• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 459 Views, 5 Comments

A Purple Thorned Rose - SuperMuskett

Waluigi in Ponyville... that's bound to go swell

  • ...


Waluigi was laid on his back, arm draped over his eyes as he drifted aimlessly in his slumber, tossing and turning ever so slightly, Wario had always complained that he couldn't keep still in his sleep, however it wasn't until he turned onto his side fully that he noticed something was different.
What he had been laying on wasn't his admittedly uncomfortable and rather poorly crafted bunk bed, but rather he was laid out on a patch of grass, in the middle of the forest no less.


He yelled out instinctively and rather loudly as he typically would, he was immediately awoken by this sudden realisation and sat up to look around, it seemed... oddly peaceful as he appeared to have been resting in a clearing, beautiful flowers and rushing water all coming together to create a seemingly beautiful environment... but the further Waluigi looked, he noticed that the trees surrounding his location were dark and eerie, the vines and leaves were a sickly shade of blue and no animals could be seen for what he assumed to be miles.

"W-Where the hell am I, What is this place!?"

Waluigi asked himself as he rapidly jumped up to his feet, he was fully aware that there was likely no one around him but he always had a tendency to talk to himself when in dire or stressful situations, he stretched his arms out, feeling a crick in his neck that was likely a result of sleeping in a poor position, before pacing around the opening, biting on his nails through the woven fabric of his white gloves.

"O-Okay Waluigi, just calm down, you probably just sleep walked into the forest of illusion... for the second time, Gosh I swear, Wario never listens to me does he... I've told him far too many times that it was a bad idea to live so close to-"

"Excuse me... Sir?"

His panicked and frantic pacing had been cut short by a somewhat timid and quiet voice, he spun around on his heel to see who was behind him and subsequently spotted the source of the voice, it appeared to have come from a bright yellow pastel coloured pony, with wings no less, the equine girl seemed to be shuddering in what could only be attributed to fear as she looked up at the much taller man

"W-Who are you?"
She asked, her voice rather quiet and frail, she was barely holding herself together upon approaching Waluigi.

"...You go first, also where the heck am I!"

Waluigi interjected, he wasn't simply going to tell this random creature his name, he at least knew better than his bumpkin brother Wario who typically went rushing off on adventures and hanging out with random folks for the smallest of reasons, mostly for the sake of money which they didn't particularly need.

"O-Okay uhm, My name is F-Fluttershy... I'm a Pony a-as you can see... You're in the Everfree Forest i-in Equestria... Now your turn."

She said, listing off as much as she could, barely managing to get any words out of her mouth without some kind of stutter.
Waluigi was stood there, staring at her as if she had just drooled on herself, he wasn't pertaining a lot of the information he was hearing but at this point, it was for certain that he wasn't in the Mushroom Kingdom anymore

"Okay... Uh my name's Waluigi, no more no less, I don't do nicknames so don't even bother"

He would look behind the Pegasus and notice that just a few yards away was an obvious exit to the forest, something he felt somewhat embarrassed to not have noticed upon his first look, and also what seemed to be a small cottage which was where she supposedly lived, it looked fairly quaint with not too many extremities, just a cosy home for someone reserved, which seemed to be appropriate for her more timid nature.

She would have wound up looking somewhat perplexed by his rather blunt response to her question, and more so by the lack of his own information for her.

"Okay uh, where do you come from Mister Waluigi?"

Fluttershy said, seeming to slowly be warming up to the man as she spent more time in his proximity, plus she was curious to know where someone of his anatomy and sheer stature would hail from, surely it couldn't be from anywhere in Equestria, let alone in the Badlands because they all seemed to have somewhat animalistic traits to their appearance, just from looking at him, he seemed to match quite a lot of the descriptions Twilight had made to the Human world, but the borderline cartoonish exaggerations of some of his appendages, such as his ears, nose and body type, made it hard to pin down a specific location.

"I'm from the Mushroom Kingdom, strangely enough i don't doubt your lack of knowledge on the place but I can tell you, it's nothing like... Equestria as you put it, and frankly, if I'm being honest, I kind of want to get out of this forest above anything else!"

He said, rubbing his neck as he was constantly looking around, darting his eyes about from place to place, worried that some other random winged creature would swoop in out of nowhere and pluck his head off of his body like a juicy apple from a tree.

"Okay Mister, follow me, I tend to get pretty antsy about this place as well so I-I know how you must feel"

Fluttershy responded to his concerns as she turned around and headed back to her cottage, gesturing Waluigi to follow behind her as a bunny was hopping along next to her, seeming as if it were ignoring his very presence

"Then why the heck do you live right next to it?"

He asked rather bluntly, his voice carrying a hint of confusion and uncertainty as he begrudgingly followed Fluttershy into her house, despite how little he wanted to spend more time with her than necessary, he did need help grasping his bearings in this new confusing location.