• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 979 Views, 55 Comments

The Tale of Neon Light - DeffBwade

The tale of a pony who will help spread magic and friendship across Equestria. The tale of a pony who will discover that there is more to him than he believes. This is the tale of Neon Light.

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Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Tale

The Tale of Neon Light

Written by DeffBwade

Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Tale


The sound of my alarm clock woke me from my oh so satisfying dream (I swear it wasn't anything inappropriate…for the most part). I slowly opened up my eyes and my vision was filled with my bedroom ceiling. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the rest of the sleepiness.


With a grunt, I practically slammed my hoof onto the snooze button to stop that infernal and annoying beeping noise of my alarm clock.

"Why do I even have an alarm clock when I have a phone? The Clock App was automatically installed on my phone for a reason," I asked myself before I got up with a yawn, ”Wait, why do I even use an alarm in the first place?”

Kicking the covers off of me, I got off of my bed and proceeded to do my daily stretching exercises. You know, because it’s important to get the blood pumping. You wouldn’t want to feel stiff for the rest of day, would you? I stretched out my fore hooves, my hind hooves, neck, and of course…my wings.

Once my body no longer felt stiff, I then exited my bedroom and walked across the hall to my bathroom, still a bit tired actually as my limbs still felt a bit sluggish.

"Damn it. I really need to stop staying up till midni—hang on. Why am I even up anyways?!" I asked myself before I internally sighed, "Ah screw it. I'm already out of bed."

Sometimes I do things that make no sense whatsoever.

It's best not to question it.

I entered the bathroom and then shielded my eyes as I turned the lights on.

First task: take a shower because I smell as if I haven't showered for 2 days.

*cough* I haven't don't judge me *cough*

I stepped into that bathtub and turned on the showerhead, making me flinch and jump a bit from the sudden surge of slightly cold water. I did the usual shower routine of scrubbing my fur of all the dirt and grime, gingerly cleaning my wings, and washing my mane and tail, making sure to not get any—

"AHHH! I GOT SOAP IN MY EYE!" I yelled as I furiously scrubbed water on my face, "OH MY HOOFNESS! IT BURNS! IT BUR—"

After that lovely and relaxing shower, I stepped out of the bathtub and dried myself off with a nearby towel, again being careful with my wings. I then hung up the towel and walked over to my mirror to examine myself.

My fur was as white as the winter snow, as well as my wings with the feathers being a bright cyan, which in my opinion is a very nice looking contrast. My eyes are a shiny bronze looking color (at least I think it's bronze). My hooves are as black as charcoal. My mane and tail were also black, with the addition of cyan and hot pink streaks running through each of them.

And they were also a total mess from all that towel drying.

Using a comb next to the sink, I stylized them to be their usual spiky style.

“Perfect,” I said with a satisfied smile on my face before I exited the bathroom. After quickly grabbing my phone, my wireless headphones, and some money from by room, I then proceeded to exit my apartment.

I walked down the halls and eventually got to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited a few seconds before the elevator finally arrived. I stepped inside and pressed the button for the ground floor.

As the elevator went down, I put on my headphones before opening my phone and scrolling through my music playlist.

Once I finally settled on a song, I hit ‘play’ just as the elevator doors opened back up.

I slightly bobbed my head to the beat of the music as I walked through the first floor and the opened the doors to the beauty of the city that I live in.

Mares and gentlecolts, welcome to Zephyr Heights, the pegasus city among the clouds.

We're stepping in the ring
And won't let that lady sing
It's over when we say it's over
Been brushing off our shoulders

If I could describe this place in one word, it would probably be “grand.” Because that’s exactly what it was.

The buildings here were huge and looked very modern with its white golden colors and stain glass windows. Everywhere you go, there were shops to get your everyday needs, restaurants to get a nice meal, and a bunch of other places to hang around at such as the mall.

Pegasi of all ages and sizes and colors were either going to work, going on an errand to get whatever they need at home or as a gift for family or friend, buying nice stuff that caught their attention such as decorative plants or clothes (for some reason), hanging out at your local coffee shop, or simply just taking a walk.

And speaking of coffee shops...

It's not a twist of fate
We choose our own destiny
A trophy or a bruise
Champions never lose (2x)

I entered said shop (one of my favorites to go to due the friendly service and that it's about a 1-2 minute walk from my apartment building) and walked to the front counter, luckily there being no line.

"Hi. What can I get for you today?" the cashier asked with a smile as I took off my headphones.

"Hello there. Can I please get a grande latte with a flavor shot of vanilla and a chocolate muffin?" I asked with a smile of my own.

And don't judge me on what I ordered. I'm basic, okay?!

After paying and receiving my order a few minutes later, I thanked the cashier, put my headphones back on, and went out the doors to sit at one of the outdoor tables.

It's time to show the world what we're waiting for
Something like they've never seen before (Whooaaaaaaa)
We're just getting started (Just getting started)

“Hello chocolatey goodness,” I mentally said with a smile as I took a bite of my muffin. I then started to bob my head to the chorus of the song, “Oh, online downloadable music. What would I do without you?”

The answer to that would most likely be to play video games.

Reaching for the stars
We'll raise our colors high
We've come so far (Whooaaaaaaa)
We're just getting started (Just getting started)

The one thing that I (and I’m pretty sure every pony else) love the most of Zephyr Heights is the advanced technology.

Sometime ago (I never paid attention in history class), Zephyr Heights entered a digital age that included the invention of many wonderful things that we use everyday such as phones, computers, and most importantly, the Canternet.

In case you don’t know, the Canternet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

I totally did not just search up the definition online so there’s no point in doing so yourself.

Following the invention of the Canternet came the lovely social media platforms we use more or less everyday such as Ponygram, Clip Trot, and my personal favorite, YouHoof, where you can find videos of...pretty much anything as long as it isn't inappropriate or something that'll get you arrested.

You want videos of ponies getting pranked (in a not dangerous kind of way I mean)? YouHoof has got it.

Videos of adorable kittens and puppies (falling off of something or just being cute in general)? Check YouHoof.

Videos of popular music edited to TV shows (most likely clips of two characters that ship together)? YouHoof.

You get the idea.

And I'm not the type to brag or anything, but I too make my own YouHoof videos.

Introduction time (because I just realized that I haven't done that yet).

My name is Neon Light. I'm 21 years old. I was born and raised here in Zephyr Heights my entire li—

Wow, this introduction is already kind of cringe to be honest. I mean this is starting to sound like I'm on some kind of dating app.

Anyways, here out in public in the city, I'm more or less an unknown. A stranger. An anonymous figure.

But on the Canternet, I'm a pretty big YouHoofer with...again, I don't usually brag...a little over 500k subscribers.


Okay, that may not sound as impressive on paper, but you have to remember that the Canternet pretty much extends throughout the city and nowhere else. At least, I don't think anywhere else.

But yeah. For a grand city such as Zephyr Heights, 500k is a pretty big number.

My YouHoof name?

The Neon Gamer.

Pretty cool name, huh? I came up with it myself.

As the name implies, my specialty is videogame commentary, which is one of the most popular category of videos.

Now here's the kicker.

I'm...shy (and a bit paranoid) to show my face online. Or at least have a face reveal in association with my channel. I just don't want the attention, I guess.

Huh. I guess I'm an anonymous figure both in real life and online.

The only way ponies are able to recognize who I look like in real life...is through my cutie mark.

...Or my voice.

My cutie mark has always been...a bit of an enigma to me.

It was some kind of smiling face, with X's to act as the eyes and the mouth looking stitched up with vertical lines in the middle and more X's on the sides. The face was accumulated of the colors blue and hot pink, the same colors as the streaks across my mane and tail.

Sounds strange enough, huh?

Well, try figuring out what it's supposed to represent, then you'll eventually get a brain aneurysm.

My only guess is that it represents my ability to be what I said I was.

An unknown. A stranger. An anonymous figure.

I don't know.

Figuring out what my special talent is just eludes me.

Anyways, introduction time over.

Where was I? Oh yeah. Technology advanced in the city. Yada yada yada.

Everywhere I looked, I saw ponies on their phones looking at...something...I don't know...We got TV's and...l-literally some of the buildings here have big screens that broadcast the news program, product advertisement, special event announcements, and other things, but it's mostly the first two.

“Good morning Zephyr Heights!”

Speaking of…

I took off my headphones and looked up to one of the big screens as it broadcasted the morning news.

“It’s another beautiful day in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies, just in time for tonight’s royal celebration!” announced one of the news presenters Skye, who had orange fur, a gray mane, and glasses.

Aw yes. Who could forget such a grand occasion?

And yes. You heard that right. Royal celebration. Zephyr Heights is ruled by a royal family. It's been that way for as long as I could remember. I'm pretty sure Queen Haven, the head of the family, has been...well ruling...since before I was born.

It's kind of weird that it's not a mayor instead. You'd think that a queen would rule, I don't know, an entire country and not just a city.

Meh. It's whatever. I'm not really into politics. Or is that not the correct term?

And folks, if you look towards the...I'm just gonna say north direction because I'm not a cartographer...you will see the grand castle where the royal family lives. You literally can't miss it because it's the tallest building I've ever seen. Seriously, it's so high up that you have to take an elevator to get up there. In fact, I think I see it going up to the castle right now.

Who is on it right now, I have no idea. Probably some guard or business pony that needs the Queen's approval for a project.

"Tonight's royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning. But the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp's performance!" said Dazzle, a pink furred pegasus with a golden-like mane, with excitement "Isn't that right Skye?"

"Ha! Oh my yes Dazzle," said Skye.

I'm not even lying when I say that anypony who is anypony that lives in Zephyr Heights knows who Princess Pipp is. It's pretty much impossible not to.

I mean, obviously ponies know her because she's a princess, but she's also a famous pop star with a fantastic voice, a specialty in makeup, mane products, and fashion overall, and the #1 online streamer/vlogger of Zephyr Heights. She's pretty much popular on all forms of social media.

"And this just in, an exclusive vid from Pipp. For all you loyal fans out there in ZH," Skye said.

The screen then switched over to a livestream light pink furred pegasus with a violet mane that's wavy and swept to one side, a violet tail, kiwi green eyes, wings that are fluffy and white and made of large, soft feathers, and a gold headdress/tiara with a green jewel and golden wheat.

"What is up every pony? Big shout out to all my friends the Pippsqueaks," the pegasus said as multiple emojis kept popping on the screen and I'm pretty sure I just I heard a couple of foals squeal with delight.

That is Princess Pipp herself. Her whole appearance with the pretty mane and golden tiara just screams that she's a princess. That or a beauty pageant winner. Although I wouldn't be surprised if she was both because I'll admit that she is quite beautiful.

And yes, she can just broadcast her livestream onto the news network. Told you she's popular on all forms of social media.

And yes, her fanbase is referred to as "the Pippsqueaks." Quite a cute name if I say so myself.

"So tonight's the night. I can't wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys," Princess Pipp said in an almost singing-like tone.

That warmed my heart a bit.

Other than her awesome music that're a total bop to listen to, I think the thing I like the most about Princess Pipp is her personality. She's not some spoiled brat that demands respect and thinks that everything will be handed to her on a silver platter, but rather she's a genuinely kind and creative soul that engages with her fans on social media, and I can respect that.

The same respect could also be given to her older sister and future ZH queen, Princess Zipp. She's not the social media kind of pony though. She's more of an athletic pony with, from what I've seen, a bit of a rebellious attitude (not in a bad way) and an intellectual side.

And don't tell anypony that I've said this, but I'm pretty that she's reluctant to even be the future queen.

"Ok, guys I love you lots. Got to go. Pipp, Pipp, hooray," Princess Pipp cheered with a smile before the screen cut back to the usual news.

"Pipp, Pipp, hooray!" every pegasi around me cheered out in response. I even did it myself for my own amusement. It's strangely satisfying to do actually.

Once I finished up my muffin and latte, I selected another song on my phone and put my headphones back on. I got off of my seat and proceeded to walk back to my apartment, making sure to throw my trash away.

Don't be a litter bug kids.


So that's Zephyr Heights for you.

Born and raised here all my life.

Making sure to stay out of trouble.

And staying low...to the...ground.


As I continued to walk through the streets, my smile faltered a bit as I lightly sighed and looked up to the sky.

Despite all the many great things that Zephyr Heights has to offer, there is only one thing that I wish to do someday.


I always wanted to just spread my wings and take my hooves off of the ground so I can see the city from above. So I can be amongst the clouds and see what they feel like. So I can gain a sense of freedom and not be grounded all the time.

But I can't.

I don't know when it happened, or how it happened for that matter. All I know is that one day...all pegasi just lost the magical ability to fly.

It's been like that even before I was born. Hay, I think it was before my parents were born.

Every pony in Zephyr Heights believes that we can't fly for one reason.

The unicorns.

Picture unicorns as us pegasi, but instead of wings on their backs, they have a horn on their head. Their horns are capable of many things, including but probably not limited to shooting lasers, reading our minds, melting our brains.

Every pony believes that they somehow took our magic away in order to conquer us all with their unicorn mind abilities.

The only thing that's protecting us from the unicorns is the royal family as they are the only pegasi that can fly.

But if you want my opinion on this...I think the whole idea is just a load of crap.

It doesn't matter if the royal family can fly. An army of unicorns with mind abilities is exactly as intimidating as it sounds.

And then there's the third pony tribe.

The earth ponies.

Picture them as simply having neither wings nor a horn. They're capable of...um...I'll be honest. We've all been taught that the earth ponies have very tiny brains, so I don't think we need to worry about them.

But then again, we could be wrong.

And if the earth ponies decided to team up with the unicorns.

Face it. We'd be practically screwed.

I mean, obviously the royal family would have the royal guard fighting by their side, but they have spears and swords! The unicorns have anatomical horns that can shoot lasers! And the earth ponies have...hooves...I guess?

But that's only if they decide to attack.

If the unicorns and earth ponies really took our magic away so they can conquer us all, then why haven't they done so already?

I mean, it's not like I want that to happen.

All I'm saying is that if the other pony tribes were as dangerous as we thought, then they must've been keeping tabs on the city. Ergo, they must know that we're flightless and vulnerable, right?

"Check it out Pippsqueaks!" I heard Princess Pipp's voice say.

Upon hearing that, I took off my headphones and looked up at one of the big screens.

"Live from the castle." she said with a smile before she turned the camera to show—, "It's a real unicorn and earth pony!"

My eyes widened as the ponies around me gasped at the sight of an actual unicorn and earth pony.

"I know, right? This is so not a filter," Princess Pipp continued commentating.


Well, crap. Maybe they do know.