• Member Since 6th May, 2019
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


Your local expert on tactics, battle motivation and dark times of pony on griffon warfare. Or a complete idiot, your pick.



For the Sixth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest.

The year is 1008.

The world of Faust is tense across all nations. But the odds of war don't concern him.

Doctor Ernst Graustier is a Bronze dog archaeologist venturing into one of the most hostile regions in Maregypt to find a lost relic, hidden from the world for centuries if not millennia. Determined to make his mark on history, he's more fixated on beating renowned adventurers like Daring Do and tomb raiders like Doctor Caballeron to the prize than thinking too much about who else might be after this treasure, or him. With a sharp mind, a quick trigger finger and expert knowledge of ancient myths, he's confident he can succeed against all odds. But will that confidence see him triumph, or just another lost soul in these desolate sands?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Wasn't expecting an Indiana Jones-like story. Expanding the horizons of what the EAWverse can offer!

This was good. I liked these characters and I hope we see more of them. You can never go wrong with a treasure hunting story.

This was good. I'm glad I finally got a chance to read it.

How did you come up with the name Ernst Graustier?

Ernst is obvious enough as an actual name, but given that I wanted him to be a gray bulldog, it only made sense for his name to be Gray Bull. In Herzlandisch (German) "Graustier".

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