• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


It is said that in times of danger, heroes will come together to face the rising tide of evil, and fight back to preserve the light. These heroes can come from the strangest of places.

This is the story of one such hero. Although she appears to be Queen Haven, you may be surprised to learn her true origins...

Part of the Rebirth of Magic continuity. Tags will be updated as the story continues.

Written as part of 40 Years of My Little Pony.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 227 )

I like throwing curveballs in my writing.

This is interesting and… I like it!!!!

Okay. I admit that I was only HALF-expecting this from the bits of foreshadowing in "Misty's" story , but I still appreciate the effort going into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. I appreciate the little peek at things before this guy ended up becoming Haven. And, yeah, that means all three of the Royal Pegasi are transformed humans (even if Pipp's story won't be shown until next month).

Certainly looking forward to more of this.

nice chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Glad you liked it. This story is actually part of a larger series called Rebirth of Magic. I can send an invite to the group if you'd like.

That they are. This gives the story plenty of opportunity for dramatic irony. Besides, what with all the stuff surrounding the new King in Britain this seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up.

She was understandably scared and confused, so she tried to look at the phone screen, which had been dropped in the confusion. She took a look and regarded her new form in horror. "Oh my God. What has that thing done to me?"

Still hard to believe a crystal caused all of this! :fluttershysad:

I went back to the door I had gone through, only to find a storage room, not Buckingham Palace on the other side. What was going on?

Oh boy! :derpyderp2:

1. Magical artefacts can have strange and wonderful properties.

2. Stuck in ponyworld with no apparent way to get back... and absolutely no clue what she's doing.

I also have reason to believe that this is the first Queen Haven TF ever.

Heh... couldn't resist saying that, eh? :3

I couldn't find any (apart from a weird soda can one).






Good news! Jimmy's entry in the series is here!

TRebirth of Magic: Find your Voice
The life and times of a pegasus influencer.
JimmyHook19 · 30k words  ·  16  7 · 618 views

Thanks very much. I already responded to that, but still appreciate the message. :-D

Truly the internet is a bizarre place.

Another well done chapter. Appreciate the work going into the characterizations and future chapter set-up. Really liked "Haven's" reflection on what was expected and what actually happened - particularly the stuff that went into the preparations, the size of the crowds and the similarities between human speech and pony speech. And, yeah, things are going to get rough fairly quickly.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Glad you enjoyed it. I've continued to build on another of the major themes of this series- memory, or rather what constitutes official memory and state power. Parades of this sort are as much a show of force as a celebration of a nation's history, and no doubt the pegasi are sending a very clear message to the other nations.

Indeed, more shall follow tomorrow.

"Where's the bathroom?" asked one reporter, not realising his microphone was still turned on.


"And now," said the presenter from earlier, "we would like to invite all of you in singing the National Anthem."

They have an anthem!? :applejackconfused:

1. History is riddled with awkward 'left the mic on' moments.

2. Yes. It was briefly mentioned back in Zipping It. It's sung to the melody of the British one, and the words are exceptionally simple; swap God for Faust and King for Queen.

Glad to clean that up. The G5 community appear to have basically decided the pegasi are Britain, something I am more than happy to roll with (being British).

Also, new profile image I see.

Yep, it's how I'd see myself in TOH/Owl House. I wish the site I made it on had better hair options but this one will do.

Don't suppose you could link said site... would ya please? :3

Excellent work on this latest chapter. REALLY liked the work going into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely liked the extra look at the Royal Pegasi family life as well as "Haven's" difficulty in finding her way around the castle AND the paperwork (and, yeah, legal documents CAN be frustratingly hard to translate). So, yes, the bit of relaxation at the end of the chapter with the stylist as well as "Zipp" and "Pipp" is most assuredly appreciated.

Quite certainly looking forward to more of this.

She passed me a map, and I took a look. It was on the top floor, past the cable room on the right. The cable room sat right above the throne room, so I assumed there must be some sort of elevator to allow us to access that level. "Thank you Zipp. I've lived in this building my entire life, and I still get lost!"

Huh, that was easy. :rainbowderp:

A band was providing music on a nearby stage, which meant the entire experience was somewhat surreal. I felt like I was in the middle of a Monty Pony sketch and any minute now the punchline would land. Pipp and Zipp at least seemed to have healthy appetites, though watching Zipp trying to eat in a restrained and regal manner was amusing, to say the least.

Damn! :derpyderp2:

"Well, seeing as we've been so busy we all deserve a chance to let off steam, I feel," I replied. "Besides, I'll work through the morning and try to clear the backlog."

I hope she doesn't regret this later. :fluttershysad:

"I am but a cog in the mechanism that keeps Zephyr Heights running, Your Majesty, he replied.


I was partially drawing on my own personal experience with my own line of work; lots of my day is occupied with wading my way through documents, some of which can be pretty hard to unscramble. I was trying to inject relatability into the characters, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.

And as Haven herself points out, even royalty needs a chance to be normal every once in a while.

1. Bear in mind who Zipp is in this situation.


Key source of inspiration. Still one of the funniest films ever made, incidentally.

3. Hopefully.

4. I'll correct that error now.

Again, you did some wonderful work on the world-building, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. LOVED the stuff with the pool and exercise routine as well as the spa. Also liked the dialogue with the OCs and the reflections on how many depths the in-universe version of the military has.

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

I don't know how I feel about ponies having tanks

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