• Published 22nd Apr 2023
  • 2,848 Views, 10 Comments

Posteri-Tea - RunicTreetops

It's been many years since you married Celestia. How has life been treating you?

  • ...


Author's Note:

Hello! This story is an epilogue to the "Royal-Tea" series, but you don't have to have read the series to follow along.
This story takes place around the same time as "The Last Problem" from season 9 of Friendship is Magic. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

You wave goodbye as a unicorn, an earth pony, a bat pony, and a diamond dog leave the Royal Tea Shop. They're a group of students at the School of Friendship, and they like to come in here every now and again to study for their exams. As the door shuts to the sound of the little bell you have above the door frame, you let out a contented chuckle. You don't get many customers in here, but really, you prefer it that way. It keeps the shop quiet, just the way you like it.

Looking around, it seems that the shop is now empty. That's probably to be expected though. It is just about time to close, after all. With a smile on your face, you go through the usual routine of cleaning up: washing the last of the dishes, organizing the chairs and tables, hanging up your apron, and eventually changing the sign on the door to "closed." You double check that the door is locked before taking a step back and just drinking it in.

It has been a good number of years since you built this place. The sign hanging above the door, which you're particularly proud of, has long since started to show some wear and tear. That's not to say it's falling apart, though. It just... has character. Besides, you're a little too attached to it to replace it. Apart from the sign, the building itself is still in great shape. Circling around the side, you take a look out back. Since saving Celestia from the First, your magic has only grown in strength, and your ability to manipulate it has continued to improve as well. This is exemplified by the small orchard you have growing back here. Like a miniature version of the haven you once accidentally created in the Everfree Forest, the little fenced-in area is filled with vines, shrubs, and a couple of trees, all of which are sporting fruit of all kinds. On one tree you might find oranges, bananas, or even more tropical fruits like mangoes. The vines sport grapes, melons, pumpkins, you name it. Pretty much any kind of produce you could want can be found here.

...Except apples. You'd prefer to support Sweet Apple Acres for those.

You smile and pat one of the trees before double checking that the gate is unlocked and walking away. Although your magic alone sustains that garden, you've made it open to the public at all times. It takes almost no effort anymore to regrow whatever is taken, and you can do so in mere moments. So, on top of using the produce as ingredients in certain menu items in the shop, you figured... why not give the option to those that may need it? Heck, sometimes even Fluttershy swings by to grab a treat for one of her animals. It makes you feel nice to use this strange magic of yours to do some good.

You slip your hands into your pockets as you make your way down the street. The setting sun paints the Ponyville landscape many hues of yellow and orange. You never get tired of Equestria's beauty. To be honest, this landscape used to look a bit different. Back when the School of Friendship first opened, the town was much smaller. Before the Castle of Friendship appeared, it was even smaller. Nowadays, while it isn't bustling by any means, it has definitely become a more prominent name on the map. In spite of that, it remains as peaceful as it ever was (which is to say, wonderfully quiet about six days a week, with the seventh day involving somecreature getting into all kinds of typically friendship-related antics), so you can't complain.

You wave at a few of your neighbors as you walk by. Lyra got over her weird obsession with you, especially after marrying Bon Bon, and you couldn't be happier for her. In fact, she's very pleasant to talk to when she isn't freaking out over your hands. Not too far in the other direction of your house, a family of changelings moved in not long ago. To be honest, you're pretty confident that they're afraid of you, but you're sure they'll learn that you're not so bad before too long. Hopefully.

Eventually, you reach the front door of your house. There is no need to unlock it. Even if no one was home, crime in Ponyville is practically nonexistent. Opening the door, you notice that the house is unusually quiet. Without walking further in, you simply listen to whatever is going on. From the living room, you can hear the distinct sound of somepony snoring. Not able to stifle a giggle, you make your way around the corner, peering into the sizeable room. Sprawled out onto the couch with her legs and wings going every possible direction is your beautiful wife, Celestia. You can't help but smile as you look at the state of your spouse. She appears to have been lying on the couch reading a book, most likely using telekinesis to keep the book in front of her face, before falling asleep, leaving the poor book plastered over her eyes. Her mouth hangs open, allowing her adorable little snores to escape. She seems to be wearing nothing but a golden band around her horn, matching the one on your ring finger. With the smile never leaving your face, you remove the book from its resting place, revealing that she is, in fact, asleep underneath. Setting the book down on a nearby coffee table, you cross the room and open a closet, retrieving a small blanket as you do so. Returning to your wife, you gently tuck her limbs back against her body and carefully drape the blanket over her. Her form is a bit different than it was when the two of you got married. She puts less effort into her appearance, meaning that her coat is less immaculate than it used to be. The plus side is that it's much floofier now. Her mane is still long and flowing, though she tends to tie it into a bun more often than not. Lastly, she has put on a little bit of weight. You gently rub your hand over her belly, knowing full well why this is.

Speaking of, the silence in this household makes you suspicious. With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you silently tiptoe to the other side of the house and into the kitchen.

You knew it.

There, against the counter, is one of the chairs from the dining room. Atop this chair you can see the back of a small human girl, barely reaching four feet tall. Her skin tone matches your own, and her light pink hair is cut just shy of her shoulders. A pair of white, feathered wings are folded against her back, and a short horn like that of a unicorn protrudes from her head. She wears a white dress, lovingly crafted by Rarity and made with small holes to accommodate her wings and long pink tail, and she sports a pair of bright magenta eyes that look at the world around her with wonder and amazement. Right now, however, those eyes are fixated on a small platter pushed against the wall, upon which sits what remains of a small chocolate cake. Her short, six-year-old arms are stretching as far as they can to try and reach their prize, causing her to be leaning as far as she can over the counter. She's almost there. Almooooooooooost....

"What do you have there, Hope?"

Your words make your daughter, Hopeful Skies, snap back to an upright position with her arms stiff at her sides. Less than a second later, her body glows white before morphing and shrinking. Then, in the blink of an eye, the glowing stops. What was just a young human girl is now a bright-eyed and guilty looking filly. She turns to look at you, her magenta eyes filled with the anxiety of a child that just got caught. Her light pink mane looks almost identical to the hair of her human form, though her matching tail is getting a bit long. Both compliment her snow-white coat fairly well, and the special-made dress that morphed with her does a fair job of covering her blank flank. Her wings are a bit large on her in this form, but she is growing into them well. Her horn, on the other hand, looks to be average in size compared to other unicorns her age.

"P-papa? How was your day?"

You're still not used to being called that. Considering her first word was "mama" in reference to Tia, you suppose being called papa was inevitable. It... has grown on you, you'll admit. Regardless, she is obviously trying to deflect the conversation away from the fact that she just got caught red-handed trying to swipe her mother's sweets before dinner. Though, to be fair, you're just in too good of a mood to lecture her right now.

"I had a nice day, actually. How did school go?"

"Great! I finally beat Lil' Cheese in a hoofrace!"

Lil' Cheese, huh? Pinkie's son is notoriously fast when he wants to be, just like his mother.

"In a hoofrace, huh? So you didn't use your wings at all?"

"N-no, why would you think that?" As she talks, she's trying to nonchalantly put the chair back where it goes, completely failing to do so as the chair drags loudly across the kitchen floor and into the dining room. It would be much easier on her if she just stayed in her human form, but apparently she thinks she can trick you into believing that she was in her pony form before you came into the room. Kid logic, you suppose.

"Just checking. You wouldn't want your friends thinking you're a cheater, now, would you?"

She visibly recoils a little bit after you say that. You bend over and ruffle her mane, causing her worried frown to melt away as she leans into your hand. After a moment you draw your hand back and make your way to the kitchen counter before grabbing a few pans.

"Give me a little while to make dinner, alright? Maybe if you finish your carrots this time, you'll get a slice of that cake."

"Y-yeah, I can do that! I can totally do that!"

"Hmhm, I know, Hope. Now go play in the other room. And don't wake your mother!"

You watch your daughter giggle as she books it around the corner. Turning back to your work, you roll your eyes as you hear the distinct sound of two voices coming from the living room. It seems she immediately failed the incredibly difficult task of not waking her mother. Oh well. Frankly you're amazed Tia was able to fall asleep at all with that bundle of energy in the house.

After a few moments you hear hoofsteps much heavier than those of your daughter approaching you from behind before you feel a head rest on your shoulder. You turn your head just a little bit to see your wife there, looking lovingly into your eyes.

"And how was your day, sunshine?"

"It was nice. A group of students came in today studying for their math exam. Heh, I can't imagine myself going to a tea shop of all places back when I was a student."

"It's a good atmosphere for studying."

"Oh, I know that now. What about you? How was your day?"

"Can't say the morning sickness made for a great start, but Twilight came by for a little while, so that was nice. She even offered to pick up Hope from school for me!"

"Come on, Tia. I know I'm the one that keeps telling you to take it easy, but you need to be getting some exercise."

"I'll have you know I went with her, actually! Give me some credit."

"Well, I stand corrected. I'm sorry for assuming."

"I've gone through this once, I can do it again. But don't expect me to go through it a third time. I'd sooner have YOU carry a child."

"I know magic is super versatile and can probably make that happen, but I'd really rather not."

"Good, then we're on the same page."

"Haha, I guess so. Do you want anything with your..." You turn to look at your wife once more, who now has a conspicuous brown stain around her mouth. Her cheeks appear to be full, and she looks at you with the exact same guilty expression that Hope had just a few minutes ago. With one big, nervous swallow, she gives you a meek smile. Looking past her, you notice that the cake platter is empty. You stare back at her unamused. "You know that was for your daughter, right?"

"Oh, I just can't help myself sometimes!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, darling. But you're responsible for making sure she finishes those carrots tonight."

"I'll... see what I can do. Jeez, you'd think after hundreds of years of running a school I'd be better at getting my daughter to listen to me."

"You're not bad at it. In fact, I think you're doing a great job! Hope really looks up to you, you know."

"Hm... I certainly hope so."

As those warm yet anxious words leave her, you hear her gasp as she gets a surprise hug from behind. Hopeful Skies, now back in her human form, has embraced her mother from behind. She doesn't say anything, and you have no idea if she heard your conversation just now. Maybe she just felt like giving her mom a hug. Either way, she pulls back and smiles at Celestia.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, mama."

"That's alright, dear. It's almost time for dinner, anyway."

You interject.

"Speaking of, it's just about ready. Hope, would you please set the table?"

"Yes, papa!"

She scampers over to the table, eager to set the plates and silverware at three of the four chairs. You and Celestia share a laugh before going to join her. As the three of you sit around the table and enjoy a pleasant dinner as a family, you feel as happy and content as you have ever been. You've certainly come a long way from getting thrown into a dungeon. And yet, even after all this time, you can't help but relish in all of the joy and love surrounding you every moment of every day. From the perspective of yourself all those years ago, you've reached that future you fought so hard for. And with each passing day, you find that your life keeps improving. You look at Celestia, the mare that you fell in love with all those years ago. The mare that fell in love with you in turn. The mare that inspired you to do the impossible, to achieve feats of strength and magic unknown to humanity, to overcome time and space, and to defeat an undefeatable opponent, all for the sake of getting to be right where you are now. You look at Hopeful Skies, a little girl whose very existence is a miracle to be celebrated. Finally, you look at the empty chair, a seat that will be filled in just a few short months with yet another miracle. As these thoughts fill your mind, you feel a smile reach your face. Celestia and Hopeful Skies both look at you and smile back.

This dinner, this family, this life...

This is the ending you always wanted.

Comments ( 10 )

Wait a minute when did he have a kid? And now I want to know that night when celestia did want a kid.

Because that must have been very interesting.

I would truly enjoy some one shots that involve the kids. I feel this family would have many amazing adventures together.

So where in the timeline does this take place with the other one-shots like 'Super important Meeting', 'Better go Catch it', and 'Hold your hoof'? Or are those stories more 'what ifs' then actual canon?

Those would take place between With Every Story and this one. That said, I didn't label them as "part of the 'Royal-Tea' series" because they don't mean anything to the grander narrative, they were just stories I thought would be fun to write (and will likely make more of). In my opinion, it doesn't really matter whether you consider those types of stories "part of the narrative" or "what-ifs." It's just all in good fun.


I'm sad to see that word, but I'm also happy to have gotten to enjoy this series of yours, and this was a wonderful ending for such a tale.

Great work, author. I can't wait to see what other stories you decide to share with us!

Really nice series, i love happy endings!

Gud shit m8 gud shit!!!!!!!!!!

I was hesitant for the longest time to read the whole series because of the religious stuff, i fully expected this to be some more "oh woe is me? who am i to go against the will of god?" (for context, i got burned reading some pro-religion horse shit and when i left a comment, the author deleted it and gave a snarky but hypocritical comment about swearing and soap, ruined my day tbh, but lessons learned)

I am so fucking glad to be wrong

This is the most Stargate SG-1 Shit i've ever read and i'm glad to have taken the time to do so


This series is good soup. It’s been a joy reading these adventures!

Wonderful end, simply amazing

Damn, man. I wish I hadn’t been binge reading, I know there’s some more stuff in this timeline but still, it was over way too fast. But I enjoyed every single chapter and paragraph, I cried and laughed and was genuinely excited for the next one.

I’m sorry I put this off for so long, this series was the perfect example of short, sweet, and adorable. Not to mention hilarious (I’m still in shock that he obliterated Pony Jesus with the power of anime and Twitch streams).

A wonderful journey, a 100/10 Runic!:twilightsmile::fluttershbad::raritydespair::trollestia:

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