• Published 21st Mar 2023
  • 114 Views, 0 Comments

Doctor Whooves and The Stallion - UltraSonicRainboom

The Doctor and Derpy are in 1832 Equestria, where they hear a foal's story about a mysterious stallion who appeares to be a ghost. Could it be true?

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The Stallion

The Doctor, Derpy and Vapor Skies began to leave the room where Gregg was. "Are you sure it's okay if we leave your father in there?" asked Derpy. "Yes. It's...fine" said Vapor Skies, then she began to show them where the sighting of the stallion was. As they were walking outside toward the hill, the Doctor said "Vapor Skies, I'm sorry." Vapor looked confused and a bit concerned "about what?" "Your father" said the Doctor, sighing a bit. "He really needs a real Doctor, and I'm not the right one. How long has he been like this?" "You mean the drinking?" asked Vapor Skies. "As long as I can remember...He isn't always like this. There's times when he goes a few days or weeks without alcohol. A few times he even went a month or so without it. But most of the time, he goes to that tavern and spends every last bit we have."

Derpy then asked "how do you have money to pay for this house? Or for food?" "We inherited money from my grandpa, who...died a long time ago..." "Oh. I'm sorry" said Derpy. "It's okay" said Vapor. "He died before I was even born, so I never even met him." There was a moment of silence, then Vapor asked the Doctor "by the way, how did you know my father had a drinking problem? I mean you saw him today, but that could have been a one time thing" The Doctor looked at Vapor and said "I could see it in your eyes. The way you saw your father walking drunk down the road, made it seem like this has happened before."

They then got to the bottom of the hill. "There is the bench, right there." Said Vapor Skies pointing to the bench on top of the hill with her hoof. Derpy looked intently, then said "I don't see anypony up there." "He isn't always there. But when he is there, he's easy to spot" Vapor said. "How do you know it's a stallion? From this far away, couldn't it also be a mare?" asked the Doctor. "Well it looks like a stallion to me" Vapor said. "Well then, let's take a closer look then, shall we?" said the Doctor, then he and Derpy began to walk up the hill, but Vapor didn't move and looked scared. "But-" she said stopping herself. The Doctor and Derpy turned around and looked at her. "'But' what?" asked Derpy. Vapor looked scared and nervous, but she began to come to her senses and said "it's haunted." Derpy looked concerned "You mean, you think the pony you are seeing is a- ghost?"

Vapor Skies looked a bit scared and said "I'm pretty sure it's the ghost of my grandpa Applemac, who died in these woods." Derpy then asked "how did he die? If you don't mind me asking." "Honestly, we don't know" Vapor said. "All we know is that the last time anypony saw him, he was hiking in these woods around his house, the same one my dad and I live in today. Then after that, nopony saw him again. Most of us think a bear or some ferocious animal got to him, or maybe some creature from the Everfree Forrest got out." "But did anypony find his body?" asked the Doctor. "No. It's almost like he disappeared" Vapor Skies answered. "How strange" Derpy said. "Anyway" said Vapor, trying to get back to the point "I know it's the ghost of my grandpa because when I see the stallion on the bench, it looks just like him! My Dad doesn't see the resemblance, but when I see photos of my grandpa, I'm sure it's him! So that's why we shouldn't go up that hill."

The Doctor then walked up to Vapor Skies and said softly "listen to me. If what you are saying is true, then maybe we can help. I'm the Doctor. We can walk you back to your house and then Derpy and I can go on the hill together and check things out." Derpy then interrupted "besides, you said that your grandpa isn't there when anypony is close, right?" "Right..." said Vapor Skies. "Then we should be fine" assured the Doctor. Then Derpy and the Doctor walked Vapor back to her house, and began to walk back towards the hill.

As they were walking, Derpy asked the Doctor "so, do you think this could actually be true? I mean, ghosts aren't real...right?" "Well no. But then again, the universe is often full of surprises..." said the Doctor. Derpy then said "the name of Vapor's grandpa is Applemac. It sounds a lot like Applejack. Do you think they could be related?" "I think there's a good chance that they are" said the Doctor. "Applemac also sounds like a certain computer from earth" said the Doctor, under his breath.

They were getting close to the hill, but they were still a good distance away. Derpy looked up at the hill at the bench and she saw...somepony up there. "Look! There he is! Sitting on the bench!" Said Derpy, frightened. "What!? I don't see anything" said the Doctor, looking intently at the hill. Derpy still looked at the hill "There he is! Oh wait, now he's gone!" "Did you see him walk away? It could have just been a normal pony up there." "No! I'm sure it was him! He was there one moment, and then gone the next." Said Derpy. The Doctor looked concerned and said "well...at least now we know that she was telling the truth..."

They then got to the bottom of the hill...again. "Well miss Hooves, are you ready?" asked the Doctor. "As I'll ever be" Derpy said, still a little frightened from seeing the stallion. "Are you sure you want to do this? You can go back to the house with Vapor Skies." assured the Doctor. "I don't want to leave you behind. If something happened to you and I wasn't there to help you, I don't know what I would do!" Derpy said. "Well then, if you want to go, then I suppose we should" said the Doctor. Then they began to walk up the hill to where the bench is. They were both a little sacred, Derpy especially, but they went anyway to see if they could help this family.

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