• Published 28th Sep 2012
  • 3,149 Views, 159 Comments

Repercussions - GaryOak

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.

  • ...

Chapter XIX - Reunion

Chapter XIX

Pinkie Pie cowered behind a boulder far away from the camp, staring blankly into the dark, cloudy sky. Her spirits had sunk to a new low. The refugees had traversed the wilderness and had set up camp in a secluded glen in Smokey Mountain's shadow. Covered in dust and dirt from their travels, they had gathered around a bonfire, chatting earnestly and loudly amongst themselves. Pinkie could tell that the air was thick with unrest.

She couldn't face them. While she could not hear their exact words, she knew exactly what they were talking about. She shivered and her eyes glazed over, creating, in her vision, brief flickers of rainbow-coloured streaks in the sky.

“Just like Dashie...” she whispered.

Her hallucinations grew steadily worse as she felt herself vividly reliving her fondest memories with Rainbow Dash, beginning with the sonic rainboom when she was a filly, which she had not realized involved Rainbow until many years later. She recalled the pure joy that had filled her up that day. Happiness saturated every fibre of her being until she felt she would explode. The memory dissolved before her. The multi-coloured sky warped itself into a pair of enormous flaming orange eyes.

Pinkie's ecstasy transformed into grief, loss and despair. King Cosmo's laughter rang in her ears as she found herself dragging an unconscious Rainbow Dash down a long corridor. No! Stop! Please! Her body would not obey. They had reached the cellar door. Pinkie's right forehoof reached for the handle. NO! STOP! The handle turned and the door swung open. Rainbow's body bumped along as Pinkie dragged it by the neck.

Pinkie felt her face break out into a feral grin. Every ounce of her consciousness howled like a banshee in protest as she hauled Rainbow's body onto the table. The King's searing, omnipresent eyes bored into her as she retrieved a large cake knife, its point sharpened enough to rend flesh and bone like a freshly-baked cake.

“You are mine, Pinkie Pie!” Cosmo's words resonated deep within her. “You have always been my willing puppet. Manipulating your simple mind was a small feat. You will never escape my eternal will!”

As Cosmo finished speaking, Pinkie slashed the knife across Rainbow's throat. Anguish erupted deep within her, consuming her utterly as her vision went white. When her eyes refocused, she no longer stood in Sugarcube Corner's basement. Rainbow's tombstone stood before her. It and the ground beneath her were stained with fresh blood. She looked down at her hooves. They were covered in Rainbow's blood as well.

She loosed a long, piercing scream. As it carried, her vision blurred and distorted. She continued to shriek until it stripped her throat raw, and she found herself quaking on the ground behind the boulder. Tears blurred her vision so much, she could hardly see. She heard no sound. Slowly realizing what had happened, she picked herself up and staggered toward the bonfire. Everypony stared at her as she dragged her hooves closer to them, step by unsteady step.

When she reached the crowd's edge, she teetered backward and fell flat on her flank. “I'm so sorry,” she said hoarsely, without bothering to stand back up again. “I know I can't ask you to forgive me for what I've done; I can't even forgive myself. It's a miracle you even trust me at all.”

They stared mutely at her as her eyes wandered from pony to pony, their cold looks making her shiver. Pinkie mouthed a few words, but couldn't choke anything else out. She silently started to weep as remnants of her vision flickered in her mind's eye. Pinkie sank to earth as she felt the atrocities she had unwittingly committed weigh down on her like a set of iron shackles.

Everypony gasped. At first, she thought it was directed at her, but when she looked into their eyes, she saw them directed skyward. Relief surged through her body as she followed their gazes, as if struck by a thunderbolt. Hundreds of pegasi flew toward them. Pinkie squinted and blinked away tears. Among them, she thought she saw a few pegasi wearing the distinctive uniforms of the Wonderbolts.

“Everypony, Scootaloo's back!” said Pinkie, springing to her hooves. “She did it! She did it!”

A sound swept through the gathered refugees that seemed almost alien to Pinkie: a murmur of happiness. The pegasi touched down in front of them, the Wonderbolts at their head. Spitfire removed her flight goggles, and the others followed her lead.

Spitfire took a few steps toward Pinkie. “Are you with Princess Luna?”

Pinkie nodded emphatically. “Cloudsdale's on our side now? Where's Scootaloo! I know it won't be much, but she needs a 'Congratulations-on-winning-Cloudsdale-over-to-our-cause' party!”

Spitfire's face fell and she shook her head. Pinkie gulped and looked more closely at the pegasi. Many were bruised, cut, or bleeding, and all looked noticeably haggard.

“W-what happened?” said Pinkie, shuddering despite the bonfire's heat.

Soarin stepped forward. “We fought as hard as we could. We even beat 'em back at first... but...”

“But then... then he came,” said Spitfire, punching the ground with a forehoof. “There was nothing we could do...”

Pinkie and the refugees held their collective breaths as fear clawed its way into their hearts.

Soarin looked solemnly at Pinkie and the others. “King Cosmo. When it looked like we had the battle won, he appeared. And he... he killed Rapidfire, like he was nothing!”

Spitfire clapped a hoof on Soarin's shoulder. “There was nothing you could've done to save him. There was nothing anypony could've done. I've never seen anything so horrible.” She shook her head again. “He took her. He took Scootaloo. Rapidfire was trying to fly her to safety.”

Pinkie blanched. “No!”

“That's not all he took,” spat Spitfire. “Cloudsdale fell. It's now occupied by a pegasus flight group called the Comets – Cosmo's toadies. Everypony with us are the survivors.”

Pinkie fell back on her flank. “Scootaloo and Cloudsdale... gone?”

Soarin stepped forward. “Where is Princess Luna? We've gotta do something!”

“She's gone somewhere,” said Pinkie without bothering to look up. “Dunno when she'll be back.”

“Look, Soarin,” said Spitfire, stepping in front of him. “Everypony is dead tired. We're not gonna accomplish anything by getting more riled up tonight. Let's get some rest.”

Soarin heaved a drawn-out sigh. “Got any place for us to sleep?”

“Same as us,” said Pinkie in her monotone. “The ground.”

“Thought as much,” grumbled Soarin, laying down on the spot and resting his head in his forehooves.

“Right,” said Spitfire, turning to address the rest of the pegasi. “Everypony, dirt's on a first come, first served basis. I'm gonna need a dozen sentries to handle guard duty. If Cosmo ended up following us somehow, let's not make it easy for him.”

The sounds of thousands of shuffling hooves punctuated by a chorus of groans filled the air as the pegasi obeyed. Following their example, the Ponyville refugees doused the fire and curled up on the softest patches of earth they could find. The noises died down almost as quickly as they had risen. Within minutes, Pinkie found herself the only pony awake, alone in the darkness.

“I'm sorry, Dashie,” she whispered into the air. “Can you ever forgive me?”

* * *

King Cosmo opened his eyes. He gazed out of the east tower's window at Canterlot Castle and the fields to the west. He breathed deeply as he ran a forehoof along an ornate arm of his new platinum-streaked gold and obsidian throne. He grinned as he admired how the jewels of every colour set into it gleamed in the sunlight. A knock came at the door. With his eyes still set upon his kingdom, Cosmo gave the command to enter.

Bastion Yorsets approached the King, his hoofsteps muffled by the black-trimmed red and gold carpet leading from the doorway, down the stairs, and to the throne. Upon his arrival, he bowed his head and lay on his belly. Cosmo tapped a hoof on the throne, his burnished gold hoofguard clinking softly upon the metal. He looked down at Bastion.

“Your arrival is timely, as befits a unicorn of your position,” said Cosmo. “Excellent. You may rise. There is much to discuss, the first of which is the masterful work of the architects.”

Cosmo turned his eye to the enormous statue of himself in the centre of the room. A magnificent example of unicorn sculpting, it stoically looked to the kingdom, as if its stone gaze kept eternal watch over all of Equestria and its subjects.

“Thank you, my King,” said Bastion, bobbing his head. “You will be pleased to know that each and every one of your decrees has been carried out to your exact specification in your absence.”

As he descended from the throne, Cosmo flared his wings as his hooves sank into the thick carpet. “I would expect nothing less. Walk with me.”

Bastion nodded and fell into step with Cosmo. “I am curious, my lord. What is our next course of action?”

Cosmo strutted down the spiral staircase of the east tower, into the heart of the castle. Every one of the numerous guards they passed bowed low. “The mustering of my army will soon be complete. My sister's ragtag band of simple workhorses will be no match for the combined might of loyal Equestria.”

Bastion suppressed a gulp. “So, war will soon be at our doorstep, then?”

The King's molten gaze flicked to Bastion, making him quiver as they neared the castle's front entrance. “Yes, but it is of no concern; by doing so, she is only galloping toward her doom. Now tell me, are my weapons ready?”

Bastion grinned. “Nearly. Tempering them has been a more difficult task than I had anticipated, but fear not, sire, for they shall be ready for use in the very near future.”

As they passed through the outer garden, Cosmo fired a burst of energy toward the trees. It snared a toucan, which squawked in alarm as it was dragged and imprisoned in a cage by the castle wall. “Very good, Bastion. You will now take on an additional responsibility. Is our new guest comfortable?”

“Yes, but – please forgive me, my lord – but I must ask –”

“Why a flightless pegasus filly now inhabits the dungeons?” said Cosmo coyly.

Bastion shivered. “Yes. Isn't it a bit frivolous, my liege? To throw somepony so insignificant in prison while you have proven more than willing to execute those disloyal to you with impunity. Why the act of mercy?”

“Make no mistake, she will die.” Cosmo loosed a laugh that caused birds to fly from the nearby trees. “Her death will serve as a symbol. First, her will shall be broken. Once Luna's head is impaled upon a pike at my hooves, this filly shall tell all of my subjects her tale. A tale of how she sought to defy me, until she realized her error. And then she will bear her neck to me and stand, waiting for her evisceration. It will come. Nopony will dare defy me again.”

“And I presume my task is to pulverize her spirit?”

“Partially,” said Cosmo, coming to a stop in front of the garden's series of statues near the hedge maze. “It is also probable that she was privy to Luna's war counsel. You are to extract any and all information she may possess.”

Bastion nodded and they resumed their walk, passing by statue after statue. “Very well, my King. And what of your endeavors?”

Cosmo smirked. “Cloudsdale is mine and the dragons will be culled. While their patriarch chose death, enough of his brood saw the light of reason to counterbalance any advantage Luna may stand to gain. It is only a matter of –”

The King came to a halt and looked up at Discord's petrified form. He grimaced. Remaining silent, Bastion quizzically looked first at Cosmo, and then at the statue. Cosmo's eyes flared as he stared into the etched look of terror upon Discord's face.

“My King!”

A pegasus Royal Guard landed beside him and knelt.

Cosmo blinked and shook himself. “What is it?”

The guard rose and saluted. “Sire, an envoy has approached Canterlot with an army at his back, but bearing a white flag. What are your orders?”

“Where is this pony from?” said Cosmo as he turned to face him.

The guard shook his head. “Not a pony, sire, but a fox.”

Cosmo raised his eyebrows. “The foxes of the southern deserts. Very well.” He turned to Bastion. “You have your orders. Carry them out.”

Bastion bowed low. “Yes, my liege.”

Cosmo stood in place as the two ponies retreated, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He was not kept waiting for long. A fox wearing a battered black peaked cap with a cracked pair of goggles resting on it, came into view. Cosmo's expression soured as he took note of the fox's missing patches of fur.

“You have sought parlay with the King of Equestria,” said Cosmo, looking down at him, “and I shall grant your request. Speak. What services do you pledge?”

The fox bowed. “My lord, I am the Desert Fox. My troops are fewer in number on account of my enemies, but they are formidable and well-trained fighters.”

Cosmo stalked around him, as if to scrutinize him from every angle. “Of whom do you speak? I presume you seek revenge, do you not?”

“Yes, my lord,” said the Desert Fox. “Even in the far south, word of your power has spread. I speak of the cursed Appleloosans and buffalo. Long ago, they stole the land from my ancestors. I may have suffered a defeat at their hooves, but I will aid you in bringing Equestria – and them – to their knees. All I ask for in return is the lands that are rightfully mine.”

“You said you attacked Appleloosa?” said Cosmo, narrowing his eyes.

“Yes, sire, but those treacherous Appleloosans and buffalo caught me unawares. I will never forgive them for the humiliation and pain they inflicted upon me and my troops.”

Cosmo stopped in front of him and glared. “I dispatched two centuries of my army to occupy Appleloosa. I have not heard from them ever since. Tell me, did you attack a train in recent times?”

The Desert Fox gulped and took an involuntary step back.

Cosmo's eyes flashed. “By attacking Appleloosa, you not only invaded my land, but you murdered hundreds of my soldiers. You have committed high treason, peasant.”

The Desert Fox blanched. “B-b-but, sire, I have no way –”

The air around them darkened. “Silence! I should execute you and your army for their transgressions, but today I am feeling merciful.”

The King's eyes glowed ominously as the Desert Fox quailed before him. A lightning bolt surged forth from his horn, striking the Desert Fox between the eyes. He fell over and lay still. Cosmo shot him three more times, then brought his horn down and touched the Desert Fox's forehead. The Desert Fox's eyes opened. He stood up and stared at Cosmo. His eyes now seemed dull and listless.

“My... will... is... yours... sire,” said the Desert Fox in a hollow monotone.

* * *

A soft, worried voice eased the bone-weary Pinkie back into consciousness. The words spoken swam incoherently in her ears. Despite its distraught undertones, Pinkie found the voice strangely soothing. She wished it would sing a lullaby for her instead.

“Not now, Fluttershy,” Pinkie mumbled.

Her eyes shot open and she yelled, “Fluttershy?” as she sprung to her hooves with a sharp jolt. Her jaw dropped as Fluttershy swam into focus. Fluttershy stood before her, wings flared, with dark rings under her eyes and a dirty, disheveled coat and mane.

“What happened?” Pinkie wailed loudly enough to wake half the sleeping refugees.

Fluttershy paused for a moments, took a deep breath, and began recounting her tale of the past few days. As she spoke, pegasi and refugees alike formed a large circle around and listened with rapt attention. Their faces fell as her story progressed. Once she had finished her account, everypony was sombre and speechless.

Despite the warm summer weather, a chill swept through those gathered. Pinkie, her eyes downcast, wrapped a forehoof around Fluttershy's shoulder and guided her toward a nearby brook. Neither could bring themselves to speak. When they reached it, Fluttershy froze, her reflection gazing back at her from the calm waters. Pinkie gestured at the stream. Fluttershy shook her head and took a step back.

Pinkie cracked a smile, wrapped her hooves around her friend's, and dragged her into the water with a loud splash. A strangled laugh escaped Pinkie's throat as she playfully splashed Fluttershy. The water washed the nightmarish memories of the past weeks from her mind, as it did to the grime on Fluttershy. She could not explain it, but she found the water strangely liberating. As they swam and splashed, Pinkie felt herself drifting back to happier, simpler times.

All the while, they failed to notice hundreds of travel-worn ponies tramping along the dusty mountain trail, drawing closer to the camp. When Pinkie and Fluttershy eventually swam ashore, they exchanged a quick embrace before returning to camp. As they approached, Pinkie's heart leapt as she saw Rarity engaged in a heated discussion with Spitfire and –

“Trixie?” said Pinkie as she neared them.

“Don't get her started, please!” said Rarity, rolling her eyes. “It took days to get her to stop.”

“Did – did Los Pegasus go well?” said Fluttershy.

“We're here, aren't we?” said Trixie, carelessly waving a hoof at the Alpine Heights ponies.

“If you must know,” said Rarity with a loud huff, “it did not go well. No, King Cosmo's army beat us there. Those you see are from a mountain town called Alpine Heights.”

Fluttershy flinched and looked at the ground. “You – you couldn't try to –”

“Do you expect me to venture into a city while thousands of soldiers occupy it? I had no choice!” said Rarity, stamping the ground.

Pinkie looked around and felt a great lead weight in the pit of her stomach. Of course these are ponies from Alpine Heights! The old me would've recognized them and thrown them a welcome party by now! What's happened to me? Pinkie shivered as she felt as if a part of herself had just died. What am I becoming?

Instead of listening to Rarity and Trixie's recount of the past few days, Pinkie trudged back to the boulder she had hid behind the previous night. She finally understood what the need to be alone felt like. Upon arrival, she curled into a ball and wished for the pain to go away. Every time she closed her eyes, faint and blurry recollections of the atrocities she had committed under Cosmo's control flickered before her.

“Please, Dashie, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” she moaned.

Pinkie opened her eyes again and let out a startled cry. An alicorn, silhouetted in the setting sun, descended upon the camp. With her heart thundering, Pinkie galloped toward the alicorn's destination.

“He's here! He's here! He's here!” said Pinkie as she drew close.

“Calm down, dear,” said Rarity, moving in between Pinkie and the others. “Who's here? I don't see anypony.”

“Look up!” said Pinkie, pointing. “It's – it's King Cosmo!”

They followed the direction of Pinkie's hoof. Panic swept through everypony, and cries of terror and hopelessness erupted throughout the camp as pandemonium struck. As the alicorn came into sharper focus, their dread dissipated as quickly as it had come.

“Princess Luna!” shouted four score ponies.

“We thought you were –”

“King Cosmo?” said Luna. “Perhaps I should have made my return in a less... ominous manner.”

Spike climbed off Luna's back and ran over to Rarity. After giving her a broad smile, he hugged her tightly before scampering off into the gathering crowd. Rarity winked at him as he departed before bowing to Luna.

“Somepony, please recount what has happened,” boomed Luna across the glen. “Our journey was met with moderate success; we have forged an alliance with Iniquitus, the dragon patriarch, but it is evident that many of the dragons will be loyal to my brother.”

Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy each took it in turns to inform Luna of what they had been through.

Luna sighed. “It is a shame that Gwaihir is as cold-hearted as his forefather.”

“What about Applejack?” said Rarity. “She's the only one we haven't seen hide nor hair of yet.”

Luna smiled. “During our return, we spotted her. I can assure you that she was quite successful; the Appleloosans and the buffalo are marching to our position as we speak. I believe there are nearly a thousand ponies from the south as well as a few hundred buffalo.”

Luna looked around and frowned. “Tell me – I see many pegasi in your midst. Evidently, Scootaloo's mission was a success. Why is she not here?”

Spitfire stepped forward. “Your majesty... she's...”

* * *

“You'll never get away with this!”

Scootaloo's scream echoed throughout the stone dungeon. She banged her hooves uselessly against her cell's iron bars.

“Oh, do be quiet,” said Bastion Yorsets as he made his way toward her from the dungeon's entrance. “While the guards have been expressly instructed not to kill you, too much noise may cause them to disobey.”

Bastion nodded. The guard to the left of her cell jabbed her in the stomach with the butt of his spear through the bars. Scootaloo fell back, clutching her chest and wheezing.

“Who are you?” said Scootaloo, gasping in between words.

Bastion glared down at her through narrowed eyes. “I am Bastion Yorsets. I was formerly the Headmaster of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, but now I am one of the greatest vassals of the King.”

“Cosmo won't win,” said Scootaloo sullenly, meeting Bastion's gaze. “My friends will save me, and both of you will be dead!”

“Hah! Don't make me laugh.” Bastion began to pace. “I have witnessed the King's power firsthoof, and I have personally seen to the mustering of his great armies. Luna's paltry forces haven't a chance in Tartarus against him.”

Unwavering, Scootaloo kept her eyes fixated upon him. “You just don't get it, do you, Bastion? My friends wield the Elements of Harmony. With the power of their friendship, they can do anything!”

Bastion huffed indignantly. “Your vaunted Elements are powerless! They are stored deep within Canterlot Tower, and my King has taken steps to assure that they will never threaten his rule. Tell me, little foal, where has this 'friendship' gotten Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash?”

Scootaloo lunged at Bastion and clanged off the bars. “Shut up! Shut up! Cosmo won't win!”

“As Canterlot's leading magic scholar, I have spent many years studying the properties of the Elements. Without all of them, they are utterly powerless! Now, enough of your sniveling. The King has decreed that your mind is to be unraveled.”

Bastion grinned as power crackled on his horn tip. “But first, the King suspects that you possess intimate knowledge of Luna's strategy against us. You are to divulge this information at once. Should you cooperate, your pain shall be lessened.”

Scootaloo's face remained adamant as the wicked light emanating from Bastion's horn played across it. “I'll never tell you anything! Unlike you, I'm loyal to the Princesses, to my friends!”

“Touching, but naive, little foal!” Bastion's magic lashed out and bound each of Scootaloo's legs to the cell's wall. “Such poisonous sentiment is precisely what Celestia would profess. And what became of her? She met final justice at King Cosmo's hooves – the same fate that awaits Luna and those treasonous enough to follow in her hoofsteps!”

A magical whip formed between them. “I am loyal to Equestria's true ruler, and my loyalty shall be rewarded.” He cracked the whip experimentally, sending sparks flying from the stone floor. “Power has always governed Equestria. From ancient to present times, the one who possessed the most power sat atop the throne. This is no different. Opposition of King Cosmo only leads to ruin.”

“You're abandoning Princess Celestia, just because Cosmo's the biggest bully in the playground?”


A crack of the whip upon Scootaloo's chest punctuated Bastion's command. She screamed as it left a red streak on her coat. Scootaloo writhed as she tried break free of her shackles as Bastion readied the whip once more. But she could not move an inch.

“I won't tell you anything! Never!”

Bastion ground his teeth. “Very well. You force me to do this.” He lashed her again. “You will divulge!” He cracked the whip with each word he spoke.

Scootaloo's head lolled like a rag doll's with each strike. She passed in and out of consciousness as Bastion struck her again and again. Finally, he relented and released her, allowing her to crumple to the floor. Her body burned with agony.

Bastion knelt and scrutinized her as she twitched on the ground. “Has that loosened your tongue?”

“I'll never tell you anything!” she spluttered, unable to stand up.

Bastion rose to his full height and humphed. “You leave me little choice. Perhaps a day without food or drink will change your mind. Fortunately for you, should I continue my efforts now, it may prove fatal. Enjoy your reprieve while it lasts. I shall return.”

As Bastion spun on his heel and left, Scootaloo blacked out.

* * *

Princess Luna stood upon a rock with the camp's bonfire at her back. She turned her gaze to the glen behind her and looked upon its inhabitants. The forces gathered numbered in the thousands, but she knew the number paled in comparison to the army of the King. She looked back into space and shook her head.

“Many of them have not so much as lifted a hoof in aggression, much less engaged in open war.”

She took off and soared toward the camp, touching down in the middle of the crowd next to the fire. The crowd's babble died down at once, and they turned their attention to her. The dancing flames illuminated her stern face and the worn, near-hopeless ones of those nearest her. She cleared her throat.

“Rest well tonight, brave, brave heroes,” she said, not in her booming voice, but one that barely carried throughout those present. “For tomorrow, the end begins. The end of this conflict. The end of King Cosmo! You have witnessed firsthoof the destruction he has wrought upon your homes, your family, and your friends. It will not stop there. Unless he is brought to justice, he will continue to inflict pain and suffering upon you forever. The longer we tarry here, the firmer his grip on the land becomes.”

Luna gestured to the crowd. “Look amongst yourselves. What do you see? I see earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, all of whom are united by a common foe – a tyrant who would enslave you and make your wills no longer your own!” She paused for a few moments as she saw everypony begin to stir around her.

“There may be only a few thousand of us, but if we play to our strengths, and fight with all our hearts, for freedom, for liberty, we have a chance. It does not matter how impossible the odds look. If we fail, my brother may never be stopped. All of you must contend with the army he has amassed while I lead the Element bearers into Canterlot Castle itself.” Luna spoke faster as she felt the passions of those around her ignite.

“Once we have acquired the Elements of Harmony, we will assault the King directly.” She stamped the ground. “The Elements of Harmony have served as the eternal guardians of this land, even before we alicorns were created. They will see us through this. King Cosmo has been overcome by the Elements once before, and he shall be again.”

“Princess Luna!” said Spitfire, landing next to her. “Cloudsdale is lost. With Cosmo in control of our Weather Factory, any attack on Canterlot is futile! Do you have any idea what that thing can do? We must reclaim our city!”

A loud cheer erupted from the pegasi following Spitfire's interjection. Luna frowned. “I am reluctant to divide my forces and to delay our assault on Canterlot. Are you sure that Cloudsdale cannot be circumvented?”

Spitfire stared determinedly up at her. “No. If Cosmo's goons use it properly, the Weather Factory will tear large chunks of our army to shreds. We must get Cloudsdale back.”

Luna sighed with resignation and pawed at the ground. “Very well. When we set out tomorrow, continue the march east.” She looked to her right and her ears flattened. “Spike, it falls to you to greet Iniquitus upon his arrival. I shall lead the attack upon Cloudsdale myself. We will rejoin you once the city is ours. Perhaps we can use the Factory to our advantage in the coming war. Now, rest while you can. Tomorrow, we shall take our first steps toward the liberation of Equestria, once and for all!”

Everypony cheered and stomped their hooves, making the ground shake. Luna solemnly raised a hoof before unfurling her wings. She lowered her hoof and flew back toward the rock, away from the camp. Each beat of her wings felt laboured. She closed her eyes, allowing the cool night breeze to gently tickle her face. She felt a twinge of fear in the pit of her stomach, which rippled through her whole body. She shivered and tensed up.

“Here I sit, upon the eve of battle,” she whispered into the night. “Am I truly correct? Will the Elements come to our aid as they did for Celestia and I so long ago? The repercussions of this war will be unforgivable and unrecoverable should I be in error.”

She opened her eyes and looked skyward. Tears trickled freely down her cheeks. “Sister... I do not want to be alone in this conflict. You were always there at my side in times like these. You protected me, and guided me along the right path as we fought for the safety of this land and its inhabitants.”

Her vision blurred. “I promise I won't let him destroy this wonderful kingdom that you have created. I – will – not – let – him!”