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Neon Icy Wings

Imagine, have fun, be true. Tally ho!


After Discord was defeated a second time his energies of chaos were expelled from all he manipulated; the land, the ponies and the innumerable inanimate objects, leaving the chaotic power to wander the land aimlessly. At least until it found the remnants of Nightmare Moon's power, left lying within the decrepit castle.

The two energies, of nightmares and chaos fused together, bringing forth a strange unicorn colt who seemed to take after both his magical semi-relatives. As the colt finds himself in Ponyville under the frantic watch of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, how will the three fillies, and all of Ponyville handle the young and eccentric colt?

<Set around season 3. Characters and tags added as needed and are subject to some change. Slice of Life with some Adventure elements sprinkled throughout. 2021 update: Undergoing rewrites and story reconstruction>

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 40 )

Sounds cool. I will read this later as I am currently busy.

It's good to read the finished project.:twilightsheepish::twilightsmile:

1404799 Well, hope you enjoy it when you read it!

1404906 Thanks!

1405044 Couldn't have done it without you!

1406205 I shall!

Very interesting.... I like the start and the concept.

1407513 Thanks! I'll make sure the next chapter is as good!

Good luck. I'll be sure to read it.

I like it but it seemed slightly rushed involving his travel from the ruins.
But it is still good and has potential.

1408097 Yeah. Rereading it, it does. I'll patch it up later to make it smoother.

Also: Thanks for the criticism!

EDIT: Patched it up some and added a part I forgot to add (the serpent with the mustache) ... Darn you mind.

Ah much better. This has good potential so I will keep my eye on it.

I may not be a good writor or proof reader but I know a good story when I see it.

1443838 Actually, it's true. I wouldn't have made half as good choices without your council.

Comment posted by Neon Icy Wings deleted Jan 9th, 2013

Interesting. Perhaps...something dealing with an old magic figure? Making a small jab at his lack of magic at the moment. Can't wait to see the next chapter Neon.

1459623 An idea! Discordial Swirling Night Star! Star for short. I will have to think it over. And thank you!

That name seems familiar...I can't put my claw on it. *tapping my chin with my claws*

1460269 Star Swirl the Bearded was slight inspiration I just need to find a way to put it in the story.

By all means use it in anyway, copy it from mine if you want. You helped ne so I can help you if you'd like.

1460639 What do you mean copy it? I am confused... And thanks for the offer to help! If I ever get writers block mid chapter I shall call on you!

Or... You could just call him Enigma (it means mystery).

1462020 Hmm. Yes that will work! Enigma Night Star shall (most likely) be his name! Thanks Ray!

Still too long, maybe just Enigma Star (Night star is redundant, because the only Day star we can see is the sun)

1463738 Yeah you're right. So unless anybody else posts names that interest me this will be his name.

:twistnerd: I 'll riff this after I riff the first 2 or 3 chapters of cyber v's a new point of view.

I wonder when both sides of that colt will awaken.

2143215 Maybe soon, maybe later... All depends on where I decide to take this fic.

Patented Pinkie Pie Welcome to Ponyville party ensuing in 3... 2... 1... :rainbowlaugh:

its a place you'll never forget alright

its a place you'll never forget alright

Now For some riffin!

Scootaloo smiled and put it on her back, "Thanks Spike. Now let's go to Sugar Cube Corner!"
Yes, you can get some diabetes while we're there.
As the four foals left the library Twilight followed them, "I was actually getting ready to head there myself. I guess I'll escort you there."
Long as ther's no pedotwi, I'm fine.
As they trotted through town Enigma looked at his friends, "Why are we heading there now?"
Scootaloo smiled widely and chuckled, "Cause it will be a place you'll never forget!"
Y'know, cause Cupcakes. MOREEVILLAUGHTER!!!!!!

I can’t for when this is out of hiatus and gets a new chapter!

I think some people might be annoyed by the way the dream sequence was structured, but I got the idea in my head "Hey you can make it wonky beyond just the words" and found it cool enough to implement. Isn't a hundred percent how I'd like it but I personally find it enjoyable. Let me know what you think of that and the chapters other developments!

Also, back-ish for this story? Just feeling more motivation towards this story nowadays and honestly might inspire me to make more stories. It just seems like if I can jump to from a story I'm stuck on to another and back again I can get more done. Or at least FEEL like I'm making some kind of progress. Just a rambling thought.

One final note is the other chapters have been edited, some in kind of major ways but mostly minor ways to help pacing, grammar and the like.

This is ridiculous. At so many points. Around 20 to be exact.
Ridiculousness highlights:
Serpent don't gives a buck about walking bushes. Being thrown across the river you only will get dizzy.
You can replace yourself with a stick. Apparently, you have severe anorexia.
If you save someone bunny from angry wolves, you must be treated as enemy.
If came from the castle, you, apparently, ghost. Somehow.
If you little colt, lost in the forest full of monsters with amnesia, that means that you are dangerous person and should be left in here in the middle of the night.
If someone allowed you to have a roof over your head once, so you won't be eaten by monsters in the middle of dangerous forest, then they are you friends. Even if one of them just wanted to leave you here.
Last four can be that, or, kids are just very dumb in this world.

1. What the heck did they did to that bunny?
2. Why and when the heck did they told him their entire lifestory and family life?
3. If you have bad feeling about someone you took into your house, sleeping next to him until the morning is definitely wise decision.
4. Did he just hanged on this rope until she woken up?
5. I have a sneaking suspicion, that you trying to ship him with Scootaloo, and you made her a tsundere.
6. I know have to help someone learn magic, but how in the hell does he plans to help her with flying on such a small wings?

If it would be me, I would just call him Disco Night. Or Knight. Whatever.

I do tired of people making Pinkie Pie some mysterious entity that can feel you and appear anywhere.
She is not. She even met Twilight by accident. And hardly she can teleport or feel you. She really just extremely coincidental and foreseeing. That's all. Or else she could l would never be so helpless in front of the the villains or monsters.

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