• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,221 Views, 112 Comments

Nicholas & The Crystal Star - DanishDash

It is but a few days until hearth's warming eve, and lately Nicholas has been feeling restless. Haunted by dreams about a Crystal Star, Nicholas and Applejack travels north to find answers. It is time for Nicholas to find out who he is meant to be.

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Chapter 5: Gift Givers Grove

Nicholas felt warm all over, it was like he was in a big tub filled with warm water. Slowly he floated around, his mind totally calm. A gust of wind blew past his hair, and so he opened his eyes. He didn't see a ceiling as one might expect, nor did he see an open sky. Instead he looked up at the roof of a large ice cave.

Letting out a groan, Nicholas sat up, feeling his head with his hand. He wasn't hurt, nor did he feel bad in any way. The air should have been cold, maybe it was, but it didn't bother him. He turned a little, his eyes scanning his surroundings for any clues where he might be. There was nothing but icy walls, untouched snow, and a tunnel leading to who knew where.

An echo of something sounded throughout the cave, it gave Nicholas a jolt. Quickly he stood, looking around once more. It was strange being all alone, if he indeed was. "Hello?" He called, half trying to see if anybody was there, and half trying to see if his voice worked. Thankfully it did, evident by how it echoed through the hall and seemed to vanish down the tunnel.

Then he heard again, the sound, it was, a belle? Nicholas frowned, why would he hear a bell in an ice cave? Then again, what was he doing here to begin with? "Hello? Anybody there?" He called, but no reply came. Instead he heard the sound of the bell again, this time it sounded fainter, as if it was moving.

Seeing no other option, Nicholas walked towards the tunnel, and made his way down its passage. The bell sounded again, seeming fainter again. He started to walk faster, trying to catch up with the sound, but each time he heard it ring, it seemed to become fainter and fainter.

"Hey, stop!" Nicholas called, starting to run. He was convinced someone was ahead of him, someone trying to lure him, or maybe even get away. "Wai-Whoaaa!" Nicholas screamed, suddenly feeling the ground under him vanish. He found himself falling for a brief movement, then starting to slide down the ice like a slide on the playground, just faster, and much longer.

Soon enough the slide opened up, until he suddenly dropped into a massive chamber. Nicholas shook his head, trying to regain his balance as he stood up and looked around in awe. The chamber, or hall, was huge! The size of a palace tower in Canterlot. The chamber was the shape of an egg, if you cut it in half, because the floor was flat. It was like the icy roof was a dome, protecting the inner chamber from the elements. Great ice columns rose up from the floor, seeming to have been carved out by someone.

In the center of the great chamber was a star shaped platform, carved out of more ice. In its center, hovering two, maybe three meters above the platform itself was a large glowing crystal star. Nicholas was stunned over its beauty, even though he had seen it in his dreams, he had never really been able to study it in detail. Slowly he walked towards it, and even though he wasn't close, he could feel a sort of warmth emanate from it.

The star glowed gently, and casted what looked like rivers of lights from it, which vanished down tunnels carved into the ice. The rivers of light started out small, then as they traveled further from the star seemed to grow. The light seemed to wave, like a flag moving in slow motion. Its colors were the same red, green and blue that he and Applejack had traveled through just...


Just how long had he been out, and how did he get into an ice cave to begin with? He was just about to look for an exit, when he heard the well known sound of trotting. Nicholas turned. "Applejack?"

Only, what he saw, who he saw, wasn't Applejack. Instead he saw a white coated male pony. Only, he wasn't a pony, he was an alicorn! A male alicorn!? He was tall, at least a head taller than Applejack. His coat and wings were white, and his mane, tail, and large beard was even whiter. His beard, mane and tail seemed to glitter a bit, like new fallen snow. His eyes were ice blue, and there was a certain twinkle to them. He looked old, kinda, he was still clearly in his prime, but the large beard did give an air of age.

The alicorn smiled, seeming amused. "Applejack?" He questioned, his voice sounding almost musical. "Young man, I've been called many things, but Applejack is not one of them. Ho-ho-ho..." He chuckled lightly, trotting towards the platform, but didn't go up on it. "I'll be honest, I didn't expect to see you so soon, but perhaps it is for the better."

Nicholas frowned. "Uhm, do we know each other?"

"I certainly hope so." The alicorn replied, smirking a bit. "But let's leave names out of it for now, it doesn't seem you are quite ready yet."

"Ready for what? What am I doing here? Why do I keep seeing you in my dreams? And this?" Nicholas said, sounding more impatient than he meant to. "Why do I keep seeing this star?"

If the alicorn was annoyed by his tone, he didn't show it. In fact, he seemed more understanding. "Son, when you have lived as long as I have, you'll come to understand the importance of patience. You've made it so far to get answers, yes? So you just have to wait a little longer. When you get your answers, I am certain we will talk again. For now though, it is time for you to wake up."

"What? Wake up, what do you mean?"

"I mean what I said, you're not really here. So let's get you back to reality, we'll meet again in due time." The alicorn winked. "Now, wake up."


Nicholas let out a tired grunt, feeling himself sensing the world around him again. Slowly his eyes opened, revealing a wooden ceiling above him. His body felt both heavy and warm, but as he started to feel around, he found himself in a big bed, thick covers, and a burning fireplace nearby. He couldn't see it, but he could hear the crackling of the logs burning.

There was the sound of hoof steps, and before he had a chance to turn his head and look, he heard the familiar voice of Applejack. "Nicholas?" She asked, sounding relieved. "You're awake." Looking to his left, he saw Applejack had trotted up to the side of his bed, smiling tiredly.

"Hi, sorry, Applejack. I don't know what happened to me..."

Applejack shook her head. "You just fell asleep, or passed out." She explained. "Blitzen and the others had you brought here as soon as we landed."

Nicholas closed his eyes for a moment, as if trying to remember the events of yesterday. "Right," he nodded, then looked at her again. "Where are we?"

Applejack looked unsure for one moment, then said, "I think it's better if you see for yourself." Nicholas raised an eyebrow, but then nodded and started to sit up.

It was the first time he was able to see the room in its entirety. It was much bigger than his own bedroom back home. The bed he was sleeping in was made of dark wood, it looked heavy and really sturdy. The sheets and blankets were of different shades of red, green, and golden.

The room itself almost seemed like one of those apartments in Canterlot. There was a massive fireplace to the right side of the room, with two red arm chairs, and a small table between them. At the right side of the room, there were large windows, with a glass door leading out to what Nicholas imagined was a balcony.

The bedroom was made of light and dark wood, giving the room a cozy feel to it, as the colors balanced well, even in the morning light, making the room light up almost. Around the room was placed several hearth's warming decorations, making it look all the more festive.

Nicholas's head flooded with more questions, but there was one that stood above the rest. "Where is Mina and the elves?"

Applejack chuckled. "Where else?" She leaned forward, and took one of the pillows with her teeth, then flung it over Nicholas, landing on the far left side of the bed with a small thud. Almost instantly there was movement beneath the blankets. One to begin with, then several, it reminded Nicholas of boiling water.

A small bump in the blanket moved away from the rest, until it came to the end of the blanket, revealing Mina. She was rubbing her eyes, mumbling something under her breath. Then she saw Nicholas, he was awake, and her eyes lit up like hearth's warming candles!

"Nioclás! Tá tú i do dhúiseacht!"

She exclaimed, and leaped from her spot into Nicholas's chest, her tiny paws taking a hold of his tunic. He laughed, placing a caring hand on his little friend, carefully hugging her back. Soon enough more bumps made their way to the end of the blanket, revealing several more elves. They all had the same reaction as Mina, and all of them leaped forward, all of them hugging Nicholas. Both he and Applejack laughed at the display of affection. He tried his best to hug them all back, but with the sheer number of them, it was impossible.

"It would seem our guest has woken up." Said a female voice.

Nicholas, Applejack, and all the elves went quiet, looking towards the end of the bedroom. There was a pair of double doors, before they were closed, now they had been opened, and in trotted three female reindeers. Unlike Blitzen and the other reindeers, these ones had their own colors going, not a trace of brown on them.

One was on the older side, she reminded Nicholas of Granny Smith. Her coat was light opalish gray, with a lighter underbelly. Her mane was light cherish, with some splashes of gray here and there. The second one seemed to be around the same age as Nicholas's mom.

Her coat reminded him more of what Cupid had, a light grayish rose colored coat, with a gray underbelly. Her mane was a mix between light and moderate rose colored. The last one was the youngest, a little older than Apple Bloom, but younger than Applejack. She was still well within her teens. Her coat was a pale grayish olive, with a pale greenish underbelly. Her mane was short and moderate turquoise, with some aquamarine splashed in there.

The three trotted inside, and came to a stop maybe one and half meters before they would have reached the bed. "When Blitzen told us what happened, we were afraid the trip had been too much for you." Said the oldest.

"But thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case." Said the middle reindeer, the adult.

The youngest, who stood to the far right, smirked. "But you will get used to it pretty quickly!"

"How are you feeling?" Asked the adult reindeer.

Nicholas stared for a moment, then Applejack cut in. "Nicholas, they are the ones who had you brought in here." She told him gently.

"Oh, uhm, thank you so much for your hospitality." He said, inclining his head. "You didn't need to put me in such a nice guest room." The three reindeer shared something of an amused look. "Did I say something funny?"

"No, no, dear." The middle one said.

"It's just," said the youngest. "This is your room, or it will be!"

Nicholas frowned, Applejack did the same. The oldest one waved her hoof. "We know you're worried, and you have a lot of questions, but don't you worry, we brought you here so you could get some answers!"

Once again, Nicholas looked confused, but he decided to just go with it for now. "Who are you?"

The three reindeer smiled to one another, and the oldest one bowed. "I am Aurora." Then the middle one bowed. "I am Bori." Then the third and youngest did the same. "Alice."

Nicholas wasn't sure how he felt about them bowing, he mostly wanted to bow back in respect, but it was a bit difficult when in bed. The three Reindeer stood up straight again, and Bori continued. "And you are Nicholas Claus."

Aurora's smile widened a bit. "The human child that sailed between worlds."

"The one that will bring joy to ours." Finished Alice.

"Wait, brought?" Nicholas turned, getting out of bed. The elves tumbled around a little as he moved, not able to cling onto him. "What do you mean?" He asked, stepping closer to them. Thankfully he was still dressed, although be it in his pants and tunic only.

"You weren't born in this world, Nicholas." Aurora said. "You were brought here by destiny. Raised by good parents, who taught you the value of hard work, and showered you with unconditional love and affection."

"It was foretold many years ago that you would be the one to spread cheer in our world. The protector of goodwill, and the defender of hearth's warming." Alice continued.

All of this was a lot to take in for Nicholas, it felt like his head was spinning, like he could feel the planet itself turn. Bori was the one to speak next. "But let us speak of this later." She said, sending Nicholas an understanding look. "The past and the future can wait, let us remain in the present for now. How about a nice walk around town?"

A walk sounded nice, Nicholas could use it after the news he just received. After getting dressed once more, he, Applejack and Mina left with the three reindeer. The rest of the elves stayed behind in the bedroom, all happy to be allowed to sleep under the thick warm covers of the bed.

While what the reindeer had told him weighed on his mind, he was sure nothing else could surprise him. However that certainty was put to the test as he was introduced to the splendor of Gift Givers Grove. Aurora, Bori, and Alice had taken him out into a large hallway, and let him down some stairs. While the woodwork was very impressive, it did nothing to prepare him for the grand entry hall.

The room was large, with big wooden pillars holding up the roof far above them. They were walking down the stairs from the right, which led down to the platform in the center of the far end of the room. At the platform there was a pair of big double doors, while at the sides were two stairs leading up to other hallways, one of which they were walking down from. The last wide stairs left led down to the floor of the entry hall.

Nicholas glanced at the double doors. "What's in there?"

"We'll get to that in due time." Bori assured him, trotting down the wide staircase leading to the floor. Nicholas and the rest of them followed her. A thick red carpet covered the stairs, and led down to another pair of double doors, acting as the front door to this place. "There is a lot to show you, a lot to explain."

Bori and Alice moved to the doors, pushing them both open to reveal the town of Gift Givers Grove!

Nicholas and Applejack stepped forward, with Mina sitting comfortably on Nicholas' shoulder. As they stepped forward, and the town came into view, their eyes widened with wonder. They had of course seen the town late last night, but the details were less than ideal, and now seeing it doing the day time, they were sure it could not compare.

The town in many ways reminded them of Ponyville, in size, and scale. When the doors opened they were greeted with a large round town square. In the very middle of this plaza, there was a large pine tree, decorated with lights and other ornaments. Of course on the top was a gold and silver star.

The square and the roads around the town were cobblestone, masterfully placed, without the danger of one bumping a foot or a hoof on a stone sticking out, thus falling. Even from here, Nicholas could tell it was a nice mix between nature and town life. Instead of ponies trotting around, like back home, it was deer, and reindeers. Many stopped as soon as they spotted them at the entryway to the grand house, or castle.

Some pointed, others waved and clapped their hooves on the road approvingly. Alice leaped into the air, flying down onto the plaza. "Alright, alright, deer, there will be time for that later. We are on tour, please continue your daily activities!" She called with a large smirk. Although a bit reluctant, the deer all started to move along, returning to whatever they were doing before.

"Sorry about that, Nicholas, but they are all very excited to have you here." Aurora smiled, starting to move down the stairs.

Nicholas and Applejack followed after the three reindeer. "But why? I don't understand any of this."

"We understand all of this is confusing." Bori said, "but as I said, we will explain everything soon."

"Let's show you around town, then we will take you to see it." Alice finished.


The three of them looked at him. "You know what." Bori said, a playful smile crossing her lips.

"The Crystal Star, sonny!" Aurora declared.

"But that's for after, now come on, I know you are going to love this!" Alice let out a squeal, and started to trot along with her two companions further into town.

Applejack and Nicholas glanced at one another, both unsure, but both also knowing they could not stop now. A silent agreement was made, and the two started to follow the three reindeer further into the town Gift Givers Grove.

Author's Note:

I hope I am not moving too fast or too slow for you guys?

I feel like it is easier for me to write these chapters if I do them segments like these. Less stress on my part, but I do understand if you guys might find what little time the chapters cover a little tiresome.

Still, I hope you guys enjoy the chapters, I am happy to finally have the time to write them. :twilightsmile: