• Published 6th Apr 2023
  • 2,741 Views, 41 Comments

With Every Story - RunicTreetops

Just days before you were to be wed, Celestia disappears. Where has she gone? And why won't your friends help you save her?

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The first pony to run towards you is Twilight, the beleaguered princess clearly showing signs of strain from the flight here. Between her heavy breaths, she greets you with an anxious tone.

"I'm so sorry! We should have listened to you! Even if we can't stop the First, we owe it to both you and Celestia to at least try!"

Cadance rushes to her side, her attention mostly on the First.

"I'm going to be honest, I don't like our odds. But you're right. I'm not going to let anything happen to either of you!"

Sunny rushes to Twilight's other side, practically shaking with excitement. Her ethereal horn and wings, extremely similar to your own, are clearly visible at the moment.

"I got the princesses here, just like you asked! To be honest I'm still kind of reeling from getting to be here standing next to Princess Twilight, but I'll do my best to help, too!"

The final pony to approach is Luna, who is moving much slower than the other alicorns. She wears a downtrodden expression, her attention clearly fixated upon the still-prone Celestia.

"Sister... I cannot apologize enough. I-I knew what was to happen to you, and I did nothing! Even after being asked directly to help, I did nothing! I do not deserve any forgiveness, but I promise that I will not leave you to this fate! I need you!"

Tia's response is quiet, making obvious just how weak she currently is.


You clear your throat, turning your attention towards the First again.

"I'm thankful that you're all here, but we do still need to address the goddess in the room."

The First simply looks down on you all. Her lack of facial features makes it difficult to tell exactly what she's feeling, but you can't imagine she's happy about any of this. Before she can say anything, however, Twilight gently raises a hoof in a non-aggressive manner.

"Erm... before anything else happens, I would just like to extend my hoof to you in friendship. I know that tensions are high right now, and I understand that you're worried about the future, but as the Princess of Friendship it would be remiss of me to not at least acknowledge what you are going through. As this 'all powerful' being that everycreature sees you as, I imagine you don't get many opportunities to really form the interpersonal relationships that make life worth living. If you'll have me, I would love to be that friend that can help you see a better way forward! A better way to create a future that is bright for everyone! Together!"

Twilight's words hang heavy in the air as everyone present waits with bated breath for the First's response. The First is silent for a moment, her body not moving an inch and her eyes not giving any hints as to what she is thinking. Then, all at once, a flash of white light appears from the First's horn, a bream of magic surging towards Twilight who just barely reacts in time to leap to the side. A significant portion of her fur is singed as she winces in pain, but she at least dodged the full force of the sudden attack. Then, all present begin to hear the grand voice of the First once more.

"It seems the influence of this... insurgent... runs much deeper than I thought. Regrettable. I will simply need to start from the beginning once more."

With those words comes another flash, with this attack being aimed squarely at Cadance, who ducks just before impact is made. The First's wings seem to flare up even more than they were before as she continues her assault, magic shooting out of her horn at breakneck speeds. You instinctively bring your magic shield back up and crouch in front of Celestia, doing everything in your power to keep her safe while your allies work on a coordinated offensive. At first, Luna and Cadance dodge the First's attacks with practiced ease, using magic of their own to parry any blasts of magic that they cannot dodge. On the opposite end of the spectrum is Sunny, who is having a difficult time getting her magic to work right or her body to move quickly enough to react to the First's assault. Thankfully for her, she is backed up by Twilight, and after a couple of minutes the pair find a good rhythm, with Sunny's raw magical ability proving to be helpful when it comes to launching magic back at the First, while Twilight protects her from any would-be injuries using a magical shield of her own. Then, while Sunny recovers and prepares another attack, Twilight quickly switches from a shield to any variety of offensive spells that she knows. Between the four alicorns, you see the First get hit with several attacks, and unlike yours when you first entered the temple, they actually seem to be doing some sort of damage to her.

Unfortunately, it appears that you are all fighting a losing battle. While the First no longer appears invincible, your alicorn friends are slowly getting worn down, and with Tia on the floor and you still recovering from the First's earlier attacks, you feel doubt begin to creep into your mind. You try to shrug off those thoughts before calling out to your allies.

"Everyone, to me! All at once!"

The five of you share a nod in understanding as Twilight and Sunny group up on the right side of you while Luna and Cadance take your left. You drop the shield, the five of you now forming a makeshift wall in front of Celestia, and all of your horns glow bright with magic. You stretch out your hands, prepared to launch the strongest magical attack you can muster. Then, without any need for a cue, the five of you let your magic loose. The five beams of magic combine just before impacting the First, who gets knocked backwards and slams into the wall behind her with a loud grunt.

The First finally drops any attempt she was making at appearing composed and lets out a roar, her unbridled rage shaking you to your core. Then, with one more flash of light, you hear your four alicorn friends cry out in pain as they are knocked backwards. You look up in shock as the First locks eyes with you. Even in spite of her lack of irises, her fury is plain as could be. Finally putting in the effort to move, you watch in horror as she reels back onto her hind legs and stomps down on you and Celestia. For a brief moment you feel an immense pain before your vision goes dark.

Opening your eyes, you try to make sense of your surroundings. Last you checked, you were about to be killed by the First. Now, you appear to be floating in an endless white void. This sensation feels... odd. Familiar, somehow.

...Ah, that's right! This is just like that dream you had before the First erased you from existence. Last time, you found this nothingness to be comforting, but that adventure taught you otherwise. Realizing that you are potentially in danger, you bring out your horn and wings and decide to keep your guard up. Now, what should you do? What CAN you do in an endless white void? How did you even get here?

Suddenly, the silence is broken by the sound of a quiet sob. Looking around, you notice that some distance away from you is a figure. They look lower down than you (if "lower" is even a thing in a void) and seem to be in a slumped position. You slowly fly towards the figure, trying to get a better view of who this might be.

As you draw near, you realize that this is a young mare, probably in her late teens. She has a snow white coat, completely free of any blemishes. Her mane and tail are both cut short, their gentle pink coloration complimenting her thin, albeit lanky figure. Her head is tucked underneath her forelegs, and as you land on what is apparently some sort of ground, you walk around to the front of her, noticing that her cutie mark is an extremely familiar depiction of the sun. While you don't understand what exactly is going on, this is, without a doubt, Celestia.

"Hey, are you okay?" The young-looking Celestia recoils at your words, shuffling back a few inches before stumbling over herself. She opens her magenta eyes, tears running freely down her cheeks. She sniffles and mumbles something to herself, not really responding to your question. "Do you know who I am?"

She shakes her head, apparently not recognizing you. You sigh before taking a seat in front of her, trying to appear as nonthreatening at possible. There the two of you sit for what feels like a very long time, neither of you quite knowing what to say as Celestia's tears continue to flow. Eventually, though, she breaks the silence.

"W-what are you?"

"Well, I'm a human. You probably don't know what that is. I'm... from very far away."

"You have a horn and wings."

"Yeah, I do. Just like you."

She awkwardly shuffles her wings before her expression turns sour.

"...I don't want 'em."

"Hm? You don't want to be an alicorn?"

"No! Just the other day, some lady shows up in my dream and tells me to go find some wizard so that I can train and bring peace to the land, and found some great country or something! I can't do that!"

"Now, slow down there. What's stopping you?"

"Who am I to do that? I can't do it alone!"

"Are you really alone?"

"Well, I guess I have my sister, but we... don't really get along."

"Even so, don't you think she's feeling something similar?"


"Look, I don't really know what you're going through, but I really think you're incredible, Celestia."

"How... how do you know my name?"

"Aren't you that super cool mare who can move the sun all on her own?"

You gesture towards her cutie mark, and you see a faint blush appear on her cheeks.

"Yeah, that's me, but-"

"But nothing. I'm sure you'll accomplish everything you set your mind to."

You watch as she begins to cry once more, harder than she was before.

"No! Y-you don't know that. You can't know that! Without this 'alicorn magic' or whatever, I'm not worth anything! Who cares that I can move the sun?! I don't deserve any of this!"

You do not respond, waiting until she opens her puffy, crying eyes again. You wait until you're certain that she is meeting your gaze before you give her a big, goofy grin.

"Why do you think you were chosen to do this in the first place?"

"Huh? B-because..."

"I'll tell you why. It's because you're brave. It's because you're smart. It's because you care about everypony around you. You don't need this magic to be special. You already are."


"You're not worthless. You deserve this power. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to exist."

Without saying another word, Celestia leaps towards you, wrapping her forelegs awkwardly around your comparably much larger form. You return the sudden hug, holding the sobbing mare tight in your arms. For some reason, you feel as though you're meant to be here, like this was supposed to happen. You're not sure why, but you feel a great sense of relief wash over you, and you smile to yourself as you feel the endless void around you begin to slip away.