• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,666 Views, 47 Comments

Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 16: A Friend in Need

"Apple Bloom"! Twilight called out.

"Apple Bloom"! Diamond Tiara called out as well.

"Where could she be"? Asked Fluttershy.

"I'm not sure, but we have to find her", Twilight replied. The group continued to walk in the direction Apple Bloom had run off in, looking for any sign of their friend. Just then Toola Roola spotted something on the ground as the came up to a tree.

"Guys look", she called out picking up what she had found.

"That's Apple Bloom's bow"! Exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"But where's Apple Bloom"? Asked Petuina.

"Better question, where are we"? Replied Coconut Cream.

Apple Bloom awoke to what sounded like drums, and flutes being played, she rubbed the back of her head as it was sore.

"Ugh, what happened"? She asked herself as she got a look at her surroundings. She saw that she was in some kind of cage Confused Apple Bloom walked up to the bars, and peered out. What she saw we're the natives from eariler, playing drums, and dancing around until one of them saw that Apple Bloom was awake. Soon the dancing stopped, and the natvies all came towards Apple Bloom who steped back. "Um, hello", Apple Bloom chuckled nervously as one of the natives, likely the chief came up to her. He starred at Apple Bloom with a serious expression on his face while Apple Bloom just gulped. The chief then smiled, and turned back to the other natvies. He then began speaking in his native laugnage, and the other natives started jumping around, and laughing while pointng at Apple Bloom who was now really freaked out and confused as the Natives walked back to their circle, and began dancing around. "What the hell"? Apple Bloom muttered to herself, she was extremly confused, how did she even get here last thing she remember was crying after Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo read her diary, and now all of a sudden she's just magically in this cage for some reason, why, and how. She had so many questions. "Hey, what do you want from me, hey let me out of here"! She cried out only to be ignored. Knowing she wasn't going to get an answer from them Apple Bloom sat back in the cage, and thought about her friends.

Meanwhile with the others they we're all arguing about their situation.

"Great we loose Apple Bloom, and now we're lost", Lamented Scootloo.

"We're not lost, we just don't know where we are right now", Sweetie Belle replied.

"That's what lost means", Scootaloo snarled.

"Look there's no need to be arguing, besides we're fine I'm navagating are directions", Twilight said.

"Then how did we get lost"? Asked Scootaloo.

"I told you we're not lost, we just don't know where we are", Sweetie Belle again stated.

"Stop saying the defention of the word lost, and then saying we're not lost"! Scootaloo exclaimed angrily.

Back with Apple Bloom she was tossing a pebble she found up into the air. The natives we're still dancing, and chanting in their languge. Of course Apple Bloom had no idea what they were chanting about, but whatever it was it involved her, and though she didn't show it she was terrfied at the fact of what they might do the her.

"Hey". A voice called out. Apple Bloom looked around in confusion.

"Hello"? She asked as she serached for the source of the voice.

"Over here', the voice called again. Apple Bloom looked over to see a young native filly standing at the front of the cage. Apple Bloom looked around before pointing at herself to see if the child was talking to her, and the filly nodded. Apple Bloom came over to where the girl was, and bent down to her level. The filly smiled. "Hello", she said happily.

"Um, hi"? Apple Bloom replied though she was still confused. "You can understand me"? She then asked the filly.

"Yep, I once found a book about the outside world off of this island when I was really young, and I took the time to learn how to speak to ponies like you", The native filly replied with a smile.

"Oh, what's your name sweetie"? Apple Bloom asked.

"My name's Moonshine", the filly said with a smile, andd Apple Bloom smiled back

"So Moonshine, do you know why I'm here"? Apple Bloom asked. Moonshine looked down sadly.

"The others want to sacfrice you to the monster that lives on this island, but I don't want that to happen Ms. Apple Bloom, and that's why I plan on saving you, and helping you get back to your friends". Moonshine replied. Apple Bloom listend, her mind filled with dread at the idea of what this monster could be, after the fact that they had Kanjira, and Grogar to deal with was bad enough, but now a third monster. Apple Bloom breathed and stared at Moonshine.

"Well if you're going the help me, then you need to find my friends, can you do that for me"? Apple Bloom asked. Moonshine nodded, and ran off to find Twilight, and the others.

Author's Note:

Okay so I actually can't think of a name for this child, and was wondering if any of you could give me some idea, and I'll choose the one I like best.