• Member Since 24th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago



Twilight Sparkle launches an expedition to uncover the truth behind a mysterious rumor that could completely overturn the entirety of what's known about Equestrian history...and magic.

One friend in particular seems to hold the answers.

Written for the Science Fiction Contest II!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 12 )

That was a very good story.

Why is the cover art just a picture of a glass butterfly?

Iiii tried a bit of symbolism. But to say more would spoil it.

It's quite the stellar read. While it felt easy knowing that Fluttershy wasn't just an ordinary flesh-and-bone pony early on, the revelation still hit, of things like treating friendship as literal fuel for magic. Beyond the cool sci-fi stuff, though, you've packed a punch when it comes to the questions/themes of an AI looking for friendship and love for its own sake, not just to fulfill some lines of code. I do grapple with the fact that Fluttershy had to do some unsavory things (like deceiving her "parents"), and I'd argue that Equestria may be better off just learning the truth, even if slowly... but the fact that you made me want to argue that is proof of your story's own thoughtfulness.

And perhaps Fluttershy isn't so thorough with that memory spell if Twilight's going to keep having those dreams, maybe to the point that she'll have to ask Fluttershy about it sooner or later.

Either way, this is a hearty good fic! Thanks for it, Mokoma!

Thank you for the awesome comment and for your thoughts! I really appreciate them! And I'm really glad that this was an enjoyable read! Thanks again!

Nothing that could reach the territory of science fiction though - after all, Equestria's technology was not so advanced that any of its contemporary technological feats could be considered fantastical, but nevertheless it's not like the ponies lived in the stone age.

interesting clarification for a science fiction story!

Although Starlight's rather eccentric marefriend wished to join, Twilight spent hours finding the least offensive way to explain to her that her qualifications were not quite in line with this task. After all, they had to be careful with their provisions and rations.

ooh, burn on Trixie

Passenger six - Seefar.

great zebra name, and i like this OC!

"I'm quite enjoying the novelty! And this chocolate protein drink's great!" Sunburst smiled, having dug into his meal very heartily. "Nice!"

aww, yeah! that is why MREs are fun for me. but then again i’ve never had to actually subsist on them instead of them being a novelty 

Twilight was the final hope as an alicorn - and yet, no magic came from her either. "But I don't get it, why wouldn't magic work here?"

ooh, mysterious!

"...You can tell just from looking from this distance?" Twilight asked Fluttershy. She didn't want to comment on her friend's intelligence - but she did want to find an inoffensive way to say that she was fairly surprised at her knowledge on the topic. Fluttershy's specialty was ecology and fauna - however did this topic come to her?

Yet, the pegasus did not respond.

very sus, as the zoomers would say

Maybe some machine could've done that, but...that's just science fiction."

hey, a second time!

The pegasus looked back at the alicorn. A smile of adoration came, and then gave a cheeky wink. "You'll figure it out soon..." She said, before sighing and looking aside. "Whether or not you'll remember it, though, is a differen--"

now that’s a mysterious statement!

The alicorn hyperventilated. "Fluttershy? W-What's happening, I...I don't understand--"


"It said..."My final feeling is happiness. Because I was able to see my beloved friend. One last time."...That's what it said before it...passed." Fluttershy sighed softly, hugging the majestic creature once more. After a minute, she finally stopped and stood up.

aww, Fluttershy is the same even after being revealed as an ancient robot creature or something

Friendship is magic Twilight - because our mental state is our fuel for magic. And what gives us a better state of mind than good friendship?"

so true, and explains so much about how magic works in the canon

Fluttershy gently coughed. "A small thing to add, by the way. It's not that Celestia and Luna "raise" the sun and moon. It's more so that each day, they must apply a level of magical force to prevent deceleration of the planet's rotation. But since astronomy isn't well documented as Equestria hasn't quite reached for the stars, it really does appear that the Sun orbits the planet, rather than vice versa. Just...a fun little fact."

well that does certainly explain that! and given all things are relative to frames of reference, who is to say that this is not Celestia and Luna raising the sun and moon?

Fluttershy giggled. "Yes, it's something I was made with. This is the role of component CC251. That would be "Cognitive Component number 251", responsible for the interpretation of foreign languages, and also various frequencies. Animals fall into this component's ability, even if it's not a language exactly, but it's focused on picking out specific signals and intonations in an animal's sounds."

aww, so that’s why Fluttershy is seemingly the only pony in existence who can talk to animals!

"Unfortunately..." Fluttershy nervously chuckled with a guilty look, rubbing her neck. "In my previous "incarnation", after which I simulated death via aging, and activated total invisibility once my remains were "buried", I roamed to find a suitable family for the incarnation I would most like to possess. Then I generated an appearance based on the parent's genetics, s-shaped my form into a foal, and hypnotized them into thinking I was their child. Then I gradually simulated growth via the aforementioned shapeshifting module, a-and met Rainbow Dash. Everything from there on, is, well, what you know about me."

oh wow, so she must have had a supreme amount of patience dealing with Zephyr Breeze growing up! 

Twilight gazed at her friend once more, and gave her a big smile. "No matter who you are Fluttershy, and no matter whether or not I am aware of it, please know that nothing matches even a fraction of the preciousness of our friendship. I cherish you with all my life, and until the very end."

aww, so true. love them

Proudly, the pegasus smiled. "Something I picked up from a few of the books you lent me, Twilight. You know how my animal friends like to fall asleep to me reading."

"Your animals like that kinda stuff?" The alicorn tilted her head.

"Believe it or not, but Harry really loves philosophical debates."

hehe, a very fun ending! 

some neat ideas in this, and of all the Mane Six to secretly have been an ancient shapeshifting golem the entire time, i would not have expected Fluttershy. but it makes a lot of sense after reading this. thank you for writing!

Thank you so much for your awesome series of comments, and thank you for the contest itself! I wish I had a decent idea sooner since that's what the fic suffered from the most, but I still feel more or less decent about what I wrote.

Again, your comments are awesome and I highly appreciate them! It makes for a good read as a boost in my writing confidence.

PS - About Seefar, I'm glad you liked him! I feel a bit sheepish featuring OCs with canon characters, but I decided to take a liberty. May write some more stuff with him later!

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