• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 177 Views, 12 Comments

Heart Of The CHIMERA - discordjediknight

Over a year later after the events in blood of a chimera twilight question her past and future, untill she runs into two time travelers trying to stop the apocalypse.

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Chapter 1 What Now?

"Citacens of pony vill."

May 3 **** 9:23 am.

"I twilight sparkle, come to you all to report fantastic news." She said standing at a podium Infront of the press.

"We have created the cure to the chimera disease that has been running rampant through the streets of our fair city. Thanks to a dear friend of mine who whishes, I'm sure to remain anonymous, even tho he gave his life to do so, have helped me create this miracle. Unfortunately it takes time to replicate and thus it will take time to save all those who have been mutated. Twice a month another mutant is cured. I wish I could give faster results but at last I can not."

"Still it has been a year since the first one was cured. And today we have cured another bringing the total of mutants 32 down to 8 known chimera left. When we have more of the cure ready we will report again."

"Any questions." She asked as she finished her speech.

Immediately those in the crowed jumped up with there hooves claws or paws up. "Mrs sparkle mrs, sparkle"they shouted.

Twilight pointed at a blue lizard reporter.

"Mrs sparkle yes I'm with the news paper, tell me, can you tell us any thing about how the cure came to be, or your fallen friend, or the explosion that happened nearly a year ago?”

Twilight smiled sadly. "My friend, the one who originally invented the chimera cure, he wished to remain anonymous. That was his wishes and even with his death that is what I will do. He did find out it was jellyfish related, as you all know since that info has already gotten out. The explosion was caused by an out break of chimera and the only casualty was him. I've gone on to complete his work. All I'll say, is the chaos king was a hero in the end. Next question please?"

They rose thire hands up. One she pointed at a male dog reporter.

"Yes, hi Mrs sparkle,Tim with channel five, tell me is there any side effects by the cure?”

"We are looking into that, so far other then mild discomfort no one seems to be experience any long term side effects, next please.”She then pointed at a pony orange mare.

"Yeah umm what about the hero chimera. Shadow star and them? "

Twilight noded. No one knew that the hero chimera shadow star and the others was her and her friends.

"I can say with out a doubt that they are doing thire absolute best to keep the world safe as can be. Some of them have been cured but the others are are still awaiting, In time tho every single one will be. That is a promise I'm willing to make."

She the raised her hoof at another reporter in the back.

"So how is it being the one to cure the chimera doses even tho your only in college. And tell me what are your future plans after words?”

Twilight grinned nurvosly with this question. "I still have a lot to learn in my studies. What I'll do with that, I'm afraid I haven't decided. I did original start going to school on the hopes of finding this cure. Now that I have it I must emit I don't really know what to put my studies into. I know my dad was a politician as is my god mother the mayer. But I haven't made a decision on that yet. Now I thank you all for coming. Rest assured we'll meet again at the next chimera report. Bye now." She said a bit flustered trying to get away as quickly as possible from the press.

Celistia accompanied her along with her brother as she headed down the hall.

"Well that went well." She was the first to say something.

"Yeah, then why do I feel like I just embarrassed myself up thire?"

"You were great twily," her brother told her. Still sporting his same look as befor. While she at least was dressed more appropriate for the occasion.

"Well thires always your time machine." Celistah laughed, a long with Shining. Even Twilight grew a smile. Eventually they made it to thire destination as Twilight stoped just before entering the back door.

"I really don't know what the future will hold. But right now I'm focused on the present. The hear and now. And right now I have my self and my friends to de-mutated. That is what my goal is now." She said with a new found determination in her eyes.

They gave a nod as they headed out the back door..

"And what of Luna?" Asked celistia.

"To be cured one must cooperate, and she won't. Have you seen her?"

"Everytime I go my sister refuses to see me?" She said sadly. "How's Spike?"

"He's been good actually, in many ways he's become like my little partner. He's taken his classes alot more seriously this year and now with summer out he's still helping me with my research on both chimera and the time machine." Twilight smiled yet it wavers. "I do appreciate his help, how ever I feel as tho he's only doing it to avoid the pain Luna has caused. Not like I'm any better at it. He's at my mom's house."

Celistia smiled, "Im glad your mom and I had a chance to catch up. I can't believe she was alive with memory loss this whole time with your brother. And yet you never gave up hope that she was alive, Twilight, I am so proud of you."

"I know, and tha-" she was interrupted by Celestia hoof on her snout. "You've thanked me enough this year dear. Now get going." She opened the car door for twilight.

Twilight smiled and got in followed by her brother. Celistia watched as the car drove off, with a smile on her face. Only to turn around with a board look.

The one in the front driving the car was an orange lizard dressed in a suit. She adjusted the mirror till the two saw her. She walked also wherimg a. Pair of shades.

"The boss is waiting for your report agent shadow Star."

"I will give it to him and everyone else as soon as we get there smolder."

Smolder smirked as she started driving.

The car drove through the town and didn't stop till they got to the bar named dragon pony.

The two stepped out and smolder took off.

They gave eatchothers a nod with a look of seriousness before heading in.

They went to the bar tender, as ways tree hugger was hard at work giving out drinks.

"What can I get you two?”she asked.

Twilight looked at the menu. ,"Hmm I think we'll take the chaos route. Don't you think brother. "I could go for a rainbow drink myself."

Twilight dead paned a face that said really at him.

"What I really could?” He answered as Twilight just shook her head.

Tree hugger gave a little laugh and then handed him the rainbow drink.

"You sure you don't want anything before you go in?" She asked.

"No thanks, I don't like spicy drinks."

"Ok then." Treehuger replied and handed her a key card.

Twilight took it and with her brother still sipping on a straw the two headed to the back and opened a door that said staff only. When they opened it a medele mining elevator was behind it. The two enterd and she swiped the key card to get it moving as the door closed behind them.

As they were now in the moving elevator Twilight turned to her brother. "How can you drink that stuff?"

He shrugged, "It kinda grows on ya after a while."

She smiled as the elevator moved downward and then opened. The two of them walked out into a tunnel. They jumped on a train that rolled them to thire finale destination. Chaos head quarters.

"Well welcome to chaos vill." Twilight said with a bit of pep in her voice.

The place was a large cavern in an old mining tunnel. And in The Center of the giant cave was the main building that Discord once showed them.Many members and agents of chaos vill the secret organization we're running back and forth all around getting thire work done as the two enterd the area. Some waved hi, but most were preoccupied. Witch wasn't a problem as the two enterd the building headed to another elevator and went to the top floor. They headed down a hall way and enterd what was known as the throne room.

Siting around a large stone table was none other then the other members of the team. Rarity, Dash, Applejack, Pinky, Cheese, Sonburst, Spike, Fito, and Garble was ready siting waiting for the two to show up.

Shining sat down but Twilight stood at the end of the table. At the other end sat a fancy throne like chair. One her older half brother Discord Ghost once sat in. Just then a ploom of smoke appeared and evaporated. In its place was a tall lengthy figure. Was it him. Of course not.

Comedically the figure started coughing and waving the smoke away revealing it to be capper cat. "Uh sorry thire folks, trying out the new smoke screens," he nurvosly smiled. Capper was now the leader of Chaos vill. How ever even after a year at the job he still struggled to grasp the same feel Discord had. Sure he had charm and charisma not unlike his idole but he still just couldn't hit the right leader type role yet. He quickly then cleared his throat straightened his jacket and took his seat in the throne like chair. "Now then I hear by call to action this meeting of our top agents."

"Mrs sparkle your report. " He said in a more straightforward tone.

Twilight straightened her back. xWe now have cured nearly all chimera. No I'll side effects from the cure other then mild discomfort as they get use to thire old physical forms. It will be another at least thirty days before smoose recovers enoufe to sadly extract the necessary chemicals from. Him in order to make the serum. "

"Good and we have all chimera accounted for right?" Capper asked.

"Yes sir. We have also have teams of two watching every known chimera to make sure thires still taking the precautionary measures to not go insane while they wait for thire turn to be de-mutated." Rarity chimed in." From personal experience I can definitely say it takes some getting use to, no longer having powers. But I'm haven't experienced any issues."

"Good. And what about the family funding?" Capper ashed as he brought his elbows on the table.

"All anonymous funds from us to the families that are in need due to the chimera incidents are gaining thire donations." AJ reported.

"And clean up?"

"It's taking time, but we are working with the city to clean up the messes and fix the building's." Spike replied.

"Good, good.umm anything else to report? Huh?" Capper asked.

'Only that the press are hard at working trying to find out about our little group." Pinky commeted.

"Tell me why we're still in the shadows again?" Asked Dash.

"Beacuse Dash, we don't want to be recognized. This is a no profit organization made to better the lives of all creatures. Sonburst told her.

Yeah I know, but we've already done that. I mean it just makes it harder to stay in the shadows, don't you think'

"Perhaps but we're also apart of some pretty shady business." Cheese said with a cheerful tone that did not match what he was saying.

"Cheese is right." Capper said. "We don't want the public to know all of what we do. Yes we do it for the right reasons but still... " He shrugged. 'We are working along side the black market and keeping the big name gangs at bay. Most street thugs are easy to deal with. But since we are the organized crime, we can keep an eye on it before it gets to out of hand and hurt the civilians, at least in our city of pony vill." He said as his green eyes narrowed.

"Yeah speaking of witch,"Garbunckle chimed it. "Uhh I don't know how to say this with out causing some distress but..." He said nurvosly while scratching his neck.

"Out with it." Capper sighed

"Yeah well, old gang the diamond dogs, and this new gain on the block the lazy lizards, that are stationed out side of town are, well they are calling you out boss."

Capper sat back in his chair as he side eyed the room. "Go on say it."

"Uh yeah I." Garbunckle began to sweet a bit.

A new voice joined the conversation. It was indeed smolder who just walked in."Ever since Mr Ghost died all the old gangs have begun to make some noise. Same with new ones comming out of the wood work.

While we kept the death of our king a secret people have noticed a change out thire. The streets are becoming to soft and with out the protection of the chaos king a war for territory among the gangs is slowly on the rise.

“I am the chaos king.” Capper muttered.

“Yes sir but unlike Mr ghost you haven't proven your self to them yet. they will be gunning for your seat sir.”

“Ha typical,” capper half muttered half laughed. “Well we will just have to deal with that.”

“How do you want to proceed sir.”!Asked smolder.

“Hmm let me think on it. For now let's move on. “

“Sir well need a swift action soon.” Smolder told him.

“And I'll have one soon. Just!” He half yelled half sighed and set his paw on his forehead as if he had a headache closing his eyes tightly.

Twilight then chimed in. “With permission from our leader perhaps the best thing to do would be to set up a meeting with these gangs and force a new treaty of peace, not unlike the old boss did.”

Capper opened one of his green eye and looked at the purple pony in front of him. She gave a reassuring smile at him.

“Yes that would be actually a good idea. See to it that it's set up.”

“Yes sir. “Smolder commented and then left the room.

“Anything else?”

Not at the moment no. However I must ask how's the search for Fluttershy going?” Asked rarity.

“Who.?”Dash asked a bit annoyed.

“Oh come now Dashie don't be that way.” Rarity told her

“And why shouldn't I be, I mean she just got up and left us. She didn't even say good bye why are we still searching for her?” She grumbled.

“Because she's our friend darling.”

“Some friend she turned out to be. friends are supposed to stick together, she ditched us!”

Twilight frowned at that. She remembered that night her half brother died. Fluttershy was the most heartbroken out of everyone. Even pinky pie who considered him her adopted brother, and cried like thire was no tomorrow for his death, still couldn't beat the sadness that was in Fluttershy's eyes. That very night it was hard for anyone to get any sleep. But no one thought that Fluttershy was just going to grab some clothes stuff then in a bag take her rabbit and jump on the back of bike to go who knows where.

Twilight didn't even know she could ride a motorcycle but she took discords bike and vanished that night.

“Well has someone contacted her parents or brother.” AJ asked.

“I went to them five times already, she just vanished off the side of the earth. Leave it at that.!” Dash complained.

“Alright alright enough of that! Meeting adjourned, your all dismissed.”

Every one got up and started leaving but just as they did it was Capper who stoped them. “Um except you Mrs sparkle,”

Twilight stoped and turned to look at the cat

“May I have a word.” He asked emotionlessly. Twilight nodes and everyone else left. After every one left leaving the two in the room Capper slouched in the chair with a sigh.

“It doesn't fit me does it?”

Twilight shrugged. “Oh come now, rarity can stitch it for you to fit better I'm sure if it bothers you that Much.” She smiled.

“I'm not talking about the jacket.”

Twilight expression fell. “I know. It’s big shoes or well a big jacket,” she said with a slight smile “to fill. But you've done so well.@

“Have I? Cause from where I'm sitting your a much better candidate.”

Capper scratched the side of the throne. “Why am I siting in this chair, when you are the one he choose to lead this organization. @

“Now that's not...”

“You’re a much better leader. Your like him a natural born leader. It's in your blood.”

“I can’t be like him!” Twilight looked away from him with a far awake look. The room grew quite between them for a few seconds.

“Your quick to come up with plans, and able to think on the fly, your also...” He stoped his own gaze from her to his paws. ... “extremely smart, brave, and strong , and not because your chimera.” Another pause of silence fell before he continued. ... “You remind me of him in so many ways.”!He sighed. “What do I have they you don't?”

Twilight stayed quiet for a moment before she spoke up again. “You have something that he did, that I don't.”

“And that is?”

“Heart” she replied and caught he's gaze with her own.

“That I'm going to be honest is a trait I lost long ago. I question if I ever had it in the first place.”

“Twilight” he began but she continued.

“I for so long wanted nothing more…” began tearing up. “I thought of my future, for so long, and now, now I don’t know what to do. But this, siting in that throne, becoming like him, no. I don’t have the heart it takes to do what he did, he was wrong about me. I AM NOT LIKE HIM. I’m not like spike or, or Fluttershy.” She turned away from Capper quickly.

“Something's coming, something big, and we need a leader, that’s something I just can’t do Capper, I just can’t do.”

“Can’t or won’t?” He asked in a serious tone.

She said nothing and walked away, as she dried her own eyes.

Author's Note:

ALRIGHT!!! So I have been very busy doing stuff and while I am working on other projects I will be releasing this perhaps every other week so I hope you guys look forward to it.