• Member Since 30th Nov, 2021
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Come back! I have to tell you the plot of a fic I'll never write so we all can be disappointed with me later.


Well, how would I exactly describe getting framed by three freshmen high schoolers and having my friends- No, former friends fall for it- Annoying? Depressing? No. No, much worse. It was torture, I faced so much abuse at the hands of my classmates and yet I'm still here. I'll keep going until I can't, but given how things have been going I doubt I'll be able to hang on much longer.

Tell me I'm going to be okay, Twilight, please.

Sunset struggles with trusting and regaining her friendships with the people who she hurt and who hurt her the most, old trauma rears it's ugly head and only makes things more complicated.

This story contains themes that include: Suicide/self-harm, depression, profanity, my probably bad writing and possibly other themes later in the story. Read at your own discretion, you have been warned.

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 129 )

Normally I would LOVE to see the traitors unforgiven, but isn't it hypocritical that Sunset forgives Rarity a few chapters ago, but NOT Applejack?

A little, but Applejack is the element of honesty and I believe she should have seen through the obvious frame job. Plus Sunset would have different relationships with them given how they all have different personalities. Don't worry though, I'm working on more chapters and it'll all be explained at a later date! :scootangel:

Quick little edit: And she hasn't exactly forgiven Rarity either, she's trying but their actions during the whole AAM debacle has destroyed any trust they had with Sunset. That and Sunset isn't exactly in a good mental state, she's sad and angry and is going to snap at people when she doesn't really intend to.

Please consider continuing this is pretty interesting to read 🙏🥰

Oh I totally will, I've got unpublished chapters but I'm just kinda going over them all and making sure that they're up to my standards before I publish them. :twilightsmile:

I surprised that none the adults thought it. I can understand the doctors. Sometimes they don't get that depression can come from an actual problem and not just chemicals in the brain. Even though you think that would be common sense it not. But Celestia and Luna were seeing the problem unfold in front of them.

I'm truly sorry, but I'm having trouble understanding what you're saying at points.

Princess Luna can't really do anything other than talk with Sunset and try to convince her to seek therapy on account of being in Equestria when the portal to the human world isn't open. Though principal Celestia and vp Luna have tried to help Sunset during AAM and figure out who was behind the account but there's only so much they can do legally, and Celestia can't just go up to any random student and interrogate them nor can they try and force Sunset to tell them how she's feeling without possibly making the situation worse.

The fact that she committed suicide should given them a way to show her that she needs help. They should have been trying to convince her of that. I get that they can't do a lot legally but they unfortunately failed sunset during anon a miss even they didn't mean to. As for the doctors they sometimes don't realize there are real reasons people are depressed and if you fix those they will feel better.

Ah. Yes, they certainly have failed Sunset. They failed spectacularly. And yes I agree that there might be a physical cause and in this case there definitely was, but Sunset hadn't alluded to the fact that she was bullied mercilessly even when she was asked if there was anything that had contributed to her attempt, and so the medical staff came to the conclusion that the reason she attempted was because of severe mental issues.

Do Celestia and Luna regret not trying to nudge her to get help? Definitely.

Will they try and be better in the future? Maybe, you'll have to stick around if you're still interested in the plot.

So Applejack,Rainbow and Pinkie Pie just completely forgot about Sunset?

Nope! I'm just trying to find a good spot in the fic to re-introduce them, Applejack's coming up pretty soon though.

I'll bet in a year or two I'll look back on Warhorse and go "Ewww what is that?! D I S G U S T I N G ." then completely rewrite it.

As long as you finish it first, that's fine.

Yeah I'm 100% sure I'll finish this first, I'm writing a chapter or two a day and I'm currently finishing up on a chapter that I'm pretty proud of.

"Have you thought that they felt they were wary of you after your reformation? That they felt the same way you do now?" She asked, gently taking my hoof in hers, "They gave you a second chance Sunset, it may seem impossible but I suggest you give them a second chance, and if they betray your trust again then you will know for certain that they are not your friends."

While I do understand, and agree with, what Luna is saying here, I feel like this is actually her giving them a third chance.

Mhm, I agree. But Luna is working off of what she currently knows, and Sunset hasn't really told her about their betrayal so she doesn't exactly know how bad it actually was.

If she knew then she would've been like "Ayo, no Sunset it's not worth it." if that makes sense?

All good. Didn't mean to sound like a complaint, was just tossing my 2 cents.

Haha it's fine, I really enjoy hearing what people have to say about my stories.

Excellent New chapter keep up with good work

Well, I'm interested, I like the concept, I'm waiting for the continuation, thanks for the story,

I'm glad the story has caught your interest! I've got a bit of work done on another chapter so I'd expect another one to come out within the next few days.

Unfortunately they really need to think about their behavior and how they looked from sunset point of view. She gave them her trust and they stomped all over it refusing to really hear her out until it was shown to them she wasn't guilty.

Indeed they do, they probably won't until they get a serious reality check though. Rarity and Fluttershy already sort of have realized how bad they were behaving but they don't know how badly it's effected Sunset since she doesn't tell them everything, they're probably going to find out the extent of their damage soon enough though. :twilightsmile:

Considering she committed suicide if that isn't enough of wake up call I can't imagine what would be.

Considering none of the three visited her on the hospital when she almost killed herself she has every right for not forgiving them

Really suprised Sunset didn't brought that argument here

I'm planning to have her bring it up sometime when she's not freaking out at them, I reaaally wanted to have her bring it up but I remembered that I wanted to after she got triggered. :facehoof:

Being headstrong and facing conflicts head-on is good in some circumstances but this was not one of them.

Rainbow Dash might have thought that, after seeing Sunset talking to Applejack, Sunset was ready to reach out but trying to force her way in and disregarding Sunset's request for her to leave would be seen as cornering.

Rainbow pretty much ruined the small progress that Applejack and Sunset were making.

Yep! And now Sunset knows she's got PTSD thanks to Rainbow.

i find its also kinda an bad anology as well. sunset didnt befreind the others and then backstab them. meanwhile they where backhanded with her and warry of her for ages (uptil the battle of bands) then stabbed her in the back and trew her to the wolfs (as her locker had been grafitied we know the school got involved heavly)

I'm sorry I don't really get what you're saying, because Luna doesn't magically know about everything that's been happening to Sunset and she hadn't really told the princess much about what had happened other than Sunset tried self oof and that her friends threw her out, but she doesn't know why exactly they did so.

And yes, Sunset was treated horribly but it still is her decision to try and rekindle her friendships with them.

Give me like 3 hours and I'll re-read your comment and then feel like a moron because I likely completely missed the point. :rainbowlaugh:

I hope the other girls chew rainbow out for her impatience. She needs to figure that healing from their abandonment is going to take time especially when it comes to them getting a second chance. She is working on trusting them again but rushing won't help anything.

Luna knew when sunset had reached a breaking point and convinced her to try to give the girls a second chance at her trust.

Ah, yeah. I'm going to reiterate that Luna doesn't fully know what's going on, all she knows is that something happened to push Sunset past her breaking point and that her friends "threw her out" the second things had gone wrong, and while she doesn't have the full story she's still trying to help Sunset become friends with the girls again.
Luna never forced Sunset to talk to her friends/ex-friends and is only suggesting what to do, acting as a divine advisor of sorts even with her limited knowledge of what her friend is going through.

Side note: I apologize if I sound annoyed, I'm not. I'm just really exhausted and pretty burnt out and that's nobody's fault.

Maybe Celestia could visit for a bit. Airing out their feelings would help the healing process between them. It isn't like she has stay more than couple hours. Even in the show she never did that and if they are truly to heal they need to talk. Sunset might have been a brat but sometimes there is more than one side of the story. If Celestia had bothered to actually talk to Sunset before she was forced back to Equestria Sunset might have felt a lot better. Did Celestia even care about her considering she didn't act like it.

You've just given me inspiration for a chapter and now I'm gonna be up for a long time trying to write it aaaaaa-

Thank you though, I needed a burst of inspiration.

Can't wait to read it. So far I love it

Ugh. Just when she about work some more on the healing process some idiot ruins it. Plus with her still physically recovering from the suicide attempt this could undo all the physical recovery that she made. If rarity is lost that could set her emotional healing back to square 1.

It really seems like I do love torturing the girls doesn't it?

Don't worry, some things have to get worse for everything in general to get a lot better, plus I just wanted to write a bunch of drama one night and I couldn't sleep until I did so, and life sometimes decides to give people the old middle finger for no apparent reason and this is one of those moments where Sunset wants to exist peacefully but life goes "Lol.. N o."

People will just have to wait until next chapter to see if Rarity's okay or not though. MUHAHAHA. :moustache:

Take all the time you need, hope everything works out for you.

Thank you, I hope I'll be back to posting regular chapters/fics soon.

With a title like Warhorse, why isn't there a violence tag?

Because there's no graphic (or non graphic) violence in this fic yet, when/if it comes then the tags will be updated. I seriously would've named it something different had I thought of a better name before the first 2 or 3 chapters but I hadn't so Warhorse it is.

'Sides it's yet another Anon fic and I don't feel like adding violence in this unless I can figure out a really really good place to add it and a great reason for it.

Take all the time that you need, as someone who in real life knows what it's like to deal with mental health issues that ranges from anxiety and depression. *hugs*

I'll be praying for you.

"It's going to be alright Fluttershy, I'm going to fight like a warhorse to be friends with you girls again, even if it means fighting myself. It's not going to be easy, and there are going to be a lot of ups and downs, but I'm going to try and all I ask of you is that you also make an effort."

Ha she said the thing the title WOOHOO

Anyways good chapter :pinkiehappy:

I love how you change YouTube to YooToob I literally makes no difference but I found it funny it nice to have small lighthearted moments like this.

HAHA YES FINALLY SOMEONE COMMENTED ON THAT. I like trying to come up with various name replacements for certain companies or services, I also have a musical reference somewhere in the fic for people who like ah.. An emotional rollercoaster. :raritywink:

Yes I had to sneak it in somewhere and I decided that a convo with Fluttershy was the perfect place to sneak it in.

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