• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen 22 hours ago

Mocha Star

I'm here to write my way into your hearts and infect your minds.


Eight years ago, ponies got sent to earth, but their magic doesn't come with them. Now they're destined to live life with limited magic in a world not their own.

With the awe and surprise having played their part, ponies have been accepted into certain Earth cities as citizens with limited rights.

One such pony is Starlight Glimmer; who quickly fades into the background due to her special talent being mostly useless and her life skills being very limited.

Follow Starlight as she makes friends and tries to find a way home.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 37 )

How do you get the profanity tag for your story? I'm trying to add that to my own up and coming story but... Can't find it. 😅

You need to rate the story teen or mature. It'll appear then.

Will give this a read

It's something different, that's for sure.

Yeah. I like reading and writing fics that put a spin on things.

I’m really liking this story! Looking forward to reading more. I’m a big Starlight fan and you really have portrayed her well.

Thanks, I think I'm making her a little depressing going forward for a few chapters, but she'll be herself regardless.
I'm glad you're enjoying and the next chapter will be posted in about a week.

I like the story so far, and I'm looking forward to future chapters.

It became clear after the first weeks that these ponies were taken from their home, a world wildly different from ours, without their plans or knowledge.

Might be better if it was, "without their consent or knowledge."

Something about watching ponies die, or even finding a pony worth taking such a role, was hard to do, even for a hard core horror movie fan. Their cute natures and sweet expositions made it hard to watch them die.

Dispositions, instead of expositions?

“So, you’re saying humans don’t have any magic, ponies have almost no magic, and you’re completely hopeless?” Alex asked rhetorically. “I don’t buy it,” he stated firmly. “I believe there’s always a way, you just haven’t found it yet. Maybe it won’t happen soon, but eventually there’ll be a breakthrough that will give you all hope again.”

Home, not hope?

If it was "GET you all" then home would be the better word. But since it's "GIVE you all" hope is the right word. You are right about the other two though, your suggestions on those are the better word choices.

Thanks for catching the expositions, that one got past me. The rest are taking his view of the current time, not of getting them home. 💛

You're right, hope was the better word.

One word, kitesurfing. Starlight loves kites and kitesurfing is surfing, but with kites.

Also don't you dare ignore the fact that as a pony, you can't actually kitesurfe, so many other people before you think ponies can do everything humans can, but that's just not true.

I'll make sure to have kite flying in here somewhere.
But surfing in the mid west isn't very feasible, much less where this story takes place.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

Hey, kitesurfing isn't like surfing at all you uncultured monkey. You actually want very little wawes, since you aren't surfing with them, but over them. You also need wind, obviously.

Ignore the fact that I indirectly called myself a monkey.

I really take offense to being called a money given my ethnicity, but I don't think you'd care regardless.
Thanks for commenting, even though it was with racist undertones challenging my intellect or interest in kite surfing.

Wait do you actually think I care about your race? I am the biggest monkey of them all! You are but a an advanced hominid compered to me! It was but a joke to call you monkey. The joke was about the fact that at first I say it's just like surfing and then scold you for thinking it's just like surfing. But now it's not funny anymore since I had to explain it. So thank you mister take offence in everything. (That was obviously sarcastic by the way)(also, I have no idea what your race is, nor do I care)(also also, my race, the Czechs, is the worst of them all, no matter what. Just ask any Czech about their opinions on politics, or racism for that matter, or anything realy. But we always take it with a laugh. Be like Czechs people, only in the good ways obviously.)

Oophf, Starlight on earth with little magic? This will be interesting. Hopefully, she will learn to cope.

It gets deeper in the next couple chapters. Thanks for reading!

So it is true…Friendship is the magic that binds us and joins us together. I like how this is going!

Too a point. It has to go both ways. Starlight isn't known for her accepting nature.


Starlight Glimmare

Upd: thanks for downvote, that was very smart of you.


“I think you shouldn’t tell him you’ve been sleeping in the woods or he’ll demand you get washed and scrubbed for ticks and whatnot. He’s really particular about that stuff, and pets in general. He’s old school and sees Equestrians as being very smart animals, but still animals.”

Technically he is not fungi either. But I guess he is so covered with it, that he sees himself as one.


Amy snerked. “I’ve never heard that one, it’s always been a stick.

She has entire freight train full of trees there))))

He’s old school and sees Equestrians as being very smart animals, but still animals.

Biology textbook may contain some very bad news for him.

“Whatever you say, but don’t expect your deposit back if I go in there and the carpet’s half pink and-”

Can't they just replace the carpet in the worst case scenario?

“Just don’t touch my stuff,” Starlight reiterated.

Hey, hey, heeey! Stay out of my shed, okay?

“Don’t call me a fucking monkey.”

Biology textbook may contain some very bad news for him.

Amy reminds me about that birthday long time ago when we were very young and drunk. A bit too much :rainbowlaugh:

Horn Detachment sounds like a really serious problem.
Starlight is always had a tendency to go overboard.

There was a clack of hoof on linoleum as Starlight nickered. “Why don’t you go find a chimp to rut you first!”

“Is he packing?” Amy snarked back.

Unfortunately --- no.


Glimmy don't want upsies. But she likes them.

She does, but she's a stubborn pony

It’s nice to see Starlight connecting and making friends after so long. It’s understandable that she would blame herself for what happened. Even with the knowledge that ‘Friendship is Magic’, given how most humans and even most ponies have treated her, it would be easy to dismiss or forget its power.

Happy to see her coming out of that situation with the help of new friends. And even happier to see you updating this story. I’ve really been enjoying it.

Thanks. I had a couple months of meh, but I have to admit this story is fun to write. I don't know where it's going, though, so I hope it all ends well.

That was a cute and fun chapter! It’s nice seeing Starlight having a good time and relaxing with her friends.

Wow I just noticed the upvotes and downloads are evenly divided at 27.
Why so many people don't like this story for some reason?

I have dedicated haters that follow me to downvote my stories and there are a lot of people that downvote and go on based on the characters or topic of the story on this site.
I just let it go now and focus on writing more than what arbitrary
ratings I get.

What could you have possibly done? I was just looking over your stories and damn 27,28,30 down votes consistently. Did you become a 4chan Target somehow?
Don't have to answer if it's private, I'm sorry that I'm prying.
Edit: I think I may have asked the downvotes question before, sorry.

I don't have a clue what I did but it's been going on for a while...
It hurt at first but after some consolation, I was able to get over it.
I'm a really good writer and some people just don't want to give me a chance or want to try to break me down. But I'm stronger than their anonymous thoughts.

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