• Member Since 15th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Friday


When i write, i write knowing that the story truly will never be over. It is just the beginning of something new when the ending strikes. https://igg.me/at/R-Dc-GkaAds/x/37270943#/


Comments ( 617 )

jesus, already people watching me and giving me reception on this guy. I feel honored you guys are giving this traction immediately. I plan to get chapter three out and available to reed by the end of tonight. Just give me some time. Also feel free to point out grammer and spelling mistakes. I suck at both XD

Interesting, colored me interested in this fic.

Though I must say, either I'm dumb (And maybe I am) or the description was a little to short, But it didn't click that Gelfree and Gomra where the stereotypical goblinoids.

Something tells me that being the queen of hell wouldn't be easy and the demonic changes to Twilight would be detrimental to the denizens such as Equestria. But i dig it! Keep it going.

Sometimes you have quotations that don't belong or some odd spelling mistakes but all in all I can cut through the story and I'm invested now in just three small chapters!

I love CoC, my favorite game, definitely adding this to my read list! :pinkiehappy:

Very interesting. Let's see what comes out of this endeavor. May Twilight succeed.

Thank you so much for the comment and the read. Here is to hoping she manages to get home :P

Thank you so much for the comment :D. You I love CoC and seen a sadly small amount of fics here based around or inspired by it and most are abandoned. I defiantly don't think I'm the best writer but I feel I'm good enough to at least make a complete story dealing with that glorious game duo, be the inspiration substantial or not.

Thank you for the comment.

Internal screaming XD sorry about the errors. I spent the day before i posted looking for anyone to proofread for me since I tend to get overly critical of my own work if i do the proofreading thus burning myself out on being my own hardest critic kinda deal. If you notice mistakes by all means point them out and anyone else who sees this comment cuz I want this story to be the best it can be.

As for the descriptions, ya i have built up a kind of odd way of describing details over my time as a want to be writer. The main one being I spread out descriptions of things and do it bit by bit so that you hardly notice the image of what the characters look like and the environment forms over time and isn't slapped in your face all at once. The Goblin girls do get more descript and fleshed out in looks by chapter 7 which I am currently on for writing wise. Let me know if its too strange and if those that read this comment also feel its too odd and let me know I'll probably change it in the future chapters I do.

Thank you for being interested and giving my story a look :D :heart:

One day and this story has 23 likes and over 180 views, that is insane to see, not to mention I'm on the top story rotation display board thing??? What the heck??? Thank you everyone for this reception. I'm super sorry about the errors already seen but feel free to point them out and ill fix them up asap. Also I still am looking for an editor/ proofreader but I feel with the current reception that at least it isn't as bad as I first assumed.

Maybe it is but people are still enjoying it, idk at this point but still thank you all. Also as for me not having art, I both feel The story should try to stand on it's own before I worry about art to draw people in so if it isn't a bother and you all know people who may like this story do share about it. This is just a Request to possibly make the story more popular and more eyes to see my mistakes. a Win Win in my book.

Anyways thank you all so much again and I have popped chapter 4 out to be read. I have up to chapter 7 as of me wrighting this done and I'll be posting them one each day but I'll probably post three like I did to start out with at Christmas.

Technically corruption of champions 2 can be downloaded for free on the same website as the first game…

But anyone who supports the developers by buying it from steam is most likely appreciated by them…

Also for anyone wanting to play the first game I would suggest downloading the “unofficially expanded edition”!

In the middle of creating the final dungeon for the first game the lead developer started to lose interest but they “finished” the product…

One of the people working on the project at the time took it upon themselves to make all the content they had prepared to make and to file out all the loose ends thus I would call the expanded version canon even if the lead developer was not part of it…

wooo another CoC fan it seems. Ya I heard about the unoffical expanded edition but I figured out a work around of flash to play the og CoC, you can use newgrounds and their flash playing program thing to launch og CoC. Both are free and the Creator of CoC is making a SciFi game as they make CoC2 and both are in my opinion really great.

Thank you so much for the comment and ya for those that read this defiantly go check the games out and if you like go buy the steam version of CoC2 to support the dev.

Yeah I also has a flash replacement for the expanded version…

I am not a fan of trials in tainted space. Don’t get me wrong it’s nothing wrong with the game mechanically but I just get a giant headache trying to navigate the bigger places once you get past the first few worlds…

The same is true with the space station you start out in: too much to do in a much too cramped space!

Oh I get that 100%. It took damn near two hours for me to be able to remember just the merchant area's different shops and stocks.

Thanks for chapter!

“The old road will take you to hell, but in that gaping abyss we will find our redemption" darkest dungeon.

Good start just gotta make sure that you don’t completely fall to corruption twilight! For some reason this chapter made me think of that quote as well as how in my first run of CoC I basically had 50-60 corruption fairly quickly since I did not know how to get rid of it and I wanted to experience the smut…

Why do we fall? So that we may learn to pick ourselves back up! It’s all about finding that balance, something a newcomer may not always do right away…

I am not sure what else to comment since the story has barely started but I wish for luck and am eager for more!

Have a good day!

Thank you so much and I'm so happy people are enjoying it. It defiantly will be a hard journey for twilight and as of now Corruption is slowly taking root within her. Only with time can we know if the corruption will consume her or if she will find a balance.

Not sure if this is my cup of tea, but I'll follow for now.

Thank you for following even though your on the fence :D

I admit it very much won't be to everyone's liking but I hope it is enjoyable none the less.

I'm glad you understand that. Often times when you try to please everyone you end up pleasing no one, so you should understand who your target audience is and focus on them.

Whether or not I like it the story telling itself is really good, though you could use an editor. There's a lot of misused words, like you use 'main' (primary) instead of 'mane' (a horse's hair), and several others.

mmmmmmmmmm i felt like I used the wrong one but once it hit me I was in bed and I did four chapters so combing through it would be tedious. What chapter(s) did I screw that up in.

as for an editor, I would love one but the friend I have looking at my story isn't really giving me anything and I tried to find an editor in the groups for that but none have really gotten back to me sadly.

Ahhh I had a feeling eating the stuff here would cause corruption, I fear for Twilight. She has the capability of being absolutely evil, but she doesn't have to be.

Makes me wonder if she does leave this place will she pass on her cruelty, her misery, her god-awful twisted corruption the citizens of Equestria?

The story reminds me of the devil's bargain You bargain for something that you truly want only in return that the thing that you get doesn't really mean anything at all. Like selling your teeth for braces.

Looking forward to the next update keep it up mate!

Thank you so much for the kind comment. Ya, the odds are defiantly stacked against her right now. As for what will happen if/when she goes home, only time can tell.

it's also funny you mention the devil Bargain because both that and Faustian deals are things I love.

files.everypony.ru/smiles/00/45/7a1f74.png - Next time you try to abuse me or anyone else and I hear about it. I'll rip out your arms and legs and put matches in their place. And the stumps will remind you for the rest of your days how wrong you were.

I had planned only 2 chapters today but then i realized that would leave off at the blue balls chapter and i couldn't justify doing that to those who have given this story so much love.

Jesus, I thought would be a slow burn with subtle changes, but no we are going for a rollercoaster ride of lust and passion.

Looking at the tags should have seen this coming.

Hot damn this is getting interesting.

XP i have a lot I'm planning for the future and I wanted to keep it a nice surprise for shit to go from 0 to 100 quickly. though she is still needing pushes be it from others or from the Corruption itself.

Almost 300 views in 2 days and 31 likes and 6 chapters. I do have more chapters but I'm holding out so I have a buffer in case I need a day to freshen up and rest the noggin. However though I am celebrating cuz even though I have another story with high views it largely happened when I left this sight for a bit so I didn't get to see It happen in real time and seeing the numbers climb before my eyes is surreal and more than I could have ever expected when I posted the first three chapters yesterday. I thank you all so much for this and making this wee little writer happy.

I hope you all stick around with me through this all and enjoy Corruption is Magic and the adventures of Twilight.

EDIT: number 3 on the popular board. I am blown away everyone. Never in my life did I expect this kind of reception. I had hoped but assumed it was wishful thinking. You all are the best :heart:


Damn happy for you that you got to be in the popular section. I only dream I can do that. Keep up the pain train, or in this case the "Corruption Plower."

XD I defiantly will continue on. I am cheering for you to be able to get on to popular too.

Thanks for chapter!
Have a good day!

I can't go to bed and get up to see the numbers haven't jumped up can I? XD

When I went the story was at 350 views and something like 34 likes... where is everyone coming from????

In all seriousness thank you one and all for coming here and checking out the story and leaving a positive review. I am currently working but I had a chance to pop on and do a quick thank you so I did. :heart:

Thanks for chapter!!

Wonky transformations wooohooo! I half expected the lungs potions to have a side effect of pushing out her ribs or otherwise do something that would pronounce her new tits now that they should no longer be crotch boobs…

Not sure what else to write here at the moment so have a good day!!

Maybe I’m reading too fast but I can’t keep track of the characters.

I have a very strong feeling that upon returning to Equestria, Twilight will meet with a rainbow.


do you mean the elements hitting her?

Yes, that's exactly what I meant.
Or Twilight will become Dominant over the whole Equestria

correct me if i'm out of the loop cuz i missed the last like 4 seasons and haven't seen the show in a bit but. Would they not work without Twilight unless Celestia and Luna used them.

The series did not show whether the Elements of Harmony can work without Twilight. However, in the battle with Nightmare moon, Celestia was able to use all six crystals alone, albeit once. Also, in the comics from IDW there was a moment with a Chord (Discord on the contrary). Twilight fell under the influence of a decent Discord and refused to help her friends. Then Celestia, as the last holder of the magic element, stood side-by-side with the rest of the elements. However unexpected, the crystal of Magic responded, and the Chord was hit by a rainbow ray.

Huh, thats interesting. I am very happy to know this and that changes a few things and makes things more interesting for when she returns.

I don't see a practical reason for her to have become an anthro since her magic could outdo anything hands could do. Also, did her crotchboobs migrate to her chest or are they still where they started? Does she now have two pair? Seriously, I thought that potion would've only made it so she could walk on two legs, not make her almost human.

Good questions, Though it isn't directly stated I do have an explanation for these in a chapter I have already written but has yet to be published here.

All I can say is don't take the "Biped potion" entirely at face value. As for boobs. This story is written from her pov so things that aren't mentioned immediately are due to me thinking about what Twilight would likely be more inclined to take notice of at a given time. I haven't mentioned them because she hasn't thought about checking.


I haven't mentioned them because she hasn't thought about checking.

Twilight is not interested in her own tits. She needs Gelfree's tits.

Thanks for chapter!

Yeah i’m sure she will get the chance to make many new “friends” :P

Have a good day!

You are very welcome :D

Yes she will make so many "Friends" in this journey I feel

you have a good day too.

3 days till Christmas and as I promised, I will post 3 chapters for yall then. I will just say that things finally kick off and we get to see a lot of growth in Twilight.

Twilight: "Maybe I can even make friends in that village."
Corruption: "Oh yes, we'll make lots and lots of "friends" there."

Wow...I don't know what could have happened.

I just wanted to say that this story is the second one I see on this site set as the "Corruption of Champions" game.

I like it👍

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