• Published 29th Jun 2023
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My Little Pony: Film is Magic (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) - MLPstories101

Twilight and her friends decide that they wanna go on another adventure, this time they decide to choose a film at random and go in it, they meet up with a whole bunch of people there, especially toons like them!

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The Bar/Cutie-Marks in LA

“Hi Harry, you okay?” Eddie told Harry.

“Hi Eddie” Harry greeted. Twilight still couldn’t get over the fact that they know each other. Sure she and her friends knew Derpy, and she was a mail pony just like this guy was a mailman. They then walked towards the stand before the trolley rumbled the building causing them all to lose balance and fall over. Everyone laughed at the silliness. The girls got up and followed Eddie to the bar stand where Eddie’s girlfriend worked. Eddie then walked past an unconscious man and put his hat back on his head.

“What’s with Earl?” Eddie said. Fluttershy saw the man and was worried about him.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with him?” She said. A guy next to Eddie wrote something down on a piece of paper that said ‘laid off’. The girls gasped and Rarity almost fainted.

“Laid off?” Eddie said confused.

“A new outfit bought The Red Car. Some big company called ‘Cloverleaf’.” A guy said walking towards Eddie and the girls. The guy took a look at Rarity and got a swoon feeling.

“Ooooh, hey girl! How are you doing today?” The guy said walking towards Rarity.

“If you’re trying to flirt with me it isn’t working.” Rarity said.

“No kiddin’. They bought The Red Car?” Eddie asked confused. The guy turned his attention back to Eddie.

“Yeah. Put the poor guy on two weeks notice. Cutbacks they said.” The guy said to Eddie. Twilight then decided now would be a good time to ask someone about Cloverleaf.

“Uhh excuse me sir, who owns this ‘Cloverleaf’?” Twilight asked the man.

“No idea, I don’t work for Cloverleaf, so how should I know?” The man said. Eddie then looked at him and sighed.

“Oh well Earl.” He said. He then took a drink.

“Here’s to the pencil pushers, may they all get lead poisoning eh?” Eddie said. Twilight looked at him with a stern face.

“What?” Eddie asked. Twilight just looked away. He was then about to finish his drink before a hand stopped him from doing so. Eddie and the girls looked and saw who the hand belonged to.

“Tomorrows Friday, Eddie. You know what happens here on Friday?” The girl said. Eddie thought for a moment.

“Fish special?” Eddie said. Pinkie held back a laugh.

“My boss checks the books on Friday. If you don’t give me the money I gave you back at the till I’m gonna lose my job.” The girl said ti Eddie.

“Don’t push a button Dolores.” Eddie said. Twilight took notice of the girl and she looked nothing like a Dolores. “You’ve only got one left.” Eddie then showed Dolores the check he had.

“50 bucks?” Dolores asked. Eddie replied with a ‘yeah’.

“Where’s the rest?” Dolores asked.

“Well it’s only a snoop job away.” Eddie said.

-Twilight’s castle-

The Cutie-Mark Crusaders went to Twilights castle to get the quill and pen for their books. But when they got to the library however, they saw a mysterious device. A TV which the crusaders took notice of.

“What the hay is that thing?” Applebloom asked.

“I think Rarity told me about this and the adventure she and her friends went on the last time they used it.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well, what is it Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked.

“I think Rarity said it was a ‘Television’.” Sweetie Belle said before turning it on. Once they turned it on, a vortex came out of the TV and sucked the 3 fillies in. They screamed as they didn’t know what was on the other side.

-RK Maroon Studios-

Maroon was sitting in his office doing some paperwork when he noticed the portal again. This time it spat out 3 young fillies who all had different skin than the other girls he saw.

“How many more equines are gonna keep coming out of the portal?” He said. Applebloom and the others then got up and got their surroundings. They were in an office just like their sisters. They then noticed a man standing next to them. They all screamed in fright.

“Woah woah take it easy I’m not gonna hurt ya.” Maroon said. Applebloom saw the look on his face and realized he wasn’t lying, however, that look of attire doesn’t look trustworthy but she decided it wasn’t important. She then walked up to the man and introduced herself.

“Ahm Applebloom, and this here’s Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, we’re known as the-“ then all 3 of them shouted.

“THE CUTIE-MARK CRUSADERS!!!” Maroon then felt a ringing in his ears when the filled screamed. Scootaloo then looked around the room before noticing a cyan skinned girl laying on the floor. She immediately knew who this was and ran over to her.

“RAINBOW DASH!!!! ARE YOU OK?!” Scootaloo shouted. Maroon then broke her heart even more.

“She’s dead Scootaloo.” Maroon said out of the gates.

“No.. NO!! SHE CAN’T BE DEAD!!!! THERE’S NO WAY!!!!! RAINBOW DASH WAKE UP!!!!” Scootaloo shouted crying her eyes out poking Rainbow Dash, but she didn’t respond. She then felt for a pulse but only broke down into more tears as to what she discovered.

“She doesn’t have a pulse….”

“Uhh Scootaloo? You alright?” Applebloom said. Scootaloo then started to cry like she’s never cried before.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff* *sniff* I’M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!” Scootaloo then huddled up to her crying her eyes out even more. Seeing this broke Applebloom and Sweetie Belle’s hearts too and they went over and hugged her and Rainbow Dash. Maroon however was just in a neutral phase.

“Are you her sister?” Maroon asked the filly.

“*sniff* yes I am.” Scootaloo said.

“How did she die mister?” Applebloom asked.

“She and her friends along with someone named Eddie Valiant were watching some chairs out the window and they were all laughing until Rainbow Dash laughed so hard she died right on the spot.” Maroon explained. Scootaloo only cried into her sister’s arms even more.

“Well where are the others then? I know they’re here since Rainbow Dash is.” Sweetie Belle said. Maroon decided not to tell them until it was the right time. However, he did give them an offer.

“How would you girls like to be a part of some of my cartoons? We got room for a few more actors!” Maroon offered. Applebloom then got ecstatic. Being an actor for a cartoon? That was her dream come true! She happily nodded her head. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo (still having tears in her eyes) did the same thing. Maroon then decided to show them around the set.

When they got to the set, they were already filming a cartoon. The director Raoul, saw the fillies and said ‘Cut’.

“Maroon what is this?” Raoul asked.

“Raoul I would like to introduce you to our 3 new actors! Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!” Maroon said introducing them to Raoul.

“You guys can appear in the next scene, we’re already shooting one right now.” Raoul said. The fillies then followed Raoul and sat down next to him.

“Hey Mr. Raoul, who are those guys?” Applebloom asked.

“They’re Baby Herman and Roger Rabbit. Baby Herman is the best one, Roger however, keeps on blowing his lines when he gets something dropped on his head.” Raoul said.

“ACTION!!!” Raoul shouted.

The fillies then watched the cartoon scene play out. They all laughed very much at the scene. Their adorable laughter even caused Raoul to smile. When they got to the refrigerator, Roger finally showed stars like the director wanted to happen. When he saw this, he was ecstatic.


“Finally, Roger. I thought we would never finish the scene!” Baby Herman said, shaking Roger’s hand. Roger then noticed 3 equines sitting next to the director’s chair.

“Hey Raoul, who are those?” Roger asked.

“Huh? Oh those. They’re our new actors. Come let me introduce you to them.” Raoul said signaling the ponies to come closer.

“Roger, Baby Herman, I would like to introduce you to our new actors! Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!” Raoul said, introducing the fillies.

“Wow, they’re colorful. So much life put into them!” Baby Herman said.

“Aww, thank you Herman!” Applebloom said.

“So Raoul, what cartoon are we doing next?” Roger asked Raoul.

“Next week is gonna be a walking home type of scene. Where you walk home and meet these 3 on the way while carrying Baby Herman.” Raoul explained.

-The Bar-

“Have you got that camera of yours? Mines in the shop.” Eddie asked Dolores. The girls were talking to some of the locals about their daily life while the guy who talked about Cloverleaf was creeping Rarity out a bit. She then had enough and decided to slap him in the face, indicating she didn’t want anything to do with him.

“Wouldn’t be the pawn shop by any chance, would it?” Dolores answered back.

“Aw, come on Dolores, you need the other 50, I need the camera.” Eddie said annoyed. Dolores then looked around and saw the camera.

“Any film in there?” Dolores walked up to him and handed him the camera.

“Should be.” She said.

“I haven’t had that roll developed since our trip to Catalina. That sure was a long time ago.”

“Yeah, that was a long time ago, we oughta do it again sometime.”

“Yeah sure, Eddie.” The Red Car then ran along the road causing the building to rumble again. The girls lost their balance again and fell. Everyone laughed again at the scene, even Dolores couldn’t help but giggle.

“Paper even good?”

“Just check the scrawl.” Spike then asked someone else about Cloverleaf, but to no avail.

“RK Maroon? As in Maroon Cartoons?” Dolores asked. Twilight then walked up to Eddie and asked him about Dolores.

“Hey Eddie, how do you know Dolores?” Twilight asked. Eddie then got his attention to Twilight.

“She’s my girlfriend. We met a long time ago, was when I was just a kid. Ah, those were the good times.” Eddie said. Twilight couldn’t help but have a warm feeling in her heart.

“So, who’s your purple friend, Eddie?” Dolores asked.

“Oh, Dolores, this here is Twilight Sparkle. She’s from another world.” Eddie introduced. Dolores then looked kinda surprised.

“Maroon Cartoons?” A voice then ran from behind them.

“Hey! So who’s your client, Mr. Detective to the stars?” The man said before chuckling.

“Chilly Willy? Or Screwy Squirrel?” He then laughed some more. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the scene.

“What do you want to drink?” Dolores said to the man.

“I’ll take a beer, doll.” He ordered.

“So what happened huh? Somebody kidnap Dinky Doodle?”

“Cut it out, Angelo.”

“Hey wait a minute, wait a minute I know!” Eddie then got an annoyed look on his face.

“You’re working for Little Bo Peep. She’s lost her sheep and you’re gonna help her find them. Eh?” Angelo then laughed his head off some more. Twilight got a little scared. Eddie then kicked the stool from the guys bottom and he fell on the counter. Twilight and her friends all turned their attention towards the scene. They were all shocked. Eventually, everyone in the bar did the same thing.

“Ow!” Angelo said.

“Get this straight, meatball.” Eddie said before grabbing his face.

“I. DON’T. WORK. FOR TOONS!!!!” He said before shoving an egg in his mouth. He grunted and spat out some of the egg. Rarity then got a sour look on her face and decided to scold him.


“I DON’T WORK FOR TOONS, RARITY!!! END OF STORY!!!” Eddie shouted before storming out.

“What’s his problem?” Angelo said. Twilight and the others were already out but Fluttershy decided to stay behind to find out what his deal was. Dolores got a bit of a remorseful look on her face.

“Toon killed his brother.” Dolores said. Everyone (including Fluttershy) gasped and turned towards her.

“Oh gosh, that’s horrible! How did he die?” Fluttershy asked Dolores.

“Dropped a piano on his head.” Fluttershy then felt her heart break. She never heard something so sad in all her life. She then ran out to go with Eddie and the girls to The Ink and Paint Club.

Find out more in Chapter 5 coming soon!