• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Another Lab

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

Morning's light broke through, the rays of the Sun beaming down on Equestria. Twilight was up and ready to be the Pokemon School's Principal once more. Eve would stretch her body, getting a wonderful stretch that prepped her up for today. Eve would look at the sunrise, the beautiful morning sun greeting her and her Trainer.

"Let's get going, Eve!" Twilight smiled. Eve nodded, following Twilight as they both left the building, eager for today's story and wishing for the best to occur. But the second she stepped out, she was met with a familiar face, which was a certain unicorn she hadn't seen in weeks. It was Potion Nova, standing there, exhausted.


"Potion Nova..." Twilight paused for a moment before gasping. "You're back!"

"I'm back." She sighed, nodding. "I'm home at last. We spent many weeks in space and we finally returned last night."

"Oh my goodness! I was worried you were lost in space! So you and Galaxy Master returned home safely. I'm so glad to hear that." Twilight smiled. "What happened? What kept you two stuck in space for so long? Was it aliens or something?"

"Well, we did return home, but...it's not all good. It's about Galaxy Master. Something happened to him."

"What happened?" Twilight questioned before letting Potion Nova in. Clearly, she hasn't gotten that much rest at all, even after returning to Earth. There were bags on her eyes and even her bags had bags. All she needed was somewhere comfortable to rest at right now.

"We were exploring a strange planet when the music started playing. A music that came from the stars. After hearing that, we went to a cave and found a statue. The statue changed its appearance, from a pony to a human and even into an older looking unicorn. After that, the statue did something to Galaxy Master and then we made it back home. And well, Galaxy Master is now mute."

"Mute?" Twilight was stunned by this information, shocked to hear that Galaxy Master has gone mute all of a sudden. It seemed strange to her. Why would Galaxy Master go mute?

"I have no idea why, but he just...went mute. We don't know why. And now I'm trying to find him. He ran off and his Pikachu went with him. I don't know where to though. I was way too tired to chase after them."

"Just rest up for today. You just returned from space after all so you need it. You don't have to show up to school to teach, you can take a few days off ."

"Aw, but I wanna start teaching again right away...I'm sure the students miss my potions and-" She would suddenly yawn

"Rest is important too, Potion Nova. You shouldn't overwork yourself. You can resume your teaching later, I'll make sure of it."

"Well, okay. If you say so, Twilight." Potion Nova sighed. She would then head on back to her home, taking the day off from teaching at the school.

Twilight thought about why Galaxy Master went mute, to begin with. But she also thought about how she would inform this to Ash. Possibly telling him and everyone else that Galaxy Master has returned was the way to go, but Twilight would hold off on that for now, walking out of her castle to head for the Pokemon School.


Currently, Dawn, May and Zoey were getting ready to enter Manehattan's Train which would take them straight to Ponyville. And as they were heading for it, they saw that train was more packed than ever. So packed that the train was almost full.

"Geez. So many ponies in here today, it's completely packed." Dawn said, squeezing herself indoors. "Excuse me."

"Can we even fit in here...?!" Zoey grunted while sliding in. Humans may be taller than ponies but that didn't mean it was easy for them to fit in here.

"Ugh!" May struggled while trying to get on the train as well. Once they were in and had taken a seat, they were surprised that the seats were so small and compact. "Oh, okay. This is cozy."

"Where's everyone going for all of this to be so packed?" Dawn wondered. There had to be a good reason for the train to be this crowded, especially since some of these ponies don't even come from Manehattan.

"We're heading to the Pokemon House, that's why."One pony answered. "We're gonna visit it now that its upgrade is done."

"Yeah, yeah! It's way bigger than it is now with way more stuff!" Another pony of a younger age said with excitement. "We wanna see it!"

"Well, that checks out." Dawn smiled. "I heard it got it's upgrade just recently so I'm psyched to see it. I still remember when me, Ash and Brock helped create it."

"You were a part of the Pokemon House's creation?" May questioned as this was news to her and some of the ponies in the train.

"Mhm. Well, for the last remaining parts. I showed up when it was almost done, but still." Dawn grinned, being honest about it. "It'll be great seeing it now if it's even bigger than before."

"Well, you'll have to make sure you get ahead of everyone else because if you think the train here is going to be packed, just you wait until you reach Ponyville." An old pony said, lounging on the train seat.

"Why?" Zoey asked.

"Wild Pokemon are always coming to the Pokemon House, finding their place there. And with this evolution, even more are showing up. Just recently, when I was getting on the train from Dodge Junction, I saw over a hundred Pokemon moving in one direction. No doubt, they're all heading for the Pokemon House."

"That's a lot." May blinked, wondering how big the Pokemon House was now. There could be a lot more room for Pokemon to stay and find their place there. This was going to be an interesting experience, especially since Ponyville was much further away from Manehattan compared to Dodge Junction.

The train would soon depart, the wheels rolling along the railway and heading in one direction. They would be stuck on this train for a couple of hours, but they weren't in a hurry, deciding to just relax for the time being.

"Ah, it's not that many." Dawn shrugged, knowing just how large the Pokemon House truly was. "And if it's evolved, I'm sure it's enough to fit all those Pokemon and more. Don't worry about it."

"I guess you've been there a lot?" May asked.

"A lot, a lot." Dawn tried thinking about it, but she just couldn't remember. "If it evolved though, I wanna see what's changed."

"Let's just take it easy until we arrive then." Zoey uttered, leaning back. And that's exactly what they did. They would just rest, letting the hours go by as they waited to see Ponyville in the distance.

Ponyville. The Pokemon House.

Once they arrived at Ponyville, they saw how many Pokemon were truly showing up for the Pokemon House. The second they got off that train, they saw Pokemon moving in large numbers, even larger than what Dawn expected. They were all in a rush, heading for the Pokemon House.

"T-That's way more than I thought." Dawn nervously chuckeld when seeing the horde of Pokemon on the move.

The three would start making their way toward the Pokemon House, walking down this dirt trail to reach the building. But the closer they got, they saw just how many Pokemon were showing up for the newly-evolved building. They were all in a hurry, heading straight for their destination.

There, they would witness the new and improved Pokemon House, having undergone a massive change in appearance. It was now at least twice the size of the old Pokemon House, having gained multiple more rooms and areas, all bigger than the last. It was way larger with plenty of space for a large amount of Pokemon.

In the fields, more Pokemon were resting around and relaxing. There were also many who were simply passing by, walking the path that leads to Ponyville. Dawn and May were amazed by this sight. The place was way larger than they imagined, enough to fit way more Pokemon that could match the size of a city at least.

"Well, would ya look at that..." May grinned.

"It's huge now! And look at all the Pokemon!" Dawn pointed at the fields. "They've got so many areas for Pokemon to just stay in too. This place has really evolved."

"So this is the Pokemon House? I've never seen it before." Zoey said, gazing at the sight. "It's like a city!"

"Hehe. A Pokemon City." Dawn chuckled, smiling at the title she brought. She was elated to see it like this and saw so many Pokemon. It wasn't like Canterlot, but it was a near second. And to think it was just meant to be a sanctuary. As soon as she entered the house, a mass of Pokemon was inside. They were all there, socializing with one another.

"This is like the Pokemon Center!" May jokingly remarked, witnessing the giant mass of Pokemon. This was something she hadn't seen much, not even a League Conference, but if Dawn and Ash were responsible for all of this, then she expected nothing less.

Dawn, May and Zoey were mesmerized by the sight, seeing just how much Fluttershy was able to have in this fully functional, multi-floor Pokemon Mansion. "This is amazing. Where do we even begin?" Dawn mentioned, not even sure where to go or what to do.

Looking over, she saw Fluttershy and some of the others by the counter, including Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack. "Ah! Dawn! May!" Fluttershy said with glee upon seeing these familiar faces. She flew over the two of them, immediately throwing her hooves on both of their chests, trapping them in a huge hug.

"Fluttershy!" Dawn exclaimed, hugging her in return. "You're back! You're back! Good to see you. And you too, May."

"Great to see you as well," Fluttershy gleefully said. "Aren't you all excited to see the place finally done? I'm loving the update. Although...I fear the same may not be true for all of my new, potential residents."

"Hey, we are so excited." Dawn hugged her, eagerly taking the chance to tour the Pokemon House. There were still a lot of Pokemon in it that are looking for their rooms. "Mind giving me and my friends a tour of this place? It must be a very wide building with a lot of rooms to check out."

"I'd love to! But uh...I have to get every other Pokemon sorted out right now. So much more are coming over here and I need to make sure they find their place here." Fluttershy chuckled. "There's so many to keep track of now and with more of them showing up, I'll have a lot on my hooves."

"Ah, it's no biggie. We can get it done pretty quickly." Rainbow Dash was just a few feet away from them. "With all these Pokemon here, it's only natural some of 'em are gonna choose spots we already expect, so it won't be too much of a hassle to sort 'em out."

"Mm. Good point." Fluttershy answered while gazing at the mass of Pokemon. It was quite something to behold to be certain and it only motivated her further to tend to these new guests and their current residents. "I also have everypony else here. No doubt, some of them might want to take a Pokemon home with them. Still, it won't be long until it gets a little overwhelming, but I will make sure they all feel comfortable."

"Sounds like I could pour more of my muscle into this." Dawn grinned, standing proud as she was already aiming to help Fluttershy out. "No need to worry. If you need help with that part, I can easily chime in. Just like old times."

"Oh, thank you, Dawn!" Fluttershy uttered with glee. "Glad you're here to help as always!"

"You won't need to worry about sorting out any Pokemon for us." Just then, a voice responded to Fluttershy from the distance. Rainbow Dash immediately recognized this voice, her ears perking as she looked ahead. Standing amidst the crowd was none other than her rival.

"Lightning Dust..." Rainbow Dash said with a slight sneer.

"What was that?" Fluttershy noticed her tone, confused as to why she responded to her friend that way.

"Well, I won't be needing that at all. But some of them might." Lightning Dust shook her head as she had a group of her own ponies right behind her. They were all outfitted with bags and backpacks. And despite these ponies varying in size, from tall ones to short ones to robust and slim ones, they all wore bandannas.

"Who the heck are they?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"You're looking at my group of Pokemon Trainers. My own disciples." She revealed that she had her own upstart team of Pokemon Trainers, just getting started with their Pokemon experience. "And there's just one part of my team, the Washouts."

"The Washouts?" Rainbow Dash repeated.

"You'll figure it out soon enough. But nevermind that. I'm here to give them their own Pokemon, just to build up my group some more. I figured this place would do since it's got a whole bunch of them."

"Well, you can go elsewhere." Rainbow Dash would fly over, getting closer to Lightning Dust. "Find a Pokemon somewhere else but here. All the Pokemon are way too good for you."

"You sure you haven't gotten it reversed?" Lightning Dust smirked. "You should feel grateful that I'm at least showing up here of all places even if it's associated with you."

"What's up with those two?" May wondered, seeing Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust narrow their eyes at one other as they began bickering.

"They're actually rivals." Fluttershy answered. "And they don't really have the best history with each other."

"Yeah. I can tell." Zoey could tell just from one look as Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust butted heads, growling at each other while spouting words as fast as they could.

"Bah, whatever!" Lightning Dust bellowed. "I'm not even here for you. I'm only here to get them their own Pokemon. But since you're here, how about I knock down that ego of yours? You've been feeling pretty high and mighty helping save the world multiple times."

"I've got an ego?" Rainbow Dash scoffed. "What have you been doing this whole time? We're still waiting for the Equestria League to really begin and I bet you haven't been getting stronger by taking on the threats I've had to deal with."

"Wanna bet?" Both kept pushing each other's heads, trying to achieve victory. "Just face it! I've gotten way better than ever. Or should I say, stronger!"

"Now, now." Breaking this up was Zoey, who immediately dragged both away from each other, physically separating the two. "If you two are gonna argue like this, you might as well just settle it, ya know. Have a Pokemon Battle."

"Good idea." The two of them said in unison, agreeing to it immediately. Instead of just yelling at each other, they could always just battle to settle it all.

"Wait. We aren't getting our Pokemon?" One of the ponies from Lightning Dust's team said.

"Oh. I think I can still help you with that." Despite the fact that they were on Lightning Dust's side, Fluttershy wouldn't deny them the chance to have a partner Pokemon beside them. "And you two should probably battle in our new Battlefield."

"New battlefield?" Rainbow Dash wasn't even aware of this. Apparently, Fluttershy also made sure to add a brand new battlefield in the Pokemon House, just for scenarios such as this.

Either way, Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust were about to have their battle. It was a long time coming no doubt and the two were eager to get into it, even with all of these ponies and Pokemon present. At least they'd get to see a battle between Rivals go down.

Alola. The Unknown Island.

The Unknown Island. A place of mystery. A place where the unknown was. The Unknown Island was a landmass that was nowhere on Alola's Map and was seemingly impossible to escape. Only Daybreaker's group have been here and managed to escape as this was the same island containing a secret lab

Arriving here was Galaxy Master, who had rode on the back of his Lapras, making his way to this island. He and his Pikachu would look around, seeing that the entire place was shrouded in darkness. The place was cold and empty, with a thick fog covering everything. The two were unsure what to expect.

They walked along the beach, the sand crunching under their feet. The sound of waves crashing on the shore could be heard in the distance. The smell of salt water was in the air. The sky was a dark grey color, with no sunlight shining through. The water was black, with no reflection of the sky. The air was cold, with a slight breeze blowing through.

It was very much different from when Daybreaker's group came here.

Despite this, Galaxy Master was able to find the secret entrance to this hidden lab, seeing the door embedded into the wall of this island. The entrance would open automatically for him, seeing the door slide up, revealing the stairs leading down. The two of them went down the stairs, making their way into the lab.

Not only was the outside different but so was the inside. The lab had actually gone through some changes ever since Daybreaker's visit, receiving its own upgrades, but it was not yet fully polished.

As the two walked along, they came across a massive room, which was full of strange looking machinery and devices, all of which have been repaired since then.

"Pika..." Pikachu was worried as to why Galaxy Master had come here of all places, but he wasn't saying anything at all, continuing to stay mute.

Just then, a voice would speak to Galaxy Master, coming straight from a pillar with a red orb in the middle, acting as an eye. It was the professor of this lab who had lost his physical body and was also from that lost Universe Prisma comes from, being another example of things and people from that universe returning into existence.

"Welcome, Galaxy Master. I see you managed to find my other Lab on that planet." He spoke to the Superhero, revealing that the area on that planet was another lab of his. Pikachu gasped when hearing this as he had to wonder if that statue was potentially him. Was it the stallion or the human that was the professor? He couldn't tell since he had no physical body.

"Pika...!" Pikachu was already suspicious of the professor.

"I've already gained extra help from forces from another universe. Now, it will be absolutely wonderful to have the help of a True Hero. All for the sake of stopping Prisma."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 503 End.

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