• Published 8th Apr 2023
  • 6,193 Views, 394 Comments

Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - sonicfan05

Sonic, the CMCs, and Spike teams up with their new allies to get the emerald before Robotnik and Knuckles while the Rainbooms investigates the Dazzlings' latest scheme in Hoovaii.

  • ...

Prologue - Escaping the Shiitake Planet & New Allies

Somewhere out in space was an exotic planet filled with nothing but many wild and different types of fungi. A morning sun slowly raise from the hill, bathing the entire land of fungi with its golden light. This caused one of the mushrooms, which was red with white spots, to slowly glow from the ground and then opened up its cap. In doing so, the cap part of the mushroom knocked another mushroom over, which was upside-down with a small rounded stone inside to roll off the second mushroom and began the chain reaction.

The stone continued to roll down the hill until it tapped a very small mushroom. This caused the small mushroom to swing over and hit the second smaller mushroom, which caused the second mushroom to swing over and hit the third smaller mushroom. The third mushroom swung over and tapped the second small rounded stone, making it roll briefly before tapping a line of four rounded stones, and every single one of them rolled off the cliff.

Each stone landed in its own slot of a wheel-like mushroom contraption, causing it to spin along with the second “wheel” next to it. As the second wheel spun, it turned the stick over, slowly tipping over a bowl-shaped mushroom with water and pouring the water into another smaller hanging mushroom. Due to the weight of the water, the smaller mushroom was pulled down to the ground where the tilted stone was and tipped over.

The water from the smaller mushroom flowed out through the pathway, carrying an even smaller mushroom along the way. The mushroom flowed along with a man-made mini river briefly before it landed on a swing-like mushroom contraption, causing the whole thing to spin around. The swing stopped in its place due to hitting a taller stick, causing the mushroom to roll into a seesaw mushroom which caused it to tip over.

The end part of the seesaw raised up and knocked the flat platform over, which caused a bunch of mushrooms to fall on top of each other like dominos. They eventually reached a tall red mushroom and it too fell over and landed on one of the spores. This action caused the gas to shoot out of that one spore and pushed the mini boulder to get it to roll.

As the boulder began to roll down the hill, it tapped the cable car contraction along its path and have the cable car to be gliding down to another platform due to the cable and pulley. Once the cable car made it over to the hill, the car opened, revealing a small carriage with wheels and two mini figures at the front, which looked like a certain blue hedgehog and a flaming-haired girl respectively, made of mushrooms. With the door removed, the carriage slowly rolled down the hill, letting gravity take its course.

The carriage rolled faster and faster down the hill, knocking down thin sticks in its path; which held many mini mushrooms and collected them in its bowl along the way. The carriage continued to roll down and collect mushrooms until it reached the end of the cliff with a pebble stopped in its place, causing the carriage to flick the mushrooms and mini figures over the cliff and land in a pit full of spiky toothpicks and water. Despite their brutal landing, the mini figures were safe momentarily…

Until that same boulder suddenly crushed them and all the mushrooms with Robotnik’s emblem painted on the front.

The weight of the boulder pressed the crushed mushrooms and water together, blending them into some kind of liquid substance. The liquid then flowed through the opening at the bottom of the pit and poured into the bottom section of an upside-down bigger mushroom, which was used as some kind of drinking cup.

Robotnik, who happened to be nearby, saw that his "drink" was ready and took his cup off of its "coaster".

"Doctor's log," Robotnik muttered before taking a seat on one of the mushrooms. "It is day 243 in this… portabello purgatory.

He then looked around the area of the planet to where he was currently marooned before he looked down at his cup. He took out one of Sonic’s quills from his pocket, which was glowing in blue light, and began to stir his drink with it.

"My only companion is a rock I named 'Stone'." He glanced at a rock behind him, which suspiciously had the same facial features as his minion back on earth. He looked away and tapped the quill on the side of his cup to dry it off. "The question is, for whom am I narrating this?"

Robotnik then sticks out his tongue and slowly proceeds to taste the quill.

Only to be briefly electrocuted the moment his tongue touched it..

“It seems I have become a feature player in the theater of the absurd. Marooned in deep space by that wretched blue rodent and those teenage high school girls. But it is all good thanks to a breathable atmosphere and my supreme intellect, sharpened against the only competitor savvy enough to br-r-r-r-ring it.”

Robotnik stared at his makeshift chessboard intensely, which has mushrooms on it instead of chess pieces, pondering for his next move. After studying the chessboard long enough, his eyes brightened when he saw his golden opportunity to strike against his “opponent”. Without hesitation, Robotnik picked up one of the mushrooms and placed it forward.

“Chanterelle to D4!” Robotnik said triumphantly.

He looked up, facing his opponent expectedly.

Which turned out to be a reflection of himself in a rock mirror.

With no response from his “opponent”, Robotnik held his chin, studying intensely at the mirror.

“I have been striving to make fungi into a functional drink of choice,” Robotnik lifted the cup close to his face, sniffing it. “...Mushroom coffee.”

Robotnik took a slow delicate sip of his “coffee”…

Only for him to spit it out afterward in great disgust due to bad taste.

With limited…

After using his coffee contraption again, Robotnik took a sip of his second batch…

Only for him to spit it out as well.


After using his contraption yet again, Robotnik once again took a sip of his cup…

But he spat that out with great disgust.


After using his contraption for the umpteenth time, Robotnik sighed in dread before he picked up his cup and slowly brought it to his lips…

And just like before, Robotnik spat out his drink, but much slower with a look of huge disgust, as if he was in pain.


But today, day 243 has brought a new optimism to my most pressing endeavor!

Planetus exodus to returnecus and KICK BLUE BUTTECUS!

After taking some parts out of his Eggpod, Robotnik carried them over toward one of the tallest mushrooms on the planet with a large satellite transceiver on top.

Robotnik admired his handwork for a moment. He had been working on his makeshift radio tower for months since his arrival on this miserable planet. With his super-powered mind, he used all the resources from his pod and this planet to build his tower. His drive for survival and revenge towards those who sent him on this planet in the first place is what motivated him to put together his operation. He only has one final step in order for his new machine to work.

And that involves his two aces up his sleeve.

Once he was close enough to the "tower", Robotnik climbed up the ladder near the mushroom until he reached the top. He made his way over to the monitor that was in the center of the mushroom tower and began to type a few buttons on its keyboard.

"If my calculations are correct… and there is no reason to say this because they always are," Robotnik muttered to himself.

Robotnik then picked up a long jumper cable with Sonic's quill attached to it and Sunset's hair wrapped along the quill.

"This quill… is going to power my masterpiece! And some of the pony girl's hair will help amplify its power thanks to her magic!"

With a huge grin, Robotnik lifted another jumper cable with his other hand and brought it closer to the cable with the quill and hair.

"Let's light this candle… and see who comes a-knocking!"

Without a moment of hesitation, Robotnik connected the two cables together to activate his machine.

A mixture of blue and orange electrical lights came to life, which is a mixture between chaos energy and Equestrian magic, flowing through the cables of the satellite dish. As soon as the energy reached the transceiver point of the tower, the energy beam fired into space, creating a shockwave and sending a screaming Robotnik off the tower and falling to the ground below.

As the energy shockwave from the mushroom tower continued to stretch across outer space, Robotnik let out a small groan before he passed out.

Hours passed and it was now nighttime on the mushroom planet. Robotnik, who still appeared to be passed out from his fall, laid on the ground with a hair and quill in his right hand. All seemed quiet within the area until suddenly, a portal appeared out of nowhere with a soft *PHVWOW* and grew into a large golden ring. As the portal ring was suspended in the air, a spear slowly emerged through the portal, along with some strange person who appeared to be a scavenger who was holding the spear.

This scavenger wore dark clothing, armor, and even a helmet with a shape of a bird obscuring their identity of the scavenger. That scavenger was not alone as two more scavengers came through the ring portal with the same armor and clothing with their own weapons.

The three of them slowly entered the mushroom planet from their world and investigated the area. The one with the spear saw Robotnik’s unconscious figure on the ground and slowly approached him. He peered cautiously at Robotnik for a moment, even poking him with his spear to see if he was alive. He then glanced over at Robotnik’s right hand, which lay Sonic’s glowing blue quill and Sunset’s yellow and red hair. Curious, the scavenger slowly reached over to the quill and hair to grab it. Just as he was about to grab the quill…

Robotnik’s eyes flew open.

Greetings!” Robotnik suddenly exclaimed, surprising the scavenger.

Without wasting time, Robotnik quickly grabbed the hidden rope beneath some grass with his other hand and pulled it, activating his trap. As the scavenger took a huge step back, he failed to notice another hidden rope hidden in the grass around his leg. As Robotnik’s trap activated, the rope pulled back, tightening the scavenger’s ankle in the process, and flung the screaming scavenger away into the distance.

Robotnik quickly sat up. “Klatuu Barata Nikto!”

Before the two scavengers had time to react, Robotnik kicked a stone in front of him, activating another trap of his. This caused a giant mushroom stem to swing over to one of the scavengers and slammed him away into the forest of mushrooms. There was only one scavenger remaining standing against Robotnik, who quickly took out his nunchucks with red glowing blades. As he swung them around threateningly, Robotnik quickly brought his electronic glove to his face.

“Agent Stone? Now!” He muttered, pressing the button on his glove.

This activated part of the engine of his ship to burn a rope, which connected to some kind of catapult contraption. Once the cord was completely burned away, it launched a stone with a “Stone” face and flew off into the air. Around the same time, the scavenger was about to slash Robotnik with his weapon, but Robotnik ducked his head at the last moment as “Stone” flew past him and hit the scavenger right in the face, knocking him unconscious.

Robotnik sat back up and grinned excitedly not only had he defeated these so-called enemies, but he also bought his ticket way out as the floating portal ring remained floating.

"Hey, Stone!” Robotnik slowly stood up. “It's time to say goodbye to this…" He took a deep breath and yelled, "PIECE OF SHIITAKE PLANET!"

After Robotnik tasted the quill, which gave him a brief electric shock, he then made a run toward the portal, eager to escape.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerged from the portal, causing Robotnik to stop and slip on his back. Slowly, a mysterious being stepped out of the portal, revealing itself fully to the doctor.

The mysterious being was a red creature, who appeared to be an anthropomorphic echidna with long quills, which look like locks, over his back, purple eyes, and a white fluff mark on his chest that looks like a crescent moon. He was wearing red and yellow shoes with green socks. The most noticeable thing he was wearing were two huge white gloves with two spikes on the knuckles of each glove.

The red Echidna slowly approached Robotnik, who had a look of nervousness since he had already used all of his resources against the scavengers. The Echidna stopped in front of Robotnik and peered down at him. He then noticed the glowing blue quill in Robotnik’s right hand, which caused him to scowl and brought his face closer to Robotnik’s.

Where did you get that?!” He demanded with a deep growl in his voice.

Robotnik quickly glanced at Sonic’s quill and hair before he swiftly brought it up between their faces.

“From a little blue menace on the planet called Earth,” Robotnik answered, causing the red Echidna to look at him more sternly.

Robotnik wasn’t sure what this red creature’s story was, but he had a hunch that he had some beef against a certain blue hedgehog from the look of hatred on the guy’s face when he saw this quill. And since this Echidna had no idea of his background, Robotnik realized that he could take advantage of this opportunity to further his revenge against that blue rat and those seven brats.

Especially that pony girl from another world.

Robotnik then lets out his sick grin. “I'd be happy to show you the way.”

Somewhere within the outskirts of Canterlot City, a lone purple and green van was sitting on a dirt section away from the road. From within the van occupied by three teenage sisters, one was reading the newspaper near their makeshift table, and the other two were preparing dinner. As the two girls were discussing dinner plans, the girl with orange puffy hair one glared daggers at the paper in front of her, specifically at the picture of a group of girls in their pony-up forms with the main headline title:


The girl scowled at the photo, silently cursing them for being praised like heroes while she and her sisters are living in a van down by the river.

She and her sisters were no ordinary teenagers. They were once powerful sirens with magic from Equestria. And after they were banished to the human realm, the trio tried to feed off as much negativity from random people as possible. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to satisfy them. One day, they sensed a huge amount of Equestrian Magic from Canterlot High. Naturally, they want to seize the magic themselves and become the rulers of this world. At least, they would have if not for a certain group who stopped them.

The Rainbooms.

Not only have they defeated them, but they also stripped away their singing magic and their jewels were nearly rendered to dust. After their defeat, they fled from the school and laid low until they started their own tour to entertain those "human scums" to make ends meet.

They managed to fool everyone with careful editing of their voices, but even then, it wasn't as good as their original singing voices. They gained some attention for the first few shows, but afterward, the number of their audience became less and less with every show. They even tried traveling to Manehatten to perform in hopes to get a big break, only for their client to cancel on them at the last second, despite already spent days of traveling and it was a huge blow to their budget.

It was why they were currently sitting in the middle of nowhere, planning their next move. Unfortunately, they couldn't think of a good plan to get themselves out of this mess at that moment. They don't know for how much longer they could live in their poor state, but it was only a matter of time before they lived in poverty and were ignored by society.

And Adagio blamed all of their misfortunes on the Rainbooms for getting in their way.

"Agh! For the last time, Sonata! We are not making tacos for dinner!" The twin purple pig-tailed-haired girl growled in annoyance, bringing Adagio out of her thoughts.

"Aw, c'mon Aria!" The long blue pony-tailed girl whined. "We haven't had any tacos since forever!"

"We had them yesterday you moron!" Aria spat, now getting aggravated. "And I'm sick of them! They're the worst food humanity has ever made!"

Sonata gasped before glaring angrily at her sister. "You take that back!"


"Take it back!"


"Take it back right now!"

"Make me!"

Finally losing her patience, Adagio slammed her paper on the table and faced her sisters.

"Will you two idiots shut up!" She roared, causing her two sisters to cease their argument, and stared back at her in fear.

"...she started it!" Sonata pointed at Aria, who glared at her in turn.

Adagio rubbed the bridge of her nose with a huff, already starting to feel a migraine. Ugh! With or without our magic, being stuck with these two, especially without our magic, was unbearable!

She then gritted her teeth in anger. And it was all because of those Rainbrats! I would do anything to get our magic back… and have our revenge!

Her thoughts were interrupted when they all heard a knock on the van's door.

"Now who's at the door?" Adagio wondered out loud in suspension. "Especially at this time of night?"

Aria shot Sonata an annoyed look. "Sonata, did you just order tacos behind our back again!"

Sonata shook her head. "No! I didn't order any tacos… this time!"

Adagio narrowed her eyes. While she wasn't sure if it was a solicitor or a random fan seeking them out, she was definitely not in a good mood at that moment. She made her way over to the van's doors and quickly opened them to tell off the stranger.

"I don't know what you want, but we're not interested in whatever you're–"

She paused briefly when her eyes finally settled on their mysterious visitor.

"...selling," Adagio finished with a stunned expression.

The person in front of her was not what Adagio was expecting. While it was still too dark outside, the full moon helped make out details that it was a tall mature person. They were wearing professional clothing, which tells her that they were a scholar, but their expression just reeked of snootiness and their eyes were as cold as ice. While Adagio was never the one being intimidated by anyone, let alone a human, something about this person sent chills down her spine.

Before she could utter a word, that mysterious person spoke.

"So this is the home of the infamous Dazzlings?" The stranger sniffed and surveyed their tour van with judgemental eyes. "Honestly… I expected better than this rackety old van."

"Hey! We take pride in our van!" Sonata retorted. "It looked way better now than how we found it in the junkyard!"

Sonata yelped in pain after Aria bonked her at the back of her head. "Be quiet, you idiot!" She hissed.

Ignoring her sisters, Adagio narrowed her eyes at the stranger.

"Who are you? And how did you find us?" Adagio demanded, trying to take control of their conversation.

"I pretty much tracked your last location from your tour list and deducted the area," The stranger replied nonchalantly, looking away from Adagio. "As for who I am, well, let's just say… that I'm your ally for our common enemy."

Adagio cocked an eyebrow. "And our common enemy would be?"

The stranger finally turned towards Adagio and looked her in the eye. "The Rainbooms!"

Like a light switch, Adagio's anger returned tenfold from the mention of that very group. Before anyone could react, Adagio grabbed the front of that stranger's shirt and brought them to her face. Despite Adagio's sudden actions, the stranger's face remained calm and stoic.

"You have ten seconds to explain!" Adagio demanded in a dangerous tone, glaring daggers into the stranger's eyes.

The stranger wasn't even phased by Adagio's threat, making the former siren angrier. "I'll answer if you calm down and release me."

Adagio growled. As much as she rather pulverized this person, she still wanted answers. Reluctantly, she let the person go, allowing them to fix their shirt.

"Now then," The stranger stated as they took out their cloth to clean the lenses of their glasses. "To answer your question… let's just say I used to be the best Principal of the best schools in Canterlot City!"

The stranger put their glasses back on with a frown. "For years I was merely trying to carry on my school's legacy by staying on top and putting Canterlot High in their place by any means for the sake of our reputation. But during one of our annual friendship games, those girls from CHS cheated that one year with their magic, so I had my top student use the magic that she took from them and use it against them."

The stranger scowled, their eyes burned in fury. "And how did they thank me? They singled me out for being 'in the wrong' and I was fired for my efforts, despite the fact that they cheated first and that same top student of mine turned into a monster and nearly killed us all!"

Sonata, who she and Aria were listening to from the background, leaned close to her sister's ear. "This person has issues!"

"Those magical girls from Canterlot High," the stranger continued their angry rant. "Including my former student, have ruined me! And my students betrayed me even after everything I've done for my school, those ingrates! And I want to make everyone pay!" She tightened her fist. "Including those Rainbrats!"

"...Sonata, for once... I have to agree with you!" Aria whispered. "This person does have issues!"

Sonata nodded in agreement.

"I heard that!" The stranger snapped, causing the two sirens to flinch in fear.

Before things got out of hand, Adagio stood in front of the stranger, blocking them from her sisters, and narrowed her eyes threateningly.

"As sad as this little sob story of yours sounds, what does this have to do with us?" Adagio said coolly.

The stranger calmed themselves and their expression became stoic again. "Well, I've heard rumors that three teenage girls showed up at CHS and nearly won the Battle of the Bands, but then disappeared after the Rainbooms defeated them."

The stranger adjusted their glasses. "And I've also heard rumors that you three also used some kind of a 'magical artifact' to manipulate others to your will, which is how you three made it so far. And you would have been powerful… if not for those Rainbooms. And now you three are left without any magic!"

"Yes, we know what happened to us! We were there!" Adagio rolled her eyes with an impatient look. "Just get to the point!"

"Very well," the stranger nodded. "Since we were both robbed by our common enemies, I propose you three and I teamed up as partners… and get back at those girls for revenge."

The three girls stared at that person with surprised expressions, especially Adagio. Just a while ago, she dreamed of getting back at that group of girls who took away their magic which was nothing more than a pipe dream. And yet, this stranger was right at their doorstep, offering them this same chance. A part of her was tempted to take this person's offer, but something about this person held her back, along with various other reasons to jump at this opportunity.

"...no," Adagio responded flatly, must to her sisters' surprise.

The stranger's eyes widened, not expecting this kind of response from Adagio.

"No!? What do you mean, 'no'?" The stranger demanded in disbelief.

"No means no," Adagio crossed her arms. "We're not interested."

"Surely you jest!" The stranger exclaimed with a sneer. "Don't you want to have another shot at them? Prove to them that you are indeed superior? And you want to make everyone adore you and make them kiss your feet? Don't you want that?"

Adagio narrowed her eyes at the stranger. "While we despite those girls as much as you do, the last time we faced those girls, we paid the price with our magic! And since there's no hope to reclaim our magic and return to our world, the only thing we can do is live out our lives in this pathetic world and move on! The last thing we need is to run into that group again! The less we see them, the better!" She then leaned her face close to the strangers. "With that said, I will kindly tell you to take a hike!"

Adagio was about to slam the van's door, but the stranger quickly held the door back.

"What if I were to tell you that not only you three will get your magic back, but you'll also be even more powerful than ever before?"

Adagio paused as the stranger's words sank in. "What are you talking about?"

Despite their success to get the former siren's attention, the stranger kept a strong grip on the door. "I've received… an "anonymous tip" that somewhere in this world, they dug up an ancient temple which is unlike anything we have ever seen!"

"Yeah… and?" Adagio grunted.

The stranger's glasses reflected for a moment, blocking her eyes from Adagio. "It's an ancient temple that once belonged to the sirens… probably from another world!"

Adagio blinked before she gave the stranger her skeptical look and let go of the door. "You're joking, right?"

"If you don't believe me," the stranger stated as they took a photograph from their suit's pocket. "Then take a look at this!"

Still skeptical but curious, Adagio snatched the photo from the stranger and glanced at it, letting her two sisters join in as well. As soon as they saw the content of the photos, the trio's eyes immediately widened in shock.

"T-those sculptures!" Aria uttered.

"Is… is that…?" Sonata stammered.

"This… this is a temple from Equestria!" Adagio felt her hand shaking, gripping the photograph a little too tightly. "Specifically… from our homeland!"

Indeed, it was a photograph of a huge old temple, sitting in a crater in the middle of the ocean. The Dazzlings would have brushed it off if it weren’t for the fact that it had an engraving of ancient sirens all around the outside of the temple. The last time they saw anything that was made by their species was before they were banished into the human world. How a temple from their world ended up in the human world was a mystery even for them.

"Now are you convinced?" The stranger stated, getting their attention. "Those archeologists believed that there are ancient treasures hidden in that temple. Unfortunately, the temple is locked up tight and cannot be opened. Unless of course… if it was activated with a certain type of magic." The stranger smirked. "I'm sure you three now see where I'm going?"

The sisters looked at each other for a moment, having a wordless discussion between the three of them. Adagio then faced the stranger again with the same skeptical expression.

"Why are you helping us?" Adagio asked suspiciously. "There has to be some kind of catch."

The stranger adjusted their glasses again. "As I said, we were both humiliated by our common enemy. I will gladly help you restore your magic. What you do with them afterward, I personally do not care. You can even burn the whole world with them for all I care!" Their faces were then covered in a shadow, but their glasses were still visible. "The only thing I want from you in return is to help me bring those girls to their knees… and destroy them!"

As the two sirens gulped at the stranger's dangerous tone, the stranger looked directly into Adagio's eyes again. "So… do we have a deal?"

Adagio only stared at the stranger for a moment, silently debating with herself for a moment. On the one hand, they really don't want to have anything to do with these girls again and rather continue to live out their lives until they find magic and find a way back to Equestria, and they still don't trust this person. But on the other hand, they have a golden opportunity to snatch even more powerful magic than last time, from their own people nonetheless. And it would also be a sweet revenge to use it on those very girls who ruined their lives.

After a moment of silence, Adagio turned towards one of her sisters.

"Sonata! Make us an extra batch of tacos!" She ordered before facing the stranger with a full tooth smirk. "We're inviting a guest tonight!"

The stranger smirked back.

For the two groups, this is the beginning of a very beautiful friendship.

Author's Note:

Hello, everypony! And happy 1st anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie! :pinkiehappy:

I hope you all are excited as I am, because the official sequel to my previous story Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog is finally here! :yay:

Sorry for the long wait. I originally wanted to get this out sooner, but due to circumstances, it took me longer than I realized. I didn't want to keep everyone waiting for as long as I did with volume III of my previous story, so I decided to post the first TWO chapters of this story. After that, the story will be on hiatus until the next chapter. There's no date for the next chapter as of writing, but I will try not to take too long between chapters, but no promises. :eeyup:

Oh, and each new chapter will be posted on Saturdays... whenever they're available! :raritywink:

Anyway, this is by far my favorite Sonic movie to date (at least until Sonic 3 comes out), and boy oh boy I've got ideas for my version of the sequel with the EqG cast! :raritystarry:

I should note that right off the bat, there will be no wedding in this story. It is not because I despise this scene as many others. Quite frankly, I think the wedding scenes were fun, but I admit they kinda overstayed their welcome after a while. I have a different idea in mind for this version of the sequel as well as a reason why the girls went to Hawaii (or Hoovaii in this case).

Anyway, just like the previous story, I will list some references/easter eggs and fun facts for each chapter, whether it be Sonic or MLP related.

Speaking of which, here is our first list for this story! :pinkiesmile::

The entire mushroom planet was a reference to Mushroom Hill Zone from Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

At one point, they promoted a sweepstake for Sonic 2 by having fans try out an official Mushroom Coffee flavor along with a free "I :heart: Robotnik" coffee mug.

Yes... it's real.


Those Scavengers actually debuted in the official prequel comic Sonic the Hedgehog 2: The Official Movie Pre-Quill when they kidnapped a certain character for a gladiator-style entertainment in "Always Bet On Red" story and again when they chased after another certain character in "Two For the Road". They only appeared briefly in the movie, but I'm curious if we ever learn more from these guys in future installments.

And do I really need to reference the origin of Robotnik's line: "show you the way"?


*sigh* Fine! This was originally a meme "Do You Know De Way" (aka Uganda Knuckles) when players from VRChat controlled a mob of chubby Knuckles to other players, going around saying that line and made clicking sounds.

Yeah... that was a thing. :unsuresweetie:

What happened with the Dazzlings took place sometime after EqG special, "Sunset's Backstage Pass", and as well as in between the prequel and sequel of this story. And the memory Adagio remembered the events from EqG's second movie, "Rainbow Rocks".

So, who was this creature Robotnik teamed up? Who was this mysterious stranger the Dazzlings teamed up? Where are our heroes now?

Find out... right now, in the next chapter! :twilightsmile: