• Published 6th Nov 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

On the Squad or Not

At a lair, Kim, Ron, the Ninjas, Rainbooms, Blade, and CMC were currently fighting against some henchmen.

“Man, these chumps are nothing compared to the Foot.” Raph said, as he blocked on henchman's punch before knocking him away.

“I know, right?” Rainbow asked, as she zipped around some henchmen who tried to grab her.

Kim had just kicked one of the henchmen back, “When you've been fighting henchmen like these guys for so long it's not so difficult.”

“Trust us with whom we've been facing for a long time now it's not difficult to us either.” Sunset said, as she sweep kicked one henchman.

“So explain to us again, who we're up against here?” Mikey asked, while maneuvering his chucks.

“Was it Professor Demented?” Pinkie asked.

“Dementor, actually.” Kim corrected.

“Someone call?” came a voice, as they saw descending down from an upper section of the lair was said villain.

“That's him?” Scootaloo asked.

“That's him.” Kim confirmed.

“Ah, Kim Possible, so nice to see you,” Dementor began, while noticing the others, “And these must be your new associates I've heard tell about.”

“Looks like we're becoming famous, dudes.” Mikey said.

“Just what we don't need.” Donnie said dryly.

“You're all just in time to watch me put the final phase of my plan into motion!” Dementor chuckled.

“What is up with his voice?” Casey asked with a laugh.

“Sounds like someone I once met at the Daring Do Convention,” Rainbow recalled, “Sounds exactly the same, except with an accent.”

“Behold!” Dementor showed them a canister filled with black goo.

“What is that?” Ron wondered.

“It looks revolting!” Rarity shuddered.

Dementor explained, “This is the Uber Slime, the world's most dangerous disintegrating slime. Observe...” Dementor pours it on a globe on a table, which then begins to disintegrate, “Success, the world is mine!”

The ninjas looked worried, “We cannot let him leave with that stuff.” Leo told the others.

“Who knows what he'll do with it?” Sunset feared.

Casey then noticed the slime was changing, “Uh, Dementor dude, is your slime meant to do that?”

“What you talking about...” Dementor turned to see the slime had changed from black to pink and sparkly, “What, why's it turning all pink and sparkly?”

Donnie spoke, “It must be some byproduct of the disintegration process.”

“Which I must say, now looks very divine.” Rarity said feeling less repulsed now.

Dementor cried in failure, “I cannot take over the world with the pink and the sparkles, everyone will make the fun...” he heard Raph, Rainbow, and Casey snickering at the pink slime, "My point exactly!”

Dementor tried to make an escape only to be blocked by Pinkie, “Sorry, buster, but you're not going anywhere!”

The villain tried to get by Pinkie, but with every attempt, Pinkie kept blocking his way, “Get out of my way and let me through!”

“Nuh-uh!” Pinkie shook her head.

Dementor was getting tired trying to get past Pinkie, “How, are you so... Energized?” he panted.

“I'm just me.” Pinkie grinned, as Dementor collapsed from exhaustion.

Soon the police arrived and apprehended Dementor and his henchmen, as the others watched from the side, “Kim, you have strange enemies.” Karai told her.

“I know,” Kim confirmed, “And they only keep getting stranger.”

“Well, there's nothing wrong with strange,” Ron spoke up, “I mean people tell me I'm strange all the time and I don't care what they think.”

“Well, at least that don't do damage to your self esteem.” Applejack commended him.

“Come on, we got school tomorrow.” Kim said, as they took off with Rainbow groaning at the reminder.

As Dementor was in the back of the police van with his henchmen, he was thinking about Pinkie Pie, "That pink haired girl had so much energy, so much stamina. If I can harness that kind of energy imagine the possibilities.” he began to laugh maniacally.

The next day at Middleton High, after school out in their football field Kim, the Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini were stepping out onto he field with them all dressed in the same cheerleader uniform Kim wears while on the squad. Some of the girls like Pinkie and Rarity were excited, some like Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Karai looked less than thrilled.

"Oh, girls, don't we look fabulous?" Rarity gushed with excitement.

"Not exactly the word I would use." Karai said flatly, while looking herself over.

"This is just not me." Applejack grumbled while feeling her skirt.

"This is definitely not me!" Rainbow exclaimed, "I'm an athlete not a cheerleader!"

"You know, Rainbow, half my training in combat comes from my skills as a cheerleader," Kim informed her, "Surely you girls can channel your own ninja skills for this."

"Kim does have a point." Sunset admitted.

"And it's better then what the boys are doing." April motioned across the field.

The Turtles, Casey, and Blade stood wearing bull dog masks with Ron. They were learning how to be mascots, and they, minus Mikey, were not enjoying it in the slightest.

"I hate this!" Raph growled.

"Yeah, the mascot thing ain't for me, yo!" Casey added.

"I'm not too found of this myself." Blade admitted.

"Me neither." Donnie stated dryly.

"Same." Leo added.

"Ah come on, dudes," Mikey said, "I think we make an awesome Mad Dog Pack!"

"That's the spirit!" Ron said. "GO MAD DOGS!" And shook his head, spraying his banana cream foam everywhere.

“Ugh, Ron, seriously!” Raph growled.

“Relax, Raph, it's banana cream.” Ron assured him.

“I don't know whether to be relieved or grossed by that.” Donnie said indecisively.

Mikey sighed, “Dudes, for once can you not be buzzkills about something you're not used too and go with it?”

“Hey, don't worry, Mikey,” Ron spoke up, “Not many were all for my idea to become the mascot either thinking they'd laugh at me. But I proved them wrong. Especially Kim.”

“See? Ron gets me,” Mikey told the guys, “Besides you should be glad. We get to see something good.” Mikey motioned to the field where they saw Kim teaching the girls some cheer moves. Leo and Donnie were in fact awed by how Twilight and April looked in the Middleton High cheer uniform, while Mikey himself was focused on Shini.

“Ok, maybe it's not so bad.” Donnie admitted.

“Agreed.” Leo agreed.

Raph groaned, “You two sicken me.”

“Alright, come on you guys back to practice.” Ron said, as he began instructing them on how to be mad dogs.

All the while the CMC and Spike watched from the bleachers, “Boy they sure look good in those uniforms.” Apple Bloom admitted.

“Yeah, they're so cute.” Sweetie Belle agreed.

“Yeah, but I don't think that look is for me.” Scootaloo replied.

“Trying to act like that to impress Rainbow Dash won't matter since she's wearing the uniform.” Apple Bloom reminded her.

Scootaloo sighed, “Good point.”

“I love the head masks for the mascot,” Spike admitted, “Amazing Ron was capable of making them all with a mask making kit.” the CMC nodded.

After a good round of practice, Kim spoke, “Ok, girls. Let's put your skills to the test. Rufus!”

“On it!” Rufus went to a boombox and started playing the squads traditional techno music for cheer practice.

And so Kim led the Rainbooms and Ninja girls in dance step as they waved their pompoms. Slowly but surely each of the Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini started to get into it, especially Rainbow and Applejack. The group started utilizing their ninja moves to better perform any jumps and flips in the routine. Finally they performed the pyramid act with Kim flipping back on top as they stood perfectly.

“Go, Mad Dogs!” they announced.

Ron led the boys out onto the field as they barked and howled like actual mad dogs with Ron shaking his head releasing his mouth foam.

“Go, Mad Dogs!” the boys announced.

The girls undid their pyramid and stood on the ground, “So, what did you think?” Kim asked the girls.

“Ok, I'll admit, I was skeptical, but that really got my heart going.” Rainbow confessed.

“Mine too.” Applejack agreed.

“Definitely was an experience.” April admitted.

Ron removed his mask and looked to the guys who removed their masks, “Well, wasn't that bad, was it?”

“Admittingly, that did feel exciting.” Blade confessed.

“While I prefer to be out on the field. It felt good to be the support for once.” Casey added.

“Maybe we should start calling our team, the Mad Dogs?” Mikey suggested.

“I agreed to wear this mask, but we're not gonna call ourselves Mad Dogs.” Raph warned his brother.

“Besides, I think another group aside from Middleton High is using it already.” Pinkie spoke up, while winking to the fourth wall.

The CMC and Spike hurried over, “Rarity, that was amazing!” Sweetie Belle commended.

“You were so cool, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo cheered.

“I was blown away!” Apple Bloom finished.

“Thanks, girls. It really was enjoyable.” Twilight said.

“Even Fluttershy was louder than she normally is when trying to cheer.” Rainbow nudged her.

“I just felt the build up and had to cheer.” Fluttershy confessed sheepishly.

“You know, I think you girls would do good as part of the squad at our basketball game tonight.” Kim said.

“You think so?” Shini asked.

“Definitely.” Kim nodded.

They started to hear clapping, as they saw Bonnie and the rest of the squad approach, “Wow, you girls were incredible.” Tara admitted.

“Have you done cheerleading before?” Hope inquired.

“Not exactly.” April answered.

“Well, you sure have the skills.” Crystal noted.

“That's because we're awesome.” Rainbow boasted.

As they were enjoying the commending, they had a gut feeling it wasn't going to last long, "Well, girls," Bonnie said at last, "I can honestly say, without a sliver of doubt, that you were all... amazing!" The girls all cheered until Bonnie added, "Too bad you can't be on the team."

"What?!" The girls gasped.

"But you said we were amazing." Pinkie noted.

"Yeah!" Rainbow added.

"Oh, you were amazing," Bonnie assured, "But, you're also temp exchange students."

"What's wrong with that?" Sunset inquired.

"Didn't anyone tell you?" Bonnie asked, "I mean, I would’ve thought that Kim would’ve told you..."

"Oh no." Kim facepalmed as if just remembering something.

"Would’ve told us what?" Karai asked, not liking where this was going.

"Temp exchange students can't be on the cheer squad," Bonnie revealed, "I guess I forgot to remind Kim. Silly me."

"Forgot to remind Kim, my boot!" Applejack frowned, seeing right through Bonnie's words, "You didn't remind her on purpose just to down our spirits!"

"Yep, that sounds about right." Kim agreed.

"In a word, duh!" Bonnie confessed, "As if I'd ever let a bunch of out of town losers be on the squad even if you weren't exchange students!"

"That's totally unfair!" Rainbow snapped.

"Sorry, rules are rules, clown head!" Bonnie mocked. "But there is something you girls can do..." She clapped her hands and two cheerleaders dumped a bin of laundry in front of the girls, "You can hard wash all our uniforms!" Then she laughed, "Oh, and I'd use the non chlorine bleach. Later." Then she left, still laughing.

The other cheerleaders looked remorseful to the Rainbooms and ninja girls, as Marcella spoke, “Sorry, girls. We actually think you did well. But rules are what they are.” they left.

"I knew I didn't like her." Twilight frowned at Bonnie.

“It's my fault,” Kim sighed, “I should've remembered that rule. Sorry, girls.”

“We don't blame ya, Kim.” Applejack said putting a hand on her shoulder.

Mikey turned to Ron, “Ron, is there a rule temp exchange students can't be the mascot too?”

“Not that I know. Then again there hasn't been anyone else willing to be the mascot but me.” Ron confessed.

“Well, it was a fun idea.” Fluttershy said dismally.

“And I had an idea to make our own cheerleader uniforms.” Rarity pouted.

“Come on, let's go get changed.” April said, as they headed off to get back in their regular attire.

The CMC watched feeling bad for their sisters and the others, but frowned in the direction Bonnie left in, “They have just about as much reason to participate on the squad than they do. Even if we're exchange students.” Apple Bloom told her friends.

“And they looked like they really wanted to.” Sweetie Belle added.

“Even Rainbow Dash did,” Scootaloo noted, “But what can we do to help?”

The three started to think on what to do, until an idea came to Apple Bloom, “I got it! Let's show Bonnie that nobody messes with our sisters and gets away with it.”

“You got a plan on how?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah. But we're gonna need some help.” the youngest Apple girl answered with a smirk.

Author's Note:

The opening fight against Professor Dementor plays homage to the opening of the Live Kim Possible movie aired on Disney Channel.

Rainbow noticing Professor Dementor sounds like someone she met at the Daring Do Convention references to the MLP episode Stranger Than Fan Fiction, where Pony Rainbow Dash meets Quibble Pants voiced by Patton Oswalt, who not only voices Professor Dementor on Kim Possible, but also played his live version as well in the live movie.

Mikey suggesting the Turtles start calling themselves the Mad Dogs, and Pinkie noting another group is already using it references to the Rise Turtles who call themselves The Mad Dogs.