• Published 25th Sep 2022
  • 929 Views, 29 Comments

Cozy’s New Friend - DeathToPonies

Cozy Glow’s first day of school is dampened by a weird girl who won’t leave her alone and insists on becoming friends.

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Cozy’s New Friend

So many ponies, Cozy Glow thought.

The young pegasus's lime green eyes darted around the massive entrance hall, catching fleeting glimpses of ponies of all shapes, sizes, and colors. She could hear bits and pieces of disconnected exchanges, though never enough to discern an entire interaction. Greetings and goodbyes, jokes and banter, laughter and sobs, "I love you"s and "See you tonight"s.

And then a screech. The poor filly almost jumped out of her skin, before realizing it came from an over-excited griffon.

Creatures, she corrected herself, so many creatures.

She was a young filly, so it stood to reason that she had little to no interaction with creatures other than ponies. She was actually rather against the idea that she would soon be sharing a space with them, but it was difficult to tell if this came from any preexisting prejudice or just fear of the unknown.

She had just left registration at her first day at The School of Friendship. She was unsupervised - one of the first times she had been so in a while. As a part of the Manehattan Rehabilitation Committee for Displaced Foals, she had been under constant care from various foster organizations for the better part of two years. However, no change of pace or situation ever seemed to change her bleak demeanor.

Nothing quite could, after the sudden and tragic death of her parents.

The committee had sent several children to Twilight’s new school after she had won her case against the EEA. Many had returned promising results, but none carried the horrifying baggage that Cozy did. It was a risk, for sure - sending an orphan to a school practically alone like this, especially one with trauma such as her own, but the decision was ultimately made to give it a shot. After all, Twilight's school was one of the most acclaimed safe spaces for any creature of any background to learn friendship.

None of that mumbo jumbo really mattered to Cozy Glow, though. The specifics of the when and where she was experiencing life had changed so drastically over the past few months that even this grand school was just another along the long, ever-growing list of band-aids that adults kept slapping on her pathetic life. She hadn't felt in charge of her own destiny since the day of the incident, and she highly doubted a stay at a "school" of "friendship" would do anything to help. After all, how much could friendship really be worth?

As she walked down the hall to her first class, she noticed a young yak in her way. A burly thing, for sure - but she was clearly small for her species. I can't be intimidated, Cozy thought. This is a litmus test. Cozy frowned, determined, and kept her course forward - even as it became increasingly obvious that the yak did not notice her, and a collision was imminent. She cleared her throat, bringing her eyebrows down to a scowl.

"Hey," she spoke as confidently as she could, "Outta my way."

The yak finally stopped her conversation and turned to face Cozy, who was still walking directly towards her. The yak looked confused, like she wasn't even sure if it was her being addressed.

"Yeah, you. Out of the way," Cozy growled, doubling down. The yak looked hurt - dejected, even - taking a step backwards, as if she had done something wrong. The young pegasus strolled right past her, holding her head high in confidence.

That's how you deal with 'em, she thought to herself. Simple-minded freaks. Easy to manipulate. That's right. This school will be mine,

“Hey!” a loud voice from behind her suddenly shouted. She jumped, not expecting such a direct vocal confrontation so soon.

More than anything, in the moment, all she could worry about was how silly she must have looked getting startled like that. She gulped, turning her expression from shocked to serious, preparing to turn around and face whoever had the gall to speak to her like that face to face. Expecting a tough dragon or griffon, she turned around slowly, scowl across her visage.

She was immediately taken aback by the sight of a cute little green filly with bright red eyes. She must have been even younger than Cozy - she didn't even have a cutie mark.

"Uh..." was all Cozy could manage, cursing herself for not saying something more clever.

"Hey, new friend!" exclaimed the filly, raising a hoof to wave.

"I'm not your friend," Cozy said bluntly. Cozy was able to easily regain her scowl.

"Oh! Uh...well..." the filly began to stumble on her words nervously, "Well, I'm sorry! But professor Fluttershy told me that I needed to make a new friend today, and...well, you looked lonely!"

"Well, I'm not," Cozy said, "and now I'm late for my first class. So, if you'll excuse me..."

"OHHH! OH, OH!" exclaimed the filly excitedly, running right up to Cozy's side, cluelessly flying into a nigh endless tirade, "Can I help? I know where ALL the classrooms are! Who did you get first? Is it professor Rainbow Dash? She's SO COOL! Did you know that she's a WONDERBOLT?"

Cozy wanted to die.

"Did you know the teachers here have actually saved Equestria? Like, a BILLION times? One time, there was this biiiiiig monster named Tirek. and HE-"

"What is it that you want? Exactly?" asked Cozy, finally stopping in her tracks as she realized that this idiot was not going to shut up.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry. I thought I told you! I wanna be friends!" exclaimed the filly.

So stupid. So innocent. This weird foal was being so extra ‘specially nice to her. Rejecting the pathetic loser was going to be just the best!

"Okay, sure," scoffed Cozy Glow, "Let's be friends."

"Yay!" exclaimed the filly, lighting up like a candle, "My name's Saia!"

Cozy couldn't believe how fast eight hours had gone. Well, maybe she could have believed it - if she wasn't busy being entirely and completely bewildered by the fact that she had some way, some how enjoyed her entire day with her new...friend.

Saia had failed to leave her alone for more than five minutes - bathroom breaks and lunch included - and Cozy was absolutely astounded at how much she didn't hate it. They had gone to their classes together, introduced themselves to teachers together, completed worksheets together. It was such a strange feeling. Was this "friendship"? Where did this even come from?

Why was it happening to her?

Before she could even realize what was happening, she was walking home with Saia, who had managed to not be boring once. She had spoken to Cozy about some of her most obscure interests, stood up for her when they were approached by a bully, and even given her a meal when Cozy had forgotten her lunch. And yet somehow - through all of this, Saia never once felt overbearing.

Was this what friendship could be?

"I have to admit," laughed Cozy Glow, walking down the dimly lit street, "I thought I was going to hate you. Truth is, I don't know much about friendship."

"That's ok! Me neither!" exclaimed Saia, "But that's what's great about making new friends! We get to learn together! And I've had such a great time learning more about you today, Cozy Glow!"

The two were now walking in complete silence, approaching Cozy's foster home.

"Really? I've never had anypony tell me that before. Ever since...well, ever since my parents died, nopony has ever really wanted to approach me."

"That's so sad! I feel like you needed help more than anypony!"

Cozy sighed, looking sadly at the ground.

"I did. I just never wanted to admit it. Ever since then, I've been...kind of a bully. I haven't really felt in control of anything in my life anymore, so bossing other creatures around always felt good."

"Well, I don't hate you for it, Cozy! Everypony deals with trauma in their own special way. What matters is that you want to be friends and improve!"

They had reached the door to the large building. The calm afternoon wind blew around them. Cozy chuckled a bit.

"I'm not sure I did before. But after spending today with you, I feel like I can do anything. So yeah! Maybe it's not too late. First thing tomorrow - I'm apologizing to that Yak!"

"Oh, sure!" Saia replied, a small smile spreading across her face.

"Well, this is it," Cozy said, motioning at the door, "home sweet home, I guess. I don't even have a guardian right now. Pretty empty...but it's nice."

Saia stared at the door for a few seconds, then turned to Cozy, still smiling. A bit confused, Cozy glanced at her.

"Do you...wanna go inside?" the pegasus asked, "Cause, like I said, it's nothing special right now, but..."

"Oh, YES YES YES!" Saia immediately lit up, "New friend's house! New friend's house!"

How could she resist that face?

Only moments later, Cozy was leading her new friend into her modest bedroom. Simple bookshelves and a singular telescope adorned the walls, with a few generic paintings hanging. This was the peaceful environment the committee had given to her - not bad. She could not believe she was bringing somepony here on her first day of school.

"Sweet place!" said Saia, predictably.

"Thanks, I guess. It's just what they gave me, but it's going to be a nice place to call home for a while."

"So how does it work? You just have to check in with them once a day?"

"Yeah, just let them know I'm doing ok. I can call for help if I need it, but I usually don't."

Saia blinked at her innocently.

"And nopony else knows you're here? No grandparents, friends..."

If Cozy had been watching her, she might have noticed her mouth hadn't moved.

"No," Cozy replied, "Just the committee. Nopony else really cares about me."

"That's good," Saia spoke calmly.

Cozy Glow smiled and looked up through the window at the night sky. For once, it all seemed so beautiful - so serene. Like she could see the rest of her life ahead of her - not behind her, for once. Still without turning to face Saia, Cozy giggled warmly.

"You really were right about this friendship stuff, Saia," she said, "I feel like I'm on top of the world right now."

"Yeah, friendship really is something," said Saia, her face and eyeballs melting into her skull.

"In fact, it's more than "something". It's the most powerful force in our realm. Friendship is what binds us living creatures, it is the life force of our entire universe. That's why I'm going to learn all about it. That's why I'm going to use it to rule the world."

Cozy didn't pick up on that somehow, nor did she credit the sudden loud creaking and crawling noises as anything more than rats scurrying along the ceiling. She began to tear up as she looked at the moon, thinking about how kind her new friend was.

"And me, too. You chose me. Of all the ponies in the school, you chose me to talk to. I was going to be cynical, rude, mean, and reject friendship with my entire being. But in just one day...you taught me that friendship is for everyone."

"Of course I chose you, Cozy. Nopony will ever miss you."

Wait, what? Cozy suddenly thought.

The filly soon had no skin left to jump out of.

"It's not fair!" whined a green dragon.

"Is so!" replied an orange pony.

"Now now, y'all, let's talk it out," spoke Applejack calmly. Disagreements like this would often pop up around lunchtime, so she posted herself in the main hall to try and intercept them before things got out of hand.

"Okay," sighed the pony, "I guess I wasn't being super fair."

"And I wasn't being very nice to my friend," admitted the dragon.

"That's great, y'all. Now, head on over to professor Pinkie's before you're late!" Applejack said to the pair, patting them on the back as they walked past her, conversing with each other like normal again.

"Professor Applejack?" came the voice of a small, innocent filly. Applejack turned to face the pony she knew as Cozy Glow.

"Well howdy, Cozy Glow," spoke Applejack with a smile, "Are y'doin' alright?"

"Well, there is one thing," the pony said expectantly, "I've been having trouble with my friendship lessons. I feel like there's so much I don't understand...about what friendship is really about."

"Hmmm..." Applejack pondered for a moment, looking up and tapping her hoof against her face, before a lightbulb suddenly went off.

"I got it!" the orange pony exclaimed, "I reckon you'd do great to meet my sister and her pals. They're just about your age, and they know all there is to know about friendship!"

"Really?" replied the pegasus, full of excitement.

"Yeah! They're usually over at their tree clubhouse - right over on the edge of Ponyville. Why not give it a shot?"

"I think I just might," responded the pony known as Cozy Glow, her red eyes brimming with potential.