• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 7,264 Views, 548 Comments

Generational Divide - Boltstrike58

A tear in the time space continuum brings Twilight Sparkle and Sunny Starscout together.

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Chapter Four: Darkness Gathers

Opaline's Castle

Misty hurried as fast as her hooves could carry her back to the shadowy castle. It was a good distance to the northwest of Maretime Bay, but close enough that she didn't need a ride or anything. The castle itself sat in the middle of what had once been a densely populated town, but as ponies had grown apart, the town fell into ruin, and now, nopony even remembered the name. Opaline claimed the castle was hers by right, but as with all of her statements, the veracity of that could be called into question.

Misty reached the front door, stopping only to catch her breath. She tried lighting up her horn, attempting to use her magic to push open the door, but all that came from the appendage was a few weak sparks. Sighing with resignation to herself, Misty pushed the door open with her hooves, and strolled inside.

She made her way to Opaline's scrying chamber, moving as quickly as she could without scuffing the floor (that was one of Opaline's rules). She found her master sitting at the scrying pool, intently staring at the still image of the Crystal Brighthouse. Opaline's expression was one of tranquil fury, and her tail flicked back and forth, like a cat on the hunt.

"Ah, Misty. You've finally returned," she noted without looking up. "Come to me. There's work to be done."

"Yes. I-I mean, yes, Opaline," replied the bushy-maned unicorn. Opaline had insisted that Misty always address her by name whenever they spoke. She sat down on Opaline's left side.

"You know, Misty," Opaline began, "I used to believe that my troubles, for the most part, were over. Sure, your incompetence and failure have held me back, but those things would eventually fade." Misty flinched, but Opaline either didn't notice or didn't care. "Now, I see that I was wrong. Because today, Twilight Sparkle returned to plague me once more!"

She stomped one hoof, and the image within the reflecting pool changed to a picture of Twilight. The lavender alicorn looked much older than the one that had come out of the portal. The telltale signs of aging were beginning to show on her face. She wore a golden crown with her Cutie Mark imprinted on it.

"I thought I'd seen the last of Twilight Sparkle centuries ago. Even alicorns pass on, though much later than ponies like you. Yet, here she is, appearing in Equestria yet again! Do you know what I feel when I see that, Misty?"

"Um...you feel angry?" asked Misty.

Opaline was already starting to yell. She hadn't even noticed Misty didn't address her by name. "RAGE! MANIA! MADNESS! WHY MUST THAT PONY CONSTANTLY GET IN MY WAY, EVEN FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE?!" She picked up an empty potion bottle and hurled it across the room, where it shattered into hundreds of pieces against the wall. Snorting, Opaline turned back to Misty. "Tell me everything you saw and overheard, quickly. Before my anger grows any further."

"O-okay, Opaline," replied Misty, speaking quickly to avoid another outburst. "So Twilight Sparkle and her friends came out of that portal, and then they met up with Sunny's group. And then Sunny started freaking out because of Twilight, and Hitch blew his whistle and made everypony else go away, and—"

Opaline groaned, placing her hoof against her face. "Misty, change of plans, just skip to the important part."

"Y-yes, Opaline. So Zipp asked Twilight about the message she left in the Unity Crystals, but Twilight didn't know what she was talking about. Then Izzy said they could come to the Brighthouse, and—"

"Wait, wait," Opaline interrupted. "Twilight didn't know about the Unity Crystals at all? She had no knowledge of them?"

"No, Opaline." Misty hurriedly shook her head.

Opaline put a hoof on her chin, deep in thought. "But I remember seeing those crystals from the first day I was her student," she noted. "If this Twilight doesn't know about them, that means she must've come from a time before they were created. Which means that she doesn't know who I am, because I don't exist in her time." A smile slowly returned to her face. "Perhaps we can work this situation to our advantage."

"How, Opaline?" asked Misty. "I don't understand."

Opaline rolled her eyes. "It's simple, Misty. If Twilight's come from a time before I met her, that means she won't be able to warn Sunny Starscout about me. Plus, if I regain my powers and take down Twilight now, that means I can undo my previous defeat at her hooves. I could take over Equestria in the past and the present! I will become the Empress I was always destined to be!"

She threw back her head and cackled, while Misty sat quietly. She was probably remembering the times Opaline had scolded her before. Opaline's laughter continued for a few more minutes, until she came to a stop. She settled back down onto her throne.

"Now, Misty," she continued, never missing a beat, "we must redouble our efforts to capture that dragon. And by we, I mean you, as Twilight's spell keeps me confined to this castle. I need to reactivate my powers before Twilight figures out how to close that portal! With Sunny and her friends distracted, it should be easier for you to obtain it."

"O-okay, Opaline," replied Misty, shivering where she stood. "So, go back to Maretime Bay and get Sparky?"

"YES!" Opaline shouted. "Go and get me that dragon's fire!"

Misty squeaked in fear, but managed to bow before turning around and running out of the castle.

Maretime Bay

Twilight stretched her limbs as she climbed off the couch. The paper bag she'd been breathing into lay discarded next to it, with multiple holes punched into it from usage. Twilight got back onto her hooves, and strolled around the Brighthouse.

"Ruler of all Equestria," she mumbled to herself. "When were they gonna tell me that?"

Sunny came up the ramp from the bottom of the Brighthouse, where the rest of the group had gathered and were engaged in conversation.

"Are you feeling any better, Princess Twilight?" she asked. "I'm sorry I let that fact slip. I should've thought before I spoke."

"It wasn't your fault, Sunny," replied Twilight. "There's no way you could've known. And you don't have to call me princess. From what I understand about this time period, I don't have any authority."

"Okay, if you're sure." Sunny reached into her bag, pulling out a leather-bound book. "Here's my Dad's journal if you want to look at it. I've marked some spots you might want to avoid, because of the future...I don't know what word to say, spoilers?"

"Thank you, Sunny." Twilight lit up her horn, levitating the journal over to her. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions about your alicorn powers? I've never seen one like you before, and it makes me curious."

"I'm an open book," said Sunny. "Though, to be honest, I don't know that much about it myself. I don't even understand what makes me transform. Even Zipp hasn't figured it out."

"Well, there goes most of my questions," said Twilight. At the look on Sunny's face, she hastily added, "I'm sorry, I was just making a joke. I'm also sorry you didn't have anypony to help you understand it like I did. That must've made things difficult."

"Oh, yeah! I mean, I don't mind having alicorn powers, but it's kinda nice to not have to be a princess or anything. I can't imagine the stress you must have to go through, making sure friendship is spread all across Equestria. And then you opened the School of Friendship."

"It is stressful, I admit, but truth be told, I enjoy it. I love showing ponies and other creatures how much friendship can bring into their lives. It makes me feel like I'm part of something really special."

Sunny smiled warmly at her. "Dad always said you and your friends were the brightest beacons of friendship in Equestria. When the whole Unity Crystal debacle happened, I hoped my group could be half as inspiring as yours."

Twilight put a comforting hoof on Sunny's shoulder. "Don't worry so much about that, Sunny. Just do the best you can. I'm glad we could encourage you after all this time, but you don't have to think about measuring up to us or anything."

Sunny's eyes widened, as a thought apparently occurred to her. "Oh, there's something else I wanted to show you! Follow me!"

She led Twilight back downstairs, where she pointed to a round blanket hanging on the wall. Twilight looked, discovering the blanket held an image of all five of the ponies in Sunny's friend group, with Sunny in her alicorn form in the center. Twilight's eyes widened, and she lit up her horn, probing the blanket with magic.

"This is...old. Maybe the same age as the Unity Crystals! It has an anti-decaying charm woven into it!" she exclaimed. "Did this predict that you were going to become an alicorn?"

"I didn't find the first piece until after we'd all moved in here," Sunny explained. "We tracked down the other two in Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood. I think Dad knew what we were gonna do before I was even born."

She grabbed a picture from beside her bed, and passed it to Twilight. The alicorn looked at the image contained within, which depicted a small, filly version of Sunny, minus the rainbow streak in her mane. Beside her was a pale blue, earth pony stallion. Obviously Sunny's father.

"His name was Argyle Starshine," said Sunny. "Even when other ponies mocked him behind his back, he never stopped believing ponies could be friends. And he taught me to believe the same things. I promised him I'd work to bring our dream to life." Sunny placed a hoof over her chest. "'Do our part, hoof to heart.'"

"I'm glad," replied Twilight.

The two trotted downstairs, where the other nine ponies were still talking to each other.

"And this is Señor Butterscotch!" said Izzy, proudly levitating her homemade unicorn friend up to show Rarity. "I made him for T.U.E.S. Day! I don't have a lot of unicorn friends, so he's a lot of fun!"

"Oh! Um, h-hello, Señor Butterscotch," said Rarity, as her eyes blinked rapidly and looked from side to side.

"Wait, so you tried to buck all those apples down by yourself?" asked Zipp. Applejack gave a small nod in return, blushing from embarrassment. "Wow. I thought I was stubborn."

Fluttershy was playing with Sparky, waving her hoof so that he could swipe at it, while Hitch supervised. All of a sudden, Sparky burped a purple fireball, which hit a nearby pillow, transforming it into a hayburger.

"Sparky!" Hitch scolded. However, the smile on his face betrayed him.

"That's interesting," noted Fluttershy, looking at the new burger. "In our time, Spike's fire can be used to send messages, but not transform things. I guess dragon fire changes in the future. Where'd you find Sparky, anyway?"

"Well, funny story," replied Hitch. "His egg just washed up on the beach one day. Nopony knows where it came from."

"Are you sure you won't let me style your mane?" whined Pipp, pulling on Rainbow's wing. "I don't want to mess with your amazing rainbow colors, but think how good you'd look with a manehawk!"

"Uh, thanks, but no thanks," replied Rainbow. "I have enough trouble with Rarity trying to make me curl it every day."

"She tried that with mine!" chimed in Pinkie. "It just kept popping right back into the poof!" She flattened her mane with one foreleg to demonstrate, only for it to snap back into shape one second later.

Twilight cleared her throat, drawing everypony's attention. "Everypony, I'm glad we're all getting along," she said to the room. "However, at this point, I think my friends and I should go back to our own time. We have to get the Time Twirler to Star Swirl, and figure out how to deal with the rift."

"Aw, already?" complained Izzy. "We were all just starting to make new friends! We haven't even shown you guys the Marestream!"

"The what?" asked Applejack.

"Long story," said Zipp. "It's better to show than to explain."

Suddenly, Sunny's eyes lit up. "I've got an idea!" she exclaimed. "Why don't we go with you guys? I've always wanted to get the chance to see ancient Equestria up close!"

"I don't know," replied Twilight. "We're not entirely sure how this type of time travel works, and we don't want to risk changing this time period by bringing any of you back."

"Are you sure? I mean, what if we didn't mess with anything that could impact the future? Like in that movie?"

"Movie?" asked Fluttershy.

"Something I guess you don't have back in your time," replied Hitch.

"Well..." Twilight placed a hoof on her chin, deep in thought. "If we didn't take anything between times, I guess it wouldn't hurt. We'd need to have you stick close by us, just so you don't get into anything. Not that we don't trust you, but we don't want you to alter anything."

"Oh, of course! We'll do everything you say! Right guys?" said Sunny. Four affirmations came from her friends, while Sparky made a gurgling noise.

"And after that, we can show you around our time!" said Izzy, jumping up and down with joy. Pinkie joined in.

"Alright. Let's go," said Twilight. "While we're there, there's something I want to ask Celestia."