• Member Since 25th May, 2022
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The moment is the moment when you have to answer the moment that is in that moment, but in the end does that moment even makes sense?


The New World Saga (so far)

1000-829 BLB| The Beginning: The New World | Beginnings

381-376 BLB| the Revolution: [Coming soon]

203-202 BLB| Fall of the Crystal Empire: The New World | The Fall of the Crystal empire

0 ALB - 70 ALB| The Lunar Wars: [Coming soon]

1000 ALB - 1030 ALB | The Main Story: You are here

A thousand years ago, the New World was discovered by the Pillars of Equestria in the era known to humanity as the pre-colonial period, since the discovery of the New World, the pre-existing kingdoms waged war against one another until the fateful day when two of the most powerful kings of Humarica perished into the flames of warā€¦

Ā With the two warring kingdoms stuck in a power vacuum, Celestia and Luna mediate in the situation in which the kingdom of the east accepts the colonial status of Equestria. In contrast, the kingdom of the west declared its loyalty to the then king of Griffonia, Grover the 1st, years passed since then with revolutions and revolts committed by the populace in the New World which gave birth to a nation, the Federation of American States (FAS).Ā 

The new nation had proclaimed its independence during this time Celestia and Luna had encased Discord into a stone fate but was quickly captured by pro-American militia, resulting in the group commander being demoted by George Washington, despite how Equestria andā€™s denizens perceived the American nation as a threat to the world that must be quickly destroyed resulted in a global conflict with Equestria, Griffonia, and Riverland to send their warriors to put down the American forces, after years of fighting with the strategic leadership of Uncle Sam and George Washington, Celestia and Luna oversees the treaty that gave the sovereign right to America and itā€™s independence (while unofficially being in the accord was Grover). The treaty was signed which marked what Humarican locals would call the end of colonialism.

Since that event... America expanded west, waged war on the Crystal Colony in the North, and reaffirmed friendship with Equestria before waging all-out war against Equestria in the series of events known as the Lunar Wars which was a worldwide conflict considered to be by many a First World War.

Ā But considered to be Americaā€™s final war, until in 960,Ā  the Northern Kingdom fell into a civil war with the Northern Socialists which resulted in Soviet victory and worldwide fear.Ā 

Since 984 the nation of the American Federation has been engaged with its rival, the Northern Socialist of Republican States. (NSRS)

But while that, The New World consists of species, mainly the human species, with some being sentient hybrids such as the Gradenlanders, and the Parslians.

Since the Lunar Wars between Equestria and America, the continent itself stayed the same in a political cold war with Equestria. But a move that many considered either a threat or peace sign was made by the American Federation which made a move that would make the New World continent follow suit.

A move never made since the pre-Lunar war period.

Peace with Equestria... Would later be achieved greatly as it benefited the world, but something else was also achieved... Something more terrifying than all of Equestriaā€™s villains combined was createdā€¦ And it brings a timer...

Chapters (36)
Comments ( 53 )

...That is a lot to comprehend. But great chapter!

How confusing will this story be? I won't read it if it's too confusing.




Ok we know how it will end. Slowly progress, discover boom boom (aka atom bomb) and just kill each other.

But it has a butt ton of lore behind it.

Youā€™re being sus bro

Northern Socialist Republics of States

Starts singing USRR anthem

Technology: Outdated weaponry (Bows, Spears, and Arrows)



Bro I literally read it hent*i


True country

However, just a day later when the draft was set, Princesses Celestia and Luna had defeated Discord on the soon to be independent nation and were quickly captured by local militia lead by Colonel Charles Lee, without fighting back however the two sisters were knocked out, and when they were brought to George Washington, he was horrified and demoted Charles Lee to Corporal while also ordering that his room was used for the sisters, but the war broke out when Equestria found out the sisters were captured and so... The Nations of The Griffonian Empire, Crystal Empire, Equestria, and the Riverland's declared war on the nation that declared independence.


As for other nations, they have lots more of Lore, but it is worth mentioning one nation of Gradenland.

Yes. Definitely random island open the north have more interesting lore than entire continent


SO. Creative names. To the flags I kinda have some things that could be corrected, especially with color pallets etc. to th lore itā€™s good, of course Greenland the best one xD

Solid 9/10

Not too confusing, keep in mind that this is the main story, and stuff will come up that will be in the other stories.

But one thing to ask is what's confusing you?

This is possibly the most interesting Lore I've ever seen

This Fanfiction Lore is very unique, I just wish he could add it in more detail.

I mean, there is other stories that will have the rest of the lore, it'll be a matter of time when they fully finish.

The wars for independence story will include lore for other third world countries, so stick tight with that :twilightsmile:

please continue, i love this

Working on Canterlot Marriage

Gonna be lotta boxes

Yay, i can't wait to see what will happened next ^^

Iā€™m confused is this a reboot of the other story?

Nope, this is apart of a series, the Beginning story is basically how The New World came to be.

This is just the main story that's all, more stories will be published later.

Oh so the previous one is a prequel basically?

Ah gotcha. Thanks for clarifying that.

Yes it is, but it's good to look at and know what the story is about :D

Yeah, btw i just update my story, can check it now

Yep, it's the Equestrian Iraq war >:D

Lots of grammar errors but a unique story overall

Happy to see this come along so well

Just recently hired a new proof reader, so that shouldn't be a problem once I start looking into the other chapters after I finish the 1003 chapter

Loved it! Can't wait to help out some more!

This reads like a McDonald's meal: its not horrendously bad, but its really not that good either and I would have prefered something else given the option.

The fic is written in a manner that really doesn't make sense once you dive deeper into it.
E.g. the M47 Patton had the M48 and M60 (including their variants) before the United States Army adopted the M1 Abrams. Having a sudden jump from the M1 to the M47 doesn't make sense at all.
It also reeks of lack of research and just felt like a pile of whatever the writer thought was cool stitched together without consideration whenever it reads well to anyone outside the writer or made sense to be there. (Like that whatever the hell is that flag in this chapter)

The idea had some potential but the execution is just plain mid.

12,300 griffon pirates were killed, with 200 injured and captured, and eighty-one hundred-thousand tons of steel, is lost to the depths of Davy Jones locker, with the estimates of 45 pirated Griffon Dreadnoughts and 34 pirated Griffon Destroyers destroyed and sunk.. The Pirate lord of the fleet did not survive...


Let's just ignore how you could have written this battle in detail from someone's pov in a flashback instead of infodumping with precise figures. I'm going to dwell into some statistics here.
The vessels and the losses of both sides during the battle of the Philippine Sea, 1944.

And this one, the vessels and the casualties (including wounded and missing) of both sides during the battle of Leyte Gulf.

Notice anything?
First, the IJN and the USN fleets involved in both battles have understandbly large fleets ivolved, but the amount of ships for the pirates is near comically large, almost on par with an entire fleet for a navy that has an industry .45 Dreadnoughts and 34 destroyers? Are you sure this isn't some navy for a small coastal nation instead of a pirate fleet?

Secondly, 12300 KIA enemy personnel? :xqcwowclap: hmmm, i wonder what can cause that much casualties, must be an insanely large armada-

As the events dawned down in Ponyville, the pride of the American Navy was at seas with a group of 3 Guided Missile Frigates.

The ship was more of a battleship (which is), and is equipped with four battleship canons with 3 canon tubing, 20 Anti-Aircraft weapons, and 50 to 40 side guns with 245.7 cm (18 inch) shells and missile launcher bays. The ship compared to a average battleship is twice as powerful than all ships combined, in the Griffonian Continent they call it "The Wave Goddess," In Zebrica they call it "The Avenger," in Equus they call it, "The Merciless" Why all these names you may ask? Well.. It is known to have obliterated fleets, for example..

Really? Not even air support? Both battles I used as examples above have less insane amount of deaths, and that's multiple carriers, battleships and destroyers involved. 3 BATTLESHIPS isn't exactly going to cause this much damage alone- ohhhh wait, your battleships are the definition of the Mary Sue trope. Nevermind.

I beg of you to do some basic research even just on Wikipedia, it'd be a blessing of anyone who wants or have to read this.

It'll be fixed immediately, expect a rewrite

Red alert 2

Red alert 2 MentaOmega ?

Rewrite is finished btw to anyone who hasn't seen my recent blog about it, the chapters rewritten were:

Chapter 1: 1000 ALB, The Return of Luna

Chapter 2: 1001 ALB, The Olenian Crisis

Chapter 3: 1002 ALB, Infiltration

A Canterlot wedding part 1
A Canterlot wedding part 2
A Canterlot wedding Part 3

If you're a new reader reading this btw don't worry about it ;)

1000-530 BLB| The Beginning: The New World | Beginnings

538-536 BLB| the Revolution: [Coming soon]

536 BLB| The wars of independence: [Coming soon]

203-202 BLB| Fall of the Crystal Empire: [Coming soon]

0 ALB - 70 ALB| The Lunar wars : [Coming soon]

Where does this story fit in with this timeline?

In 1000 ALB

Set in the start of the main MLP series

So this is an alternate timeline of Equestria at war.

Sign me up.

Wake up a new episode of TNW has be dropped šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„

I hope we get to see the human nations respond to the crisis caused by Chancellor Neighsay.

The amount of response no one expects over that one guy


It's not even a horse pun.

And I didn't think technology gaps could be this wide. When most of places that made contact with western empires quicky have rifles in posession, some of them even capable of manufacfuring rifles by themselves.

Something that I'll need to explain in another story, but basically it's more of a political isolation.

(Also everyone for some reason hates Dominica and Cuba)

As soon as the President does this whole "negotiation" thing, to be honest though, Jimmy Carter might get voted out in this years election. I wonder who the Reagan guy is? Anyways, I always thought that Jimmy Carter was a bit strange considering that CBS literally just exposed him for shouting at the entire world, it also seems like the American generals are up to something to, I hope that doesn't result in a coup or I'm a goose.

I really don't want Carter to lose. He's perfect when it comes to peaceful negotiations.

ā€œHe was never real sir, he was a made up person by the changelings, and it would seem he had accomplished a lot of shit here,ā€ Alex further informed.


Really glad how this all came out, beautiful story, 11/10

Will Trouble Shoes appear in the story?

Unfortunately no, but I may do a reference

āš Heads up pony people!āš 

Creating a new story related to the saga which will be on the fall of the Crystal Empire, expect a Blog upon it's release!

I hope you will have all of Humarica joining the fight with Equestria and Hippogriffa against the Storm Kingdom after the related story is finished.

Boy, you have no idea what shit you're about to see :D

This is it! The war against Chrysalis and Sombra has begun!

If only that were true, writing from the distant future Sombra and Hope and their friendship would eventually die.

How you may ask?

Let's just say that I was the one...

Who ruined it all...

WTH, dude!? :facehoof: :ajbemused:

Scratch that, apparently Fimfiction gave the finger to that story that I did plan to release, but nope! Guess not :/

Thereā€™s upstream errorā€™s sprouting up on part 3.

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