• Published 12th Mar 2024
  • 670 Views, 7 Comments

Godzilla: Equestria's Titanic Guardian - Lord Shadow Eclipse

Godzilla wakes up to find himself in Equestria. How will the ponies react to a Titan? How will he react to talking ponies?

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Chapter 5: The King's Council

Ponyville - 3 Days After the Battle with Ghidorah

Twilight had been in a hurry to get to the clearing where Godzilla had been sleeping for the past few days. It seemed that the fight took more out of Godzilla than Twilight thought. Once the fight was over, Godzilla came to the clearing and had done nothing but sleep for the past few days. She wanted to tell him the reports she had been hearing from messengers about other giant creatures popping up in the world. Twilight got to the clearing just in time to see that she didn't need to try anything to wake him up.

Immediately after she got to the clearing, Godzilla's eyes opened wide and his head perked up. He lifted himself off the ground and stood to his full height and looked around as if he was trying to track something. Godzilla then tilted his head back and his throat vibrated with sounds that she couldn't hear.

"Godzilla?" she asked quietly.

Godzilla obviously didn't hear that, or he was listening for something else in particular. Next thing she knew, Godzilla actually hurried away from the clearing and made a beeline for the Everfree Forest. The ponies of the town wouldn't not notice that the kaiju was hurrying in the direction of the Everfree Forest, and the rest of the Elements joined Twilight in following the Monster King.

"Twilight, what's going on with the G-Man?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know, but it may have something to do with the other giant creatures I've been hearing about," Twilight replied.

The shock coming from the rest of the Elements was palpable.

"What?! There are other creatures like Godzilla showing up here?!" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah. According to government intelligence, gigantic creatures of unknown origins have been popping up in random locations all over the world," Twilight replied. "Maybe Godzilla can sense them."

"How many of them?" Applejack asked. "And are any of them friendly like Godzilla?"

"I'm not sure, but for now, we follow Godzilla and see what he does," Twilight replied.

The girls followed Godzilla towards the Everfree Forest, making sure not to follow behind him. Godzilla was obviously determined to get to whatever destination he had in mind. He stopped somewhere just outside the forest near Sweet Apple Acres. The Elements all waited for whatever it was the Godzilla was waiting for.

(Godzilla's POV)

It was them. It had to be them! My old comrades and friends from my old world had appeared in this world! I could hear them through our bio-sonar network. I immediately replied to their calls with my own Alpha call, inviting them to meet with me at the edge of this town. I heard voices I could clearly recognize.

"Mothra! Rodan! Methuselah! It is so good to hear the voices of my old friends!" I called.

"And I am happy to hear your voice, as well, Lord Gojira!" Rodan responded. "I've been looking forward to sparring with my old friend ever since I came here."

"I'm heading to your location now, Gojira," Mothra said softly. "I've missed you."

Mothra was always the kind and caring one of my inner circle. But she was a powerful warrior on her own. She's helped me in several battles in the past and I'll always love her for that. Though, I noticed that she would act somewhat prickly when I ever interacted with any female Titans. Still, it was good to have one of my friends in this world with me.

"I'm looking forward to seeing those blue eyes of yours, Lady Mothra," Godzilla said.

Mothra made a flustered set of chitters, which made me laugh. It was fun teasing Mothra like this as she was always so easy to read. As I was laughing, another familiar voice spoke to me from afar.

"Your banter with Lady Mothra is always a treat for the ears, Lord Gojira," Methuselah said.

"Happy to hear the voice of my advisor, dear Methuselah," Godzilla said. "How have you been faring in this bizarre world?"

"The inhabitants of this world have been treating me with more respect than the humans did. And I managed to drive Ghidorah off this world," Godzilla said.

I could hear surprise in their voices when they spoke to me again. Rodan was the first one to speak out.

"King Ghidorah? You fought him again and drove him away?" Rodan asked. "That guy really needs to get a life."

"No kidding. That demon's the most sickening creature I've ever had the displeasure of meeting!" Mothra added.

"At least he's been driven off the planet. Though we should prepare for if or when that monster returns," Methuselah said. "Knowing him, he'll be back to settle the score."

I cracked my knuckles in response. "If he does come back, then we'll be there to destroy him."

The others laughed in agreement. If my old nemesis ever returns to this planet, then I'll have allies to help me in the fight against him. Even the ancient Methuselah would be able to hold his own in a fight, as he wasn't just my old advisor but was also a veteran warrior.

"I'm almost at your location, Goji. Can't wait to get there," Rodan said.

"I'm almost there, too, Gojira. I'd like to see how you've been faring," Mothra said.

"It'll take me a while to get there, but I'll get to you eventually, my king," Methuselah said. "I can't move as fast as I used to."

I smiled at hearing the voice of my old friend. "Please, take your time, old friend. I'll see you when you get here."

(A Few Hours Later - Pony POV)

It's been a few hours now and the sun was getting pretty low in the sky. Godzilla was still standing near the forest, with the Elements and a crowd of townsfolk gathered around to see Godzilla and wonder about what he was up to. Twilight was especially curious about what it was Godzilla was waiting for, with a good theory in her mind.

"You think Godzilla is waiting for someone?" Rarity asked. "He looks like he's waiting."

"I'll go fly up and ask him," Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy flew up to Godzilla's head to ask him what he was waiting for. While he didn't look at her, he did growl in reply to her words. She flew back down and relayed the message.

"He said that he's waiting for some old friends that have recently arrived in our world," Fluttershy said. "It seems that he's on good terms with these creatures."

"I just hope they're as nice as Godzilla," Applejack said.

"If Godzilla vouches for them, then that's good enough for me," Twilight said. "The last thing we need is another Ghidorah incident."

"And surely the G-Man wouldn't associate with a bunch of world-killers!" Pinkie said with a hop.

A high-pitched squeal approached the group from the south, beyond the line of sight of the ponies below. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash flew upwards and saw something that made their eyes became the size of plates and their jaws drop.

"What do you see up there?!" Pinkie called from down below.

Rainbow shook herself out of her shock and looked down below. "We see a... giant moth!"

The Queen of the Monsters, Mothra, was rapidly approaching Godzilla. Meanwhile, Godzilla was growling in joy at seeing this new creature. She chittered in joy at seeing Godzilla, so she landed on the ground before him. Godzilla knelt down and gently nuzzled Mothra's face while she returned the affectionate gesture. The ponies below "awwed" at seeing the gentle display before them. The flying ponies landed on the ground, with Fluttershy's eyes literally sparkling.

"I don't know who this creature is, but she's so beautiful!" Fluttershy said. Rarity joined her with sparkling eyes.

"Indeed! Her colors are absolutely divine!" Rarity said. "She looks like she's a noble creature with a regal bearing."

"And it looks like those two are pretty... close," Applejack said with a mischievous smirk.

"Honestly, I heard the reports that there was a giant moth creature, but I didn't know she'd be this... lovely," Starlight said.

"And the sounds she makes... it makes me happy and sleepy," Pinkie said with a yawn.

Pinkie's sleepiness was broken by a loud shrill cry in the distance. The crowd turned around to see a large flying creature flying down from the north. The creature landed near to Godzilla and Mothra and actually bowed down to Godzilla in a submissive fashion. Then he looked up with a few cheerful chirps. Each of the creatures were now conversing with each other in what sounded like their own language. Everyone in the crowd looked to Fluttershy for translation.

"From what I can tell, the moth creature is referred to as 'Mothra' and the birdlike one is called 'Rodan'," Fluttershy translated. "It seems that they know each other as if they were old friends."

It was indeed nice of them to hear that Godzilla had friends back in his old world. And they all seemed to be getting along pretty well. After a while, Rodan and Mothra looked down at the crowd below. Twilight decided to once again play the role of the diplomat and offer a hoof of friendship to them. Since Rodan was closer, she and Fluttershy flew up to him.

As they approached Rodan, it became clear that this creature's body temperature was insane. The air around him was so hot that the tips of their feathers started to singe. They would've caught fire if the girls hadn't landed a good distance from him. Rodan chirped in a pattern that sounded like laughter. He then trebled another response to Fluttershy.

"Rodan says that it would be best to keep our distance due to his high body temperature, and that he understands the danger of getting too close to him," Fluttershy said.

"That sounds good. I was afraid I was going to catch fire," Twilight said.

Now that Fluttershy and Rodan brought it up, Twilight noticed that the area around Rodan was turning black from the heat and drying out. The grass beneath his feet was even turning black. Twilight looked back up and spoke to Rodan.

"We would like to offer you and Mothra our friendship as well as a warm welcome to our world," Twilight said. "Would you two like to join us in friendship?"

Mothra and Rodan looked to each other and then to Godzilla, who gave a nod of approval. They looked back to Twilight with their own approving nods. No one needed a translation for what they said.

"Great! Now then, maybe we can throw another party to welcome our new friends!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

The crowd erupted into cheers at seeing that Godzilla and his friends were here. Surely, another party was in the works.


Somnambula's Town

It was yet another peaceful day in Somnambula's hometown. She was leading another group of townsfolk in another session of meditation when the alarm bells of the town's outer wall started to sound off. Just as her group was starting to panic, she flew over them.

"Do not panic! Return to your homes, immediately!" she called to them. "Me and the town guard will handle this! Stay in your houses and do not come out until we give the word!"

She flew over the crowd until she dropped down to some of the gathering guards. One of their number was a Pegasus that looked like he had just seen a ghost. Somnambula approached them quickly.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Lady Somnambula! There's a huge monster out near the Sphinx's Pyramid!" he replied.

"Has the Sphinx returned?" Somnambula asked.

"No, not the Sphinx! Something different, something... bigger!" the scared soldier replied.

Somnambula looked to the other guards. "Let us go and survey the area to search for this monster! We have to drive it away from the town!"

And so they were off, flying towards the Sphinx's Pyramid to look for the monster. The town sat not too far from the pyramid, so it wouldn't take long to see just what had scared the poor soldier near to death. Somnambula stared below her in shock. The beast she was looking at only bore a vague resemblance to the Sphinx.

Below the gathered soldiers and Somnambula was a humungous creature that had a lion-like physique, but also wasn't a lion at all. Since the creature had no mane, Somnambula guessed that this creature was like a lioness. The head of the creature was shaped like a lion's with sharp fangs protruding from the upper jaw. Her body was coated in blue and golden scales like a pangolin, with gold making up most of the body and blue coloring the head and underbelly. A row of spines lined the creature's back and tail and a pair of bat-like wings lie folded against her back. And the beast was absolutely gigantic. The beast looked up at the flying Pegasus soldiers with curious golden eyes.

"Lady Somnambula, should we attack?" he asked.

Somnambula knew that it would be a bad idea to try to attack a creature of this size and obvious power. She knew that it would be absolute suicide.

"No. We'll fall back and simply keep and eye on the creature for now. We can't risk the safety of the town by attacking a creature we've never seen before," Somnambula said. "Let us go!"

They flew back to the town, with Somnambula casting one last look at the lion monster down below. The beast continued to stare after them as they flew away.

(Sekhmet's POV)

What were those flying colorful things staring at me? They looked pretty, but they seemed scared of me. One of them reminded me of the ancient Egyptian humans who used to worship me in the past. Maybe they're nicer than the modern humans I've met.

I don't know where exactly I am, but this place reminds me of my old home. It even has a pyramid and everything. This world might be a good one to call home. Besides, if the flying things come back for violence, I'll make them regret it.


That... that was Gojira's Alpha call. My old friend and king is here in this world? Awesome! It's been so long since we've seen each other and I would like to visit him. Though, before I do that, I'd like to take a nap first.

Good thing the pyramid was there. I sat in the shadow of the pyramid and settled down for a nap. I made a mental note to visit Lord Gojira once I woke up.


The Hippogriff Kingdom/Seaquestria

Queen Novo and her daughter Princess Skystar looking out of the window of their land palace enjoying the lovely sunny day with some boats of fishermen looking like little dots on the water.

"This is a lovely day, isn't it, Sky?" Novo asked.

"Yeah it is! Nothing can ruin this day!" Skystar replied.

Karma was a cruel mistress since the waters down below started to get choppy way faster than they normally would. The sight of this immediately made the two Hippogriff rulers afraid for the lives of their citizens. Queen Novo turned to her daughter.

"Sky, go below and see if you can help get the fishermen to safety! I'll go and see about evacuating the shoreline!" Novo ordered.

"Got it!" Skystar said as the two monarchs flew off.

The two of them made it to their destinations in no time once flying at top speed. Skystar was trying her best to convince some of the stubborn fishermen to abandon their boats. Just as she was helping the last of them leave, she turned around to see something big rise from the waters in front of her.

Rising from the waters below was a gigantic serpentine creature with light-blue and vibrant purple serrated scales covering the entirety of the creature's body. There were long wing-like fins protruding from near the creature's draconic head, which housed bright yellow eyes and four barbels extending from it. The creature extended its fins and gave a loud hissing call.


Skystar screamed in terror at seeing the huge monster, turning tail and flying back to shore. Now that she was on the safety of land, she saw the monster turn around and go back out to sea. The Hippogriffs and Seaponies stared out at the spot where the monster was in disbelief. Queen Novo joined her daughter and gave her a serious look.

"I think it's time that we should send a message to the rest of the world leaders," Novo said.

(Tiamat's POV)

This world's oceans were so much fun! Even the murky depths were bathed in light and home to creatures I've never seen before! As I was exploring the southern seas, I saw a bunch of colorful creatures swimming around and having a good time.

I tried to join in the fun, too, but they all swam away from me. Some of them shot out of the water but didn't come back down. I popped my head out of the water to see where they were going and saw that there were other colorful lifeforms on the land. Maybe I could be neighborly and say "Hello". I am in their part of the sea, after all.

I raised my head out of the water so that they could all see me clearly, with one creature particularly close. Maybe she wanted to be friends with me! I gave my heartiest "Hello" to her and the others on the shore. The small one screamed and flew back to the shore at top speed. That was a bit odd. Perhaps she was saying "hello" but was just shy. I think I'll come back to visit them again after I get done exploring the rest of the world's seas.


The Jungles to the South

Daring Do was having a good time exploring the ruins she found. Not only did these ruins look like they were built by an ancient civilization, but it was full of artifacts that she could give to a museum. Her saddlebags were nearly filled to the brim with such things.

"Alright! The Royal History Museum is going to have a field day with these!" she said to herself.

Making her way towards the entrance of the ruins, Daring thought about what to do about her next book. It was becoming an increasingly daunting task to come up with new stories.

"Maybe I should write a conclusion to Daring Do and write a new series entirely," Daring said to herself. "I could try my hoof at writing mystery novels. My fans always said I'm good at keeping them guessing."

Before she could think about this further, a loud rumbling came from just outside. Daring Do flew out of the ruins and flew above them to get a better view of what she saw. And it was quite a sight to behold.

A titanic beast was walking near the ruins. The creature was covered in deep brown fur and had a body shape similar to an ape. The beast's forelimbs had long curved claws and walked on it knuckles like an anteater, yet the creature's head had two long curved tusks like an elephant. A bellowing call came from its mouth as it simply walked away. Daring Do was staring at it with wide eyes.

"Just when I thought I've seen everything," Daring said to herself. "Maybe I can include this in my next Daring Do book."

(Behemoth's POV)

This world is both strange and familiar to me. There were vast jungles in this section of this world's continent, so this was a good place to call home. If the calls I've been hearing were true, then Lord Gojira and the rest of my friends are here as well.

If we were summoned to this world, then it would be my duty to help Gojira protect this world from anything that may threaten it. Like that vile King Ghidorah. Still, I had better things to do. I have to explore this jungle and familiarize myself to this new world, and then reunite with my friends. It would be nice to see some familiar faces again.

Author's Note:

Since there's no official image of Sekhmet, I'm going off images I found on Google.

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