• Member Since 21st Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

underrated Drake

Just a regular guy who has very little knowledge on MLP but a lot of creativity.


Comments ( 7 )

Hey UnderratedDrake, are you going to update Romancing a Dragon or is that one on hiatus or done with?

Soon you'll all know... and, no not everyone... only 4... ish

It takes a long time to make this sequel

“Plus, if I get pregnant before the others, it’ll mean I am more important to him than the others,” Fluttershy mumbled,

So this is going to get a sequel then huh

Does that mean it comes out as eggs?

I don't think Mammals can lay eggs... actually, in most of the fics I've read about Spike mating with the girls (Anthro... and even some non-anthro), they have Kirins and are born in the "Tradicional Human way"

The platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs.

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