• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 999 Views, 5 Comments

MLP: ZENKAI SPEED - Kamen rider accel

The worlds are sealed and being used for evil but a new sentai is there to save it and stop the new threat so watch them as they go Zenryoku zenkai

  • ...

GEAR 1: The Worlds Collide, The Zenkaigers Rise

(The character belongs to there respective owners I only own my oc the others belong to eather TOKU Sega and gammatron)

"HRRRGH! Eggman, cut it out, ya nut! You're...gonna...mess me...up!"

"If I can't have the universe my way, then you won't have it at all!"

"Aw man...it's this or nothing...Chaos Control!"

"No you don't! FIRE!"

A blinding white light suddenly filled an endless void, for a moment a purple ripple in the distance that seemed to be closing in...was pushed back, causing the light to spread like cracks all around them.

"That...That doesn't look right…"

"Oh, for the love of...Eggman, what did you do!? What did you-!?"

A startled snort went off before a pair of eyelids rose up, exposing the brilliant emerald-green eyes behind them. The owner of them jumped up, shaking their head before putting a white gloved hand to the side of it. They were a blue humanoid hedgehog wearing said gloves but also a pair of red running shoes with an intricate white and yellow design on the sides, rim, and across the middle of them. Sports tape wrapped around his wrists up to halfway to his elbows with more on his legs going up to just below the knees. The wind blew at his green scarf as the hedgehog looked up at the sky.

"That memory again…" the hedgehog whispered, frowning as a flash of guilt went across his peach muzzle for a moment until fading away just as fast, "How long has it been since then? Six months?"

"Ah! Just let me jump!" a voice shouted as the Hedgehog turned to see several guards carrying out a young human teenager with short black hair. He was dressed in black pants, a white zip-up sweatshirt with multiple spray paint streaks across it, a blue, red, and yellow bubble vest, and a matching pair of sneakers.

He was being carried out by one human guard in a black uniform, a robotic guard with LED display eyes and a silver helmet like head, and a humanoid Dog in a similar uniform. The latter two were also holding a backpack and a long white bungee jumping lifeline.

"How many times do I have to tell you, you can't bungee jump off the Skytree!" the human guard snapped.

"We get enough of that from Sonic every other week...and he doesn't even use the dang bungee rope!" the dog guard barked.

"How often do these kids come here?" the Robot guard asked.

"Too much," the human guard deadpanned.

"How about the observation deck then?" the teen pleaded.

"Janai!" the dog barked, "Not even if you're a YouTuber!"

"YouTuber janai!" he complained, "Ah...mou, why do you guys keep thinking that?! I'm Goshikida Kaito! I'm gonna be a person who accomplishes a World First in something!"

"Sure you are," the guards deadpanned as they walked off.

"Well no need to be rude...can I get my backpack and lifeline back?!" Kaito called out, "I wasted a month's worth of allowance on all that stuff!" he yelped as said objects flew into him, making him gag out as he was knocked back onto the ground, "Oof! ...I'm okay!"

The hedgehog chuckled at that, "Maybe I should do it a bit less. Those guys were all stressed out. ...Nah. They need some excitement in a boring job like that."

"Well...that was a bust, just like six months back," Kaito groaned, jumping up as if he wasn't just knocked on his rump, "I expected them to forget my face…"

"Maybe next time you put on some fake glasses, a fake big nose, and a bushy mustache," the hedgehog suggested, "Always works when I deal with 'bots."

"..." Kaito blinked as he pulled said items from his bag and put them on, "I knew this was a good investment..." he then proceeded to try and walk back in.

"Uh…" the Hedgehog muttered as after a few moments later the three guards dragged Kaito out, tied in his own bungee cord and tossed him on the grass.

"Sonic-san...It didn't work…" he groaned.

"Yeah, ya gotta wait a few days before ya do it," Sonic noted.

"Fine...but mark my words, I shall do something no human has ever done!" he declared, "It doesn't count because you...are a Mobian," he cut Sonic off, "Humans don't have powers like you Mobians or Kikainoids."

"Why can't you just, you know act a little normal kaito" both mobian and human turn and saw a teen standing there. He was wearing a black hoodie with a lightning shield emblem and had spikey blue hair and blue pants.

"Come on flash you know me from child hood, I always love danger and excitement. Beside we grow up together cuz and you know it." Kaito told his cousin who just smiled and shook his head.

"Yeah I forgot I was talking to the one who got suspended from school for making the hallway a swimming pool........And I still don't know how you did that." Flash asked/ muttered.

"Lots of practice" he replied.

" Anyway how can someone jump from that hight you'll be splatter all around dude" flash said to his cousin.

"I'd settle for being tall enough to not have to jump to reach cabinets," Sonic joked.

"Of course you would" he muttered.before a tone went off and the three-after Sonic nudged kaito to roll over with a foot-looked at a nearby monitor that began playing the latest news.

=It's been six months since our worlds merged with the Parallel worlds of Kikaitopia and Mobius= the news woman spoke as the feed changed to show a park as Humans, Kikainoids, and Mobians were all happily going about a nice day together =Sights like this have become an everyday occurrence!= the feed changed once more to a surprised pink Kikainoid and a pink hedgehog in a lavender dress-like outfit with sports tape on her waist =Were you Kikainoids and Mobians originally planning to migrate here?=

=Nu-nu?! N-not at all!= the pink Kikanoid yelped in a female voice =I was just living life for myself...and before I knew it, I was stuck here and met Amy-san!=

=It was a complete accident on our part as well. The last thing I can remember is this big white light and then-poof!-right here in this place with Magine-chan!=

"I don't see what's wrong with it," Kaito muttered, turning to Sonic.

"True. I mean, this is all pretty sweet," Sonic agreed.

"Yeah I mean is great living with you guys. You make it all fun and exciting." Flash said in agreement.

Oh hey look! A street fair!" Kaito called out as Sonic and flash turned to see what Kaito saw.

Sure enough, a group of people had gotten together and were having a street fair with food stands and games for all to enjoy.

"Takoyaki!/ChiliDog!" the three shouted as they rushed off following their guts desire for snacks. Even the two cousins may look different but there still the same even if not by blood.

A group of kids, human, Kikanoid, and Mobian alike all cheered as they rushed down the street for a store called Sweets Cafe Colorful. The small little candy shop filled with all kinds of sweets, a perfect place for kids to come to. They looked around before settling on whatever they wanted or could afford. They didn't even pay attention to the news playing on the shop's TV.

"Here you go," an elder woman with short curly black hair smiled, handing a couple of kids their candy, "There you go." she cheered as they ran off to join their friends.

=Before going missing, Dr. Goshikida Isao and Dr. Goshikida Mitsuko, proposed a theory of Parallel worlds existing, 10 years ago= a man spoke as several experts gathered at the news station to give their opinions of recent events. It then changed to show the pictures of a man and a woman in lab coats the names mentioned appearing before the proper pictures before a text reading 'Missing' flashed next to the pictures =I bet they never expected their theory to be proven like this though=

"Yeah, really," the elder woman noted, looking at the TV before looking over at a robotic bird colored in red metallic feathers, "Ne, Secchan?"

=Tune~!= the bird gave a robotic chirp as she patted its head a bit.

"Ah…" she sighed while looking at a family photo, showing her, the two missing Doctors, and a young boy holding Secchan, "Well...I guess if anything, your work was proven right." she smiled looking at all the kids from two different worlds in her shop, "Roll-chan, you almost finished?" she called out towards a door which led into a small kitchen as the shop doubled as a home.

"Hai, Yatsude-sama!" a voice replied before the door opened and a yellow blur went around the shop, restocking several shelves and filling the glass case with baked sweets before halting before the elder woman, revealing a Mobian that appeared to be a mix of hedgehog and fox with jade green eyes and long hair pulled into a ponytail by a green bow wearing a pink tee, white gloves, blue jeans with heart prints going up the sides, and shoes similar to Sonic's with a heart on the outer sides, "Everything's restocked, Yatsude-sama."

"Ahh...Arigatou. What would I be without you here to help, Roll?" the elder woman chuckled before frowning as she looked out the window at a shop/house across the street with the sign made to resemble a gear with a few Kikainoids sitting at the bench outside of it, "Though your Tou-san…"

"Hai, hai," Roll nodded, knowing how often this happened.

Across the street in the building, another Mobian was looking over a child Kikainoid. He was the same color as Roll with jade eyes and wore a lab coat over a red turtleneck sweater and brown slacks with white and black shoes. After a few moments, he gave a nod before patting the child's head.

"There, there," he assured gently, making sure to smile, "It's not that bad." he looked over at a Kikainoid standing by the table, "It's a simple enough fix, ma'am. A few screws got loose on his leg and that's a simple fix."

"Arigatou, Skye-hakase," the female Kikainoid thanked as the hedgehog pulled out a tool kit and gently fixed the child Kikainoid's leg.

"That'll be 130 Yen."

"So cheap…" she gasped, "Are you sure?"

"Of course," Skye assured as he accepted the small amount of Yen and escorted them out, 'Why is it that I open a repair shop...but all my clients are injured Kikainoids? Well...at least I'm making good cash.' he shuddered and he glanced over at the shop across from him, seeing Yatsude looking right at him, "...A-Ano...Next please."

"YACHAAAN!" Kaito's voice screamed as he, Flash and Sonic ran into the elder woman's shop, "Cotton candy! Need now!"

"Take as much as you want," Yatsude replied with a smile.

"Over there," Roll added, pointing to the restocked shelf the bagged sweet was on.

"I'll deduct the cost out of your wages," Yatsude went on.

"Got it!" Kaito cheered, holding a couple bags of cotton candy up, before rushing back out.


"We found a vendor willing to trade us some Kikaitopia takoyaki and chili-dogs for cotton candy," Sonic explained.

"Come on,Flash, Sonic!" Kaito cheered, jogging in place outside while waiting, "Bakusoku Zenkai!"

"Coming man!" Sonic shouted, waving at Yatsude and Roll before running out, "Later ma'am! Roll!"

"Hers my pay for this aunt yatsude." Flash said handing the yen to her.

"Arigato na flash, your mother raised you well didn't she." She said to the blue hair teen.

"Yup mom always told me to pay your meals and listen to your elders." Flash told her.

"Yup that's misty alright, she and my daughter in law still got in a lot of trouble. They were like sisters to each other." Yatsude said remembering the good times.

"Come on flash hurry up" kaito called out

"Well I gotta catch my cousin and his fast friend so bye yatsude." He said leaving.

"Ah what a good boy you raised misty and so did I for taking care of kaito and sonic" she said.

Sure enough, all over town, many celebrations were being held. Not for any big reason. It's just things that have developed into a sense of peace. The new friends of Mobians and Kikanoids were allowed so much freedom and peace on Earth since the fusion of worlds. And the Human youth were happy to share in the fun with them.

Such as one party happening in the park where a lot of local human teenagers were playing music and grilling up food to eat. They invited various Mobians and Kikanoids to join them. It wasn't super extravagant, but...it was oddly relaxing and fun for those who were not capable of this back in their old worlds.

"Yo Seinen-tachi!" a voice cheered as they looked to see a Red Kikanoid walking over. He was a little different then most seeming much more armored, with a pair of white shorts, and his head sported silver spikes almost like a mohawk, yellow hexagonal eyes and a silver mouth plate with small little fangs. He also had a bag full of groceries in one arm, "Let me join in the party~!" he cheered putting the groceries down on a table revealing it was all stuff perfect for a barbecue, "You can have all this!

"For real!? You're giving this to us?!" one of the female humans there gasped out.

"You bet your bibby bob it is!"

"Sweet!" a male Mobian tiger beamed, "Let him join, guys!"

"Hahaha!" he laughed, "Ain't no thing!" he winked, "Let's hang!"

"Let's Hang!-!" they all cheered as someone turned up the music.

"Yay!" he cheered as he began dancing and strumming an air guitar to the music, "C'mon!"

"This is my first time partying with a Kikanoid!" a human male with sunglasses beamed as he ran over to the Kikanoid.

"Honestly, this is my first time at a party!" the Red Kikanoid admitted with a laugh, "...Though…" he paused as he turned to look out in the distance, 'I dunno what those rotten bigwigs are up to…'

Thunder rumbled and lightning crackled in the skies above. Melded into several manmade structures were massive, ominous black metallic structures that seemed to be trying to consume what wasn't made of them. In the center of it all was a massive black tower-like structure with a gear-like symbol in an 'orb' near the top of the tower.

Inside the tower was a large central room, with a tall ceiling that stretched to the top of the entire tower. Several figures gathered on a floating disc that acted as the floor for them, among the figures were two Kikanoids who drastically stood out from the normal variety.

The first was covered in white and purple armor, his upper body was humanoid in build, with large armor that draped over his shoulders like a cloak, with purple armor covering the center of his torso, his head was placed on a neck that extended forward giving him the appearance of a hunch, purple tubes linked to his white face which slightly resembled a skull, with red eyes and a single monocle on his right eye, the top of his head was silver with several microscope-like tubes extending out. From the waist down however he was a tank like body with caterpillar treads and thick armor covering it all. This was Mechanical Officer Ijirude of the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo.

The other Kikanoid standing beside him was likewise uniquely armored, he looked like an actual combat tank had stood up and transformed into a robot. His entire body was covered in desert camo painted thick armor plating. His legs seemed to be made of tank caterpillar treads, with armor covering his legs and feet, his shoulders were rounded with a black turret built into each shoulder and smaller painted turrets built into each wrist. His chest armor looked like a Tank Gun with a T shaped suppressor. Multiple military medals decorated his chest and shoulders as well. His head was bronze with gears forming straps framing his face, with a large black hat shaped like another tank gun atop his head. This was Mobile Commander Barashitara of the Tojitendo Dynasty Armed Forces.

Suddenly, something began rising from beneath the platform. A large wall of metal with intricate silver plating forming diamond patterns rose up. In the center was a face, it seemed to be wearing a mask that melded into a crown with multiple glowing sections being his eyes, as his lips moved to indicate his sigh. A single robotic arm extended out, and dwarfed all the figures present to show the sheer size of this robotic being. What drew more attention however was the giant purple robotic toucan on his left. This was Great King Boccowaus of the Tojitendo Dynasty and his pet Gege.

"Ijirude...report," Boccowaus ordered, swinging his hand out to motion the Mechanical Officer to speak to his King.

"Ha!" Ijirude bowed his head, "Oh Great King Boccowaus-sama!" he spoke with great respect, "Our operation has gone well to date, each and every Parallel World we've ever come across has been captured within the Tojiru Gears, except for two! The version of the world known as Mobius and this version of the world known as Earth! For some reason at the time of their capture, an unknown surge of energy overloaded the Tojiru Gears that would have sealed them away, and instead caused the two worlds to merge with our superior world of Kikaitopia!"

"That is all…" Barashitara spoke up.

"Then no progress has been made whatsoever in these past six months!" Boccowaus snapped, making them all tremble, "I've waited six months for you to tell me what you told me when this first happened! What have you idiots been doing?! What's taking so long?!" he slammed his giant fist onto the platform, sending all those standing on it at least two meters up into the air before landing on their feet/treads.

"Ahh...I don't really know about that…" Ijirude admitted, bowing.

"So you don't know what happened to make a part of our world get sucked away and fused with this one?" Gege spoke up in...a rather smooth sounding male voice. All unaware of a Kikanoid janitor covered in blocky blue and silver armor with large white rimmed rectangular glasses walking past an entrance.

"Ah well no...I…"

"Ano...what was that about a part of Kikaitopia being lost?" the janitor asked, "What is the meaning of that? What's...?

Ijirude swung his staff topped with red gears forming a trident-like image and blasted the Janitor with red electricity, making him sputter and mumble before falling over, smoke escaping his armor as his yellow eyes turned to spirals.

"Ehem...please excuse the cleaning crew…" Ijirude spoke.

"Well find out the cause! I won't go easy on you just because I'm one step away from total Dimensional conquest!" Boccowaus growled, raising his fist up to Ijirude.

"Ne, ne, Boccowaus!" Gege spoke as he began to fly around.

"Oh, what is it, Gege?" The King's tone...suddenly changed from angry to...nurturing?

"Why don't we forgo the Tojiru Gear...and conquer this world normally?" he asked floating over to a console showing the now fused world, "It will expand your territory, and it will be oh so much more fun! We haven't blown up a city in forever since we got the Tojiru Gears."

"Yes, yes! That's my beloved Gege!" Boccowaus cheered as he began stroking Gege's head happily, his eyes glowing as he looked at those on the platform, "You heard my adorable little Gege...get to work."

"Of course, my lord!" Barashitara declared, "I'm revving to go!"

Elsewhere, hovering above an empty vast expanse of land and what looked like a metallic city was a large, spherical space station with two big 'eyes', a pointed cone for a nose...and a very large metal moustache. A loud laugh could be heard as we zoom in on the station's interior.

"Yes...yes! I've finally done it!" a tall and rather...rotund man laughed dramatically as he stood before a large set of computers, "It took me about...hmm...Orbot, Cubot! How many months has it been?!"

"Six months since the collision of worlds you inadvertently caused, sir," a floating red robot shaped like an orb answered.

"Because you interrupted Sonic while he was fixing Mobius!" a floating yellow robot shaped like a cube added.

"Semantics!" the man snapped before grinning, "But I've done it...I've managed to re-ammase my ever growing army of Dark Egg Legion soldiers and robots...!"

"With Lien-Da's help," Cubot added before whispering, "I think she's still mad y-"


"The soup~" Cubot groaned as he fell down, a pair of goggles appearing on his head as his optics were replaced with swirls.

"Oh dear...I think that blow damaged his voice chip again, sir," Orbot whispered.

"Don't care at the moment," Eggman stated, tossing his wrench away before pressing a button on the console, "Lien-Da, are the troops ready for the attack?"

=Yeah. At least you decided to think this out instead of just winging it=

"Hey! What was…"

=You rushing in screwed up Mobius=

"Gh...Cubot, you just had to tell her when we found her, didn't you?" Eggman glowered.

"Why not?!" Cubot exclaimed as he shot up, acting as if he didn't get hit on the head, "I am merely wanting to have her catching up to what she had missed!"

"Oh dear...the Cheesecake voice," Orbot whispered in dread.

"Oh oh! Detector Eggman, why don't we use the special machine you had created to send out a robot to attack th-" Cubot began, acting as if he was on a permanent sugar-high.


"...I am Groot."

"I am not dealing with that the entire time…" Eggman muttered, tossing the wrench away once more before stroking his mustache, "Hmm...but he does bring up a good point."

=...Oh lord. Not that stupid slot machine…= Lien-Da groaned.

"It's brilliant!"

=It's dumb! The last time you used it caused us to have a robot that was basically a reverse fireman! Agent Specks is still in the recovery ward from it putting her into a house that was on fire!=

"Well of course he was doing everything opposite of what a fireman is supposed to do. His name's 'Evil Firemanbot,' not 'Good Firemanbot who gives kiddies balloons and candy!'" Eggman replied.

=It was supposed to put out the fire, not make it bigger!=

"Orbot, my cards!" Eggman ordered, now choosing to ignore her.

"Of course sir," Orbot nodded, floating off before returning with a stack of cards with a symbol of Eggman's face on the back, "Here you are, my lord."

"Perfect!" Eggman beamed before grabbing Cubot and putting him before the doctor, "And now…" he flicked open his head and inserted the deck before closing it and pulling down on his right arm, causing Cubot's optics to start spinning, displaying random numbers until a card slid out of Cubot's mouth, "Now let's see…" Eggman grabbed the card and flipped it around, "Ooh~! Burn Bot!"

=Another flamethrowing robot?=

"No, no. Burn Bot has claws. Really sharp claws," Eggman replied, mimicking claws with his hands and fingers, "He 'burns' by shredding any attack that comes at him, you know. It's slang!"

=Have you gotten dumber?!=

"Hey, hey! Watch your mouth, missy!" Eggman barked.

=Seriously, we need to get you checked…=

"Nonsense! I am in perfect health!" Eggman argued before activating a nearby monitor, showing a Mobian Platypus on screen, "Starline, is everything ready on your end?"

=Of course, Lord Eggman= the platypus nodded.

=Oh lord, it's the suck up= Lien-Da groaned =Why do we even keep him around?=

=Because my Warp Topaz has proven far more effective than the Warp Rings= Starline countered.

=Fine, fine...You know what? Anything is better then what felt like a borderline six month paid vacation…=

"Wait...I pay you?" Eggman blinked.


"Oh~" Kaito awed, looking at an appetizing tray of takoyaki in his hand so did flash as Sonic twirled a chili dog on his pointer finger, "This is the famous Kikaitopia food, Kikai-takoyai!"

"Nice weight, good balance…" Sonic noted, catching the chili dog in mid-spin.

"And we'll made, I can say this that they know how to cook well" Flash noted aswell as he looked at the takoyaki.

So this is the famous sweet, cotton candy…" the Kikainoid takoyaki seller awed, looking at the bags much like Kaito with the Kikai-takoyaki.

"The world's first trade…" Kaito began, still aweing the takoyaki in his hands, "Of cotton candy for Kikai-takoyaki and a Kikai-Chilidog?"

"You said it cuz and this is even better" Flash said ready to eat.

Well...let's see how these bad boys are!" Sonic grinned, opening his mouth as he prepared to take a bite of his chili dog, "Bottoms u-"


"?!" everyone stopped as they noticed an explosion going off, caused by a group of orange and red robots carrying various weapons as they and a group of Mobians and humans with cybernetics on them stepped out of a large, topaz colored portal.

"Well, about time," Sonic noted, his grin getting wider, "Was wondering if he ended up here or somewhere else."

"Eh? Nani? What's going on?" Kaito asked.

"That's what I wanna ask. I was gonna enjoy my meal" Flash said.

"An attack from that Eggman guy I told ya about," Sonic explained as a female Mobian Echidna stepped out of the portal, wearing an all-black jumpsuit with some of her dreadlocks seemingly cybernetic and a bit of pink hair atop her head.

"Ugh...Do I really have to say the line?" the echidna groaned in Lien-Da's voice, speaking into a communicator in one of her dreadlocks.

=I've been in hiding for six months...I need people to remember who they should fear!=

"Ugh…" Lien-Da rolled her eyes before holding her arm out, "Attention humans, Mobians, and Kikainoids, your city has been commandeered by the Eggman Empire! Surrender now, or else the Egg Pawns will take care of you personally."

"Egg...Pawns?" Kaito repeated.

"Yeah...ol' Eggy likes to add 'Egg' to most of his stuff," Sonic shrugged, "Wouldn't be surprised if he renamed the Dark Legion the Egg Army."

'He better not!' Lien-Da mentally snapped.

"Ah well I don't care what you're called!" Flash walked forward, "Everyone is trying to get along here, and you're messing it up!" he declared as he pointed at them…


...only for the takoyaki cart to blow up behind him, "..." he looked at his finger, "...That wasn't me, was it?"

"No…" Sonic and kaito shook there heads.

Marching out were a group of...Kikanoids. But it was strange, they all looked the same, like mass produced clones. They had on the same silver jumpsuit with black boots and gloves. Their silver helmets were interesting as the mouthguard looked like it had teeth resembling keyboard keys, and their black visor was separated by a single angular line going across it. They also all held the same weapon, a staff themed after an electrical plug with the heads having two metal spikes, and the bottoms ending in wires.

=Hey! Who fired the shot before you were given orders!?= Eggman snapped, having heard the explosion over the line.

"From this day forward, this world belongs to the Kikaitopia Tojitendo Dynasty!" Barashitara spoke as he marched forward. In his hands was a spear, the head of which looked like a surface to air rocket.

"...Sir, it seems our invasion...is being interrupted by an invasion," Lien-Da noted.

=WHAT!? Hold on…= Eggman muttered before one of the EggPawns tensed before its optics shifted colors until settling on a copy of the color of Eggman's glasses =There. I've engaged a remote operation in this EggPawn. That's be…= the EggPawn 'spoke' in Eggman's voice as it turned to see Barashitara and his troops =What's huh? Hey! This is my invasion, darn it! Go back to where you came from until I'm done!=

"Ah...a rival army…" Barashitara noted, "That makes this fun…" he chuckled darkly as his hat shadowed his optics, "I thought this world was weak and full of squishy organics...but an enemy force of superior mechanical life forms, now I'm interested." he suddenly aimed his spear at the EggPawn, "Submit and bow to the Tojitendo Dynasty...or be recycled into our new foot soldiers!"

=Did you just...oh you dare…!?= Eggman growled out =Lien-Da, I'm sending out Burnbot now! You and the rest deal with these interlopers and Sonic! Especially the blue rodent!=

"You sure that's a wise idea?" Lien-Da questioned, "Their commanding officer looks like he c-"


"Ugh...fine," Lien-Da groaned before looking back at the Mobians and humans with Cybernetics, "Legionnaires, attack the invading forces and….ugh...Sonic..."

"Kudakk's! Attack!" Barashitatra ordered.

"Dakk!" they all cheered, rushing forward spears aimed and at the ready.

"What is all this?" Kaito and flash asked as the fighting went on, the Tojitendo attacking anyone, Human, Mobian, and even other Kikainoids who were not part of their forces, and likewise the battle with the Legionnaires only caused more damage to the area.

"Hahaha!" Barashitara laughed, letting attacks bounce off his armor with no effect whatsoever, "Doshta? Is that all you can muster?" he asked, swinging his spear and sending his attackers flying away into the horizon, "How pathetic...you're so light…"

"Yeah, well…" he looked up to see Sonic standing on one foot...on top of his weapon, "Just because us Mobians are shorter than you guys doesn't mean we're weaker than you."

"What the...oi! Get off!" Barashitara demanded, trying to shake Sonic off his weapon.

"Yeah I would, but...you look like you need a good zapping," Sonic smirked before he became a blur, moving away from Barashitara just as a pair of electric whips wrapped around him, sending a course of electricity through his body.

"Damn it...Of course I missed him," Lien-Da muttered, holding onto the electrified whips with her hands.

"Hmm…" Barashitara spoke, making both Mobians blink, "My exterior armor is indeed metal...but my interior is insulated…" he motioned to the treads that made up his legs, "But I commend you, squishy ones…" the canon on his chest began glowing as he was charging up a shot, "But...my turn." a loud bang filled the air as he fired a shell from his chest that struck the ground, causing a huge explosion with the force knocking Lien-Da and Sonic over.

"...Okay….This guy's tougher than I thought," Sonic muttered as he got up.

"I knew something weird was going to happen today…" Lien-Da groaned.

"Really...You knew that another group of bad guys from the other Parallel world would invade the same day as you?" Sonic asked sarcastically.

"Hah...It's been a while since we've been allowed to use Military might...I have so missed the drums of war." Barashitara sighed, his canon charging up again, "It's a shame the forces I encounter put up so little of a fight."

"That better not be a joke on my height!" Sonic called.

"That's what you're worried about!?" Lien-Da snapped.

"Can't you blast him with your blasts?" Sonic asked.

"..." Lien-Da looked away.

"...Did ya forget you could fire those electric blasts like you did in Albion?"

"No. It's, well...chalk it up as another thing Eggman messed up with that stupid plan of his," Lien-Da replied.


"Yeah. In short...we're screwed right now."

"Hey!" Kaito shouted, making Barashitara stop his attack while the human walked around him and tried his best to get in his face….despite all the chest armor getting in the way, "What's the big idea!? With all of you!? We're all getting along...and yet you guys just come in and start messing things up for us! And on top of that, you're all attacking your own people!"

"Kaito I don't think it works like kill la kill scene of late day. This guy mostly wants to fight I can say by looking at him." Flash coming with him."but I gonna agree aswell. What's the big idea why are you attacking your own kind."

"Because they are nothing but scrap," Barashitara spoke, "All those besides the elite are useless, scrap meant for us to step upon to gain victory and glory! Those weaklings are low class garbage...humans and Mobians are nothing but organic filth! We Elite of the Tojitendo need not concern ourselves with the lives of those beneath us." he reached his hand and grabbed Kaito and flash lifted them up, before shoving them and sending both flying into the distance, "Hmph...even both are lighter then the others…"

"Ah! Kaito! Flash!" Sonic exclaimed before running off after them.

=Hey! Hey, you get back here, hedgehog!= Eggman shouted, his controlled EggPawn shaking a fist at the hedgehog.

"You! Tiny commander! Bring out your elite forces!" Barashitara spoke, picking up Eggman's EggPawn avatar and bringing it up to eye level with him.

=Hey! I am not tiny!=

"Hmm...what's this...you are not a robotic life form...you're just a transmitter...where are you, tiny commander?" he growled as he began crushing the EggPawn, "I shall not be insulted! Come and die like a warrior!"

Kaito and flash screamed as they both continued to go through the air, flying over the park where even more Tojitendo forces were attacking. They began attacking the party with the Kudakk's being lead by what seemed to be an evolved version of them.

This figure looked more armored with gear-like accents forming a belt on his waist, bracers on his arm, accents over his shoulders, a neck brace, and gears located in Each of his large shoulder guards and armored boots. His helmet lacked the keyboard like mouthguard instead being a large black visor with armored spikes forming the image of a spiked mouth. His weapon was also different, it lacked wires at the bottom, the head of the plug was black and instead of metal spikes it was tipped with two red chainsaws. This was a high ranking officer in the Tojitendo armed forces, a Kudaiter.

"Get them," the Kudaiter commander ordered the Kudakks, the grunts nodding and rushing in to attack the party goers.

"Tojitendo?!" the red Kikanoid asked in shock, seeing those who made life in his world miserable, "They arrived in this world, too?!"

"Hmm?" the Kudaiter blinked spotting the Red Kikanoid, "Hey you, the Red Kikainoid," he spoke up, "Scrap these Humans and Mobians."

"What did you say?!" he asked as he looked around before grabbing a large rock, "Teme!" he shouted, raising the rock up, intent to use it as a weapon. But he stopped as the Human and Mobian teenagers all screamed in fear, he turned to see them, they were scared. To the humans, this had never happened before, and to the Mobians it was like they had suddenly re-experienced something traumatic. He slowly lowered the rock realizing...they were afraid of him...just like they feared the Tojitendo who were attacking them, "No...I wasn't...I didn't…" he spoke, trying to assure them he didn't mean them harm, but his swinging the rock around only served to make them panic even more, "I didn't mean...I wasn't going to hurt you!" he explained in vain as they used this chance to escape from the Kikainoids, "Ah...To the humans, I'm the same as them...and to Mobians, they've caused a trauma to resurface…"

"Seems like it," the Kudaiter noted, patting the Red Kikainoid's shoulder in assurance.

"Arigatou," he thanked...before both realized the situation, "Gh! Oi!" he backed away from the Kudaiter, "You bastard!"

"I didn't notice you were just a peasant Kikainoid," the Kudaiter realized, "You can get scrapped like the rest of them!"

"Kono!" the Red Kikanoid grunted as he tried to swing at him, only for the Kudaiter to swing his spear and strike his chest making sparks fly, and the poor good hearted Kikanoid to get sent flying and landing in the park's Trash pick up pile, "Gh…" he grunted as he was buried under the trash bags that had accumulated.

Both teens groaned, both landing thankfully cushioned by trash on the streets trash pick up pile. It wasn't exactly a soft landing...but they could walk away from this at least. Both blinked realizing....they were just a block away from home. They really got flung for some distance, this was like an almost 30 minute walk from the street fair. Both slowly got back up with a groan and decided to walk towards home, hopefully everyone was…

"Stay away!" a familiar voice called out, "I said stay back!" it was Yatsude.

"Yachan/Aunty!" Both called out, running to the street they called home...before skidding to a halt on arrival.

"Ah mou...Who are these Kikainoids?" Roll questioned, arms under her impressive chest as she was giving the tied up and hung up upside-down grunts a stern look, "This is an establishment, not a bar. You all want to fight, then go find one!"

"Roll-chan, make sure to take photos of their faces so we can put up a banned photo for each!" Yatsude added, poking out of the store with a pot on her head as a helmet.

"Nani!?" Kaito gawked.

"Should have saw that coming" flash muttered.

"Hm? Oh, Kaito-san, Flash-san welcome back!" Roll greeted before bowing, "Please excuse the mess. Some Kikainoids seem to have forgotten their manners and one even shocked Haseo-chan."

"Sugoi…" Kaito awed, "Mobians really are stronger than they look."

"I learned that lesson when she took down a bicker gang ,by just a toothpick and I still don't know how, she doesn't have any magic aswell." Flash muttered the last part to himself.

Hurry, hurry inside you two!" Yatsude called, pulling him in, "Roll-chan, don't forget the photos!"

"Hai~" Roll saluted.

"Quick, Kaito! Flash! Help us move these heavy things!" Yatsude ordered as they began barricading the door with anything they could move in its path.

"There we go…" Kaito muttered, moving the last shelf into place, flash began walking away, before turning back and opening the shelf's little door, "Haseo, get out of there. This is for barricading the door, not for hiding!"

H-Hai…" a shy little voice squeaked out before a small grey fox Mobian crawled out wearing an orange shirt, blue shorts, and had a black tail with white tip...and a white tail with black tip.

"Ah, you lost your helmet," Yatsude sighed as she put a pot on his head.

"So we're not only being attacked by what seems to be rogue Kikainoids that have made an army, but also Dr. Eggman's forces," Skye noted, sitting nearby with Secchan.

"How did you get in here?" Yatsude demanded.

"Upstairs window with Sonic," Skye replied as he pointed over to said hedgehog, "Seems I'll be working late tonight once this all dies down." he sighed, "I'm a repairman, not a doctor."

"Tou-san, you have seven doctorates," Roll reminded.

"Papa is being a goober here," Skye comically sighed before Yatsude tugged his ear, "Owowowowowowowowow…"

"Don't come in through the window," Yatsude scolded.

"Heh-heh," Sonic chuckled before his ear was pulled too, "Owowowowowowowow..."

"That goes double for you!" Yatsude spoke, "Just cause you're not my blood family, doesn't mean I won't scold you for being dumb!" she began twisting their ears, making them both cry in pain as they fell over once she let go, "You two are male role models to a little boy! Act like it!"

"Oh, Tou-san…" Roll sighed, shaking her head while keeping a hand over her mouth to hide her amused smile at the antics, before frowning as she looked out the semi-blocked window, "Just what is going on? Why are some of them acting like this? ...Do you think it's a ploy by Dr. Eggman?"

"Nope. There's this other faction led by this tank dude, claiming they're the elite of the Kikainoids or something," Sonic answered.

"Elite?" Yatsude asked, "What does that mean?"

"Could be that whatever caused our current situation six months ago resulted in a civil war to quietly brew in the Kikainoids as roles were altered and bridges formed and collapsed," Skye noted, rubbing his sore ear, "These 'elites' might be the higher class that grew upset over it."

"Man I was happy to be hear and finally out of trouble" Flash sitting down on the table" my mom dad send me hear to live with her friends so I won't get in trouble, but trouble find me instead. But you know I kind of liked it hear still. I get in to trouble with kaito and sonic and I get to help others and also I got to experience family with you guys even if we're not blood related.But still they had to ruin it" The others looked at him and smiled at that. But soon frowned at the last part

"..." Kaito sighed after hearing flash as he looked at the door, "I was so happy, too…" he got the others attention, "I thought we were getting along…" he began walking over to the little mechanical bird known as Secchan, "...With the worlds my Parents found…" he reached out and picked up Secchan, "Touchan...Kaachan…" he spoke while looking at the gift they gave him as a child.


The young Kaito from the family picture blinked as his mother and father presented him with Secchan. The boy blinked in confusion, to him it just seemed like a new toy.

"Kaito, behold!" his father cheered, "Tousan's Masterpiece is finally complete!"

"Kaito, this is Secchan, your new friend!" his mother smiled pushing the robotic bird to Kaito so he could hold it.

=Tune, Tune!= Secchan chirped.

"Sugoi! Even after it blew up so many times!" Kaito awed.

"Yeah...I still don't think Skye's eyebrows have fully grown back…" His father muttered sheepishly.

"But we didn't give up," His mother replied while elbowing her husband.

"If you're serious about something, then you keep at it till you get results, Zenryoku Zenkai!" his father cheered. He then got up and stood next to his wife as they prepared something they had said and probably practiced numerous times.

"You can recover from mistakes! Try it multiple times!" they both cheered. Young Kaito smiled as he held Secchan close.


Kaito opened his eyes as he was holding Secchan close, resting his head against the robotic bird's own head, "That's right…" he spoke up as the memory of his parents sparked something within him, "I don't want to give up. I haven't done anything yet." his smile began to form, "I've made up my mind! I will protect our world!" he declared to the others.

"...Heh-heh...15...14..." Skye began to quietly count down while sitting at the raised podium to the house part of the building, pulling Haseo into his lap.

"Eh? How?" Yatsude asked in surprise.

"I don't know," Kaito bluntly replied, causing everyone but Skye to fall over in shock and exasperation, "But...until I get results…" he grinned and held up Secchan high over his head, "I'm going Zenryoku Zenkai!"

"Zero," Skye finished counting at the same time the robotic bird's eyes lit up with a blue light. Secchan then began chirping before flapping their wings and flying up, making them all gasp.

"Well that's new!" Sonic exclaimed.

=Tune, tune, tune tuning complete~!= Secchan declared.

"It talks!" Kaito, Flash, Yatsude, Roll, and Haseo all shouted.

"Yo, Secchan," Skye casually greeted, "Everyone sit down over here now, please."

"Huh?" the others blinked.

=Here= Secchan spoke, leading them to the tatami mate at the base of the stairs that led to the living section above the shop where Skye and Haseo already were =Please all sit or stand here for the next few seconds please!=

"Oh…" Kaito nodded as they all walked over and stood on the mat to make best use of the small space.

"Hold onto your behinds!" Skye laughed.

=Go!= Secchan cheered...as the mat suddenly fell down into a deep hole in the ground, Secchan stopped flapping to let gravity drag them down to join them.

"NANI!?" Roll and Yatsude panicked.

"Wow!" Flash yelled.

After a moment, they finally touched down on some form of floor, most of them all tumbling over. They all groaned save for Skye and Haseo, with the former prepared for this ahead of time clearly. Flash got up from the pain. Kaito and Roll quickly helped Yatsude up as lights began turning on, revealing them to be in a huge space surrounded by monitors, showing the same revolving symbol. It had four interconnecting jagged stripes going from left to right: Yellow, Red, Pink and Blue, with a silvery white V crest beneath. The group themselves were standing on what seemed to be a large white arrow shaped platform. On it were four things of note: first was a small desk with a computer system and several files resting on it, second were large table-like devices with things like screens, controls and the likes built into it, and the last two were a pair of large computer mainframes.

"...How...long was this place down here?" Sonic asked, blinking a bit in surprise.

"A long time," Skye chuckled.

"Sugei~! What is this place?!" Kaito awed.

"Wow" Flash equally surprised.

=This is the lab that Dr. Isao Dr. Mitsuko Dr Misty Vail and Trail blazer used, tune!= Secchan explained =It expanded when Dr. Sakurai first came and did some visits, tune!=

"So that's what my parents were working on with your parents kaito" Flash asked to his cousin looking around.

"Those kids…" Yatsude said with a small sad smile, her hand swinging up and smacking Skye upside the head the moment he turned away.

"Gah! Ite~!" Skye comically groaned, "What did I do?"

"My son and trial are not here for me to smack, and you helped, didn't you?" she argued.

"Fair enough," Skye muttered.

"You helped with this?" Roll asked.

"Of course I did!" Skye grinned, "Ah Issy and Mitsy were downright brilliant! And so we're misty and trail Together, we learned so much about alternate worlds!" he coughed into his hand while mumbling under his breath, "And may or may not have ended up with more than one fine for minor law violations…"

"What was that?" Yatsude demanded, her eyes sharp.

"I said 'Secchan, hit the switch!'" Skye quickly replied.

=Hai~!= Secchan beamed as it swooped down and pushed a switch on one of the computers before multiple floating screens popped up, showcasing a myriad of figures in colorful attire with a key commonality in having a red, blue, and yellow and either a green, pink, purple, silver, gold...so many different colors! =Many of them had Super Sentai heroes who would protect the Earth tune!=

"Sonic, you may wanna take a couple steps forward," Skye advised.

"Huh? Wh…" Sonic began before a buzzer went off...and the ground under Sonic shot up, making him yelp and go into the air like he had stepped on a spring.

"I warned him," Skye chuckled before nudging Roll to the side and had her hold her arms out, letting Sonic land squarely in them.

"Uh...Thanks," Sonic thanked, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"Pay attention to where you're standing. You were right on top of the piece de resistance of what we made," Skye snickered as he gestured to what had emerged from the floor.

Everyone looked to it. It was a shelf of sorts with five strange blasters hung on the shelves with a gold gear-like item beside them. The blasters had a black grip with a red stripe going down the center, a black trigger guard with a red trigger, along the back half of the gun it was black with a stripe of rainbow color with the words 'GEARTLINGER' written in black letters, the front half was red, with a bird head-like design on the sights that greatly resembles Secchan. It had a secondary black handle with a red stripe along the bottom, an oddity was a light blue crank on the right side which faced them, and a black knob with the same symbol as on the walls but in all gold. The barrel was where things got a little crazy as it was a-relative to its handgun scale-large gatling gun like barrel with five barrels with a red casing around it and had four colored stripes along it in Green, Blue, Pink and yellow.

=The culmination of the work of three great scientists!= Sechan declared =From studying all the Super Sentai discovered, they created a unique brand of device meant to protect our Earth, tune!=

"Wait Sentai, my mom and dad told me a lot of stories about them." Flash got excited the others couldn't help but smile at his antics.

"These Super Sentai sound kinda awesome…" Sonic muttered as Kaito walked over to the shelf and focused on the center most section, the gear having the white image or a ranger with the number 45 on it.

"Oh, they are," Skye noted as he held his arm out and let Secchan land on it, "And Secchan here has an entire compendium we made inside of his adorable little noggin, including their weapons, armors, skills, and a summary of each team. I think the one thing we enjoyed debating on the most was on ZyuohTheWorld's throwing an entire building into the air on if he actually sent it straight past the exosphere or if it was somewhere between the exosphere and mesosphere."

=These are the Geartlinger and Sentai Gears= Secchan informed =They are a proud invention that took a lot of work to copy the abilities of without taking, tune. After all, we're not Pirates tune!=

"Touchan and Kaachan made all these with aunty misty and uncle trial? Skye, why did you never tell us?" Kaito asked innocently,so did falsh not upset or the like, just curious as to why...and how he kept a secret this amazing.

=He pinkie promised, tune!= Secchan spoke up, =That and he was probably afraid if he told Yatsude that he and her son and his friend dug out a secret subterranean lab...in Japan...which is a volcanic island...she'd probably shave him, tune!=

"Hence why there's a field in here that short-circuits any device that shaves," Skye nervously noted...keeping Haseo between him and Yatsude.

"You know I just need to wait for you to leave this lab if that's the case…" Yatsude spoke, "And even if you made it mobile...you should have instead invested in a gizmo that makes it so I can't use anything sharp period."

=Oh, he tried. Dr. Isao and Mr Trial vetoed because they couldn't test the Sentai Gears for those who use blades tune= Secchan chirped happily =Dr. Mitsuko and Dr. Misty couldn't add anything because of the loss of oxygen=


=Laughing too hard over the argument and the mental image of what he'd look like shaved=

"Secchan!" Skye yelped, his face bright red in embarrassment, "A...Anyway…" he coughed into his fist, "Use these to fight off the invaders."

"Oh sweet! That's…" Sonic began, reaching for the blue one when Skye slapped his hand, "Ow!"

"The Geartlingers are incompatible with Mobians," Skye stated, "It was my request due to the issues we Mobians have had with guns."


"Plus, don't you have issues with guns?" Skye added.

"They look more like toy guns."

"Like that Nack fellow's?"

"...Point taken," Sonic grumbled.

"So...only humans can use them?" Kaito asked, holding a Geartlinginger and the White Gear, "Or...humans and...Kikainoids?"

"Bingo!" Skye grinned, "One human and four Kikainoids to be precise."


"Don't deny that you were thinking of asking your grandmother to fight alongside you and your cousin," Skye deadpanned.

"..." Kaito looked away, trying not to look at the older hedgehog or his grandmother, "I thought it'd be cool...I mean, girls can be badass, too…"

"I have several marks from a frying pan that can attest to that claim," Skye stated while patting Roll's head, "And a daughter that proves it as well."

"Roll would have been my first pick if not for the Mobian rule…And Flash would have been my second pick." Kaito admitted.

"Eh/Huh!?" Roll and Flash exclaimed.

"I mean...she's a ninja, and she knows all sorts of cool stuff." Kaito explained, "Plus Sonic would have joined on his own otherwise if not for the rule. And Flash well you help out anyway and because of that I thought you fit perfect"

"Don't worry cuz, beside I think I will have to stick to the side lines anyway like I always do." Flash rubbing the back of his head. In truth he was sad that he couldn't help.

Skye looked at him and thought in mind 'don't worry your time will come to flash my boy, beside I made a promise to your mom and dad about this.'

"But count me in to, beside I may not have power but I can still fight and I won't let a family member fight alone, cause us family have to stick together ya know."Flash said determined. The others smiled at that.

"No contest," Sonic smirked, "Still gonna be joining in, though. Just call me a hikonin for this group! ...What's it called, anyway?"

"Kikai Sentai…" Skye began as he pointed ahead.

=...Zenakiger!= Secchan finished, landing on the arm and pointed ahead as well.

"...You did something to Secchan," Yatsude deadpanned, causing the two to fall over, "He wasn't like this before you started doing that countdown."

"Secchan said tuning is complete…" Kaito spoke up, "Could be that Secchan was meant to activate like this...if the world was ever in danger from this one super specific situation?"

"Who could plan for something like tha-...oh...right…" Sonic muttered looking at Skye, "You literally planned this."

"Not just me," Skye replied, "Issy and Mitsy, too! In fact, they made sure that only Kaikai here could trigger it."

"Ah...that genius gene must skip generations in this family." Yatsude sighed as Kaito just stared in awe. But Flash was feeling a little down.

"Okay, so we have a way to fight now. We just need some good Kikainoids to join up," Sonic grinned, "...But, uh…" he looked around, "How do we get out of here?"

"Boing," Skye replied.

"Boing?" Sonic repeated as Secchan pushed a button.


"Boing," Skye chuckled, the spot Sonic had been resetting from its spring state...before he then pushed a button and an elevator rose up, "Elevator for everyone else."

"Sugei…" Kaito awed.

"...What's going on?" the Red Kikanoid whispered, resting his back against the back of a wall as more of the evil Kikanoids were attacking the people and Mobians. He honestly tried to help defend them...but the situation only made things worse as when he tried to fight back, those who were scared assumed he was about to strike them.


"?!" the Red Kikanoid tensed up, looking to the side to see a Kudakk about to attack a young Mobian cat.

"Please help!"

"Oi! Teme!" the Kikainoid shouted as he charged and tackled the Kudakk away from the kid, sending both tumbling away from each other upon landing on the ground; the Kudakk was first to recover and held up its staff to swing down at the child, "Look out!"

The Red Kikainoid ran over to the child and put his back to the Kudakk and its weapon while putting his body around the child to protect them. The Kudakk swung as gunshots went off. The Kudakk sparked as it fell over, several bullet holes decorating it. The Red Kikainoid looked up to see Kaito standing there, Geartlinger in hand and aimed at where the Kudakk had been. Kaito blinked twice, looking between the downed mook and his gun a few times.

"Nice aim," Flash noted, giving Kaito a thumbs up as Roll ran over to the Red Kikainoid and cat Mobian, carrying a medical bag...and a tool kit.

"Are you both okay?" Roll asked, "That one didn't hurt you two, did it?"

"No ah…" the Kikanoid looked down at the Cat Mobian, "Sorry...I didn't mean to...I wasn't trying to…"

"That was pretty brave of you, man," Sonic noted, patting the Kikainoid's back, "Saving this little tyke and willing to take a hit like that."

"Yeah I would have done the same." Flash noted aswell.

"Thank you for saving them," Kaito added, walking over to look at the Red Kikanoid.

"Eh?" he blinked, realizing they understood what he was doing.

"Hey…" the cat spoke, earning the red Kikanoid's attention, "...Thank you for saving me, mister!"

"O-oh!" he nodded, regaining composure, "It's dangerous here. Run to safety!" he spoke, helping the Cat Mobian up and motioned away from the chaos of the continuing fight of two invading forces.

"G-got it!" he nodded as he hurried off.

The Red Kikanoid sighed, "You're lucky you didn't hit me-" he began as he turned around to scold the kids, only to blink as Kaito held up another Geartlinger to his face.

"Ne...Help me fight the Tojitendo." Kaito spoke up, making the Kikanoid blink.

"Huh?!" he gawked only for Kaito to step a bit closer and hold the Geartlinger even closer to his torso, "Hey wait a moment!" he spoke up, taking another step back, "I'm also a Kikainoid…" he pointed out as the three looked at him, he then walked around them as he tried not to look them in the eye, "We just met. How can you ask me to do something like that-"

Kaito walked over and grabbed his shoulder to turn him around, "I want to get along with you, Ojisan!" he smiled, "Because…" he spoke as he made the Kikanoid grab the Geartlinger, "You're not like them." he turned to see the Tojitendo and Eggman's forces as they continued to skirmish, "And they aren't like the Mobians I call friends and family," Kaito went on with a serious expression, "Every world has its good...and its bad. I want to get along with the good people and fight the bad ones with them."

The Kikanoid took a moment to process Kaito's words, Flash smiled at his cousin he is always like this but it's ok still. Sonic and Roll smiling at them as well. The Kikanoid also felt...relieved. Someone saw him as himself and wanted to do what he dreamed of since he was so young in Kikaitopia.

"Yeah!" he cheered suddenly as he walked over to stand beside Kaito, "I'm not like them at all!" he cheered. He then tapped Kaito's arm before he spun around in place, "And don't call me 'Ojisan', my name is Juran!" he declared before moving one hand to his head like a salute as he winked, "Let's get along~" he chuckled, looking to Sonic and Roll as well as he introduced himself.

"I'm Flash, Flash sentry" The blue hair teen greeted.

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!" the blue hedgehog smirked.

"It's nice to meet you, Juran-san. My name is Sakurai Roll," Roll bowed.

"I'm Kaito, Goshikida Kaito!" Kaito smiled happily, "Let's all get along!" he cheered, shoulder bumping into Juran.

As the small group laughed, the fight amongst two evil factions dulled down as both of them took notice of the collection of oddballs before them. Barashitara walked forward alongside his Kudaiter subordinate. Lien-Da and her forces blinking as to what got their attention.

"Oh? It's the human and rats from before," he noted as he looked at Kaito, Flash and Sonic, "I'm amazed you're all still alive."

"Trust me. My master knows how many times he's tried to before with the hedgehog…" Lien-Da muttered

"Look even the peasant from before is-" the Kudaiter began before Juran fired and got a headshot on a random Kudakk, making him go limp and fall over.

"Ah…" the evil forces' high commanders all blinked at how blatantly that just happened.

"Yosha!" Juran cheered, slapping his Geartlinger, "I did it!"

=Wh...?! You can't do that!= Eggman demanded from an Egg Pawn =There are rules to this!=

"What rules?" Juran asked.

"There are rules hear?" Flash asked.

"Oh don't enc-" Lien-De began.

=You know! You let the villain finish their monologue and make you realize how pathetic you are, then you defy them with argu…!= Eggman began before Juran shot one of the Egg Pawns, shattering it upon impact =D'oh! See?! SEE! THAT IS JUST RUDE!=

"Man, this thing's aim is crazy!" Juran cheered.

"Ah, that's right! I forgot!" Kaito spoke up as he began digging in one of many pockets inside his vest before pulling out a Gear with a red image and 16 on it.

"What?" Juran blinked as Kaito put it in his hand, "What's this?"

"Open this up…" Kaito began as he started giving Juran a crash course on the Geartlinger right now in the middle of this tense and awkward situation.

"Put it in swift as the wind," Juran nodded, following along with their hushed conversation, the Tojitendo and Eggman's forces just tilting their heads as this...was actually happening. This was a thing and it was happening right here and now to them.

"And then you go Bang!" Kaito finished.

"Oh you should have told me sooner," Juran noted, understanding all that somehow.

"Th-this is a thing. This is an actual thing that's happening right now," Lien-Da whispered in disbelief.

"If any of you said 'this is a thing now,' then yeah. It is," Sonic grinned.

"Yeah I accepted it when it comes to my cousin" flash said.

"Yosh ikuze!" Kaito cheered as he and Juran stepped forward, they held their respective gears up before opening a light blue slot on the top of the Geartlinger near the back, revealing a slot just for the Gears to be inserted.

Both slotted their Sentai Gears in before slamming the lid down and letting it close up. A noise coming from the Geartlinger as they both held it up in their left hands and grabbed the crank.

"Change Zenkai!" they declared as they began spinnin the crank.

=Yon-Ju-Go Bang! Ju-Roku Bang!=

"Hm? They talk?" Juran asked as the guns started to chant with a tune going off.


"I get the feeling this is a theme for Sentai," Roll noted.

"Pretty catchy jingle," Sonic chuckled.

"Yeah but I think it's of a dinosaur theme where they dance to the beat" Flash said.

Suddenly, Kaito and Juran thrust their arms out and pulled the triggers. Everyone on the two enemy factions flinched as large gears of golden energy shot out. The gears had the same images as the Gears they inserted before flying back and sweeping over Kaito and Juran.

The Gear that swept over Kaito stopped as white light formed around his body before it solidified into a suit. His suit was all white with golden accents on his forearm covering gloves and on his boots. A large golden crest formed on his torso as chest armor with a circular coat of arms in the center with the same symbol as was in his parents lab, as it swept out to his shoulders as shoulder pads, stripes of yellow, green, blue and pink formed on his shoulder just under the shoulder pads and seemed to paint over his torso and curved down upon reaching a large red stripe going down from his neck to his chest and down to the interior of his legs, giving the image of a rainbow on his torso. A white helmet formed around his head, as a red stripe formed down the middle, a blue visor with small holes formed in the shape of a large set of goggles, with a large golden V crest forming on his forehead with the number 45 in the center. Around his waist was a black belt with a large silver rectangular buckle with a golden V in it. A white cape with a red interior formed behind him to complete his transformation.


Juran's gear swept over him as it began reformatting his body armor and altering him into a totally new form. His arms turned black with gold accents on his wrist and the base of his elbows, a red plate attached to his left shoulder with the silver image of a Tyrannosaurus head on it. His upper chest turned bright red and jutted outwards in the image of a Tyrannosaurus head with yellow eyes and a black nose. His torso from under his chest was black with a silver belt around his waist. His upper legs were silver while his legs from the knee down were covered in red armor, stopping at his feet which were black, with silver clawed toes extending forward. His head changed into a new black helmet, with a red crown going across the top of his forehead, two large red spikes which curved up forming from the sides of his helmet, with a third orange crest forming atop his helmet, his mouth was now a solid silver mouthplate as his eyes became larger and a bright orange, with a silver vest in the center of his forehead and the number 16 in gold over it.

=Zenkai Juran~!=

"Himitsu no power!" the white ranger spoke up as he struck a pose with left arm drawn back and his right across his torso so both hands pointed to his left, he then twisted his body around and swung his arms around before punching his right arm forward with his left arm cocked back, "ZenKaiser!"

"Kyoryu power!" Juran declared as he lifted both arms up with his index and middle fingers curled to look like claws, he then began swinging his arms as if dancing before twisting his body to the right and flicking his fingers out to the right, "Zenkai Juran!" he declared putting his left on his hip as he turned his head to finish his pose.

Suddenly, Zenkaiser and Juran posed together as Zenkaiser leaned to the right and Juran to the left as they held their hands up with two fingers held out.

"Futari Awasete!" they declared, "Kikai Sentai," they jumped to the opposite side as Zenkai Juran stood to the right with his right arm held up, and Zenkaiser to the left with his left arm held up, "Zenkaiger!" they shouted.

=Hooray! They transformed!= Secchan cheered, flapping his wings excitedly on Skye's head, the four still in the base watching on a screen.

"Sugoi~" Haseo awed, his tails wagging.

"How did they do that group pose and motto together that fast?" Yatsude asked.

"The Sentai Gears can automatically upload information and skills to their brains." Skye explained, "We couldn't resist making sure that the first thing they learn was that since it's a way to show their camaraderie."

=It also helps with another amazing power of the Geartlinger and Sentai Gear, tune!= Secchan cheered, =Now for the real fun part, Tune!=

"Yosh...Zenryoku Zenkai!" Zenkaiser declared, holding up the Geartlinger.

Zenkai Juran pulled out a large silver shield with split into two ends at the bottom and had a ribcage like pattern in the center, and in his other hand was a large single edged sword, it had a red base with two handles, one acting as a sort of guard as he grabbed the rear handle, the red going along the blades back, with the blade itself having an odd and noticeable undulating that made it thin out towards the tip.

"What is this…" several of Eggman's forces asked only to be blindsided as Zekaiser jumped into the air and began raining energy bullets on them which resulted in...large explosions that tossed them around.

"Make way!" Juran shouted as he bashed his shield into a Kudakk, before swinging his sword and slashing through several mooks of both factions making them explode. The bulky armored Red Ranger dashing through with amazing speed as he cut down more mooks, "Come at me!" he taunted, using his shield to block the lance of a Kudakk before kicking an Egg Pawn like a football and slamming it into several mooks. He then back flipped over another Kudakk before swinging his sword down and bisecting the mook in half making it explode.

=Wh-what is happening?!= Eggman demanded as the Egg Pawn he was controlling flailed its arms in a confused yet mad manner.

"How should I know?!" Lien-Da snapped

"And you!" Zenkaiser spoke, landing before both of them, "We were having a great time before you came and mucked it up!" he shouted, making Lein-Da stumble back, "What gives you the right to come in and mess with our peaceful lives?!" he swung around and kicked a Kudakk, sending it flying away before he swung his Geartlinger and pistol whipped another, making him fall over as his helmet was dented in severely, "I expect you guys to say sorry!"

"Eh, don't count on it," Sonic noted as he ran around, making several Kudakk and EggPawns' heads spin around trying to keep up until the ended up unscrewing their heads off, "They don't say 'sorry' unless it's a ruse."

"Rude!" Zenkaiser spoke, thumping Eggman's Egg Pawn and caving its head in, the rest of its body doing an accordion as it crumbled down from the force of his swing, "Wow...What's this thing made of...aluminum?"

"Reinforced titanium…" Lien-Da muttered in awe at his power.

"Eh?! ...Wow, what cheap titanium."

=CHEAP?!= Eggman snapped from Lien-Da's communicator, making her wince as it was right in her ear =D'oh...That's it! I'm sending Burnbot after you, you walking Power Ranger reject!=

"Power rangers reject! Oh you did not just say that eggy" Flash said as he used a sword roll gave him to fight the grunts.

Beg p-" Zenkaiser began before a loud thud went off, making him slowly turn to see a large robot looming over him.

It was tall standing on long blueish armored legs with red wheels for feet, its body was wide and barrel like, with two spiked rings over its shoulders, with outward pointing spiked shoulder plates, two long tube arms ending in large gauntlets with pincers and hidden artillery panels. Its head was rounded and made of black metal with blue optics and silver antennae.

=Actually, we didn't use data from those dimensions=

"Wait...what's a Power Ranger?!" Zenkaiser asked confused, "Also hi?" he blinked, realizing it was Secchan speaking directly to him via his helmet.

"There just a knock off of the Sentai"Flash said as he bashed two grunts head together.

=I'm telling you not to worry about it, tune! Their dimensions are really Far away from ours!=

=Thank goodness for that. Don't wanna get involved with the fudge up they're dealing with=

"Ah...gotcha," Zenkaiser nodded before looking up at the robot "So...what does this one do? Does it have flamethrowers?"

=No= Eggman replied from the new robot.

"Does it have rockets that can incinerate?" Sonic questioned as he blurred out of a way of a Kudakk's attack.



=No! It has claws! Very sharp and painful claws!= Eggman snapped as Burnbot snapped its metallic pincers.

"Seriously? Wait...Did you call it 'Burn Bot' because those claws are meant to do a burn by slicing up attacks coming at it?" Flash asked.

=See? He gets it, Lien-Da!= Eggman exclaimed in exasperation.

"Big points!" Juran shouted as Burn Bot was suddenly sliced in half, "...W-Was I not supposed to get the big one?" he asked.

=No, you did good. Five bonus points to the tally plus an extra ten for bad naming sense on that thing, meaning you're now in second at 37 behind Sonic by 11 points and Flash by 4 points= Skye's voice noted before a smacking sound went off =ITE~!=

=You're actually keeping a tally on this!?=

=What's the point of mooks if you don't count who blows up the most, tune?= Secchan's voice asked before another smacking sound went off =OWIE~!=

=You've infected Secchan with your nonsense!=

"...I think I triggered a landmine in my head," Juran muttered.

"That's just our family!" Zenkaiser laughed, "Anyway! Back to action!" he declared, striking a pose with Sonic and Juran.

"Well there having all the fun. But we're not keeping back aswell." Flash told roll who nodded.

=But...But it was my Burn Bot…= Eggman gawked.

"I guess you were the one who was burned then," Roll noted behind Lien-Da.

=GAH!= Eggman yelped and Lien-Da jumped and spun around in time to be punted in the face by Roll.

"And you are?" Lien-Da grunted, wiping her lip from some blood.

"Sakurai Roll," Roll replied with a smile before tossing a small white object at Lien-Da, who quickly slapped it with her electric whip and caused a burst of smoke to obscure her sight.

"...Oh great…" Lien-Da groaned before barely doding a bo shuriken that shot out of the smoke, "She's a ninja…and one that uses the weapons accurately."

=What is with today!?= Eggman cried in panic =I just wanted a day fighting that blue rodent and now I'm dealing with another group trying to outdo me on the robotics and now costumed people and a ninja!=

"Oh gee...maybe because it's someone's fault this happened!" Lien-Da snapped, using one of her electric whips to deflect some of the bo shuriken tossed at her.


"I beg to differ…" she sighed, looking to see the three male heroes fighting the Mooks.

"You know even if your the villan, I can say this that you have a boss who doesn't accept his mistakes and tent to cause problems for his workers right" Flash said seeing her.

"Finally someone sees it"Lien-Da said finally someone agreeing to her.

"Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted, kicking a Kudakk before swinging around and kicking an EggPawn. He swung his arms out and blocked a swing from a Kudakk before unleashing a barrage of punches to its torso, he then flipped back and over an EggPawn before swinging his hand down in a chop and slicing the robot down the middle.

"Let's rumble!" Juran cheered, stabbing an EggPawn before shield bashing a Kudakk. He swung around and, with his sword, slashed multiple mooks, as his sword left a streak of red energy in the air as he did so, "Dynamite!" he cheered as they began exploding.

"This...is oddly more fun with some bros!" Sonic cheered, kicking a Kudakk, making it stumble back.

He then sped forward and tackled into one before he flipped back and used the momentum to land a kick to an EggPawn, crushing its head. The Hedgehog smirked as he ducked down and used his shorter stature to make two Kudakks miss and smack each other with their Plug Lancers making them grunt in pain as electricity sparked and sent them flying back.

"Whoo!" Zenkaiser cheered as he fired with his Geartlinger, before he began spinning the crank and made it live up to its design and unleash a giant and numerous barrage of bullets with rapid fire. The bullets ripping through mooks and causing numerous large explosions, "Sugei~! Again!"

"Don't look away!" Juran cheered, kicking a Kudakk that tried to sneak attack Zenkaiser, he then swung his sword, unleashing two energized slashes.

"Over here~!" Sonic's voice called out as a blue spinning sphere tackled through several Kudakks.

=Hey, kiddos!= Skye's voice called =Kaito's buckle is a really awesome thing. Open it up and use the Sentai Gears that pop out in your Geartlingers!=

"Like this?" Zenkaiser blinked, opening his buckle to reveal it held about 6 different Sentai Gears; he picked out the front row center gear, revealing a gold symbol of a Ranger with an eagle aesthetic and the number 40 on it, "Oh. 40? Alright, so I just replace and crank?"

=That's right! It will be amazing, tune!= Secchan cheered.

Zenkaiser followed the instructions as he inserted it and began cranking.

=Yon Ju Bang~! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!=

Zenkaiser pulled the trigger as the bullet it shot out suddenly exploded into a large golden gear, the hologram of a Sentai team who all have an animal theme appeared. The Red leader turned to Zenkaiser, before running into his body.


"Whoa!" Zenkaiser grunted as multiple gears floated around him before slamming into him. His cape was pushed back as suddenly a pair of large red wings sprouted from his back.

"He has wings now!" Zenkai Juran shouted.

"What the...Whoa!" Flash jumped back as Zenkaiser suddenly took off up into the air with no build up, the ground where he stood slightly cracked from the force of his take off.

"I'm flying!" Zenkaiser shouted as he flew high above the city, "What is this?"

=The power of 40th Super Sentai, Dobotsu Sentai Zyuohger= Seccchan explained =Specifically the power of ZyuohEagle, Tune!=

=Eagle? So he's a bird then?= Yatsude questioned before laughing =That makes you birds of a feather then, Secchan!=

"Ah…" Zenkaiser gawked as soft giggling went off on the line, "Even Haseo's laughing at that joke…Mou...Yatchan~ I was gonna make that joke!"

=Take it out on the mooks. You're in last place at 87, well you and flash he got about 20 = Skye replied.

"I don't have training like you all so it's not fair" Flash yelled from below.

"Yosh!" he suddenly dipped down and dived back towards the ground, he flapped his wings and stopped short of hitting the ground, he flew at the combined confused mooks, his wings extending out and striking them as he flew through their numbers. The feathers seemed to slice through their armor as they all fell over and began exploding. He twisted his body around and began spinning rapidly turning into a red and white spiralling mass as feathers trailed behind him, he cheered as he crashed through multiple mooks before he stopped and swung his legs up to stop on a wall, before pushing himself off and back up, the resulting air pressure of his flight speed kicking up suddenly as the gust slammed a large number of mooks into the wall letting them explode. Zankaiser cheered before he took his Geartlinger and aimed down as he began raining gun fire on the Mooks taking out even more.

=Look at his score go up! Just a little motivation and he's going crazy, tune!= Secchan cheered.

"How fun! I wanna do it, too!" Juran exclaimed, batting away a few more mooks as Roll skidded to a halt beside him, a tanto in hand.

"Sure!" Zenkaiser replied, opening his buckle again and pulling out from the middle once more, "Use this one, Juran!"

Roll's tail hooked onto Juran and tugged him back before Zenkaiser swooped by, barely missing the dino-themed Zenkaiger. Juran looked down at his hand, seeing the Sentai Gear now in it. Like the previous, this one showed a Sentai member in gold, but it looked more like a ninja with a '39' beside it.

"Ninja? Ano...Why do I feel this one is very...flashy?" Roll pondered as several EggPawns surrounded them, Lien-Da leading them with her whips out.

"I think because of the leader so" flash said as he slashed another grunt but soon more came behind him."oh come on give me a break, roll help" he said as he ran.

"Let's swap 'em!" Juran declared, switching his transformation Sentai Gear with the new one, "Spin, spin, spin, spin!"

=San Ju Kyu Bang~! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!=

"Hahaha! This is a good beat!" Juran cheered as he danced to the jingle, "Yeah, I can party to this!"

"Are you mocking us!?" Lien-Da snapped.

"Well, it is a catchy tune," Roll admitted.

"I gotta agree!" Flash said as he ran Infront of roll as more grunts chase him.

"Ah flash-san I'm coming" roll ran to help.

"You gotta learn to relax, girl!" Juran spoke up as he kept dancing, "You're only young once~!" he then aimed and pulled the trigger.

The golden gear left a group of five Rangers, their helmets all having shuriken-themed visors and each held a ninjato-like sword.


The Red Ranger of the team flipped backwards and landed on Juran before merging with him, gears floating around him before doing the same.

"Moete kita!" Juran cheered, raising up his sword.

"Ikuze, Juran-san!" Roll called out, readying her own.

Juran was suddenly enveloped in a red aura. He took a step forward before suddenly speeding into a blur as he swung his sword and slashed down multiple mooks. He skid to a halt next to Roll before they both leaped up into the air. The two came down as they swung at the same time, multiple spiraling slashing streaks formed in the air spiraling around them both as they slashed the Mooks to shreds. Lien-Da barely avoided their fate by swinging her whips around to form a makeshift barrier.

=Very flashy!= Yatsude awed.

=Sugoi~!= Haseo cheered.

=That power was based on the 39th Super Sentai, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger tune!= Secchan informed =Also known as the flashiest Ninja-based Super Sentai. Their motto is 'Shinobi nare domo shinobanai!' tune!=

"Hah? But...they're supposed to be ninja. Why don't they hide?" Juran tilted his head.

"There are so many kinds, aren't there?" Roll pondered as Flash, Zenkaiser and Sonic regrouped with them.

"Juran, Roll-chan, that was amazing!" Zenkaiser cheered, patting Juran's shoulder.

"Well ninja do go flashy I think but not the one like this." Flash said in confusion as he saw the fight.

"Flash you ok" Zenkaiser asked his cuz who nodded.

"Yeah glade roll helped me back that time."

"This...is the worst day ever...of all time…" Lien-Da sighed before tensing as Barashitara walked up behind her.

"What an interesting display," the Tojitendo general noted, "Your attacks are interesting, but...let's see if you can handle this...Kudaitest!" he called out as the ground began rumbling, like a giant was stomping closer.

"DID YOU CALL?!" a voice boomed out, making the group look up to see a large robotic figure staring down at them from behind a building, "KUDAITEST, SANJOU!" everyone awed at the nearly 50 meter tall Kikanoid giant, it had a long robotic tail, large thick armored legs, and its multi finned head was on a long neck ending in a large singular red optic unit.

"DEKA!" Zenkaiser and Roll exclaimed.

"Wow. That is the second-biggest robot I've ever seen," Sonic noted.

"You've seen bigger!?" Juran and Flash gawked.

"Fought bigger. Giant gold ape robot," Sonic replied.

"What even is that?!" Flash asked.

"A Tojitendo modified soldier!" Juran explained, "They modify them to grow gigantic as super weapons! They have thousands upon thousands of these things!"

"Seriously!?" Sonic gawked.

=Ah, the giant robot or monster deployed by the enemy...I remember the first time we saw one. Mitsy and Issy, misty and trial and I all screamed and Mitsy and vail fainted while Issy, trial and I scrambled around not sure what to do and trying to make up plans to pull off a Jack and the Beanstalk on it with the giant being, well...the giant= Skye recalled.

=Skye…= Yatsude spoke up before the sound of a frying pan meeting skull ringed for a moment =Say something helpful!=

=PYTHAGORAS~!= Skye slurred before the sound of a body hitting the floor went off.

=I think you hit him too hard tune= Secchan noted, worry in his tone.

=Ano...Is there something they can do?= Haseo asked.

=Of course! This is the reason why we needed Kikainoids outside of comraderie!= Secchan beamed =Juran, your Sentai Gear is extra special! Flip it around and then crank the handle tune! Oh, and tell Roll and Sonic to get away from the area=

"Ore?" he blinked.

"Don't forget about me!" the Kudaiter commander shouted, rushing them only for Zenkaiser to block his Plug Lancer swing.

"Ah! I forgot about him!" Zenkaiser spoke, kicking the Kudaiter away, "At this rate, the city is in trouble, Juran I'm gonna take care of this guy, you handle the Robo Kaiju! Roll, Flash ,Sonic, Secchan says to get out of the area!"

"Huh?" Sonic raised a brow.

"Ok" Flash nodded.

"Hai!" Roll nodded as she hooked Sonic and flash around the waist by her tail and ran off.

"WHOA!" Sonic yelped.

=Gah! After them, Lien-Da!=

"Doctor...if you didn't notice, we are out of troops!" Lien-Da gestured, showing that besides her, the only others there were the Kudaiter commander, the Zenkaigers, and the Tojitendo general.

"You guys lost already! Either level up or scram!" Zenkai Juran called out to Lien-Da, "We got bigger problems!"

=Did he just…= Eggman began before Lien-Da hung up.

"I'm going to get an earful later, but I couldn't handle it anymore," Lien-Da sighed.

"He sounds really annoying!" Zenkaiser called out, blocking the Kudaiter's swings.

"Extremely so…" Barashitara agreed.

"You have no idea," Lien-Da deadpanned before turning the communicator back on, "Starline, I need a portal back to base now."

=Oh? Failed now d...=

"Just do it before I shove that stupid topaz down your throat, glove and all!"

"Oh she means it," the two Zenkaigers spoke up in concern for this Starline's health.

"Women are very violent," the Kudaiter spoke, only to be punched by Zenkaiser.

"Shut it!" Lien-Da snapped as the portal formed, letting her stomp through it as it vanished.

"What even is today…?" Barashitara sighed as he walked off into a portal as well.

=Ano...Juran-san? The Sentai Gear?=

"Oh, right!" Juran recalled as he took out his transformation Sentai Gear and flipped it upside down so the back faced out, "Okay, like this. And now…" he proceeded to start spinning, "Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin!"


"Big Bang? Oh, must be a powerful shot!" Juran noted as he aimed at the giant robot, "Let's see how you like it!"

The shot went up before exploding into the colored symbol from the Zenkaiger secret lab. It...floated there for a moment before coming down towards Juran.

"HUH!?" Juran panicked, "Oi, oi! G-Go to the giant robo! Not me!"


The symbol went over Juran making his armor glow...as he began growing in size suddenly. The growing continued till he was now over 40 meters tall.


Several blocks over, Sonic and Roll skidded to a halt on a large apartment complex.

"Alright, I think that's far enough," Roll noted.

"Yeesh...Having us leave like that...What's that robo-parrot thinking?"

"Our safety, not all of us are like you superpower mobians" Flash said.

"WHAT THE FUDGE!?" Juran shouted loudly.

"!?" the three jumped and spun around to see the giant Juran.

"...Giant Robot…" Roll mumbled, looking at the Kudaitest, "...and Giant Robot…" she looked over at the now giant Juran, "...camera."

"Huh?" Both boys said in confusion.

"I need a camera! Anything that can record!" Roll exclaimed, excitement in her voice and stars in her eyes.

"My phone got broken by the fall." Flash said.

"I got Kaito's smartphone…" Sonic offered.

"That will have to do!" Roll quickly replied as she ran off and came back with some of the pole weapons of the mooks and some blue-colored tape.

"Uh what…" Flash began before blinking as, in an instant, she was able to fashion several of the polearms into a decent tripod to set the phone on so it faced her, "...Roll, what are you…"

"Konnichiwa, minna~!" Roll greeted, "What you're going to be witnessing isn't a fake! It's not a Toho! It's real and live! Welcome to the first ever Giant Robo Fight of this world~! Watashi wa Sakurai Roll desu~!"

"WHAT IS SHE DOING!?" Yatsude snapped, another holographic screen showing Roll was actually livestreaming what was starting up, "Oi, when was she a YouTuber?! How did she become a YouTuber?! ...What kind of revenue will this bring to the shop?"

=Being an internet idol can bring in some interesting perks, tune= Secchan spoke, =And I doubt any channel has live coverage of giant robot battles like this, tune!=

"Roll-chan~! Make sure to advertise our shop!" Yatsude shouted.

"Onee-chan…" Haseo whined, covering his blushing face with his tails in embarrassment.

"...I knew there was something I forgot to make," Skye realized, earning a smack on the head, "ITE~!"

"Fix that error for next time!" Yatsude scolded.

=She wants this to happen again?= Secchan muttered in disbelief.

"Sugei! Juran, your size is also full-blown!" Zenkaiser awed, the commander flat on his back from the surprise growth of the dino-themed Zenkaiger.

"I don't know what's going on, but this works!" Juran declared as he gave a stomp...accidentally knocking Zenkaiser over, "I'll show you the power of dinosaurs!"

"Eh? Power of dinosaurs? What could Zenkai Juran mean by that?" Roll pondered.

"Kikai Henkei!" Juran declared.

Suddenly Zenkai Juran's body became stuff, his helmet's crown slid down over his eyes, as his arms locked up and angled back. His legs hinged forward and altered his body's shape, his sword linked to his back as his shield folded up and linked to his abdomen as his entire torso slid forward. All of his parts locked into its new shape as the Tyrannosaurus head on his chest now formed the head of an actual robot Tyrannosaurus.

"Juran Tyranno!" he roared as his sword became flexible like a real tail, "I can get used to this! Let's get prehistoric!"

"Eeee~! Zenkai Juran has transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex~! He truly is showing the power of the dinosaurs with this!" Roll cheered.

"That looked like some painful Yoga…" Sonic cringed.

"Huh, so it's like Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla movie." Flash said.

"I know right" Roll said.

"Leave this big lug to me!" he roared tackling into the Kudaitest, his humanoid form arms revealing two ports at the top...which began unleashing vulcan gun ammunition upon the giant Tojitendo soldier. He then spun around and whipped his tail striking the Kudaitest, making it stumble back several steps with a new long and deep scratch in its torso armor, "What's wrong? Can't keep up with me? This party is just getting started!"

The Kudaitest roared as its optic began glowing and started to unleash streams of purple energy. Juran Tyranno grunted as he side stepped the first blast, and ran to avoid the second. He chuckled as he flipped over the third, and then flipped over the fourth. He ran up to the Kutairest and proceeded to flip over it, making it stagger for a moment. As soon as he landed, he spun around and bit its tail...and swung his head around to pull and knock it off balance so it fell face first into the street.

"Don't think just 'cause I got stubby little arms, that I'm not an agile old Dino!" Juran Tyranno taunted as the Kudaitest slowly got back up.

It growled and turned as it charged up another energy beam. Juran Tyranno roared as his jaw began glowing with heat, before he unleashed a blast of fire that negated the Kudaitest's beam.

"Yosha!" Zenkaiser cheered before seeing the commander getting back up, "Ah...This fight is getting me so excited, too! I'm gonna go Zenryoku Zenkai!"

Zenkaiser rushed as he swung and kicked the Kudaiter, making him stagger back. The Kudaiter roared, swinging his Plug Lancer at Zenkaiser who ducked around each and every swing. He flipped over a low swing before using his Geartlinger to push away a thrust aimed at his torso. He spun around the length of the Plug Lancer and swung his right arm and struck the Kudaiter across his helmet. He kept the spin up and jumped into the air while swinging his leg and struck the Kudaiter across his helmet again.

Zenkaiser landed on his feet as the enemy commander growled. The Kudaiter swung his Plug Lancer down unleashing a blast of red lightning, Zenkaiser jumped over the surge of electrical energy, as he did so he reached his hand and took out another Sentai Gear. He rolled across the ground as he quickly worked replacing his Transformation Sentai Gear with this new one. He spun the crank before spinning around and kicking another swing of the Kudaiter's lance.

=Ichi Bang!=

Zenkaiser aimed up and pulled the trigger. The image of a Sentai team in solid colors who all looked a lot like Zenkaiser formed. The red one who looked the most similar turned to Zenkaiser before rushing and going into him. The floating gears finished the process as Zenkaiser took in the power.


Zenkaiser raised his hand to his visor, before seeming to pluck the blue visor off as if it was a layer. The visor flashed before reforming into a long white staff, it had a red end and a blue end on the opposite side.

He spun the staff around before swinging it and deflecting a swing from the Kudaiter, before bringing it back and striking the Tojitendo commander across the chest, he spun it around and struck him again making sparks fly. Zenkaiser flipped around spinning the staff around before swinging it and striking the Kudaiter across the head, and brought it around for another strike to his chest. He spun the staff around before it suddenly became flexible and extended into a whip he used to strike the Kudaiter several times.

"Kaiser Spark!" he called out as white and red electricity formed along the whip as he slashed the Kudaiter causing a small explosion that sent him tumbling back.

=That was the 1st Super Sentai, Himitsu Sentai Gorenger's Akaranger's weapon the Red Bute, a visor weapon which takes the form of a whip and combat staff, tune!= Secchan explained. =It can also turn into multiple other unique weapons to fit the situation, tune!=

"T-Time! This...This staff thing is supposed to be my bit!" the Kudaiter complained, "I call nonsense!" he then cried in pain when Zenkaiser pistol whipped him across the face, and then to his shin making him hop around in pain, "Fowl! You can't use a gun as a melee weapon!"

"Yeah," Zenkaiser went up and turned the Kudaiter's head to the damaged portions of the town, "A city isn't for blowing up!" he pistol whipped him again.

"Your argument is sound!" he cried in pain.

The Kudaitest fired another blast at Tyranno, who jumped out of the way and caused a smaller building with a large billboard to take the blow. The billboard shot up into the air, seemingly unharmed by the blast.

"Oh? This works!" Tyranno beamed.

"Oh? What's Juran Tyranno planning?" Roll pondered as Tyranno jumped up into the air and turned back into Zenkai Juran, "Oh! He changed back to Zenkai Juran! Is he…" the Kudaitest fired another laser at Juran...who started to use the billboard as a surfboard, "Yes! He's using it as a giant makeshift surfboard! Ride the wave, Zenkai Juran~!"

"Oh that is so awesome…" Sonic awed, "Last time I did that involved GUN mistaking me for Shadow…"

"Wait what?" Flash asked while recording.

"Cowabunga~!" Zenkai Juran cheered. He pulled out his sword and just as he passed the Kudaitest, he swung and struck its head, damaging the system that let it project its laser in the process, "I'm not done yet!"

With that, Juran swung his leg and kicked the Kudaitest, before he swung and slashed it again with his sword. He swung again, as he etched another deep scratch in its armor before spinning around and slamming a hook kick to the Kudaitest's head, making him stagger back as sparks rained over the city streets.

Zenkaiser grunted as he punched the Kudaiter back. He swung his Geartlinger and knocked his lance away before he jumped and spun his body around to land a side kick to his torso. The Kudaiter groaned in pain as his armor was dented and banged up greatly from the battle, he then looked up only for Zenkaier to jump up and land a side kick that sent him stumbling back and away from the White Ranger.

"Alright! Let's Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as he began cranking the Geartlinger again.

"Me too! Let's finish this Zenkai!" Juran Tyranno roared in agreement with Zenkaiser.

=Hero~! Super Zenkai Time~! Go~Go~ Bang~Bang~!=

"Oh? The hissatsu waza!" Roll and Flash cheered as Juran Tyranno opened his jaws and unleashed a jet of flames that propelled him towards Kudaitest, "EH!? He's pulling a Godzilla vs Hedorah! Ah mou~" she turned to the camera with a pleading look, ears drooped down and hands brought together, "Please don't report us for this, Toho~!"

"Don't worry I think they will like that someone was inspired by there movie" Flash said recording the battle.

Juran Tyranno crashed into the Kudaitest and he tucked his body in and bounced off, and sent himself rolling upwards into the air. His tail straightened out as if reverting back into its sword form while attached and aimed down at the damaged Kudaitest.

Down below, Zenkaiser shouted as he ran from a blast of electricity from the Kudaiter, and began running up a wall before kicking himself back. He angled himself down, and aimed down at the Kudaiter as white energy began pooling into the barrel of the Geartlinger.

At that exact moment, both Zenkaigers' attacks aimed at the same time as their enemies looked up in shock, awe, and shame as they just realized they oiled themselves. Zenkaiser pulled the trigger at the exact moment gravity helped Juran Tyanno and brought him down on his enemy.

"Not the butt!" the Kudaitest shouted as the sword stabbed into him, causing a massive explosion.

"Yep, the butt," Flash chuckled.

"Kimataze~" Juran Tyranno declared as he jumped out of the explosion unharmed.

Zenkaiser unleashed a massive blast of white energy as it struck the Kudaiter, overloading him with energy...till the Zenkaiger symbol suddenly dropped on and crushed him in a massive explosion.

"Yatta! Juran Tyranno achieved victory over the Kudaitest!" Roll cheered, "Ah...A Giant Robot Battle has come to a close~! Until next time, minna~! Oh, and before I forget, if you live near the Sumida Ward in Tokyo, come visit Candy Cafe Colorful for all your sweet delights~!" she winked at the camera and gave a heart sign with her hands, "Sayonara~" she stopped the stream and exhaled, "...EEEE~!" she turned and pounced on Flash and Sonic, giving them a big hug and nuzzling, "A Giant Robot Battle~! A real live one~! And I got it all~! Arigatou, Flash-san, Sonikku!"

"No problem roll" Flash said.

"Heh-heh. No problem…" Sonic chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"But you're still in trouble for swiping Kaito-san's phone again~!" she added, still in the same excited tone and still nuzzling and hugging him.

"Ah come on…" Sonic sighed.

"You had that coming"

"Ah, great job!" Yatsude cheered, patting Kaito and Juran heartedly on the back.

=Good job!= Secchan repeated.

"Good job, you five," Yatsude went on, "All of you for fighting off those weirdos and the giant one they brought…"

"It was no big deal," Juran assured...before blinking twice when Yatsude hugged Roll.

"And a big raise for promoting the shop~!"

"Hey, we all did a world first today, didn't we!" Kaito cheered.

"Well I didn't do much in there" Flash muttered quietly so no one could hear. But Skye did and looked at him.

'Dont worry Flash, you will get yours but you need to prove it, I did promise your dad that' he said.

=Maybe for this world, yeah= Secchan agreed, kinda.

"A Giant Robot Battle~" Roll squeed, "Oh, I need to remember to carry a phone on hand from now on to get more covered!"

"Iie. Your lousy papa is handling that for you like he should have sooner!" Yatsude shouted into the secret base entrance.

"Bah!" he complained.

"Don't make me come down there with the hedge trimmers!"

"HIEE! Not the long quills!"

"Hehehe...This place is wild, I dig it." Juran cheered, "Let's all celebrate with a party!" he declared while strumming an air guitar.

"Leave it to us," Yatsude informed as she picked up her purse as she and Roll got up, "Tonight, I'll be making the Yatsude Special…"

"...With a Sakurai Strawberry Ice Cream Cake with Blueberry frosting!" Roll finished, the two women sharing a high five.

"Awesome~" Juran cheered, before leaning to Flash and Kaito as the two left, "What's all that mean?"

"Ah it means we'll eat good tonight." Flash chuckled, "Yes!"

"And better cause I want the cake" Kaito said

"Umei~!" Haseo awed, his tails wagging so hard that he ended up spinning them like propellers and floated off the floor.

"Ah! He flies?!" Juran gawked, "That's radical!"


"!?" the group tensed as Sonic caught the startled Haseo.

"What's wrong, Yatchan?" Kaito asked as they rushed out and gawked along with the girls.

Mushrooms...Mushrooms had started growing everywhere! On buildings, on vehicles, even on the humans, Kikainoids, and Mobians! Some mushrooms were even growing mushrooms on their mushrooms!

"Ki…" Kaito, Roll and flash began.

"No…" Yatsude and Juran continued.

"Ko…" Sonic and Haseo finished.

"EH!? KINOKO/ Mushrooms!?"

"Why mushrooms?!" Sonic cried out, "Anything but mushrooms!"

"No one let Tousan out of the basement! He goes into sneezing fits around them!" Roll called in a panic.

"I put a bench over the entrance," Yatsude replied, "But still...KINOKO!?"

"Maybe it's not that...AH!"
Flash shouted as he pointed to the literal mountain sized Mushroom in the distance, "Kinoko Fuji-san!"

"NANDE?!" Haseo gawked, falling over in shock.

"The heck is going on?!" Juran exclaimed.

Author's Note:

Secchan: Jikai no Zenkaigers!

?-?-?: Boku wa Gaon! This world is full of so many adorable Humans and fluffy Mobians, nothing like those cold creepy Kikanoids…

Juran: Hey! You're a Kikanoid!

Zenkaiser: Come on you two, combine your power together already…

Roll: Gattai da~!

Secchan: Chapter 2: The Roaring King of Beasts is a pain!