• Member Since 14th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


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Comments ( 65 )

its here!

This was amazing!
I love how Pinkie trolled Anon even when controlled and obviously, I love the amazing effects of those desserts and the descent~
Also yasss Bug!
Best villain XD

Sorry for the month long gap since the last fic btw. Had a lot of irl stuff going on, but I hope you guys enjoy this one!


Can't wait for the follow-up!!!!! Hope to see pregnant chrysalis!!!!!!

Hey. It's alright.

And we are indeed enjoying this!! Very much so.

We look forward to the next book in this series!!

This was well worth the wait~

With Chryssy behind it, Anon could potentially dominate the most powerful ponies in Equestria. I am loving this series so far~

Our last ditch effort has failed, however something new has reared it's head.

Chrysalis... Should've bloody known it was her...

Though honestly we at the Anti Non-Con Division expected it to be Sombra, but still, we got our work cut out for us.

Prepare the bug spray, ready the flamethrowers, and call the exterminator, because we have an insect to squash. Pack the Pee Pee Whacker because this doesn't mean Anon's off the hook.

Operation Swainson Hawk is a go.

Damn; there goes my head cannon that a sexually frustrated Luna was doing this.

But awsome chapter! As disappointed as I am; it makes more sense that Chrysalis is behind the book.

Fuck, and here I was getting worried that it was going to be Celestia in disguise, and it was going to end up going down a similar path as a different series

True but... Chrysalis is kinda better than if it was Celestia, Luna or someone else giving him the book.
Chrysalis is a 'villain' but only by Equestria definition. The only things she really wants are: 1. To keep a proper food source for her hive, 2. To stop having her Changelings harassed, 3. To protect her Changelings from the unjust attacks of Equestrian unicorns, pegasus and earth ponies.

She and Anon could make a VERY happy team together.

That damn bug horse... Well its good to have her about. To be honest i would be on so mega edge once she showed up. If Anon knows whats good for him he will play it careful with her. Whatever she deal she strikes with him, will in the end be in some favor for her. I hope he is ready to deal with master mind level political maneuvering. he's gonna need it here.

I wonder if the fact that the instructions said the spell needed to be used DURING the baking process might cause a problem. Oh well, let's see the action.

The man, the myth, the legend has returned! I’m glad to see it. Can’t wait until the next one! :)

Amazingly hot, one element down.

“ Heh - you’re right,” Anon tittered, slapping her rear. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

"Hun i love you, but what the fuck!?"

I'm gonna make a guess as to where I think this series will end. Im gonna guess that Celestia put the book there in the first place as a way to test Anon. A test that he spectacularly failed, and that will come up in the last story with Tia. Either that, or I'm gonna guess she only told all the rest of the ponies not to date him because she wants him for herself. I kinda hope it's the ladder. Even though the actual concept is beyond fucked up and horrific, I do hope for a happy ending for everyone in this series.

That said, love the story so far. Very excited to see what happens next.

Next target sighted

Time for comeuppance.

The culprit of the events revealed itself. Waiting for table flips. (I don't know what this tag is called.)
I guess eventually Anon will return to the light side and Celestia will explain the imposition of a ban on intimacy with a human. Although things will never be the same now.


I guess eventually Anon will return to the light side

You have far too much faith in this lust-driven, dark magic utilizing, corrupted man

That’s all I’ll say

Just fuck Chrysalis into submission, spell be damned. This Anon's not the brightest.

“I suggest you let me inside,” he coldly replied, already making her way in. “It’ll make my investigation and report all the easier.”

I actually got a bit confused for a second wondering if it was a stallion or mare outside. Since everything else referred to them as a mare, I realized this was just a typo.

Dammit, I’ll get to fixing that. I usually try my best to ensure there’s few typos but some slip by. Sorry if that broke any immersion or lessened your enjoyment

No worries, I mean I seem to be one of the only people to notice it. I just figured I'd point it out as when it comes to my own stories, I wish I had readers pointing out my spelling mistakes so I could fix them.

imitates Christ
Every soul is worthy of cleansing

I want to see if he finds a way to make her into his slave. Some spell she did not find in the book or changed or combined in a way to work on her.

She was still a scant few inches away from her cock, but she soon made a ruinous error - she took a long, deep breath through her nose. In an instant, her sinuses were flooded with his natural scent and the frosting he had put on the top of his cock. Earthy met sweet, the scent of a proper male encouraging her lust alongside the delectable aroma the frosting provided.

Is she packing or...


I don’t know how I missed these typos. Thank you for pointing it out.

Niiiiice. Now the fun begins with ol bug butt

I don’t know if you take suggestions, but I have 2 for you to consider:
1. Anon gets a slave that he refuses to have sex with purely to see their frustration. It would be so hot for him to literally change her life purpose and then not allow her to fulfill it.
2. Anon tells all of the slaves to act how they would without the spell for a little while. basically, leaving their bodies enslaved but their minds unchained. It would be great to hear their reactions to the horrible things he’s done to them.
Big fan of this series my dude!

To be realistic here, if he punched that bug realy hard, he would knock her out cold. Well, not realy, that's not how you knock someone out. But convulsing in pain still counts, right?

I mean a single punch can kil a grow human male, it's gonna do wonders against an oversized bug, with carapace or without. Not to mention it would be hilarious.

I lack words so have a video.

I agree when I heard the aura was pink I thought it was Cadence, and he could enslave her or not because maybe she gave him the book because she disagreed with Celestia, I only found out it was bug butt when the spell did not work.

But I think anon should try and enslave bug butt but not now maybe later for now ask her what she knows.

Honestly I can't wait for the princesses to become part of the herd

pink blob that can use magic? It's a select group that I know exists, but my first candidate is Celestia, and if I remember correctly, that book appeared out of nowhere... so... well, it's not unreasonable to think that there was a previous teacher, who had to Celestia, and on her deathbed she ordered something before leaving her physical body...

Either that or Anon traveled back in time and that's how she gained control over Celestia.

“ Heh - you’re right,” Anon tittered, slapping her rear. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

asshole, you had to cuss him out

well, my previous theory went out the window, although it was possible... now I wonder, will anon be able to dominate the Queen, or will he be dominated in this battle of wills?

A grief chill ran up his spine upon hearing her call him Anon, something she never did, but he quickly shoved the feeling aside and replied. “Pardon?”


Adorning his mediocre acting facade, Anon raised his hands innocently and smiled at the mare. “Okay, okay! You got me, I might’ve did an iiiity biiiity amount of lying~”

Found another. I'm fairly confident that "done" would fit here better.

Hopefully Anon can form a alliance with Chrysalis, then after that be to go after Fluttershy and hopefully have leverage against Discord, or form a alliance with him with him enjoying the chaos that Anon's sex slave activities is causing.


Fixed, appreciate the good eye for these :twilightsmile:


No prob. I saw a few more, but didn't wanna get flagged for spamming you. Not to mention that, as I post this, it is roughly 2:10 in the morning.... Insomnia's an absolute bitch.


Oh my goodness!, What an eventful chapter this was~ I was really not expecting her to be the one to show up~ Things got a lot more complicated now that she's part of this~ I wonder what she will ask in exchange of giving anon that much power~

Can't wait for more.

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