• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 261 Views, 12 Comments

Daring Do and the Mystery of Eternal Ruins - Khampostel

Daring Do re-explores some old ruins and gets told a spooky story.

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Daring Do had traversed a large part of the world and seen all kinds of creatures and kingdoms; however, she had not yet explored everything the world had to offer. Despite this, she had already reached certain conclusions about the world she lived in. Firstly, that the world was truly magical, with floating islands, lakes of fire, soap deserts, and other scenarios that defied logic. Secondly, there was a recurring myth in different cultures and species: the "Tree of Beginnings," from which all races were believed to originate. However, this myth was only shared by creatures living on the surface, while those inhabiting the oceans or the underworld were unaware of this story. Thirdly, the depths of the oceans and the underworld were entirely unknown and vast, much like the North and South Poles. And lastly, it was the discovery she had made today.

"Miss Daring, are you okay? Is something wrong?" asked a puzzled Meg Tree.

Daring Do, shaken, had turned towards the rocks behind her, gazing at the figures engraved on the slabs. She then replied, "I know you won't understand, I don't even understand it myself, but I know the names of the creatures represented on these stones."

Daring Do might not uncover the origin of the world, but she did know who had ended it. Before her were the figures of those criminals, according to the myths and legends she had learned. The shadow of these terrible beings appeared in the world at different locations but during the same era. The arrival of one of these entities brought an age of darkness and terror that culminated in a primordial cataclysm, from which few were said to survive.

In her last journey, Daring Do believed she had found a sanctuary dedicated to these monsters. It was a sect of camels called "The Eternal Mountain," which worshipped supposed "dark gods" granting blessings to their followers in exchange for tributes to their congregation. As expected, it turned out to be a scam, and the images of their supposed gods were nothing more than exaggerated depictions of known predators. Local authorities arrested them, and their temple was burned for heresy.

However, the name of each of these "dark gods" sounded familiar. This doubt grew over time, haunting her and making her feel sick. Without really knowing what she was searching for, she decided to return to Equestria. It was then that she remembered having visited a place with a name similar to that camel sect, and so her hooves led her back to the "Hill of Eternity."

Now that she had the names and faces of those wicked beings, all that remained was to put them in order.

She focused her attention on the smallest slab and said aloud, "Ever Fand," the dark queen who filled the world with a nightmare forest. Her figure was that of an inverted flower.

Then, she looked at the next slab: "Bottom Ness," the ocean tyrant who sunk all continents to the ocean floor. It was a diabolical five-eyed octopus.

Finally: "Nodoub Death," the necromancer who reversed the world's poles and emptied the seas. The figure on the slab was that of a bicephalous skeletal bird with four limbs and four wings.

But on the largest slab, Daring Do didn't recognize the creature depicted. There was no record of it or any reference in her previous travels. It was a dragon with three stars above its head and carried an empty orb in its chest that seemed to want to conceal with its claws. Then, she noticed, thanks to the moonlight, the faint reliefs of two more stars near its tail.

"Wow! You know the names of these guys; have you seen them before? Are there other stone ruins around the world?" exclaimed an excited Meg Tree. "This is amazing, Miss!"

"No, it's not about that..." said Daring Do still confused and surprised. "I just heard the names of these creatures from a strange group of camels on the other side of the world. I didn't understand why their propaganda felt so familiar, until now."

Meg Tree stayed silent, frozen in place, trying to process what he had just heard.


Daring Do reacted immediately, turned around, and there was Meg Tree issuing threats toward some place on the horizon, but he was no longer the same pony with a fake accent she had known moments before. Now, he acted like an entirely different pony, perhaps not even a pony at all.


Daring Do saw how a greenish mist enveloped Meg, and from it emerged a creature she had never seen before.

That creature wore a fuchsia robe and hood, had no lower limbs, a green scarf enchanted around its neck, arms like withered branches ending in clawed hands, and its indecipherable face of darkness contained two unblinking emerald eyes.

Then, all that anger vanished, and it slowly turned towards her.

Daring Do always faced danger; that was practically 80% of her life as an adventurer and explorer. But at that moment, all her instincts screamed one thing: "RUN."

She took flight with all her might, but it was already too late. A sticky, invisible force halted her escape and threw her to the ground, leaving her breathless. It was magic, of course; however, it was the first time she felt a magical grip so relentless on her body.

"Well, well, I apologize for my previous behavior. I didn't intend to 'scare' you like this, Miss Daring Do," 'Meg's' voice was calm but carried a tint of mockery and anger. "I think it would be impolite to leave without saying goodbye... Don't you think?"

"Who the hay... are you?" asked Daring weakly as the magic crushed her more against the ground.

"Hah! Can you still talk? You're truly a formidable Pegasus. Well..." Meg paused to think as he looked at the night sky. "I am a messenger..., rather, a herald of a lord of darkness. Don't worry; I won't harm you. The stars favor you today. In fact, since you warned me about those annoying pests, I'll give you a gift: the gift of 'knowledge.' The knowledge that this is not our first encounter, the knowledge that from this moment on, I'll be watching you, the knowledge that our next meeting... will be the last."

Daring Do lost consciousness at the end of that sinister threat.

Daring Do woke up with a start, still disoriented as she looked around. She found herself amidst those ruins, and then the memory of the previous night hit her all at once, bringing with it a terror that ruffled every last feather. Why didn't they finish her off last night? What was that being? Had she encountered it before? What were the Lords of Darkness, and what did they intend to do in her world?

The pegasus stirred, trying to react and shake off her dark thoughts. It wasn't the time to ponder questions she knew she couldn't answer. She sat up and looked at the sky; the light of a new day was already slipping through the clouds, and there, a last visible star seemed to greet her with its brilliance.

An idea illuminated her mind. She remembered a pony, or rather a "princess," who could help her unravel this mystery. All her confidence and courage returned in a determined look on her face; she stood up, knowing exactly what to do next.

Daring Do adjusted her hat and soared into the sky, leaving behind the darkness of those infamous ruins. She headed towards the sunrise, toward her homeland, "Equestria."

Author's Note:

[en] Hello everyone, I just updated today, 16/05/2023, the content of my first MLP fanfic. For those who have already read it, I only added a few more paragraphs and used a new translation engine. The changes include a slightly improved cover. I hope you enjoy it.

[es] Hola a todos, acabo de actualizar hoy 16/05/2023 el contenido de mi primer fanfic de MLP. Para aquellos que ya lo hayan leído, solo se añadieron algunos párrafos mas y se uso un nuevo motor de traducción. Los cambios incluye cover ligeramente mejorado. Espero que sea de su agrado.

Comments ( 11 )

Rule 63 Daring Do is a bold choice imho.

("Daring Do travels to ancient ruins to solve a mystery he had forgotten.")

Daring Do travels to ancient ruins to solve a mystery he had forgotten.

But isn't Daring Do female?

sorry, translation error

Thanks for the comment. I just updated the fanfic with a new translation engine. I hope it has improved. :derpytongue2:

What order should I read this story series in?

Hello, it would be in this order:

1. Daring Do and the Mystery of Eternal Ruins

2. Rainbow Dash goes to The Averages Tower

3. Twilight faces the Dark Martial March

The other stories are incomplete or unrelated to my story line.

Why are the ratings disabled?

I didn't feel that they were in line with the reasons why I decided to write.

May I ask which programm you did the artwork with? it looks good.

Midjourney - paid :raritydespair:

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