• Published 28th Sep 2012
  • 7,347 Views, 199 Comments

New Land Old Enemies - Silent Scout

Where the HELL am I? Last thing I knew me and buddy were providing overwatch but now I'm in a fores

  • ...

Chapter 1: Strange Lands

Name: MSG. Adam “Shifty” Smith
Date: August 17, 2015
Location: Afghanistan?
Time: 0500


OH GOD, someone make it stop, my head. Why does my head hurt so much, did Steve get me to drink to the point of not remembering? Slowly opening his eyes, he began to see his surroundings and get a picture as to where he was. What he saw confused him, it looked like someone ripped out a section of a room and smashed everything to pieces and what looked like bits of metal sticking out randomly out of the walls and ceiling as if there was some sort of explosion. Looking out what might have been a window at one point he saw nothing but... trees? Now that can’t be right, I don’t remember there being any trees near the base at all. <BEEP> <BEEP> <BEEP> And where the hell is that beeping coming from... Oh right, that would be my watch.

Without caring to look, since he already knew that his watch was set to go off at five in the morning, he quickly pulled back his sleeve and used his fingers to pushed the two buttons that would turn the damn thing off and allow him to think in quiet. While doing so things immediately didn’t feel right. Why don’t I feel my fingers? Looking down at where his hand should be, was a stump as well as on his other arm there was a stump.... “WHAT THE FFFFF----!”


Location: Random ass cloud over ponyville

-----UUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!” Sleeping in the clouds a rainbow maned cyan color fur pegasus pony slept, or at least would still be sleeping if it wasn’t for all the SCREAMING. “What in the hay is going on down there? Do they know what time it is for Celestia’s sake, the sun isn’t even up yet,” she growled while getting to a sitting position on what was her comfy bed. Leaning over her cloud she glared down at the land below trying to find who it was that was making all that noise. She did however notice the lights at the library flick on from the screams as well as one of the windows open up in order for the occupant to stick her head out and look around.

With nothing better to do, and still pretty pissed about being woken up at this time of the day when she normally wouldn't be getting up until closer to about ten, she flew down to the lavender unicorn to discuss what to do.

Quickly pulling up to the unicorn within seconds she was greeted by the confused and sleep Twilight Sparkle as she tried and failed to stifle a yawn, “Hey Rainbow Dash. Do you know what is causing all that noise this early in the morning?”
“I was hoping you could tell me since I couldn’t see who it was from where I was sleeping,” groaned Rainbow Dash in her frustration.

Rainbow Dash looked to the general direction of where she thought she heard the screaming coming from before turning back to Twilight to ask, “What do you think we should, I for one want to go find who it is making all that noise and kick his sorry flank for waking everpony up.”

Shaking her head at Rainbow’s statement Twilight replied, “As far as going to find out what all the screaming is about I’m fine with but going there just to beat them up probably isn’t the best idea and I don’t think Fluttershy would like the idea either. You go ahead and get Fluttershy while I go and get Applejack and tell her what we are planning to do since she should be up at about this time of day.”

Rainbow Dash then grumbled, “Why do we need to bring Fluttershy into the Everfree forest? You know she is just going to get scared by everything we see while there.”

Twilight just rolled her eyes at Dash’s claims and stated, “She might not be the bravest pony but if she finds out that we went into the forest and discover an injured animal, you know she will be mad at us for sure.”

“Wait, what about Rarity and Pinkie, shouldn’t we get them as well,” Rainbow Dash asked with a confused look on her face.

Twilight shook her head again before saying, “We all know that Rarity doesn’t like going anywhere near the Everfree forest because of how dirty it is and all the wild animals too. And as far as Pinkie Pie well... It would just be faster if we went without her. I don’t want to spend more time there than what I have to spend in there.”

Rainbow Dash just hovered there for a moment tapping her chin then nodding and giving Twilight a quick salute before jetting off in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage screaming “See you at AJ’s.”


Location: Somewhere in the forest

“Ok, calm down everything is fine... sort of. I am now covered in a brown fur and what looks to be hooves. It could be NOPE, not going to say it.” Looking around the room seeing his gear as well as Steve’s gear which is good at least he is prepared for whatever. Continuing to look around he finally comes across what he was dreading to find. Lying feet from him just like before was Steve, but unlike before now he had the body of a small horse with a dark green fur coat, a jet black mane and a horn. “Wait, what are you serious a horn?! What does that make him a unicorn? What ever it doesn’t matter, I need to get out of here.” Upon closer inspection he noticed that his helmet that he was wearing had been altered to allow his horn to poke through the top of it which wouldn’t normally be there. Another weird thing to add to the list I guess.

Getting to his feet or hooves then quickly falling hard on his nose, he snorted in frustration. Great, not only do I have a horrible migraine but now my nose is bleeding. Slowly getting back up to his feet again he worked his way over to Steve’s body and looking him up and down before sighing. Grabbing some bandages from Steve’s bag he then began to wrap it around Steve’s eye so as not to look at it anymore. Once finishing what he was doing he looked back outside into the forest before he got a shiver down his spine. Something wasn’t right about this place, it was way too quiet for what a forest should be. “I need to get out of here, and there is no way in hell that I will be leaving Steve here either.” Quickly grabbing their gear and securing their weapons to the bags as well as moving his combat knife and Steve’s combat knife to the top section of his vest for easy access, he then swung the bags onto his back before going over to Steve and began picking him up. “God damn this shit is heavy.” Signing again he slowly made his way out of the building through one of the holes in the wall before heading off into the woods. Hope I’m going the right way or this is just going to suck even worse than it already is.

35 Minutes Later

Trying his best to keep going at a good pace he had to eventually take a break due to the fatigue from carrying all everything. Gently lowering Steve against a tree, and turning his head to the right so as not to see the blood drenched bandage over his eye, and placing the gear around him, he stepped back and began looking around the small clearing that he had found to make sure it was actually safe to stay in. He might have to use this as a base camp if need be, the last thing he would want were some sort of predator to try and take back it’s territory.

After finally looking around the clearing he let out a deep sigh before he heard the sound of a twig snapping right behind him causing his heart to jump up into his throat and for him to be rooted to where he stood. How the hell did something sneak up behind me?! I could have sworn I checked everywhere for possible predators? Slowly, so as not to cause whatever it was to attack him, he bit down on one of the handles of the combat knives and slid it out of its sheath. Once he had it secure in his mouth he quickly spun around while jumping and rolling to his side so as not to be in it’s path and quickly recover his footing. What he found however surprised him the most, because what he saw was instead of a predatory animal was a cyan colored fur, rainbow maned pony like creature standing there staring at him with a confused look on it’s face. It was standing between him and Steve, but didn’t seem to notice that Steve was even there. How did it get there without me noticing ANYTHING?!

15 Minutes Earlier

“Come on guys hurry up. Which way did it go Twilight?”

Twilight only huffed in irritation at her impatient rainbow maned friend before say, “Well according to the tracking spell that I used off of the fresh blood on the ground over in that weird structure it seems to be heading in that direction farther into the woods.”

“Well, whatever it is put up one hay of a figh’ from wha’ Ah could see. Ifn any of that blood and broken furniture means anythin,” stated their stetson wearing orange farmpony friend with a look of concern.

“I agree with Rainbow Dash, we need to find the poor creature quickly since it could be really hurt. If you don’t mind that is.” Though it was said in practically a whisper everyone knew that their yellow colored pegasus friend Fluttershy was extremely worried for the creature and if it wasn’t for her timid and meek nature she would probably be pushing them forward as fast as she could.

Twilight, after looking over the room again and seeing all the bits of sharp metal sticking out of the walls in odd angles and weird cylindrical metal casings lying on the ground she sighed and said, “Dash I need you to fly ahead and see if you can find what it is that was here from above while we follow you from below.” The only reaction she got out of her friend was a small smirk and a nod of her head before she took off again in the direction she had indicated a moment ago. After watching her friend take off Twilight looked back at her remaining friends and said, “Come on girls I have a bad feeling about this.”

Rainbow Dash was excited to see what it was that had left such a scene in that building and didn’t care if it was dangerous or not, nothing could scare her. It didn’t take long for Rainbow Dash to come across a clearing, which wouldn’t normally make much of a difference but she could see some movement down there. She quietly glided down so as not to make any noise from her wings, she landed in a tree just outside of the clearing and watched. What she saw in the clearing was confusing to her though, from what she could see was a oddly fully dressed pony looking around the clearing with some sort of helmet on his head while acting like it was ready for a fight.

From what she could see of him he looked like he had a light brown fur coat with a dark blonde mane with streaks of lighter blonde mixed in, while a scar ran under his left eye up to where his ear would be but she couldn’t tell with the helmet in the way. From her angle she would have been easily able to see his cutie mark but he seemed to be wearing some sort of clothes that covered his legs and a strange “L” shaped metal thing strapped to his right leg. Over his shirt, it looked like he was wearing some sort of armor with weird designs that matched the rest of his clothes and was a light tan color with a mix of brown as well. What also surprised her was that on his sides were wings but when he turned to the right allowing her to see his left side she could see that there was blood all over his left wing. Without thinking she took off out of the tree and flew over to the clearing and landed behind him. He didn’t seem to notice her at all until she took a step towards him and stepped on a twig causing it to snap. He seemed to freeze in place by the sound while his ears swiveled around towards her but nothing else until there was a sudden burst of action as he jumped then rolled on his side to her right and quickly getting to his feet facing her with a knife in his teeth glaring at her with hate filled eyes. Now that he was facing her she could see that his right eye was an ocean blue color while his left was only half blue while the other half was green but still filled with hate and anger though after a moment they seemed to lesson after he seemed to realise that she wasn’t armed or trying to threaten him. Now that she was this close to him she could also see that he had been bleed from his nose as well but it seemed to have already stopped.

After a few moments past she finally shook herself out of her confused daze to ask, “Hey dude are you alright?” He didn’t respond to her question but instead began to circle her without turning his body away from her as if ready for her to attack him until he was standing between her and a tree that had two bags and what looked like another pony who was sleeping. After another moment she slowly took a step towards him and asked again, “Hey, are you ok, you have quite a lot of blood on yourself?” Shortly after repeating her question he seemed to loosen his stance slightly as if he determined that she wasn’t a threat and was about to say something when out of nowhere a yellow blur shot out of the treelines and tackled him to the ground causing the knife to go flying into the air then land on the ground burying the blade up to the hilt.

SHIT, what the hell just hit me, was this a trap? Trying to get back to his hooves he was the forced back down to the ground yet again but this time he heard what sounded just barely over a whisper in his ear say, “Oh no no no no no, you shouldn’t be moving around like this after losing so much blood. Stay still while I take a look at your injuries.” Not caring what was being said he still struggled to get back up but when he turned his head to look at his attacker he was met by a stare that made him stop all movement entirely as well as even hold his breath for a moment. What was now easily putting the stare of every drill sergeant he ever met to shame was a yellow furred pink maned pony that had her forehooves pushing down on him keeping him in place.

The pony then repeated it’s statement again saying, “You need to lay still so I can take a look at your injure and not make it any worse than what it is.” This statement forced him to look at his left side to see what it was that these two keep on talking about.

What he saw when he turned his head to see the damage was what looked like a crimson wing but he knew immediately what the crimson was, it was blood. This was then followed by a curious look from the yellow pony after she had looked it over again and again. She then huffed in irritation, which he found a little bit cute but weird as well at the amount of emotions that could be displayed on their faces, before she said, “I can’t seem to find any sort of injury anywhere but that doesn’t make sense for the amount of blood that is all over your wing.”

It then dawned on him where all that blood was from but only depressed him even more with the knowledge that it was Steve’s blood covering his wing because that is where his head was when being carried, his blood must have seeped through the bandages. Without thinking he muttered in a whisper to himself, “Because its not my blood but Steve’s,” to which he instantly regretted as the yellow pegasus looked into his eyes with in surprise and concern in her own.

Quietly but sternly she asked him, “Where is Steve? He must be really hurt to have bleed this much and needs immediate medical attention.”

Ya’ll don’t know the half of it.

From behind him he could someone yelled “Wha’ in tarnations is goin’--” But before she could finish her statement the yellow pony flew off him and started heading towards the tree, the very tree that Steve was lying against.

Quickly recovering the ability to speak and get himself off the ground finally he bark in the most commanding voice he could muster in order for her to stop “STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” The suddenness of the shout caused the yellow Pegasus to then lock up all her legs and wings and then begin tumbling on the ground to be stopped by a lavender color form around her.

This only seemed to infuriate the cyan pegasus because her response was to storm right up to his face at speeds he didn’t even catch and yell, “What the buck was that for, she was only trying to help!”

“There is nothing that any of ya’ll can do that can help him now no matter how hard you try and if there was I would have already have tried it if I could,” he snarled back at her causing her to flinch back before coming right back at him.

“What is that suppose to mean! With Twilight and Fluttershy there is nothing that they can’t fix together,” she spat back at him only getting angrier by the minute with this guy.

“You can’t fix-,” but he couldn't finish his statement not without admitting that Steve was actually dead. By say that Steve was actually dead would be for him to have to come to terms with the fact that his friend for about twenty years now was gone.

“Can’t fix what huh,” she growled at him wanting to kick his sorry flank so much.

“Ya’ll are going to make me say it aren’t you?” Feeling his heart beginning to sink further and further down into his stomach with each passing second.

“Say what?” Turning his head he could see that is was a lavender colored unicorn that had just asked the question.

“Yeah, what,” insisted the rainbow pegasus again, who he was really not liking at the moment and who he so want to slam a fist in her face, guessing that it was a girl from the sound of its voice anyways.

“YA’LL CAN’T FIX DEAD, ALRIGHT,” he screamed in her face causing her to stumble backwards with her ears back and flat against her head stammering in shock while causing the others to do the same. He didn’t think that the forest could get anymore quieter, but it did and with it came the awkwardness too. No one moved or said anything except for him who went and collect the knife out of the ground and proceeded to wipe the dirt off it before shoving it back into its sheath. He then went over to where Steve and the gear was and began putting things on his back to start walking some more.

Hauling back Steve onto his back he heard a voice ask, “Where are ya’ll going?”

Turning his head over to the sound of the voice he saw that this time it was a orange pony wearing a stetson of all things looking at him with worry and concern all over her face. His only reply was “Anywhere that gets me the fuck out of this forest, and if you don’t mind you could point me in the direction that would be, because the quicker I get out of here the better.”

“We can do better than that, we can lead you there,” said the lavender unicorn though now she seemed to be holding her head lower and her ears were flat against her head.

“Then lets get out of here, I don’t want to be standing in this forest anymore than I need to be.”