled out with a glare.

Hitch didn’t answer as he moved to Izzy’s bed. “Izzy! Wake up!" He called out like a rockstar.

Izzy immediately woke up, and unlike the rest, she just gave a cheery smile. "Okay!" She said cheerfully.

Hitch put his megaphone away and took out Sparky's blanket. "Look!" He said, showing it to the rest.

"Ooh! Love the new glow-up, Blankie!" Izzy said cheerfully. "That dragon has great style." She added with a smile.

Sunny and Sunset then came next to Izzy. “Hitch, what is going on?!” Sunny asked her foalhood friend, wanting to know what was happening.

“This gotta be important if you have to use your megaphone to get us out of bed.” Sunset added with narrowed eyes, wanting to hear Hitch’s reason for the rude awakening, if not, then she will knock some sense into that stallion.

"I was fast asleep, and had this bad feeling that something was wrong." Hitch started to explain with worry. "And then... it was! Sparky is missing!" He shouted with panic.

What?!" Zipp said, arriving with the rest.

"No!" Pipp exclaimed with shock.

“That is bad! Really bad!” Sunset is worried for the baby dragon, now seeing Hitch’s reason to wake them up.

Twilight appeared when the necklace opened as she looked on in shock. “Sparky’s missing!? This is bad! And this reminds me of when Spike ran off once!” She called out, remembering how Spike ran away thinking she was replacing him for Owlicious when she was just asking him to take his place at night so he can get some rest.

Izzy gasped in shock and worried that Sparky was missing.

“Missing?!” Sunny asked in shock at Hitch. “Are you sure?” She questioned.

"Yeah!" Hitch said with a worried tone.

"Maybe he's hiding?" Izzy suggested.

"I already looked everywhere in the station! And nothing!" Hitch pointed out. “So I came straight here. I thought maybe he was with one of you.” He confessed to the mares, hoping if Sparky is with them, but all he got were nods saying ‘no’ from the mares.

"Sorry, Hitch." Sunny said with a sad tone.

“We haven’t seen Sparky since yesterday. We don’t know where he is.” Sunset added with a sad tone, not knowing where Sparky is.

"First, the lantern, and now Sparky?!" Zipp said with confusion. "Why do things keep going missing around here?" She questioned.

“Yeah, I’m seeing a pattern here myself.” Sunset said, seeing this herself as first Sunny’s lantern gone missing and now Sparky, seeing a complete pattern here.

“I don't know, but we need to find him, A.S.A.P.P.!" Hitch stated. "As Soon As Pony-Possible!" He added. “Look everywhere! Under the beds, above the clouds, the moon!” He listed out as he brought out his megaphone. “Just find that baby dragon!” He shouted as the megaphone gave feedback.

Sunset snatches the megaphone from Hitch. “Okay, Hitch! We get it!” She called out as she tossed the megaphone away. “No need to megaphone us!” She added, really annoyed, she understands how worried Hitch is for Sparky like from Twilight for Spike, but he doesn’t have to speak loudly through the megaphone when he’s in ‘worried dragon dad’ mode.

Sometime later, the Mane 6 begins their search for Sparky as they search around the Brighthouse.

Sunny looked down one of the tables in the living room. "Where are ya?" she called out to the baby dragon.

"Come out, Sparky!" Pipp called out as well, flying around the Brighthouse.

Hitch was looking near the Critter Corner, with some of his animal friends.

"Sparkeroni?" Izzy called out from one of the Critter Corner's toys.

"Hello?" Zipp called out, as she flew around with her magnificent glass.

“Sparky? Where are you, little guy?” Sunset called out as she looked above them to search the whole floor for any signs of Sparky.

Izzy then opened the closet, and gasped when a pile of things started to tilt. "Nothing in the closet!" She said with a worried expression, quickly closing the door before the things on it fell and made a mess.

Hitch then strangely started to look in cereal boxes for his son. "Sparky! Sparky! Sparky!" He said, as he literally put his face inside the last box of cereal he grabbed, while Zipp, Pipp and Sunset looked at him with worry and confusion behind him.

"Could Sparky even fit in that box of cereal?" Pipp whispered to Zipp and Sunset at her side.

“I don’t think so. And Hitch is really getting desperate, not that I blame him.” Sunset answered, knowing that Sparky’s way too big for a baby dragon like him to be in a box of cereal while understanding how worried Hitch is for him.

Twilight appeared as she spoke. “I would feel the same way if it was Spike. Can’t blame Hitch for feeling like this.” She said, remembering how worried she is for Spike like the time when he ran off and nearly got roasted by a big dragon in a cave and worried for him when he was in the Dragon Lands during Dragon Migration, understanding how Hitch is feeling.

“You said it, Twilight.” Sunset said to Twilight, having seen this from Sci-Twi when she was worried for her dog Spike.

"Uh, Hitch?" Zipp called out to him. "Not trying to backseat investigate here, but..." She started to say, while Hitch took his face out of the cereal box to face her as Zipp pulled out her phone. "Why don't we retrace your steps first?" She suggested as she got close to Hitch. “What do you remember seeing when you woke up?" She questioned Hitch.

Hitch thought for a second, then he gasped when he remembered that Sparky's dragon fire light woke him up. "There was this flash of light." He said.

"Flash of light? That's unusual..." Zipp replied a bit confused.

"I know!" Hitch shouted. "Ugh!" He groaned with frustration. "Do you think Sparky's okay?" He asked with worry.

"Of course!" Sunny assured him with a smile, placing a hoof on his shoulder. “I’m sure he’s still just playing hide-and-seek.” She said to Hitch.

“Sparky does know how to play around alot.” Sunset said, knowing how hype and playful Sparky is.

Hitch just sighed with sadness and walked over to a couch, then lay on it with a down expression. "I feel like the worst pony-dragon-dad in the world right now." He said with disappointment.

"Really, Hitch, you're the only pony-dragon-dad in the world, so..." Pipp tried to say.

"That makes it even worse!" Hitch cried out as he flopped his head into the pillow.

Sunset gave Pipp a look. “Pipp. Can you not make the obvious here? And did you forget Twilight is a dragon carer expert when she took care of Spike?” She asked while pointing a hoof at Twilight next to her, who is giving her a bored expression at the pegasus.

Yeah. Hitch is the second pony-dragon-parent besides me in the world, Pipp.” Twilight pointed out that besides her, Hitch is the second pony to take care of a baby dragon, knowing that experience too well when she took care of Spike.

Pipp chuckled sheepishly at Sunset and Twilight. “Point taken.” She said, finding that true.

"Can you think of any other reason why Sparky would disappear?" Zipp questioned him.

"What if he was unhappy?" Hitch theorized with worry and guilt. "Oh no! What if he... decided to run away?!" He cried out in panic as he grabbed his phone and looked at a picture of Sparky. "I've always tried my best to take care of my little buddy and make him happy from the dragon lessons Twilight and Sunset taught me since they’re dragon experts." He said, moving to a picture of Sparky on the beach. "I keep a watchful eye on him, going above and beyond to make sure he's safe" He added, moving to a picture of Sparky hugging Cloudpuff as other critters got around him, like Kenneth, McSnips and Curtle. "I protect him the way I protect the all of the ponies and critters in Maretime Bay: as if they were my own family!" He pointed out. "And now... this." He cried out, letting his phone fall as he covered his face with his hooves.

Sunset placed a hoof on Hitch for comfort. “We’ll find him, Hitch. We just have to look at the places where he would go.” She assures Hitch.

"But look at all these other places Sparky loves!" Zipp pointed out with a smile, checking the pictures again. “You know, I think Sunny and Sunset was onto something. He’s definitely hiding somewhere familiar.” She stated.

"Sparky does love hide-and-seek!" Hitch pointed out. “And honestly, he is way too good at it.” He added, knowing how very good Sparky is at hiding as he gave a determined look. “I can do this. I can find my little guy!" He said, jumping off the couch and landing on his hooves. "Okay. Sheriff Hitch is back on duty! I’m the best-pony-dad in the world…” He declared as he walked off with the others following him.

"The only pony-dragon-dad in the world." Izzy whispered to Zipp with a smile.

“...and I can't sit around and mope, when there's work to do!" Hitch added with a determinate look as he faced the door. “You’re right. He couldn’t have gone far.” He added with a grunt as he walked to the door with his friends following him.

“For a dragon-dad, Hitch sure got determination for Sparky.” Sunset said to the others with a smile, the others nodded their heads in agreement as they walked out the door.

But as the Mane 6, Misty pocked her head from behind the closet Izzy tried to open before, she didn’t hear or see Twilight when she was still hiding from the others, and once she saw the other leaving, she got back inside and sighed. "I feel kind of bad for Hitch, but..." She said a bit guilty, then inhaled and walked deeper into the closet.

There, Sparky was playing with one of Zipp's feathers, while Misty looked at him with a grin.

"Gave me a little chase all the way here, didn't you? But now you're caught! Ha?" Misty told the baby dragon, and then started to laugh maniacally, but then Sparky started to laugh at her 'evil laugh'. "Hey, give me a break! I'm still working on the evil laugh." She pointed out. "Okay, so far, my well of junk to hide us worked. Check!" She said with a cheery smile, while Sparky started to suck his own foot. "Now, all I have to do is sneak you out of the Brighthouse somehow, not get caught by Sunset or the others, and then, bring you to Opaline." She stated.

Sparky just started to purr at her in response.

"Ah! She'll be so proud of me, and so powerful she'll... She'll finally give me my Cutie Mark!" Misty said with a joyful smile. "It's all I've ever wanted, Sparky. That's why I have to do this" she told the baby dragon with a guilty expression, while just making gibberish sounds to her. "You're a really good listener, you know that?" She told Sparky with a smile. "I'm usually the quiet listening one." She confessed.

Once again, Sparky just made a gibberish sound to her with a smile.

"Honestly, I don't get what all those ponies are fussing about. You're a total breeze to take care of!" Misty said, turning around with a smile, but then Sparky rolled towards a pile of boxes.

Misty turned around, and felt confused when Sparky was gone, then she looked back in front and found him growling with a menacing face at her, which scared her a lot. “Right?” She asked nervously as Sparky kept growling at her.

A little bit later, the Mane 6 arrived at Mane Street, ready to begin their search for Sparky.

"Alright, team. We've got a job to do." Hitch stated to the rest. "Let's start at Sparky's favorite places: the Community Garden, Mane Melody––" He listed some of them.

"I've got Mane Melody!" Zipp said.

"And I'll supervise!" Pipp said quickly in panic. "There's way too many styling products that could get compromised if Zipp goes digging around." She said with a frown until she saw her sister giving her a look with a raised eyebrow. “I mean… I know Mane Melody like the back of my hoof!” She corrected herself as her sister smiled. “Ugh. I really need a polish from Jazz.” She groaned when she saw the conditions her hoof is in.

"I'll check the garden!" Sunny told Hitch.

“I’ll search through the air and see if I can cover more ground to find Sparky.” Sunset called out.

Izzy stopped them with a hoof. "Hmm, I don't know..." She said, placing a hoof on her chin. "I think we should just follow our gut feelings on where to go next." She suggested.

"But if we don't create a plan of action, we'll get confused." Zipp pointed out.

"But if we over-plan, then Sparky could be right under our noses and we wouldn't even know!" Izzy said, touching her own nose. "Like, ah! Is he under my nose right now? No, he is not." She said, checking literally under her nose. "But! He could have been. See what I mean?" She asked with a smile, while Sunset facehoof herself.

"Ooh, that is a good point!" Pipp said with a smile.

"Is it, tho?" Zipp questioned.

“I can’t even make sense of Izzy when she talks like Pinkie half the time.” Sunset said in a bored expression, not sure if she followed Izzy’s plan.

"What am I supposed to do? Should I still search the Garden?" Sunny asked, very confused.

Suddenly, Hitch's phone started to beep, and he panicked more when he took it out. "Oh no! It's nearly Sparky's nap-nap time!" He said with worry, putting his phone away after turning his alarm off. "If Sparky doesn't get his nap-nap, he gets cranky. And if he gets cranky, he gets mischievous. And if he gets mischievous... We need to start the search now!" He stated.

“Yeah. The last thing we need is a mischievous Sparky on our hooves. He can cause trouble with his lack of sleep.” Sunset said, having seen that side of Sparky before as the others nodded in agreement.

"Don't forget, ponies! We can do anything if we do it togeth––" Sunny tried to say, but then Hitch cut her off.

"Split up!" Hitch ordered through the megaphone, and everyone went in different directions.

“Sparky! Sparky!” Zipp called out for the baby dragon, with just Sunny and Sunset behind.

“Ugh…” Sunny said.

“Hitch really gotta follow our example, even if he is worried.” Sunset said with Sunny nodding in agreement as Sunset flew off while Sunny walked a little disappointed towards the Community Garden.

At Mane Melody, Zipp used her magnificent glass and threw some things from the salon.

"Not here." Zipp said, as she threw the things.
Oh!" Pipp exclaimed, as she dragged herself on the ground to catch her things before they broke, as she breathed heavily in fear.

Then, Zipp opened a cabinet and threw the things from there too. "Not here" she said again, while Pipp caught her things with a groan. Now Zipp flew towards one of the chairs with a Mane-dryer, and looked inside of it. "Not here." she said, moving the dryer in a way that made Pipp quickly fix it, and then she frowned at Zipp. "What is all this stuff anyway?" She asked, grabbing some makeup from a stand.

“It’s called makeup, Zipp.” Pipp answered as she glared at her sister.

“Well, the only thing we have to make up for is lost time." Zipp stated, putting the makeup at the edge of the stand. "So hop to it!" She ordered, as she continued to search around the salon.

"Ugh!" Pipp said in annoyance, as she put some things that Zipp threw back in place.

At the Community Garden, Izzy and Sunny were looking for the baby dragon.

"Sparky?" Sunny called out.

"Oh, Sparkeroni Baloney!" Izzy called out, looking under a bench that she levitated, then putted back down. "Little macaroni man!" She called out again, now moving rudely to some plants that died immediately. "Schnoodley schmoop-face!" She kept calling to Sparky.

"Please be more delicate with the plants!" Sunny begged Izzy. "They have feelings too!" She pointed with worry, and then delicately lifted up the plants. "I'm so sorry, she doesn't know any better." She told the plants that grew normally back after her kind words.

In the skies, Sunset is looking around for any signs of Sparky as she flies through the sky.

“Sparky! Sparky! Where are you, little dragon?!” Sunset called out, hoping that Sparky would hear her, but got no response. Sunset groans at this. “Twilight. I need your advice on how to find Sparky.” She said to the necklace as it opened as Twilight appeared. “You’re the only dragon expert other than me who knows these things, and you took care of Spike when he hatched from his egg, so any ideas on how to find a baby dragon?” She asked her old friend.

Twilight thought for a moment before speaking. “Well, I am familiar with this new era of Equestria, but if the dragon's ways haven’t changed, you just need to lure Sparky out with something that all dragons are attracted to. I sometimes use something similar to get Spike to me when he was just a hatchling.” She said with a chuckle. “But I don’t know what Sparky likes. But you could have asked Hitch since he’s the one who adopted Sparky after you and Hitch found his egg from the beach you told me about.” She said, while she may know ways about dragons, she doesn’t know Sparky since he’s a different kind of dragon so she doesn’t know what he likes personally and that Hitch knows him better than any of them since that’s his baby dragon.

Sunset thought of what Twilight just said. “Yeah. I see your point. Between you and me being dragon experts, Hitch is the only one who knows Sparky better than all of us. Once we regroup, I’ll ask him. Thanks Twilight.” She thanked Twilight with a smile for some advice.

Anytime, Sunset.” Twilight answered with a smile as she returned back into the necklace as Sunset continued her search.

Little bit later, Hitch got back to the station, deciding to look for himself.

"Are you here?" Hitch asked, launching himself to the ground, but only found a dog eating his chomped sandwich. "No, but I guess I found you, Pearl." He said, patting the little dog a bit.

Next, Hitch moved towards one of the cabinets.

"Here?" Hitch asked, opening the cabinet, but only found a squirrel with a lot of acorns. "Nope, that's Sid." He said with a bored expression.

Then, Hitch moved towards the closet again.

"Here?" Hitch questioned again, but instead found a bunny reading a magazine and wearing sunglasses. "Doug the Bunny, good day, sir." He said with a salute, then closed the closet again and kept searching around the station.

Meanwhile, Misty was having some trouble with Sparky. Like Hitch said before, he got mischievous because he didn't have his nap-nap, and now he was causing some trouble for Misty.

"Okay! I just need to get you out of here, while the coast is clear" Misty told Sparky, as she extended her hoof to try and grab him, but Sparky walked backwards as he growled at the unicorn. "Come with me, little dragon..." She said softly.

However, Sparky kept growling at her, and then he jumped as he tried to bite her hoof.

"Woah there!" Misty said with panic, as she started to run around the closet and screamed, while Sparky chased her, spilling some dragon fire.

She eventually got out of the closet, and then the one chasing Sparky was her, as he ran around the living room of the Brighthouse.

"Think on your hooves, Misty!" Misty told herself.

She managed to surround Sparky on Izzy's crafting spot, as he started to growl and gibberish to Misty again.

She then grabbed a spoon and used it like it was a toy. "My name is Mr. Spoon! And I'm––" she tried to say, but then Sparky turned the spoon into a cactus with his fire, and Misty was now grabbing the cactus directly from the plant and not the pot. "Ouch! A prickly cactus! Ow!" She complained in pain, then put the cactus aside and grabbed a shelf. "And I'm a wobbly shelf named... Shelfie. Take a picture––" She said, moving the shelf like a puppet, but then Sparky turned the shelf into a lot of bubbles, which made Misty fall to the ground. "It'll last longer." She said to Sparky.

Sparky kept growling at her, but then the bubbles called his attention, and he forgot about Misty for a moment.

"I can do this! I have to." Misty told herself, but then she heard hoofsteps coming from outside, and she started to panic.

Then, the doors of the Brighthouse opened, and the five Mares entered with disappointed looks.

Then Hitch appeared behind them. "Any luck?" He asked desperately.

However, the rest's ears fell, and Sunny and Izzy looked at them with sadness. "No. Nothing so far." Zipp replied for the rest.

"But I did find... a perfectly good super-old broken-down tram car that I have big plans for!" Izzy said cheerfully.

As for Misty, she managed to get back into the closet and cover Sparky's ears, while the baby dragon held the cactus he made before. "Phew!" Misty said in relief that she wasn't discovered.

"So, there's that..." Izzy said, a bit cheerful.

“Izzy, just stop. We’re trying to look for Sparky.” Sunset said with a bored expression.

"He ran away, didn't he?" Hitch questioned, with an anxious look. "I failed myself as a pony-dragon-dad." He said with disappointment, once again laying on a couch. "And worst of all, failed Sparky." He said defeated, as Izzy placed a hoof on his back.

Sunset was about to speak up, but Zipp beat her to it. “Wait." Zipp said suddenly, gaining Hitch's attention. "I think I've connected some dots on a clue." She confessed, showing a picture of Sparky in Mane Melody as he held a comb. "It was under our noses the whole time. Look! " She said, then zoomed the image to see Sparky's Blankie completely clean.

"I knew it!" Izzy said, as she and Hitch looked closely at the image.

"Blankeroni? What do you mean?" Hitch questioned Zipp, grabbing the tablet to look better at the picture.

“Zipp. What are you getting at?” Sunset asked, before she could speak to her advice Twilight told her, she wanting to know what Zipp is trying to say.

"Notice in these pictures that Sparky is never without his blankie?" Zipp asked, as Hitch verified that, indeed, Sparky had the blanket with him the whole time, and now Hitch had it with him.

"What are you saying?" Hitch questioned again.

"So, if he's not with it, it's not by choice. Somepony has taken Sparky!" Zipp explained. “He’s been dragon-napped!” She stated.

Both Hitch and Izzy gasped in shock at what Zipp just said. "Dragon-napped?!" Hitch questioned with panic, while Izzy fainted at his side, with Pipp getting closer and flapping her wing to calm her. “Nopony dragon-naps my dragon before he’s napped!” He said in determination. “Or after! Or at all! I need all hooves on deck!” He called out to his friends, who stood like soldiers in front of him.

"I'll scan the sky with Pony-Drone and zero-in on anything that looks suspicious!" Zipp stated, putting on her Z-Goggles.

"Good, good. Sparky does tend to leave a mark wherever he goes. Next?" Hitch asked.
"Izzy and I will be the on-the-ground ponies" Sunny stated with a smile. "I'll use my roller-skates!" She added.

"And I'll use my eyes! To look for stuff!" Izzy said cheerfully. "Also, I have magic powers." She added, pointing at her horn.

“I’ll search through the places around Maretime Bay while finding any clues where Sparky is.” Sunset said.

"Pipp? What you got?" Hitch questioned her.

"I can cover Maretime Bay the best way I know how, a social media blast!" Pipp explained. "The fans have eyes everywhere!" She pointed out.

"And I will rally my squad of animal deputies!" Hitch stated as well. “It’s go time!” He announced while pointing his hoof, but noticed his friends hadn't moved.

“Uh, girls, that means go!” Sunset called out, clarifying what Hitch is saying with a bored tone.

“I’ll start on that post!” Pipp called out as she looked at her phone.

“Gotcha.” Sunny said, getting inside of the Brighthouse.

"Aye, aye sheriff!" Izzy said, also getting out of the place.

"Oh, yeah! Okay!" Zipp said, flying deep in the Brighthouse as well.

“We’ll let you know when we find any leads, Hitch!” Sunset said as she flew out the Brighthouse.

Soon enough Hitch also got out of there to continue his search for Sparky.

Meanwhile, Misty was checking if the Mane 6 left to get Sparky out, who fell asleep as he hugged the cactus.

"Finally tired you out with that puppet improv show but––" Misty said, but then she saw that the cactus was alone, and Sparky was missing. "Hide-and-seek, right?" She asked with a smile. "Two can play that game!" she stated, walking deeper into the closet. "Here, Sparky, Sparky, Sparky, Sparky..." She called for Sparky.

But then, she dodged a paint pot that almost hit her on the head, and looked on in shock.

"I see..." Misty said with a panicked voice. "So you somehow rigged this whole place with traps in two seconds. Cool, cool. Totally cool." She stated, still with panic in her voice. "It's not like I'm trying to hunt a genius baby-dragon with wild powers or anything." She said, then she heard some crashing noises and Sparky laughing. "Oh, I don't like the sound of that." She said with worry.

At Maretime Bay, Zipp and her drone were flying around, looking for any clues that could lead them to Sparky. And then, the drone detected something.

"A-ha! Dragon-prints" Zipp said, as her Z-Goggles scanned the trail of prints in the ground. "Huh, but these ones look fresh..."She said, following the trial.

But soon enough she realized that the end of it led to a couple of turtles having a date, as they also had a smoothie in front of them.

"Oh, wow, freshly wrong. Sorry!" Zipp apologized, as she flew backwards to leave the turtles alone.

While Zipp flew away to look anywhere else, Sunny passed by on her roller-skates. "Hey!" Sunny called out to the ponies on town. "Hey, you guys! Have you seen––" She tried to ask Dahlia and another mare that was with her, but then Izzy passed by her side quickly and made Sunny twirl around until she got stuck on a barrel. "Izzy!" She yelled out.

Sunset flew close by and saw Izzy holding some instruments and saw Sunny rolling in a barrel. “Izzy, you just trapped Sunny in a barrel, and what’s with the instruments?” She asked in confusion as she stopped Sunny from rolling.

"Oops, sorry!" Izzy apologized to Sunny, while she wore some kind of musical instrument that played both a battery, a tuba and a harmonica. "I just unicycled this dragon lure device. Look!" She said, answering Sunset’s question before making the instrument work as it not only made a terrible sound, but also made some bubbles and spilled cookies. "Pretty cool, right? Everything a dragon loves in one place!" She told Sunny and Sunset, who looked at her with frowns since Sunny was still stuck on the barrel while Sunset rolled her eyes.

“This reminds me of when Pinkie played ten instruments at once.” Sunset said in a doll tone.

“I hear that.” Sunny said in agreement.

Izzy then started to use the unicycled instrument, while ponies around gathered to record her and upload the videos to social media.

At Mane Melody, Pipp was with Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz, preparing the post to look for Sparky.

"Finally!" Pipp said with a smile. "I've composed the perfect post for Sparky" She stated. "It tugs at your heart, your mind, your soul. Pippsqueaks, you ready?" She asked the Pippsqueaks.

"Pipp, Pipp, Hooray!" Seashell cheered, as she and her friends sat down with smiles and their phones out.

"Okay" Pipp stated, sitting on the floor as well. "We all post... Now!" She ordered, as the four mares published their respective posts. However, Pipp was used to getting imminent responses from her posts, and right now there was no response at all. "Uh, what's happening?" She questioned, both confused and worried. "Why aren't we getting any views?" She asked again.

Then, Seashell came to her, showing her phone to her. "It looks like something else is pulling viewers away from our post." She explained, showing Pipp a video of Izzy using her instrument, with Sunny behind still stuck on the barrel and thousands of hearts popping out on the post.

Pipp sighed with her ears down. "That is spectacular." she said sarcastically. "Well, I hope Hitch is gaining ground. He's always so much calmer, steadier, and focused than all of us" She said with a smile.

Back at the Station, Hitch was panicking a lot as he grunted and threw some 'Missing' papers of Sparky.
He was so desperate that he started to hit one of the four printing machines. "Print already! Print!" He said.

Soon enough, the machine printed a new copy of 'Missing' of Sparky, and Hitch moved from one machine to another to grab the copies and stack them on different piles.

Then, he moved towards his animal 'deputies'. "Pearl, I'm gonna need you on poster duty" he ordered to the dog, who replied with barks. "Do you think I made enough?" He asked.

Pearl moved to one of the many piles and examined it, then shook his head saying 'no' and barking more.

"You're right, we need more. Any questions?" Hitch told the critters, who replied by barking, tweeting or chittering. "Yes, Curtle, search the cinema!" He told Curtle, who smiled in response. "And the old defense factory, Kenneth!" he told the two birds, who saluted in response. "Okay team, let's get out there. Move, move, move!" He ordered the critters.

Then he blew his whistle and the critters went out of the station, except for Curtle, since he was a turtle, and a yellow bird that stood on Hitch's back tweeted to him.

"I know I'm being a little intense right now." Hitch confessed with worry, while the bird tweeted to him again. "Yes, and emotional." He added. "I'm going through a lot of feelings. If I can't protect Sparky, how am I supposed to protect the whole city of Maretime Bay? How can I protect anypony or anything?" He questioned anxiously.

The bird on his back just replied by nuzzling his body with Hitch's neck and tweeting again.

"You're right. We can do this. And no doubt my friends are on it." he said with a confident smile.

But then, the station phone started to ring, and he answered the call. "So, quick update, we are not on it." Sunny said from the other side with panic.

At the Mane Street, Sunny is calling on her phone, speaking to Hitch while Zipp is still searching, Izzy is playing with her instrument, Pipp is looking at her phone, and Sunset is flying around to keep searching.

"We keep getting in each other's way and I hate to break it to you, but this ain't working!" Sunny told Hitch about their search, which isn’t doing great for them.

Back at the station, Hitch heard what Sunny just said to him.

"Copy that." Hitch said with a frown, putting the phone down. "No more Mister Nice-Stallion. I'm gonna find that dragon and the pony that took him, at any cost!" He said with anger, putting on Sparky's Blankie as a cape. "It's time for... Operation Glitterbomb." He stated, now putting on a blue mask on his face.

Misty was still in the closet at the Brighthouse, looking at a video of Pipp on her page in Ponygram.

"If you've seen... Izzy, the noise?" Pipp said on the video, asking Izzy to shut it with her instrument. "If you've seen Sparky–– Ah!" She screamed when Zipp flew too close to her. "Zipp! Fly a little higher–– If you've seen a dragon..." Pipp cried out, since she couldn't record the video properly.

"Good. They have their hooves full." Misty said with a smile, putting her phone away. "But I don't have all day and I don’t want to take my chances if Sunset finds me. Oh, Sparky!" She called out, but got no response at all, not even a sound. "It's just some fun and games, right? I like fun." She said, a bit optimistic. "I think... I've never really had it, but how hard can it be?" She questioned herself.

Then, she walked deeper inside the closet, and found Sparky trying to hide as he laughed a bit.

"I see you..." Misty said, as Sparky moved away. "Now, where were we?" She asked with a confident smile.

Misty then ducked down and dodged the paint pots, then saw one of them hit another that spilled in the ground. Misty jumped over it and then many lasers appeared suddenly, as Misty dodged the lasers like a pro. She then jumped, and two cans of spray shot some against her, but Misty dodged them elegantly and then landed with a proud smile.

"Still got it!" Misty said with pride, but then she tripped with a brush on the ground, and the brush flew into the air until it hit a bucket with feathers similar to Zipp's and fell right into Misty's head. "And still got my own clumsiness." She said with frustration, spilling some feathers that entered her mouth, while Sparky looked at her with a smile and as he moved his tail in happiness.

Back at Maretime Bay, Pipp was still trying to spread the message of Sparky being missing on her social media with her Pippsqueaks behind her, but Izzy kept making noise with her instrument.

"I said, can you keep the noise down for just a minute, Izzy?" Pipp shouted.

"What? I'm confused. Sunny, can you stop skating around me? It's making me dizzy!" Izzy asked Sunny.

"Hey, Pipp! Stop that!" Zipp told her sister, taking off her Z-Goggles. "You're stepping on those marks! They could be dragon-prints!" she pointed out with a frown.

"How am I supposed to know?" Pipp said anxiously.

"Stop fighting, this isn't helping!" Sunny told the other mares with a worried expression as Sunset landed next to Sunny.

“You ponies really need to stop fighting! We are trying to look for Sparky here! Can’t we just focus on who is missing please!” Sunset added, really frustrated that this fell apart quickly.

"Evil, I'm coming for you!" Hitch's voice was heard by the group.

They mares all turned around to see Hitch posing over the ceiling of the station, wearing a blue mask and a Sparky's blanket as a cape.

"Uh, Hitch?" Zipp called out confused. Suddenly, Zoom and Thunder appeared, wearing purple masks, and the critters also showed up with frowns. "Zoom? Thunder! What are they doing here?" She questioned, as she and the other mares looked at Hitch with worry, while Sunset raised an eyebrow at Hitch.

“First Sunny takes drastic measures when her lantern went missing and now Hitch takes drastic measures to find Sparky when he’s missing. How did I not see that coming?” Sunset asked herself, wondering why she didn’t see this coming when the same thing happened to Sunny, really seeing a connection here.

"It looks like Hitch is gearing up for... something epic" Izzy said with a deep voice, while Hitch looked on with a frown.

"And intense." Zipp added.

"And too, too much." Pipp said, a bit scared as the three fillies hid behind her.

“More like that the absence of Sparky has gotten to him so bad, he’s being overdramatic like the time Sunny was overdramatic.” Sunset said blankly with a raised eyebrow.

“Hey!” Sunny called out, having heard that.

“Don’t give me that look, Sunny. You were more dramatic as Hitch when your lantern went missing.” Sunset pointed out.

Sunny was about to retort, but then thought of what Sunset just reminded her when her lantern went missing and she almost went overboard. “Okay. You got me there.” She admittedly said, seeing that as a fair point.

"Go!" Hitch ordered the pegasi and the critters, still with his deep voice. "Leave no stone unturned." He added.

"Told ya." Izzy said with a chill tone.

"We gotta find that dragon and fast." Sunny said with worry that Hitch is going this far with Sparky missing.

“Yeah. Hitch is going overboard.” Sunset said in worried as well.

Then, Hitch, the critters, Zoom and Thunder started to run around town to find the culprit that took Sparky away.

"Culprit, I will find you!" Hitch said with a deep voice, kicking some things around and acting like anything but a respectful sheriff. "And I will make you pay... With litter pickup duty!" He added with anger. "You'll regret the day you ever crossed Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer." He said again, scaring the ponies that were passing by.

“Yep. He’s lost his marbles.” Sunset said in a bored expression, seeing that Hitch has lost it.

"This is all wrong!" Sunny exclaimed with worry. "By trying to find Sparky each our own way, we've created more stress and fear." She said to the others.

“Sunny’s right, girls. We gotta come up with a better plan, only this time, together since doing it in our own ways isn’t work.” Sunset said, agreeing with Sunny. “Our own plans may work, but one can’t do this alone. But together, we can do anything if we work together as one and not alone.” She said to others..

"Sunset’s right.” Sunny said as she continues. “Friends, we need to remain calm and listen to each other. Unified, we can do anything, remember?" She told them with a smile.

"We have been kind of..." Izzy said, then made some weird noises, stating that they haven't been really helpful. "... all over the place." She added.

"Exactly. Each of us may have a different approach, but there's got to be a way for us to get on the same track, right?" Sunny asked with a smile.

“Yeah. We must come up with a plan that will actually succeed if we work together, not alone.” Sunset said, having learned this experience whenever a situation like the Equestrian Magic crisis in CHS happens, she knows that one mustn’t do this alone if others worked together.

"Ah, the same track..." Izzy said with a thoughtful face.

"We need a way for us all to search together." Pipp pointed out.

"And further." Zipp added.

"But how?" Izzy questioned.

“We don’t know, but first things first, rein Hitch in!” Sunny called out as the Mares looked at their side and saw Hitch glaring at Toots in front of him.

“Yeah, that stallion needs to stop.” Sunset added, seeing this has gone far long enough as they need to stop Hitch before he does anything more crazy.

Hitch then cornered Toots as the stallion looked at Hitch with fright. "No, sheriff, no, I swear!" He said with fear. "I was just eatin' cookies and chillin.'" He added.

"With Sparky?!" Hitch yelled with anger.

"No, with my mother! I love her so much!" Toots replied.

“Hitch!” Both Sunny and Sunset said as they got between Hitch and Toots.

“That’s enough!” Sunset added.

“Hey!" Hitch yelled back.

"Mommy!" Toots cried out, as he ran away from the sheriff and his friends.

"Listen, we know––" Sunny tried to say but was cut off by Hitch.

"You two know where Sparky is?!" Hitch yelled at them with a twitchy eye, before Sunset slapped him hard on the cheek. “Ow!” He called out from his smack as he rubbed his cheeks, having snapped out of it from the slap.

“Calm your pony head there, Sheriff, and listen to what Sunny has to say!” Sunset called out firmly, which got Hitch to shut up.

"No, but all of this commotion isn't helping." Sunny told him. "It might even scare him off!" She pointed out, as the others arrived as well.

“Yeah, Hitch! This is like the time Sunny lost her lantern and almost went overboard. Now you are doing it as well! Now it’s Sunny’s turn to talk you out of it.” Sunset stated.

Sunny continued after Sunset. “Now, think. Is there anything we’re missing? Anything else Sparky loves?” She asked Hitch.

“I was gonna tell you what else Sparky loves to do to find him earlier, but when Zipp pointed out that he was dragon-napped, it got us all worried and stressed out.” Sunset pointed out, wanting to tell them that earlier but everything went crazy and even more worried for Sparky. “Now let’s calm down and think about what else Sparky loves to do.” She said in a calm tone.

Hitch calmed down a bit as he was back in reality as he took off his mask. “I don’t think so. I’ve thought of everything! And still no sign of him.” He said in a worried and sad tone. “I’m so worried.” He said as she hung his head down.

“We know.” Zipp told him with a smile.

"That's why we're here." Pipp added with a little smile.

"To help. And listen." Izzy said as well.

“And work together and think of a way to find Sparky.” Sunset added.

"I just miss his little face..." Hitch confessed. "Him stealing my badges, eating snacks..." He added with sadness."Him dancing around when he hears music." He finished.

Sunset widened her eyes when she heard that last part. “Wait? Hitch, go back to that.” She said to Hitch.

“Eating snacks?” Hitch asked in confusion.

“No, the one after it.” Sunset answered.

“Him dancing around when he hears music?” Hitch asked again in confusion.

“Yeah that, the one. Music.” Sunset answered with a smile.

“Music?” Pipp asks herself, but then realizes what Sunset is saying. “We completely forgot about music!” She called out.

“Huh?” The Zipp, Hitch and Izzy all asked in confusion.

“We know how to find Sparky!” Both Sunset and Pipp called out in unison with smiles, now having a plan to find Sparky.

Back at the Brighthouse closet, Sparky was playing with a feather, while a box behind him moved slowly and he didn't realize.

And then, Misty jumped out of the box and grabbed Sparky. "Finally, I got you!" she cheered, as she hugged the baby dragon. "And that means, I'll get my Cutie Mark!" she shouted and squealed with excitement.

Then, Mity lifted the baby dragon to look straight at his face, and she nuzzled her nose against his, while Sparky just giggled.

"Once I get it, I promise to bring you back. I've kind of grown to like you." Misty confessed with a smile. "But until then, to Opaline we go!" She declared.

Misty then walked out of the closet with a cheery smile, but once she opened the door slightly, music and Pipp's singing voice were heard.

(A Special Tune Song)

Do you hear that song?

Misty poked her head out of the Brighthouse, and looked at town with panic.


"Doo-doo-doo-doo." Sparky sang along.

"No!" Misty shouted with panic. "Oh, no, no, no!" She cried out again, as she started to walk backwards.

At Mane Street, Pipp is at the center of it as she sings through her microphone with the others listening.

The melody that's ringing out

"Doo-doo-doo-doo." Sparky's voice was heard by the Mane 6.

“That's Sparky's voice!" Hitch cheered, while Izzy played the tuba beside Pipp. "How are you doing this?!" He asked Pipp.

"It's the lullaby I wrote for him!" Pipp said with a smile. "A classic call-and-response song." She stated.

“How did you know this, Sunset?” Hitch asked Sunset next.

“Me and Twilight are dragon experts, remember. And Twilight used to sing a lullaby to Spike when he was a hatchling, so Sparky is no different. And I learned this from Fluttershy after her trip to the Dragon Lands during Baby Dragon Hatching Season after those baby dragons hatched.” Sunset answered with a smile, with her and Twilight dragon experts and some notes from the dragon lands as well from Twilight and Fluttershy, and a little bit from Spike, a lullaby usually gets a baby dragon to sleep, or sing along.

"Well, it's working, you guys!" Sunny said with a smile.

"Keep singing it, Pipp!" Zipp told her sister.

Then, Izzy stood at one side of Pipp with the tube and a flute. And as the two friends played and sang, Pipp's and Izzy's Cutie Marks started to shine bright again.

You hear that sound?

"Doo-doo-doo-doo." Sparky sang back.

The melody that's ringing out

"Everypony, sing along!" Zipp told the others, as she flew in the air. "The Cutie Mark magic is amplifying the sound." She pointed out, then flew back in ground as she and the other mares, sins Hitch, started to sing along.


"Oo-oo-oo-ooh." Sparky sang again.

A special tune

"I can hear him!" Hitch said excitedly, then looked at the Brighthouse and smiled. "He's at the Crystal Brighthouse!" He said.

That keeps you true
Sing the song that makes you!

Back at the Brighthouse, Sparky kept singing along as he spilled some dragon fire, while Misty tried everything to make sure he stayed quiet.

“La la la!” Misty screamed as she tried to block out the song. “Listen to me instead, oh so pretty, right?!” She cried out as she screamed again, but the song was too loud to block out.

Sing your song that makes you

Desperate to make Sparky stay quiet, Misty grabbed a basket and put the baby dragon inside. "There we go!" Misty cheered, but then some dragon fire got out of the basket, until he breathed a lot of it and scared Misty. "No!" She screamed in fear.

Misty then saw a jar, and grabbed it, then managed to catch a flame of Sparky's breath on it.

"Sparky!" the voice of Hitch spoke, which cause Misty to gasp and hide quickly.

Hitch then entered the room, and saw Sparky coming out of the basket a bit dizzy. "Sparky!" he cheered, waving his hoof at the baby dragon, while Sparky turned to face him and smiled.

Hitch then ran down the stairs to him, but than Sparky’s traps kicks in as some paint buckets hit him in the face and got some on him, got stuck on some black substances like glue but got free, had a box over his head as he tries to keep his balance with his hooves all slippery, and got hit by some lasers as he made his way through.

“Sparky!” Hitch called out as some green streamers got on him, not that he cared as he crashed his way to his baby dragon as they hit the wall, but Hitch didn't care as he nuzzled his baby dragon in joy, really glad that he’s okay and found.

“Aww!” Sunny, Izzy and Sunset all said at the cute sight while Zipp just looked on with a smile.

Pipp chuckled a bit before cringing. “Also, ew.” She said, finding the traps that made Hitch’s messy gross.

"Sparky! You're okay!" Hitch said with a bright smile before he got serious. “Never leave my sight again!” He added while looking at Sparky, who gave him a lick on his muzzle, with made Hitch nuzzle him even more.

“Love what you’ve done with the place, Sparky!” Izzy cheered for the dragon while looking at the mess he made with his traps. “So unconventional. He’s a visionary. A true style icon.” She added with a smile.

"I'm so glad we found you." Sunny said to Sparky, as she, Sunset and Izzy got closer to Hitch and Sparky.

“You were tough to find, that’s for sure.” Sunset added with a smile.

"I would've gone to the ends of Equestria to make sure Sparky was safe!" Hitch assures with a smile.

"Wow! To the ends of Equestria!” Izzy called out with a smile as she got between them while waving her hoof around. “That sounds tiring." She said.

“But it would’ve been worth it to find somepony, or creature in Sparky’s case, to make sure they’re all right.” Sunset added with a smile while petting Sparky’s head, who giggled at her touch.

"Thanks for helping me, everypony!" Hitch told the others with a grateful smile. "I'm sorry if I went a little... overboard." He apologized, as Zipp landed in front of him.

"Maybe just a little." Zipp said with a teasing tone.

“And lost a couple of marbles at best.” Sunset added with a teasing smirk.

“But we totally understand.” Pipp answered with a smile. “Sparky’s your best buddy.” She added while the baby dragon played with the feather again as he blew on it.

“And ours too.” Zipp said, as she gently caressed Sparky's cheek.

"I promise this will never happen again" Hitch assured his friends and Sparky.

"You really are the best pony-dragon-dad in the world, you know that?" Pipp told him with a smile.

“And I know Twilight would be proud of you.” Sunset added with a smile, knowing Twilight will be proud of Hitch for taking care of Sparky, which she would since she heard every from inside the necklace, as Hitch smiled at Sunset for saying that.

"Technically, the only––" Izzy tried to point out.

"Izzy!" The others said with bored expressions.

“Seriously, Izzy, enough is enough.” Sunset added.

"Just kidding!" Izzy said cheerfully. "Ooh! I know a super secret place in town to watch the sunset! Come on!" She stated, then ran back upstairs.

Hitch turned to Sparky with a smile. “How does that sound, my little Sparky-Malarkey?” He asked his baby dragon who spoke in gibberish as he smiled at Hitch, meaning ‘yes’.

“So what’s this super-secret place?” Sunny asked Izzy as the Mane 6 walked out of the room.

Izzy turned to the others with a smile “Oh, it’s the bridge!” She answered, which earned laughs from her friends from that.

“Why are we not surprised?” Sunset asked jokily with a smile.

What they didn’t know is that Misty was hiding behind some boxes as she sighs in relief that she didn’t get caught as she waited for the Mane 6 to walk out of the Brighthouse so she can get out of here.

Not long after, Misty managed to get out of the Brighthouse with the jar containing some of Sparky's dragon fire.

"It's not a dragon, but it is Dragonfire." Misty said to herself. "It'll have to do..." She told herself again, now with a worried expression as she made her way back to Opaline’s Castle.

Sometime later at Opaline’s Castle, Misty came into the throne room where Opaline was waiting for her, while Misty looked nervous when Opaline turned to her.

“Where is my dragon?” Opaline demanded, which made Misty to lower herself in fright.

“I did everything I could to get Spark--” Misty cuts herself off when she realizes what she was about to say, knowing Opaline won’t like that. “I mean, your dragon, but this was all I could get.” She explained as she showed the jar of Sparky’s dragonfire to Opaline.

Opaline smiled at the dragonfire. “It’s been hundreds of moons since I’ve last seen Dragonfire. How beautiful it is.” She said with a smile as she opened the jar as the dragon fire came into contact right into her face as her horn glowed up in flames as Opaline concentrated.

Misty watches in shock at what’s happening as Opaline flies into the air as she spreads her wings, which causes it to glow and burn up in magical flames as Opaline laughs evilly. “Yes! Yes! Power!” She announced as she felt the magic flowing through her as she released a small shockwave of magic through her horn as she gave another evil laugh as Misty went for cover in front of a door between tree stems as she watched in fright.

Opaline then landed on the floor as she looked at her wings that stopped glowing. “More! I need more!” She called out, wanting more magic to become more powerful as her horn was still in flames. “Then I can finally finish what I started all those moons ago with Twilight Sparkle, finish the last member of the Guardians of Harmony, Sunset Shimmer, and gain control over all magic the way Alicorns were meant to.” She declared as she flared her wings up while Misty kept watching in fright. “No more of this ‘unity and ‘equality’ stuff. The citizens of Equestria should fear and love their immortal rulers. And I don’t need any remnants of Twilight Sparkle influence getting in my way, like that Sunset Shimmer who was friends with Twilight Sparkle and is showing ponies the way of ‘harmony’ and ‘friendship’ like Twilight used to do. And they will, because soon, I’ll give them a reason to.” She declared with an evil smirk, going to get what she wants.

And you'll give me a Cutie Mark?" Misty asked, still in fear.

"That measly drop of dragon fire wasn't enough! And you won't be enough, Misty." Opaline shouted at her with pure anger, which made Misty feel useless. "Not until you can prove that you're actually useful and get. That. DRAGON!" She stated. She then uses her magic to make an image of the Brighthouse appear. "I'm coming for you, little ponies. Especially you, Sunny Starscout and Sunset Shimmer." She said with anger, while Misty walked to her room.

Once Misty made it to her room, which is nothing but a single throw pillow bed and a desk drawer with a window,she lay on her bed and sighed with sadness.

"For somepony made of fire, I've never met a heart so cold." Misty muttered, starting to sob at what Opaline just said to her.

At the bridge of Maretime Bay, the Mane 6 looked at the sunset with smiles as they sigh in relaxation.

"It's so nice just soaking in the serenity and peace of a sunset." Hitch said with a smile.

“That’s funny since my name is ‘sunset’.” Sunset joked with a smile, which made them laugh at the pun, finding it funny and true. “But watching said sunset really relaxes the body and mind ponies.” She added with a smile.

"Uh, what is that?" Zipp questioned, pointing at the sky.

As the Mane 6 looked on that direction, Hitch started to panic again, since Zoom and Thunder were flying over Toots like a hunter ready to catch their prey.

"Oh no, Operation Glitterbomb, I forgot!" Hitch yelled out in panic, and then whistled with his hoof to call to the two pegasi, who approached the sheriff and the rest. "Everypony, the search is off! Operation Glitterbomb is no more. We found him! Sparky is safe!" He told the pegasi and the critters.

"What a relief!" Zoom said, while the ponies on town cheered, glad that all of this was over.

"But what about these cool masks?" Thunder asked Hitch.

"You can keep the masks." Hitch told them with a smile.

"Yes!" Thunder cheered, as he high hoofed with Zoom and then they flew back to Zephyr Heights.

“I hope this won’t happen again, Hitch. But if it does happen again, me and the others will be there to help you and think clearly.” Sunset said to Hitch with a smirk about what just happened again.

“Yeah. I’ll make sure of that.” Hitch said with a smirk as well, going how to remember his lesson.

Kenneth then flew to Zipp as he chirped at her, even though she couldn't understand him as he flew away.

"Well, nothing can surprise me any more." Zipp said with a bored expression.

Suddenly, they all heard a very loud honk, which startled them all and caused Pipp to cover her ears. Then, they saw Izzy arriving with the old tram car she mentioned earlier.

"Surprise!" Izzy said in a cheery tone.

Izzy managed to stop the car before it could hit anyone, and then got down with a smile, while the rest stared at it confused.

"Ah... What is that?" Sunny asked with a sheepish smile.

“Yeah, Izzy. What did you bring us?” Sunset asked in a confuse tone while smiling, wondering what Izzy brought them this time

"My brand-new old, broken down, good-for-nothing, retired tram car!" Izzy presented cheerfully. "Great find, huh?!" She asked, as she lay on the cart. She got worried looks from her friends as a response. "Trust. I got something super-cool up my mane. It's gonna be tram-a-licious. Tram-a-blamo. Tramtastic!" She added, while the rest just laughed at her attitude.

“Well, Izzy, whatever you got plans for this tram car, I know it will be amazing.” Sunset answered with a smile.

“Trust me, Sunset, it will!” Izzy cheered.

"Hey, and next time we're searching for something, you guys can get around in that." Zipp pointed out with a smile, referring to Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, Sparky, since she, Pipp and Sunset could fly, Sunny could too but only when she’s in Alicorn form.

"That's just what I was thinking!" Izzy said cheerfully. "Friends that stick together, can never be separated!" She added, as she and the rest of the Mane 6 started to walk back to the Brighthouse laughing.

But then, Hitch panicked when Sparky disappeared again. "Sparky!" He called out in worry. "Sparky?" He called out again.

And then when Hitch turned to the tram car, Sparky poked his head from the inside of the tram car, wearing a driver hat as he made gibberish sounds and got out of it to run back with Hitch.

Hitch laughed a bit as he grabbed Sparky in his hoof. “Aw…” he sighs in relief as he walks away with the rest of his friends, ready to end their day back at the Brighthouse.

Sunset however stopped for a moment, as she was feeling something wrong as she looked around. Having felt something little dark, like dark magic she is feeling lately, which made Sunset uneasy of his feeling.

“Something is not right. I feel… cold and dark.” Sunset muttered to herself. “Where is that magic coming from?” She asked herself in worry, not sure what to think of this, but had a feeling that it’s something bad as she ran to catch up with the others.

End of Chapter 2 Ep 8.

Author's Note:

That’s the end of Chapter 2 part of MYM, and now just wait until Chapter 3 when it shows on Nov 21.