• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 3: The Solaris Saga (Part 3): Days of Future Past

Episode 3: The Solaris Saga (Part 3):

Days of Future Past

In the castle of Zephyr Heights, the battle against Mephiles was coming to an end. Shadow, Omega, future MC and future Maria were looking at Mephiles as he was losing the battle.

"Shadow... eventually, you will be taken down by the humans who you've been protecting," Mephiles said. "Those who have trusted you will eventually be afraid of your power, and will seal you back up."

"I don't believe you," Shadow said. "Besides, I doubt that happened in this reality. Right?" Shadow looked at future MC and future Maria, who both looked at the ground in shame. "You've gotta be kidding me. It happened?"

"Yes," future MC said. "And I know where you are." He then looked towards Mephiles and said in shock, "Hey! Mephiles is getting away!" the group looked towards Mephiles, who was getting away in a time sphere.

"Get back here!" Zipp Storm called out, screaming towards Mephiles, who closed the portal behind him. "NO!!"

"Zipp! Calm down!" Pipp said, running up to Zipp. "I'm upset at what that Mephiles guy did, but there's nothing we can do. He's gone now."

"And I'm trapped here in the future," Shadow said. "I'm not living the rest of my life here."

"Shadow!" Omega said. He then opened up a compartment in the robotic stomach area, revealing the Green Chaos Emerald. "I was tasked with giving this to you. Which is why I was in standby mode for 200 years."

"That makes sense," Shadow said, taking the Chaos Emerald. "But this isn't enough. We need two Chaos Emeralds and two chaos beings to open up a space-time portal."

Future MC sighed and pulled something from his cloak.

"So basically, we're trapped here," Shadow said, not paying attention to future MC. "There's no way we're gonna open up a portal that easily by saying..."

"Chaos Control!" Shadow and future MC said in unison. That made Shadow look at MC in shock.

"You... induced Chaos Control?" Shadow asked.

"It took me 10 years to perfect it," future MC said. "Of course, that was after the Flames of Disaster started. Now go!" He then tossed the red Chaos Emerald to Shadow who caught it.

"Thank you," Shadow said.

"I'm going, too!" Zipp said. "That creep killed my mother. I have to take him down."

"Zipp, that's crazy!" Pipp said. "You can't just..." Zipp didn't pay any attention to her as she jumped into the portal. "Zipp! Zipp no!" She then chased Zipp into the portal.

"Hang on!" Sunny said, jumping into the portal.

"Sunny, wait!" Hitch Trailblazer said, running into the portal as well.

Izzy jumped into the portal saying, "Wee!!"

"Oh, boy, this is gonna be a lot of paperwork!" future MC said. Shadow and Omega then headed for the portal. "Make sure you get them to the Freedom Fighters of the past!" Shadow nodded before he and Omega jumped into the portal. The portal then closed after Shadow and Omega jumped in. Future MC turned to the crowd and said, "175 years ago, Equestria lost magic because they lost trust in each other. But that doesn't mean you have to continue not trusting each other. We all need to trust each other. No more rivalries, no more distrust, just bringing peace back to the land." He then walked over to Queen Haven, who was dead, and pulled the crystal off of her crown. "You see, Equestria was founded upon all three types of ponies." He then held up the crystal with his right hand. The crystal was shaped like pegasus wings. "The pegasi..." then he put the round crystal in the space between the wings of the pegasus crystal. "...the Earth ponies..." then he put the unicorn horn shaped crystal on top. "...and the unicorns all found this place, and made peace and harmony with each other. We lost harmony before, but we can have it back again." The ponies looked at each other, listening to what future MC said. Then Phyllis Cloverleaf walked up to future MC.

"So... you're really in charge of Equestria?" Phyllis Cloverleaf asked.

"Yes," future MC said.

"Then..." Phyllis said before bowing. Then all the other ponies started bowing. Future MC sighed and rolled his eyes. But then it zoomed away from that to the MC of the present, waking up in a bed.

"Whoa!" MC said, waking up. "Sheesh. What is up with these dreams?"

MC and the CMC met up with the Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. Twilight then explained to MC that it would be safer to send the CMC back to Equestria.

"You may be right," MC said. "Better safe than sorry. Where in Equestria should I send them?"

"I've already contacted my brother and Cadance," Twilight said. "They're gonna help out with watching them." MC then threw his Super Warp Ring to open a portal to the Crystal Empire. There were some guards waiting outside and they motioned for the CMC and Spike to go through, which they did.

"Are you sure it's gonna be alright?" Scootaloo asked.

"It'll be fine, Scootaloo," Twilight said. "Nyx, Joshua, listen to what Shining and Cadance say."

"Okay," Nyx and Joshua said in unison as the ring was closing. MC then took the ring as it went back to its normal size.

MC then sensed something. He then said, "Uh oh."

"What is it?" Sonic said.

"Eggman captured Elise again! Go!" MC said. Then Sonic and the Mane 6 started heading towards the castle. He then sensed something. He then said, "I'll talk with you guys later. I've got someplace to be." He then ran off.

MC jumped up a building to get to where he needed to go. He then saw the shipping yard full of Eggman's robots, firing upon Shadow, Rouge and Omega, along with four mares and a stallion.

"What the heck?" MC asked. "No, it couldn't be." He then jumped from the building to the crane of the shipping yard. He then yelled as he jumped down from the crane. "Chaos Dragon Fist!" MC then punched the ground, sending robots flying from their positions and disassembling in mid-air. He then looked towards Shadow and said, "What'd you do to Eggman this time?!"

"Nothing. Their target is probably Mephiles," Shadow said. Then he finished up the last remaining robots.

"What is Eggman up to? Who is Mephiles?" Omega asked.

"Mephiles?" MC asked. "That name... why does that name sound familiar?" He then looked towards the five ponies and asked, "Do I know you five?"

"What?" Sunny asked. "You should know, you brought us together."

"I have never seen you in my life," MC said. "But for some reason, you all were in my dream last night."

"What dream?" Shadow asked.

"I saw all of you, except Rouge, in this castle, helping me fight off this creep that looks like you that killed a royal pony," MC said.

"That wasn't a dream," Shadow answered. "That was 200 years in the future."

"What?" MC asked. He then looked at Sunny and asked, "You guys are from the future? Just like that Silver guy?"

"I have no idea who this Silver guy is, but I am from the future," Sunny said. She then thought of something. "Wait. Does that mean that Twilight Sparkle is..."

"Yes," Shadow said. "Twilight Sparkle is alive in this timeline." He then turned to MC and said, "Can you take these ponies to Twilight and the others?"

"Sure, but I'm gonna have to wait," MC said. "Sparkles and her friends are with Sonic, going after Eggman. He got Princess Elise... again."

"Then I'm gonna need a talk with Doctor Eggman," Shadow said. "Personally." He then saw the state of Sunny and her friends. "You should probably get them some new clothing."

Pipp was holding up her smart phone and said, "Ugh. I can't get any service. How am I gonna let my Pipp-squeaks know I'm okay?"

MC then took her phone and inspected it. "Listen, Princess... I know. Since that dream of mine was actually a vision of the future. "You're not getting any signal because you have a phone plan that doesn't exist yet."

"Ohh..." Pipp said. "That makes sense."

"Okay, pal," Hitch said. "I'm a sheriff back in my time, so I'm gonna need to get back there to keep Maretime Bay safe."

"Listen, pal," MC said. "Even if I opened up a portal, there's not a hundred percent chance that you'll return to your own reality. To prevent that future, we're gonna have to prevent the event that started the chain reaction to cause that future."

"Wait," Zipp said. "If that future won't exist, what happens to us?"

"Oh, it'll still exist," MC said. "We just won't have any access to it if we stop the events. And you'll all be still existing. It's a part of the multiverse effect. Thank you, Alex Lynol."

"Perhaps we should get them some new clothing," Rouge said. "After all, they're gonna need to blend in here."

"You're right," MC said. "This way, you five." Then MC and Rouge let the five future ponies away from that place, Omega following.

Later, on a moving train, Eggman was sitting in a seat with Agent Stone standing next to him. Just then, the ceiling behind him burst through, and Shadow came out of the hole in the roof.

"Wouldn't the door have been easier?" Eggman asked. He and Agent Stone turned around to face Shadow. "So, what do you want now?"

"Who is Mephiles? And why are you trying to capture him?" Shadow asked.

"Doctor," Agent Stone said. "Are you sure it's wise to tell him?

"If you want to know, Shadow, you should go find him yourself," Eggman answered Shadow. "But here's a hint... It's all linked to the Soleanna disaster 10 years ago."

Shadow then remembered what Rouge told him and said, "The Solaris Project."

"Indeed," Eggman said, turning around to face the computer. "When you capture Mephiles, you must bring him to me. Then I'll tell you the truth about Solaris." Hesitantly, Shadow nodded, but he was still unsure about what he agreed to do.

Meanwhile, in the city part of Soleanna, Silver and Blaze were by the clock tower when they saw Mephiles, in the form he had taken when they met him, standing there with his head hanging.

"Mephiles..." Silver said. He and Blaze looked at each other and walked towards him. "Tell me. Who is the Iblis Trigger? Why does he want to destroy the world?"

"Why does that matter to you?" Mephiles asked looking up. He then pointed at Silver, saying, "Unless you complete your task, your future will remain the same... forever." He then looked at Silver, putting his hand down. "He's currently at the terminal station." He then motioned a hand showing the city. "It's now or never if you want this." He then started walking away, leaving Silver and Blaze to think to themselves.

Over at a nearby clothing store, MC, Hitch, Rouge and Omega were waiting by the dressing area where the four mares were getting dressed.

"I like this outfit, but it needs something," Zipp said in her dressing room.

MC groaned and said, "Look, just come on out with what you're wearing and we'll discuss it later." Just then, the four mares came out of the dressing rooms. Sunny's and Izzy's outfits were restored to their glory while Pipp was wearing an elegant dress that was turquoise with a golden yellow sash in the belt area that goes well with her Greek style headdress. And Zipp was wearing a red and pink striped shirt with denim jeans.

"Nice choices you two," MC said. "Wait a minute." He then looked at the dress that Pipp was wearing. "Is that..." He then checked the tag on the back of the dress. "'Rarity for You'. This is one of Rarity's designs."

"I didn't know what to choose," Pipp said. "This one just speaks to me."

"I understand that, girlfriend," Rouge said. "We all have choices of clothing that just speak to us."

Zipp looked at herself in the mirror and said, "This outfit is good, but something's missing."

MC thought of something and said, "Try this." He then used his power to forge a leather jacket with wing holes.

"A leather jacket?" Zipp asked. "Isn't that...?"

"It's faux leather," MC said. "Faux as in fake. Try it." Zipp then held her arms back and her wings extended. MC then helped with getting the wings through the wing holes of the jacket.

Zipp then looked in the mirror and said, "This actually looks better. Thanks."

"Well, we better go check out these items," Rouge said. "I've got it covered." Then they all headed for the counter, except for MC and Hitch.

"So, you're actually royalty?" Hitch asked.

"Yup," MC answered. "I'm actually gonna bring you five to Sparkles when they're all done."

Meanwhile, at a train yard, Sonic had busted out of Eggman's train with Elise in his arms. The Mane 6 follows them, side by side.

"I knew it!" Elise said. "I knew you'd return! You had to!" Just then, Sonic saw a light blue blast heading towards them and they all jumped out of the way.

"...You again," Sonic said.

"Don't you think you've had enough of this?!" Twilight asked, angrily.

"I'm sorry for this, but to prevent Iblis from coming, the Iblis Trigger must die!" Silver said. He then used his power to throw the Mane 6 out of the way and he held down Sonic, who couldn't move.

"So how was your little walk, Princess?" came Eggman's voice. Elise looked towards where the voice came from and saw Eggman's transport and its arms reaching out to grab her. She screamed as she was grabbed.

"No!!" Twilight called out.

"Elise!" Sonic said. Just then, he was lifted up and then slammed down onto the ground.

"It's time to end this!" Silver said before he was about to make the final blow, but it was interrupted when Shadow jumped in between the two hedgehogs. "Who?" He then got a good look at Shadow, but he thought he was someone else. "Mephiles! Why are you getting in my way?"

Shadow stood up and said, "I'm Shadow. Shadow The Hedgehog." He then turned towards Sonic and nodded. Sonic replied with a thumbs up. He then started running off. The Mane 6 then recovered and they followed Sonic. Silver then tried attacking Shadow, but he held out the Red Chaos Emerald, saying, "Chaos Control!" Silver was then moving in slow motion as he was about to punch Shadow. Shadow then moved behind Silver and kicked the back of Silver's head, making him go to the ground at normal speed.

Silver was getting up and said, "You..."

"Don't bother," Shadow said. "With a Chaos Emerald's power, I control time and space. You can't break free."

"I won't give up!" Silver said, as he was getting up. "It all depends on me! Can't lose... Not when I'm so close!" He then pulled out the Blue Chaos Emerald and shouted. He then charged at Shadow.

"Chaos...!" Shadow said, holding up the Red Chaos Emerald.

"Chaos...!" Silver shouted, holding up the Blue Chaos Emerald, impacting Shadow's arm with his Emerald.

"...Control!" Shadow and Silver said in unison. Then a Space-Time rift opened up between them.

"You... induced a Chaos Control," Shadow said, surprised.

"I won't let anyone get in my way!" Silver said. "I'll change the past and save the world."

Shadow shook his head and said, "Mephiles isn't trying to help you create a better future... He's trying to eliminate the past."

Silver was confused and asked, "What? What are you talking about?"

"To discover what happened, it seems we must see what took place 10 years ago," Shadow said, walking up to Silver. Silver pondered what Shadow said. "Follow me if you want the truth." He then jumped into the Space-Time rift. Silver thought about what Shadow said. But then he jumped into the portal, following Shadow.

Meanwhile, Sonic and the Mane 6 followed Eggman's transport into a valley near the forest. They saw Princess Elise at the edge.

"Now stop it," Eggman said. "You have nowhere to go."

"I would rather die than be your prisoner again!" Elise said.

"Hmph! So, what are you going to do, Princess?" Eggman asked. "Do you plan to jump?" Elise then leaned over the edge.

"Farewell," Elise said before she fell to the ground. Sonic then came in and caught her. The Mane 6 were behind him.

"What?! No!" Eggman said. He then growled and said, "You won't get away that easily!" Then a flying machine came over their heads.

From a distance, MC, Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, Pipp and Zipp were running towards the forest and they saw the flying machine over the valley.

"Oh, crud!" MC said. "It's Eggman!"

"Who's Eggman?" Hitch asked.

"A wicked scientist who believes only because of his intelligence that he should be ruling the entire planet," MC said. "Right now, he's planning on unlocking the secrets of the Solaris Project."

"Can you stop him?" Sunny asked.

"It's actually why we formed the Freedom Fighters," MC said. "Let's go!" Then the six of them headed towards where the machine was. They came in to find Sonic fighting the machine and the small robots coming from it. Twilight was using her magic to throw the robots at the flying machine.

Sunny gasped in shock and excitement to see who she was seeing. She was seeing the Twilight Sparkle helping out in the fight. Along with her friends.

"It's... it's... it's...!" Sunny said.

"Yup," MC said. "That's Twilight Sparkle. For short, I call her Sparkles."

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were flying overhead, leading some missiles to the top of the machine. But when the missiles impacted the top of the machine, the force pushed back the two pegasi, making them go unconscious.

"Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy!" MC said. He then saw them. "They're out cold!"

"What are we gonna do?" Izzy asked. MC then grabbed Zipp.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Zipp asked.

"You're no longer in a world without magic!" MC said. "Which means..." He then released Zipp and launched her into the sky, sending her towards Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, whom she caught and brought them back slowly. And she was still flying.

"Whoa!" Zipp said. "That... was... awesome!"

Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity saw Zipp and Rarity asked, "Who is that?"

"I don't know," Twilight said. "I've never seen her in my life."

MC, Sunny, Izzy, Hitch and Pipp saw that Zipp saved Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. MC then looked at Pipp and said, "Pipp, get me a lift to the top of that machine!" Pipp nodded and started flying. She then picked up MC and took him to the top of the machine.

"What are you gonna do?!" Pipp asked.

"I'm gonna cut this machine down to size!" MC said before Pipp let him go on top of one of the wings. He then ran towards the head of the machine, and he reached the end. He then faced the wing, raised his left arm and said, "Time to take this thing down. Chaos Claw!" MC then bared his claws and sliced the wing off, making it fall to the ground below. Luckily, the ones below got out of the way.

"Warning! Egg-Genesis has taken extreme damage! Initiating self-destruct sequence! Prepare to die!" the machine then started descending.

"Oh, crud!" MC said. He then went down to the side of the machine where it was gonna make the impact first. Twilight and Rarity used their magic to try and keep the machine from descending.

"It's too... heavy!" Twilight said. "I'm not... use to lifting... something this heavy!"

"I can't hold onto it much longer!" Rarity said. They were being pushed back.

MC looked towards Pipp and Zipp and said, "Pipp! Zipp! Get the others down there for support!" Pipp and Zipp nodded and flew up towards the mountain and they grabbed the others. Izzy was held in the middle, Sunny was holding onto Zipp's left arm while Hitch was holding onto Pipp's right arm. Then they landed. Izzy then lit up her horn and helped with holding back the Egg-Genesis, but it was too heavy for her as well. "Sunny, Hitch, Applejack, Pinkie! Help support them with your strength!" The four Earth Ponies nodded and supported the two unicorns and Twilight. But they weren't enough. MC then thought of something. "Applejack, get ready to buck my legs!"

"On it, sugarcube!" Applejack said. She then got in front of the group. The Egg-Genesis was descending closer and closer to them, and MC got to the lowest part of the Egg-Genesis and he extended his legs. Applejack had her back facing MC, got onto her hands, and got ready to buck MC's legs like it's an apple tree. She got into position.

"Now!" MC said. Then Applejack used her apple bucking skill to buck MC's feet, and the force went through him, sending the Egg-Genesis into the sky, and the bottom of MC's feet got stuck to Applejack's and both of them fell to the ground. "Okay... that was awkward there!"

"Ya said it, Sugarcube," Applejack said. Then they looked where the Egg-Genesis was going, and it blew up in the sky.

Twilight then walked up to MC and said, "I believe introductions are in need."

"Right," MC said. "Sparkles, guys, meet Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Pipp Petals and her older sister, Zipp Storm. They're all from 200 years in the future as well."

"What?!" the Mane 6 asked in unison.

"And at the time, Sunny was the only one who believed that harmony could be restored," MC said. "Right now, we should get out of here." He then got up and pulled out his Super Warp Ring, and opened a portal to the castle."

"That was a gutsy move, Elise," Sonic said. "But right now, we should get out of here." Then the group walked through the ring and it closed behind them.

A Space-Time rift opened up at the old castle in Soleanna, 10 years in the past. Shadow and Silver came out of it, seeing they were in a hallway that led to a science lab.

Meanwhile, in the main lab, there were scientists working on something in the middle of the room. There was orange electricity in a large tube with a smaller tube over it with a purple field.

"An electromagnetic pulse has just been generated!" said one of the scientists. "Injecting a decompression agent! No, the level's not dropping! A spatial meltdown is inevitable! My Lord, it's too late! We've got to take shelter!"

The Duke of Soleanna slammed his hands on the control console and said, "Why, Solaris? Why do you refuse to listen to my voice?"

"Father!" came the voice of a little girl. It was Elise, 10 years younger.

"Elise!" the Duke said. Just then, the machine was about to explode. He then shielded his daughter from the explosion that came. Shadow and Silver looked at each other when the sound of the explosion came to their ears. They then ran down the hall to the lab.

When they arrived, they saw the lab was blown up. Shadow and Silver went down to see if anyone there was still alive, but most of them were too weak to even move by themselves.

"Is that?!" Silver asked, seeing the Solaris Project. He saw a flying black orb hovering over a cauldron. The orb then cracked, revealing a slowly increasing flame. And black goop coming out of the cauldron. "That flame... It's Iblis!"

"And the black Shadow is the original Mephiles," Shadow said.

"That's Mephiles?!" Silver asked in shock. Iblis then started flying off in one direction while the goop was heading off somewhere else. "They're escaping!"

"We'll have to split up," Shadow said. "I'll pursue Mephiles."

"OK. Then leave Iblis to me!" Silver said. But when they started to chase the two, they were stopped.

"Wait," the Duke said, weakly. He then held up something. It was the Scepter of Darkness. "Seal it with this..." Shadow took the Scepter.

"Hurry!" Silver said as he started chasing Iblis. Shadow then started pursuing Mephiles.

Silver had chased Iblis into an altar area and held it with his power. Iblis was trapped in Silver's hold. He didn't know what to do with it until the Duke walked in, carrying his daughter.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Silver asked. "You've got to leave!"

"I have my duty," the Duke said, "This Living Flame has been entrusted to the royal family." He was approaching Iblis. "The Flames of Disaster will awaken if nothing is done! That must not happen." He then puts young Elise onto the altar and pulls something out. It started flying up and over young Elise.

"Eternal Sun! The Living Flame that has been entrusted to the royal family!" the Duke said. "Fall into slumber with a royal soul!" Iblis then started shrinking and was being absorbed into the Chaos Emerald. Then a red beam came out of the bottom of the Chaos Emerald and became merged with young Elise's soul. Silver let go of Iblis as it was being put into young Elise's soul. After it ended, the Duke picked up young Elise and handed her to Silver. "I'm sorry, but... Can you take her to a safe place?" Silver nodded as he carried young Elise. He also put the Chaos Emerald into Silver's hand as well. He then pet young Elise's head. "That's a good girl, Elise. Remember, be brave. Don't cry, no matter what happens. Otherwise your tears will call forth the flames inside you... Become a strong queen who doesn't cry no matter what happens. And... live... happily..." He then fell down to the ground, officially dying. Silver closed his eyes in shame, knowing he was now in possession of a royal orphan.

Meanwhile, with Shadow, he was still in pursuit with the original Mephiles, who was trying to get away. Just then, Shadow held out the green Chaos Emerald.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow said, making the original Mephiles stop.

"...What? ...Stop!" the original Mephiles said. Shadow then held up the Scepter of Darkness. Then the scepter started absorbing Mephiles into it. "Who...... Who are... you?"

"I'm Shadow. Shadow The Hedgehog," Shadow answered.

"Shadow... Your face... Your form... I will remember," Mephiles said. "Your death... Certain... You... will die!" As soon as Mephiles was sealed in the scepter, it fell to the ground. Shadow then picked up the Scepter and walked out of there.

Later, the two hedgehogs came out of the old castle, and stopped by a tree closest to the entrance. Silver was holding young Elise while Shadow was holding the Scepter of Darkness.

"Did you do it?" Silver asked.

"Yes. And you?" Shadow asked.

Silver nodded and said, "...Yes. The 'Flames' are properly sealed. It's done." Silver then carried young Elise over to the tree and laid her at the base of it. Shadow then held up the Scepter of Darkness, looked at Silver and young Elise, and then he walked to the tree, kneeled and laid the Scepter next to young Elise. "You're gonna leave it behind?"

"Yes, I already know what becomes of it in the future..." Shadow said getting up and looking at Silver, pulling out the green Chaos Emerald. "It's time to return."

Silver looked at Elise before looking back at Shadow, pulled out the Blue Chaos Emerald and said, "Yes... Of course..."

Both of them held out their Chaos Emeralds while approaching each other, and in unison, they said, "Chaos Control!" Then a Space-Time Rift opened up and Shadow jumped into the rift. Silver then looked back at young Elise who was struggling in her sleep. Silver was about to jump into the rift until he heard something.

"Father..." young Elise mumbled.

Silver looked back at young Elise and pulled out the Blue Chaos Emerald. He looked at the Emerald and thought of something. He then walked back to young Elise, kneeled, grabbed young Elise's hand, and put the Blue Chaos Emerald into her hand, saying, "It's a lucky charm." He then gently put her hand on her lap and Silver then jumped into the rift and it closed behind him.

Back in the present time, MC offered to let Hitch stay with him in the hotel he was staying at. He prepared himself to sleep on the sofa in the room while Hitch took the bed.

"Are you sure you don't mind taking the couch?" Hitch asked. "I mean, I can sleep on it so I won't be a bother."

"No way, Sheriff," MC said. "I don't mind letting you have the bed. Besides, I have to prepare for what's coming. Especially for what Mephiles is up to. No way that I, Prince Michael Crayton, will let monsters like him destroy my world."

"I thought you were a king," Hitch said.

"In my culture, the first born child of the king doesn't officially become a king until his 18th birthday," MC said. "And I'm only 16."

"Oh," Hitch said. "Sorry. Forgot, that was the future you I've met back in my time."

MC then sat on the couch and said, "So, Hitch, is there anything you've also done in your childhood?"

"Not that much," Hitch said. "Although, I wanted to help cheer up Sunny of what she believed in when we were foals. But... due to those false facts, thanks to somehow the ponies stopped trusting each other, we've all forgotten how Equestria was founded. It was just you guys that are as intelligent as us ponies."

"Really?" MC asked. "What happened to all the other Equestrian species?" MC asked.

"What... other species?" Hitch asked.

"Dragons, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Yaks, Changelings and Kirins," MC said. "You haven't seen any of them around?"

"Actually, no," Hitch said. "I haven't really seen those. Although, there are some weird hybrid pets or animals. Some animals have wings that aren't supposed to, and some have unicorn horns."

"Okay, that's weird," MC said.

"What was even weirder is that all of the animals appreciated me wherever I go," Hitch said. "Some even wore some small hats made of garbage and tried to serve me as they were my deputies."

"Really?" MC asked. He then thought of something. "Hitch, I think you might, and I do mean might, be a descendant of Fluttershy. She has animals that worship her. In fact, her special talent allows her to understand animals."

"Huh," Hitch said. "I guess I'll have to look into that." He then yawned. "Well, I should... hit the hay."

"Alright," MC said. "Good night, Hitch."

"Good night, MC," Hitch said. MC then reached for the lamp, and turned off the light.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Solaris Saga (Part 4): Disaster Among Time

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