• Published 22nd Mar 2023
  • 766 Views, 9 Comments

A Crown's Atonement For Their Misdeeds - UnknownOrigin

The consciousness that resides within the Master Crown from the Kirby series, along with the pieces of said crown, are sent to Equestria after drifting through the in-between of dimensions.

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Chapter 1: Chaos in a Colorful New World

As I found myself traveling through the dimensional vortex that I had been sucked through, all I could say that the word that best described what I went through as my gaseous form tumbled about was this: painful. It felt as though every nonexistent nerve of my form was on fire, all the bright colors quickly passing over my vision hurt my mind trying to process all of them, and that this experience seemed to drag on for quite some time.

After what felt like hours of me traveling through dimensions, I felt my mind begin to shut down due to the sensory overload I was experiencing. Eventually, this led to my vision slowly going dark. Before I blacked out, however, I saw what appeared to be a bright white light that I could only hope was the end of my trip through this brightly colored vortex of agony.

After some unknown amount of time, I found myself finally waking up as my mind was rebooting from the forced shutdown it had to go through due to it not being able to handle everything that had happened in that vortex. As my vision slowly returned to me, I found my vision being greeted with lush grass and dense foliage as I was facing the ground. I slowly began to look up and took in more of my surroundings. There were trees as far as the eye could see with their barks coming in various shades of brown, magenta, and even blue, there were also large and dense bushes that seemed to be scattered about here and there. Finally, despite the various streams of sunlight peeking through the canopy of the trees, it was hard to make out anything more than maybe 15 feet away from me as it was also fairly dark.

I also began to notice something as my mind finally began to catch up and was able to process my situation: I was on the ground, and I could physically feel the grass I was on.

That shouldn't have been right. In my gaseous form I was always constantly floating, meaning that I never once touched the ground. That, and I wasn't also able to physically feel myself touching anything while in that state. I noticed a nearby puddle of water on the ground and tried to float towards it, only to quickly find out I wasn't able to. My form refused to rise up into the air as I found myself still on the ground. So, I attempted to try and hop over to it, with said attempt surprisingly being met with success. I found that I was able to jump maybe about three or so feet into the air without having to put too much effort into hopping and found that each hop allowed me to travel about two feet in any direction with a similar level of effort. Eventually, I had made it to the puddle and stared into my reflection to see what was going on with my body. Turns out, I had transformed into something entirely different.

My general shape was that of a simple sphere like that of Kirby, albeit with no limbs to speak of. Said sphere seemed to be made up of a sort of black and dark gray sludge, giving my body a sort of oily and greasy appearance. Next up were my eyes, which were two simple ovals that were pure white in color, almost to the point where they seemed to naturally glow. Finally, I felt as though I had some sort of mouth, to which I opened wide. Instead of having any sort of black abyss or tongue or anything that could have resembled the mouth of a normal living creature, what greeted me instead was what I quickly realized was an eye with its iris being that of a piercing red staring right back at me. Seeing this immediately sent a shiver through my body as the eye itself seemed to gaze into my own soul. Needless to say, I quickly shut my creepy third eye after I was done looking at it for a bit. Looking over the rest of my new body, I found nothing else that seemed to strike me as interesting or important before turning back to the trees that were in the area before going over these new developments.

So, I'm no longer in the gaseous state that I was in earlier before that interdimensional vortex pulled me through. That being said, that vortex was definitely different than the ones I was familiar with, and I mean a lot different. Maybe it had something to do with me having this new body? Next, it also sucked away the pieces of the Master Crown that were floating with me. And seeing how I don't see any of said pieces nearby and that I was dragged along with them, that means that they are somewhere else within this dimension. Honestly, I am somewhat glad that I am no longer near the broken remains of the artifact that had acted as my own personal prison for those few millennia that I was trapped within it. Last but not least, I felt incredibly weak. I could tell that this new form that I was in was barely managing to hold itself together, and that I could also not feel any ounce of magic or power within my body as though I had been drained of every last ounce of both.

After going over everything for a few moments, I realized I needed to do something. Judging from how dense the foliage was and how naturally dark this forest seemed to be, there were definitely going to be some dangerous creatures lurking about that may look at me and see me as their next meal. With that in mind, I chose a direction that didn't seem to have a lot of foliage and began hoping that way as my current plan at the moment was to simply find a way out of this forest.

I want to say that after a good hour of hopping through the woods I had managed to find a few interesting things before I finally had managed to find what appeared to be a dirt road in the middle of the forest. These included what appeared to be crocodiles made out of stone that resided in a river I had passed, a bog where I could see a five-headed hydra lurking about (I definitely made sure that it wouldn't notice me), and even what appeared to be rabbits with antlers that seemed to make their homes in fallen trees or simple burrows. I also occasionally heard howling coming from various directions, but thankfully they weren't too loud meaning that the sources of said howling weren’t all that close.

Upon seeing the dirt road, I was somewhat happy that I no longer had to deal with whatever else this forest seemed to contain. Sticking close to the road, I chose a random direction and began following the road to see where it ended up. Thankfully, I can say that nothing weird or crazy happened to me as I was hoping that the direction I was heading would lead me out of the forest. No, instead, something weird and crazy happened once I managed to get close to what I suspected was the edge of the forest.

It had maybe been about fifteen minutes of following the road before a strange cloud appeared overhead. And by strange, I meant that it was pink and that it seemed the cloud was raining some sort of brown liquid. Normally, I wouldn't question this as it was possible that was the way clouds worked in this world, so I shrugged it off. That was, until I passed under the cloud and felt the liquid upon my body. I wanted to try and drink the liquid as I was somewhat thirsty after traveling for quite some time but didn't really know what to do as my mouth had been replaced with a third eye. I quickly found out that my mouth being replaced didn't matter, as when the liquid rained down upon the area of where my mouth was, I found that my skin seemed to absorb the liquid right into my body, allowing me to essentially drink, and I suspected also to eat, anything without needing to open my mouth. When I absorbed the liquid, I was immediately confused by its taste. The reason being that the liquid tasted like chocolate milk.

Ok, that definitely couldn't be right. Chocolate milk by itself wasn't a liquid that one could naturally find in the wilderness, it was a processed drink that needed to be physically made. The fact that it was just raining from a cloud further made no sense. Actually, looking more closely at the pink cloud above me, it seemed to be made of something different than what clouds were normally made of. Was this cloud made of, cotton candy? Ok, no. Something weird was definitely going on here. Seeing that the pink cloud came from farther down the road, I quickened my pace and continued back down the path in hopes of finding just what was going on.

Eventually I had managed to finally make it to the end of the forest as I saw a clearing up ahead, readying myself for what awaited outside this forest. In all honesty, I was expecting possibly grassy hills that seemed to go beyond the horizon or a village right next to the entrance of the forest. What I saw was possibly a nearby village in the distance, however it and everything else around it made no sense at all. Instead of grassy hills, the hills had different colored patchwork designs that seemed to change with every hill. The dirt road I was on eventually took on a more checkered design as it got closer to the town with what appeared to be soap bubbles eventually appearing on the road as well. Giant towers of playing cards could be seen here and there, being as big as some of the houses I could see. Random chunks of land could be seen floating in midair, with a lot of chunks having houses on them as well. Finally, it appeared that a giant version of the cloud I had encountered earlier covered the entirety of the village, with chocolate milk raining from it as well. Before I could even question things any further, day turned immediately into night as it suddenly got a lot darker.

What sort of world have I ended up in? Just earlier I had to go through in what was my opinion, a somewhat creepy forest filled with creatures I haven't really seen before, and now what I am currently witnessing happen in front of me can be best described as chaos given a physical form. If I'm being honest, I would turn around and go back down the road into the forest and see what the opposite end of the road offered. Unfortunately, I needed to learn where the vortex had put me so I would have a better idea of what kind of place this world was and see what I can do from there. So, with a heavy sigh, I began my trek towards the town in the distance to try and get some answers. Though I would probably avoid traveling on the road, just in case.

I was glad I made the decision to avoid taking the road the rest of the way to the town. From the looks of it alone, I probably would have slipped and slid multiple times just by being on the road. What made me even more proud of my decision was that I saw a few more weird things slide past me as I bounced beside the road. These were mainly just rabbits who had extremely long legs flailing about as they slid past and what could be best described as buffaloes dressed up in ballet attire. Other than that, I eventually made it to the town.

As I entered town, I found it to have suddenly turned back to daytime, and the chocolate milk rain falling from the giant pink cloud high above me seemed to have stopped, allowing me to take in more of the random things going on at the moment. Aside from what I saw earlier, the ground itself seemed to have a blue checkered pattern going for as far as I could see and there were a few trees with what appeared to be giant birds sitting in them, causing some of the branches to bend due to how heavy the birds might have been. I also think I managed to find the residents of this town, albeit they were all running around or hiding in panic and fear at everything going on. These residents appeared to be what I assumed were possibly ponies that had a variety of different things about them. These things were that they all had different colored manes and coats, as well as their manes being styled in different ways too, some of them had horns on the top of their heads, others had feathered wings on the sides of their bodies, while some had neither the wings or horns and just looked like regular ponies. Finally, and the thing that caught my attention the most, was that every single one that I saw seemed to have some kind of marking on both sides of their flank, with each pony having a different kind of marking. Unfortunately, they were either too far away or were moving too quickly for me to get a good look.

In the meantime, however, I realized that I might be able to possibly take advantage of the chaos happening around me with the ponies freaking out as well. Essentially, while I was still inside the Master Crown, I had found that I had the ability to absorb the negative emotions and feelings of the person who was wearing me and convert said emotions and feelings into energy that I could use for myself. I would then use the newfound energy to further push my influence onto my wearer, allowing me to take control of them faster than I could normally. This ability also wasn't just limited to my wearer, as it was also affected by the negative emotions and feelings of anyone around the crown as well. Said negative emotions and feelings including things such as anger, rage, hatred, sadness, greed, jealousy, envy, and in this case, fear. So, using my ability, I began to feed off and absorb the fear that the ponies were giving off. By doing this, I immediately began to feel more energized as I felt the fear being converted into energy within my body. I could also feel that my form was becoming slightly more stable, meaning that I wouldn't have to worry about me melting into a pile of goo anytime soon.

And so, I continued exploring the town while absorbing the fear and panic off of its residents and further boosting my energy and further stabilizing my form. Throughout my exploration, I found a few other weird things that were mostly happening to the townsfolk. I saw one pony seemingly walk upside down while in midair, another floating in midair and making raspberry noises with her mouth, and one that was running away from a stampede of the long-legged rabbits I saw earlier.

Eventually, I turned a corner and had to stop myself as I saw a creature that I could only describe as being a combination of different animal parts put together as it had the head of a pony, two mismatched horns on the top of its head, a long and slender body covered in brown fur, the talon of some sort of bird that acted as its left arm, a lion's paws that acted as his right arm, a bird wing and a bat wing on its back, a red and scaly tale, and mismatched legs: its left being cloven while the right leg was green and may have been that of a dragon's. It appeared to be talking to something or someone, but I was too far away to tell. I decided to move closer as I was curious what was going on. Eventually, I managed to sneak into a nearby alleyway between two houses and managed to get a better view and was now able to clearly hear its voice, a somewhat smooth male voice that had a sort of deceptive undertone to it. He was talking to what appeared to be a group of five ponies, two of them had horns, one had wings, while the other two were the kind that had neither, and what appeared to be a purple reptile of some kind with green spikes and was walking on two legs. Another thing I noticed is that every one of them, save for one of the horned ones who had a purple coat and mane and tail that had a magenta stripe going down the middle of both, were all gray in color. Finally, every single one of the gray ponies and the reptile were wearing a golden necklace with different colored gemstones set in the center of them while the purple one was wearing a tiara with a magenta gem in it.

"Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!" said the purple one.

The creature made up of different animal parts, who I assumed was Discord, replied "I certainly am. You've clearly outdueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate." Discord summoned a pair of sunglasses and put them over his eyes. "I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies." Discord said before summoning a red target that hung from his neck. "Fire when ready!"

"Formation, now!" said the purple one.

All of the gray ponies simply replied with a simple "Eh."

"Rainbow Dash, get over here." the purple one said towards the purple and green reptile. Said reptile began to slowly walk over to the others before lining up with them. "Alright, let's get this over with."

What happened next was that a bright white light seemed to start being emitted by everyone in the line as the gemstones on each of the necklaces and crown began to glow a unique color, minus the one worn by the reptile. Eventually, only the ponies began to rise up from the ground as the purple pony opened her eyes, revealing them to be glowing pure white. I saw Discord pull down his sunglasses to see what would happen, with I myself also watching closely. Eventually, the light around them began to flicker rapidly, before disappearing entirely with the ponies falling back to the ground.

"Ugh, what happened? Why didn't it work?" asked the purple one.

What followed was the ponies arguing with one another about various things before the reptile approached the purple one. "Sorry, Twilight. I guess I'd better get back upstairs and clean up the library. Good luck with all this–" He was interrupted as the gray pony with wings tripped him as he began walking towards what I could best describe as a literal treehouse, as in a house within a tree.

I could hear the gray one with wings say "Oops. Sorry Rainbow Crash." before letting out a chuckle.

"Bravo, ponies, bravo!" Discord said as he began to clap. " Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestia drools."

I jumped a bit as the sounds of laughing suddenly appeared from nowhere, quickly looking around, I quickly found that the source of the laughter wasn't visible. Judging from this and what Discord had done earlier when he summoned the sunglasses and target, I began to suspect that he was the reason the town was the way it was.

"Well Twilight, I would like to stick around and chat, but I have some chaos that I've been dying to spread for a long time. Toodles!" Discord said as he disappeared in a flash of light.

After he disappeared, the arguing resumed between the ponies, as all of them began to accuse one another for why what they had tried to perform earlier failed. This continued on for a little bit longer before, one by one, they all began to leave, saying things such as how everyone in the group was lame and weren't great friends.

"Fine! Leave! I don't need you guys either!" Twilight yelled out. As she said this, I began to notice that her body began to turn gray. "With friends like you, who need enemies?" She finished, and I watched as a tear rolled down her cheek as she finished turning completely gray. Even from my hiding spot, I could tell that, where the tear hit the ground, the shape of a heart broken two had appeared.

I'll admit, the negative emotions coming from the group after Discord left was like an all-you-can-eat buffet that I simply couldn't pass up. I managed to get a lot of energy just simply from them arguing, to the point where I felt my body take on a more solid shape. But, when I saw the pony called Twilight shed that tear, I was somewhat surprised that I couldn't help but feel bad for her. From what I could gather, it seemed like her and the others were great friends, but for some reason, they were all fighting with each other as though they were enemies. I could only suspect that Discord was possibly the one responsible for the group lashing out at each other. I was pulled out of my train of thought as I began to see Twilight begin to walk away. I could have just left her be and continue with exploring the town, but some part of me was telling me to follow her. Whether it was curiosity or me just suddenly caring about others all of a sudden, I eventually decided I would keep my distance as I began to follow Twilight while making sure that I wouldn't be seen by her.

From what I could tell, Twilight was just moving around with no clear purpose as her head was hung low. She also seemed to not pay any attention to all of the crazy things happening around her. From what I could feel from her, she was experiencing an intense amount of sadness. Regardless, I made sure to follow her closely, albeit I would often have to wait for her to move a little bit farther so that I could quickly get to another hiding spot without being seen. Eventually, however, Discord showed back up again, seemingly laughing at something he had just done before eventually calming down enough to form a proper sentence.

"Oh, my stomach! Twilight, you've got to see what I just did." Discord pointed over in a random direction. Looking to what he was trying to point out, I saw what appeared to be a giant pepper shaker shaking pepper onto the pony underneath it. Eventually, they sneezed, causing all of the nearby buildings around them to fall over as though they were cardboard cutouts. "It's priceless. Hahahaha." Discord's laughing eventually stopped as he saw that Twilight was hardly even paying attention as her head was still hung low. "Come now, Twilight Sparkle. You've got to get into the spirit of things! After all, this is your new home."

Twilight raised her head and seemed to look around at all of the chaos happening across town. "Not anymore..." She replied sadly before making her way back to the treehouse I saw earlier and entered it. As she did, Discord let out a triumphant "Yes!" before performing some sort of victory dance that consisted of clones of himself appearing out of nowhere and doing various dances as fireworks went off that spelled out "Discord Wins! Princesses Drool." in the middle of the sky.

As I looked back towards the treehouse, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen now. From what I could tell, the thing that Twilight and the other gray ponies had tried to perform may have been the only way to stop Discord and end what was going on around here. But since it failed and Twilight seemed to have fallen under the effects of the spell Discord had put her under, there was possibly no chance of that ever happening, which meant that he was free to do whatever he pleased.

"Oh, don't think I haven't noticed you following us."

I immediately froze as a voice had just spoken from behind me. Slowly turning around, I looked up to be greeted by Discord leaning down to where his face was uncomfortably close to mine. My mind immediately screamed at me to run away, to react to him, or do something, but my body seemed to have frozen up as I just sat there staring back at him. I had never felt more powerless in that moment than in any other moment of my life. Discord reached down and picked me up with his hands before bringing myself eye level to him at his full height.

"I noticed you were following me and Sparkles ever since we started having our little walk and talk. You are, by the way, not as good at sneaking around as you think you are." So he had noticed me following them. Great. "However, I have never seen something with as much concentrated dark energy as yourself in all of life of mischief and chaos. So tell me, what exactly are you, as I myself am quite curious as to what you may be?" I stayed quiet, mostly out of fear, and mostly because of the fact that I wasn't sure if I was even able to speak. "Not a talker, eh? Whatever. I'll find out what you are soon enough. Until then..." He held me in one hand as he snapped his fingers in the other, summoning what appeared to be basketball goals as he and his clones were now wearing either red or blue jerseys, with one clone even wearing a black and white striped shirt and hat with a whistle around his neck. "How about we play a little game to celebrate my victory over the Elements and Princess Sunbutt? I saw how you were bouncing around earlier, so you can be the ball."

What followed next was Discord and his clones bouncing me around like a ball all over the field with them either tossing me to another clone or dribbling me as they moved. Every once in a while, a clone would either throw me into one of the basketball goals and either make the goal or not, while other times I would simply be dunked into a goal if a clone that had me was close enough. This continued on for a long time, as each time I was dunked into the goal or just thrown into it I would cause me to painfully land on the ground as I was disoriented from being bounced and tossed around so much. Each goal they had scored also caused me to further become more and more angry as this being easily tossed me around as though I was just some sort of toy to him.

I had had enough.

As soon as what I assumed to be the original Discord, given that his tee was the only one that said "#1 Entity of Chaos" on the front, tossed me towards a goal a short distance away from him, I made my move. Instead of going straight through the hoop, I was able to position myself so that I would be able to simply bounce off of the rim of the hoop and onto the backboard of the goal. After doing this, I launched myself from the backboard as hard as I could and rapidly flew towards the real Discord. The sound of me hitting his face as the force of the launch carried me a little bit away from him filled me with joy. Discord was on the ground with what looked to be birds flying around his head and chirping while all the other clones looked between him and me in shock. Eventually, Discord managed to shake off the dizziness as the birds flew away and looked at me in shock which eventually turned into a look of annoyance.

"Well, this is quite funny. You really think that you would be able to take down the lord of chaos by simply just hitting me in the face? And even after I let you join in on our little game? Don't you all think that's funny?" The clones simply shook their heads in disagreement, one even tried throwing a tomato at me saying that the joke was terrible. "If you didn't want to play, that's fine. I can simply find another way to make you useful to me. Maybe this time, however, as a stress ball!" Discord lunged at me immediately, trying to grab me. Thankfully, I was saved by the fact that my body was still covered in sludge, making it so that the action of him trying to grab me caused me to slip out of his hands. When I landed back on the ground, I began to hop away as fast as I could as I could feel Discord's anger begin to rise as he began to chase me.

What followed next was the next few hours being spent with me hopping for my life as Discord began to chase me around the town, doing my best to make sure that he wouldn't catch me as I knew it would be painful if he did. I bounced off of walls to try and quickly outmaneuver him, slid through giant houses of cards which forced him to run around them as to not topple them, and even rode on the backs of the long-legged rabbits to gain some distance. Needless to say, I was having fun while messing with Discord, as every time I managed to get farther away from him his anger would further rise, giving me even more energy to keep going. Unfortunately, my fun had to end. I looked back while jumping through another house of cards to see if he was still chasing me, only to realize that he wasn't behind me. I then felt myself being painfully grabbed by sharp talons as I realized what had just happened. Discord teleported in front of me so that he could easily catch me.

"Well," Discord started while panting a bit. "you've now had your fun while sending me on this wild chase. But, unfortunately for you, your fun stops here." He had to stop to catch his breath. "I think I deserve a nice rest with a drink and think about what I should do next. You'll be there of course, as you will definitely serve as a nice stress ball. And I definitely have a lot of it after what you just put me through." He snapped his fingers, and I found myself held tightly in one of his hands as we were now in a different part of town. One more finger snap from Discord, and a throne appeared behind. Sitting down on it, he summoned a glass of chocolate milk before squeezing me painfully.

The next while was spent with Discord occasionally giving me a painful squeeze while seemingly looking over all the work he has done. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get away as he definitely made sure I wouldn't slip out of his hands. I began to wonder if this is what my life would be like from now on, stuck as the plaything of a being who could make anything he wanted happen with just a snap of his fingers. I began to lose hope as I thought that this was my punishment for everything I had done. Taking over anyone who wore me and causing chaos and destruction wherever I went simply because I was sealed within the Master Crown because... because... Wait. Why was I sealed within the Master Crown? Surely I would remember the cause of my imprisonment within that cursed artifact. But, maybe it was reasonable that I did forget. After all, I was trapped within the crown for many millennia, so it would have been natural that I forgot as I only focused on controlling those that wore me so that I would be somewhat free.

"Ah, chaos is a wonderful thing." Discord said as he began drinking from the glass of chocolate milk. "Not as wonderful as friendship." a voice called out. Discord began to cough due to suddenly choking on his drink as I looked and saw a sight I definitely wasn't expecting to witness.

There was Twilight and her friends who were no longer gray and once again were all wearing the necklaces and crown I had seen them wear earlier. Albeit this time, there was another winged pony wearing the necklaces I had seen the reptile wear. Besides Twilight, the other horned pony had a white coat and a purple mane and tail that seemed to twirl a bit towards their ends, one of the one with wings had a light yellow coat with a with a long pastel pink mane and tail, the new winged one had a cyan coat with their mane and tail being that of a literal rainbow, one of the normal ponies had a pink coat with a puffy pink mane and tail, and the other normal one had an orange coat with blond mane and tail and was also wearing a stetson hat.

"Really? This again? You ponies should have learned by now that I have won and that you all can't do anything about it!" Discord exclaimed.

"We'll see about that. The power of friendship prevails no matter what, we'll turn you back to stone and make sure that you won't break out ever again!" Twilight said back to Discord. In response, I saw Discord get an annoyed look on his face as he began to once again squeeze me. The pain of which caused me to once again try to wiggle out of his grip, in which my efforts were met with failure once more. It seems however, the yellow winged pony seemed to have noticed me struggle and was looking at me with concern.

"Ugh, gag. Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here." Discord said as he stood up while tossing away his drink.

"All right, ladies, let's show him what friendship can do! Everyone, line up!" Twilight said as everyone began to get into formation.

Once again, their necklaces began to glow different colors as a white light began to be emitted from them. Slowly yet surely, all of them began to rise into the air as Twilight opened her eyes once more, revealing them to be glowing the same pure white as before. This time, instead of the light blinking out and them falling back to the ground, beams of different colored lights that matched the gemstones embedded within their jewelry began to rapidly fire at Discord, each one hitting him causing him to stumble back in pain.

"What the?! There's no way! How are the elements working again?! I made it so you all would be separated! Done! Finished! Caput!" Discord began to say as he began to back away from the ponies.

"Because, the power of friendship will always bring us back together, no matter what you try to do. And with it, you are finished!" Twilight responded.

What happened next was that a giant rainbow-colored shockwave was sent out from the ponies as a giant wave of rainbow energy rose up before crashing down on both me and Discord. This resulted in Discord rapidly beginning to turn to stone. As for me, I began to once again feel as though every single nerve within my body was on fire. It felt as though my entire being was being ripped apart by the power washing over me and Discord. It felt all too similar to what I was going through when I was tumbling through the vortex that led me into this world. I don't know when, but Discord had let go of me as I fell to the ground and quickly rolled as fast as I could away from him. Eventually, the rainbow wave of energy stopped as Discord, now turned into a stone statue with his expression of that of pure terror, fell onto the ground as a bright light seemed to envelop everything around me as everything began to turn back to normal. The pink clouds evaporated into nothingness, the legs of the bunnies shortened back to a reasonable length, houses of cards turned back into actual houses, and the floating pieces of land returned to the ground where they had been ripped out of.

I was hardly able to focus as the pain I was going through was too much for me to handle. The pain was much worse than when Discord had used me as his stress ball, much worse than what I had experienced traveling through that interdimensional portal, and much worse than when my body had been cut in two by Magolor. Eventually, that pain began to dull as I realized I was blacking out for what may have been the second time today as my vision began to steadily grow darker. Before it went completely dark however, the faces of Twilight and her friends entered my sight as they were all wearing expressions of curiosity and confusion about what I could only assume was me rolling towards them after Discord had let me go. I finally felt my eyes close completely as I passed out, welcoming the blanket of darkness once again.

Author's Note:

Ok, so I may have went a little bit overboard with this chapter compared to the prologue in terms of just how long it is compared to it. I don't really think that chapters going over some of the less major events of the series won't be as long, but the big ones such as this and a few other chapters will definitely be on the longer side of things.

But yeah, I liked the idea of the protagonist absorbing the negative emotions and feelings of the wearer of the Master Crown and anyone nearby and thought it was an interesting concept. I have also a lot of ideas on how to utilize it later on in the story as well, so I'm excited for when those parts come along.

Regardless, the next few chapters won't be as crazy as this one, hopefully. Things are going to be calming down as Ponyville begins to recover from Discord's chaos. What will our protagonist discover when they wake up? Who knows!