• Published 9th Jul 2023
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Filmatic Escapades: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie - Toonwriter

The Mane Six and their friends embark on their second movie adventure right after hearing news of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow's freedom.

  • ...

Enter Ivan Ooze

That night at the construction site, the claw-enchased egg had been taped off with police tape. A security guard was asleep in a fold-up chair near the egg as another guard walked up to another chair, holding a thermos and two coffee mugs. As he walked to his own chair, the guard kept his eyes on the egg before taking a seat to pour himself a cup of coffee.

Just then, there were some red lights close by, and once they ceased flashing, some familiar figures appeared. It was Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, their minions (Goldar, Scorpina, Rito Revolto, Squatt, Baboo, Finster, and Mordant), Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.

"What do I care about some stupid egg?!" Rita asked grouchily.

"This is no ordinary egg!" Lord Zedd said.

"Well, I say we hard-boil the thing!" Rita snapped.

"I'm with her, I'm hungry!" Mordant commented with a snort.

"That's 'cuz you're a pig." Goldar retorted.

The awake security guard had noticed the villains' sudden appearance and slowly inched his way over to his napping companion. Once next to the snoozing security guard, he gently nudged his buddy awake.

"Hey, Kurt, Kurt. Take a look at this." He spoke, his eyes still on the villains.

All the villains smirked evilly as Lord Zedd spoke, "No need to wake him. In fact, why don't you take a little nap yourself?"

Then he zapped the two guards with electricity from his staff, knocking the two out.

"That takes care of them." Cozy Glow remarked.

"Yeah, I could do that. I just choose not to." Mordant commented.

"Zip your lip!" Goldar quipped.

"Oh, shut up, both of you." Chrysalis replied quietly, rolling her eyes.

Once near the egg, Zedd glanced at it with a wicked smile behind his mask. "Ahhh, after 2,000 years of searching, you are finally within my grasp. And now, let's crack this egg."

He then raised the tip of his scepter over the claw before the scepter gave off a blue glow and zapped the claw and egg. Slowly, the claw pulled back and opened as Goldar, Rita, Scorpina, Rito, Chrysalis and Tirek looked on with intrigue. Finster, Mordant, Baboo, Squatt and Cozy watched with concern and worry as the claw made a low creak. As soon as it was free from the confines of the claw, a split formed down the middle of it and around the midsection before it split in two, as if it were a pod.

"Excellent." Zedd said wickedly.

"Eww!" Cozy exclaimed in disgust.

"Yuck..." Mordant said aloud as Rita stepped towards the now opened egg.

Inside the bottom of the egg was what looked like a vat full of light purple slime. The witch stuck her finger into the vat and slowly stirred it. Upon taking a closer look himself, Tirek was far from impressed with their find.

"What?" Rita spoke aloud in disbelief.

"Seriously? You spent 2,000 years looking for a tub of purple snot?" Tirek asked in exasperation.

"Patience, motor mouths! Watch!" Zedd snapped, glaring at the two.

Then the purple slime began forming and growing. Zedd looked to Rita and Tirek with eager glee, though it was difficult for the latter two to tell because of the former's mask concealing his face. Meanwhile, the purple slime grew taller and began taking on a more humanoid shape.

"Whoa!" Rito and Cozy exclaimed in awe.

"Yes!" Goldar exclaimed wickedly while Scorpina smirked evilly.

"Cool!" Mordant exclaimed.

"Oooh!" Squatt and Baboo exclaimed in unison.

Before long, the slime transformed fully into what looked like a man with light purple skin, his "hair" and "goatee" resembling tendrils and he wore a lavender robe. Once fully transformed, the man let out a long yawn before cracking his neck and turning to the villains with a grin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the ooze is back!" The man, Ivan Ooze, announced with glee.

"Yeah!" Goldar cheered while pumping his fists.

"He's so handsome!" Rita commented aloud, earning a look from Zedd.

"Why, thank you." Ivan replied in delight.

"I am Lord Zedd, sworn enemy of all that is good and decent." Zedd introduced himself to the purple being, "It is a supreme honor to finally meet you."

"How can I ever repay you?" Ivan asked.

"Do you recall the name Zordon of Eltar?" Zedd responded with a question of his own.

Just like that, the purple being's demeanor changed from delighted to enraged as he let loose with a rage-filled scream. As he did so, he extended his arms out and purple bolts of lightning flew from his fingertips.

"I think he's heard of him..." Mordant commented, looking nervous.

"That definitely answers his question." Chrysalis added as she too looked uneasy.

"I don't think I wanna make him mad." Cozy remarked nervously.

"Neither do we!" Squatt whimpered.

"Uh-uh!" Baboo agreed with a shake of his head.

As soon as he was done shooting electricity, Ivan lowered his arms and looked back to Zedd.

"I want you to destroy Zordon," The latter commanded, "so that my evil may once again reign supreme!"

"I will not only destroy him." Ivan sneered, "I will obliterate his entire legacy. It will be as if Zordon of Eltar... NEVER EXISTED!!"

"Finally, a real man!" Rita quipped, once again earning a glare from Zedd. Ivan blew a kiss at Rita for that remark, making her giggle.

"We shall leave you to weave your evil ways." Zedd said to Ivan, then turned to the others, "Let's go, everyone!"

And with that, the villains all headed off and teleported out of sight, one by one. Once all the villains were gone, a heavy scent hit Ivan's nose and he began sniffing the air.

"What is that odious stench?" He asked himself before taking another whiff, "Smells like... teenagers."

Moments later, the Rangers along with the Equestrians teleported into the construction site. When they reformed from the rays of light, they were standing on and around a large pile of rubble and rocks. Well, almost all of them, except Rainbow Dash, who was standing in a puddle near the rubble.

"What the--?!" Rainbow exclaimed on noticing what happened, then groaned in annoyance, "Oh, just my luck!"

"Could be worse." Applejack replied with a shrug.

"Anybody see anything?" Aisha asked.

Tommy glanced up at the top of the hill where the giant egg was. He pointed there as he said, "Let's take a look up there."

"Got it." Twilight replied, gliding up toward the top of the hill as the others followed.

The six teenagers, eight ponies, and two dragons walked/flew up the hill toward the egg. Upon coming up there, they found the egg to be open.

"That can't be good." Spike commented, noticing the open egg.

"I think we're too late." Ben remarked in concern.

Of course, they all scrunched their faces in disgust not only from the sight of the purple slime but also the putrid smell of it.

"What is it?" Aisha asked.

"It reeks." Adam remarked in disgust.

"Eeew!" Rarity exclaimed in disgust.

"This smells even worse than garbage!" Phobos remarked.

"Hey!" A voice yelled, pulling Tommy by the shoulder.

Upon hearing that voice, the six teens and the ten Equestrians spun around, startled. When they turned, they found themselves facing none other than one of the men who were zapped by Zedd earlier.

"What're you kids doing here?" he asked, demanding an answer while putting a hand to his head, as if recovering from a headache.

"Um..." Twilight began, thinking of the right thing to respond with.

Just then, Kimberly spoke up, "You haven't by any chance happened to see a morphological being lurking around here?"

"A morphological being?" The man asked in confusion.

"Yeah." Kimberly replied with Twilight nodding.

"What the heck is that?" Hearing this made the heroes look frustrated. How could this security guard be here but not have seen the culprit?

Suddenly, the man realized something. "Wait a second. Did it look something like this?"

And right before their eyes, the security guard shapeshifted into Ivan Ooze as he chuckled wickedly. When they saw this, the heroes jumped, startled while Fluttershy screamed in fear as she hid behind them. This must have been the bad guy Zordon had told them about back at the Command Center. Realizing that, they all got into fighting stances. Except for Fluttershy, of course, since she was scared.

"Eww, gross!" Kimberly exclaimed in disgust despite being ready to fight.

"Ugh, that is disgusting!" Rarity agreed, sharing Kimberly's disgust.

"You're too kind, allow me to introduce myself." Ivan replied as he introduced himself, "I'm the galactically feared, globally reviled, universally despised... they call me Ivan Ooze."

Rocky scowled at this and pointed at Ivan as he said with determination, "Well, pack your bags, cause we're sending you right back where you came from!"

"Right after we kick your butt!" Rainbow added, looking just as determined.

"Gee, a teenager with a big mouth." said Ivan, glaring as he leaned toward them. "Not much has changed in 6,000 years."

As if on instinct, the Rangers, ponies, and dragons leaned back a bit as Ivan leaned toward them. However, their determined demeanors didn't falter, except for Fluttershy's as she looked a bit more unnerved.

"You obviously don't know who you’re dealing with, Mr. Raisin Head." snapped Kimberly angrily.

The purple being smirked at this. "Really?"

"Yeah, we're the Power Rangers." Tommy said with determination.

"Along with the Power Ponies!" Twilight added, sharing Tommy's determination.

"Woo! Where's my autograph book?" Ivan exclaimed sarcastically. He then scoffed at the comment, "Power Rangers and Power Ponies, huh?" He walked through the barrier tape as he spoke, "So Zordon's still using a bunch of kids to do his dirty work. And now he's using a bunch of ponies and dragons, too." With an evil smirk, he glanced back at the heroes. "Well, meet my kids!"

With an evil laugh, he raised his arms as if ready to make a move. Instinctively, our heroes jumped back as they waited to see what he'd do. However, the ooze-like villain shot purple lightning from his hands to the ground, creating a dozen gigantic forms of slimy ooze. These ooze creations immediately took the form of a couple of humanoid ooze beasts that grunted and growled as they glared at the heroes.

"Eww." Kimberly said in a mixture of nervosity and disgust.

Rarity screamed as she cried, "Gross, gross, gross!"

"From this moment forth, the world as you know it shall cease to exist! Welcome to my nightmare!" yelled Ivan evilly.

He laughed once more and shot purple lightning from his hands before disappearing by transforming into a purple ray of light and flying away.

"BYE BYE, KIDDIES!!!" He shouted before he vanished.

"He's gone!" Rocky exclaimed in disbelief.

"Where'd he go?!" Nyx asked in the same tone as Rocky.

"I think we got a bigger problem right now!" Pinkie replied, pointing to the ooze-like monsters before them.

Just then, the Oozemen that Ivan had summoned slowly advanced toward the Rangers and the Equestrians. The sixteen were in a bit of a pickle at the moment.

"What are we gonna do?" asked Kimberly nervously.

Suddenly, Billy, Rocky, Aisha, Rarity, Rainbow, and Spike looked down from up where they and their friends were.

"Looks like there's plenty of room down there." Billy said.

"Go, guys!" shouted Tommy.

With a karate cry, Tommy did a spin kick on the closest goon to him before Rocky, Aisha, Spike, and Rarity hopped down from the top of the hill. Twilight blasted a goon with a burst of magic from her horn as Applejack and Rainbow Dash hopped down next, being followed by Pinkie and a scared Fluttershy who didn't think twice about leaping. Nyx added her own magic blast and Ben delivered a spin kick while joined by Billy and Adam who descended with a battle cry. Kimberly and Phobos then joined their comrades, leaping down from the hilltop. Ben Valorheart and Nyx followed suit with their own battle cries, the black alicorn foal landing next to Phobos and Spike. Tommy punched another goon twice in the abdomen before hitting another nearby one in the face with his elbow. Twilight took this opportunity to buck the third goon in the chest before she and Tommy flipped over the police tape and landed near their friends. The heroes looked towards the Oozemen while the latter came down the hill.

"Let's take these beasts!" said Adam with determination.

"Spread out!" Tommy and Twilight exclaimed in unison.

The other Rangers and other Equestrians followed their respective leaders' orders while Ben brought out his Master Sword. Meanwhile, Tommy ran to a nearby shovel, pulled the wood pole out of it, and spun it around like a staff, just as the Oozemen leapt down.

"Welcome to my nightmare." The white-clad teen spoke in determination.

"Time to kick some flank!" Ben shouted while wielding his sword.

The brown stallion swung his sword on his share of the goons while Tommy started using his 'staff'. Twilight bucked a couple of the goons to Tommy and Ben as if the goons were tennis or baseballs. The two guys knocked the goons back with their respective weapons.

"Heads up!" Tommy shouted before he did a spin kick to another Oozeman's face.

Applejack and Adam ran and flipped over towards a nearby crane machine as they were followed by an Oozeman. In the time the latter caught up to the former two, the black and white-clad teenager rushed up to a metal pail and kicked it up.

"Ever play "Kick the Can?"" Adam asked, kicking the pail to Applejack.

"Plenty o' times!" The orange cowpony replied, bucking the pail at the Oozeman.

The monster then doubled over. Suddenly, Adam rolled over the goon's back, landed, and swept the creature's legs out from under them. The boy smirked at his little victory. However, another Oozeman came out of nowhere and punched Adam in the face, knocking him down.

"Adam!" Applejack cried before glaring at the Oozeman that hit Adam while gritting her teeth.

Fluttershy saw an Oozeman charge at her. She let out a frightened squeak and leapt up, allowing the creature to run underneath her before she unintentionally bucked him in the back as she came back down, causing the Oozeman to go tumbling towards Rainbow, who was taking on an Oozeman of her own.

"Take that, you disgusting blob!" Rainbow shouted as she kicked the Oozeman down before noticing the other one tumbling towards her.

Not needing to think twice, Rainbow performed a spinning kick on the Oozeman tumbling towards her right into the one she was facing off against, sending them both rolling right into a wall. She then turned to Fluttershy with a grin.

“Not bad, Fluttershy!” The multicolor-maned Pegasus cheered to her friend.

“Um… thank you.” The timid pegasus replied, a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Aisha was being chased by an Oozeman herself. She stopped and ducked just as the Oozeman lunged at her, but flew over her when she ducked. It wasn’t long before another Oozeman rushed up to her and she kicked him in the stomach and she grabbed that creature and another each by the arm.

“Kiss and make up!” The African-American teen grunted, slamming the Oozemen into each other.

When they pulled back, however, they each grabbed one of Aisha’s arms and crossed around, making her cross her arms. She then did a somersault between the two as her arms were held. Upon landing, Aisha pulled on the Oozemen holding her, slamming them into each other again and getting her arms uncrossed. With that done, she threw the Oozemen down onto their backs.

Nyx used a blast of magic from her horn to hit one of the Oozeman while Phobos tripped another with his tail.

"Come and get us, you slimy creatures!" Nyx shouted.

Two more Oozemen snarled while lunging at the duo. Of course, they were sent flying by two magic blasts.

"Keep your mucky hands off my daughter and her friend!" Twilight shouted angrily while her horn was glowing.

"Thanks, Mom!" Nyx said with a smile.

Billy did a few flips and kicked an Oozeman three times near Spike who quickly got on his hands and knees. As soon as they were near the dragon, the blue-clad teenager kicked the purple goon so hard, he ended up tripping over Spike, who leapt up and punched the goon down.

"Thanks, Spike!" Billy cheered.

"Don't mention it, Billy!" Spike replied, giving him a thumbs up before they went to fight more goons.

Kimberly did a high jump split kick on two Oozemen before running from another one.

Rocky blocked any chops or kicks an Oozeman attempted to give him and did a triple backflip. Upon landing, the red-clad teen struck a karate pose and pulled a dropkick on the Oozeman he was fighting. As for Pinkie, the party pony was leaping and bucking any Oozemen that came near her. All of a sudden, she brought out her Party Cannon and aimed it at the suddenly confused goons.

"Here's a surprise for you, Ooze goons!" Pinkie shouted and then she fired her Party Cannon, which hit the Oozemen and sent them flying.

Back with Adam and Applejack, the same Oozeman that had punched the former chased them up the stairs that led to the crane's cockpit.

"Here, lemme get the door!" exclaimed the boy, slamming the door in his opponent's face.

Back with Billy, he flipped an Oozeman onto his back and, while the goon was down, punched him dead center in the chest. Billy then lifted his hand from the apparently now lifeless goon to find it was covered in purple oozy slime. At first, he looked disgusted, but then smirked.

"Ya ooze, ya lose." The blond teen joked. Suddenly, he two got tackled by another Oozeman.

"Billy!" Spike cried before narrowly dodging an Oozeman.

Rarity was chased by another Oozeman until she stopped near Spike before narrowly dodging its attack while standing near the purple dragon.

"All right, you brutes, no more miss nice pony!" Rarity shouted in anger and determination, "This is courtesy of Miss Piggy! HI-YAH!!!"

As she yelled that, the white unicorn chopped the Oozeman in the chest, sending it flying while Spike jumped and kicked the Oozeman he dodged.

"Nice kick, Spike." Rarity said with a smile.

"Nice chop, Rarity." Spike returned the compliment with a wink.

Kimberly ran near a pile of rocks and did a kick-flip off one, going over an Oozeman that was chasing her.

"Sit down!" She grunted, kicking the goon so hard in the chest, it caused him to fall back on his butt.

At that moment, a swarm of a few more Oozemen charged toward Kimberly.

"See ya!" The brunette said nervously as she started backflipping away.

“Right behind ya, Kimberly!” Billy said, backflipping after her.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Nyx shouted as she, Phobos and Spike flew after the two.

As Kimberly and Billy flipped past them, Rocky was still fighting hand-to-hand against an Oozeman until he kicked him to the ground. The teen looked in the direction his friends flew and flipped into, hardly noticing another Oozeman charging up to him and punching him away. Twilight and Tommy were fighting their own respective Oozemen until they got kicked over near a rock wall.

"Twilight!" Ben shouted as he ran up to his marefriend and Tommy.

"Mom!" Nyx cried as she, Phobos, and Spike flew up to the three at the same time Kimberly and Billy backflipped up to them.

“Don’t worry, I’m all right.” Twilight replied just as Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Rocky and Aisha flew and ran up to the group.

“Are you okay?” Kimberly asked Tommy.

"Yeah." Tommy replied.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, and with a cry, Adam came flying towards them, but sideways. The boy had landed on the ground.

"Adam!" Aisha cried.

Another cry was heard and they saw Applejack flung in their direction and landed on her back.

“Applejack, are you okay??” Twilight exclaimed in alarm.

“I’m fine. I’ve taken worse hits.” Applejack responded, standing up.

Aisha then looked up nervously at the advancing enemies. "They got us cornered!"

"We can't hold them off!" Billy said in concern.

As their enemies came in closer and closer, it seemed to our heroes that they were beaten.

"There's too many of 'em!" Billy exclaimed.

"We're trapped!" Nyx cried in worry as she, Spike, and Phobos got near her parents.

"They're gonna get us!" Fluttershy whimpered fearfully.

However, Tommy got a bright idea as he looked towards the others. "Let's do it, guys!"

"Right!" said the other teenage humans.

"IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!!!" shouted Tommy.

"Huh?!" The Equestrians asked in sudden shock, confusion, and unison as they all looked towards the Rangers at hearing that command.

Oh, boy! One of my favorite parts of the movie! HERE WE GO!!!

(at 0:12-0:57)

Then the morphing sequence began with a flash of lightning in the sky, and Kimberly stepped up.

“PTERODACTYL!!!” Kimberly shouted, holding out an octagonal-looking silver device with pink bolts and what looked like a coin in the center, on which was a pterodactyl.

In a flash of light, the maid was now wearing a new outfit. This outfit was a pink jumpsuit/armor with white/pink gloves, a white belt, a white diamond pattern going around the upper torso, white boots, and a pink helmet with a huge black eye lens. On the front of the torso of the suit was the same emblem from her morpher, which was now like a belt buckle. Now, Kimberly was in the form of none other than her alter ego, the Pink Ranger.

“TRICERATOPS!!!” Billy shouted, holding a similar morpher to Kimberly’s. Unlike hers, however, the bolts were blue and the creature on his power coin was a triceratops.

In a flash of light, his outfit also changed to a jumpsuit with a similar motif to Kimberly’s. However, his outfit was blue and white with his helmet bearing a resemblance to a triceratops. Now, he was the Blue Ranger.

"TYRANNOSAURUS!" exclaimed Rocky, holding up a morpher that is like Kimberly's and Billy's, only that his morpher was red while the creature on his power coin was a tyrannosaurus rex.

Then, in a flash of light, his outfit changed into the same outfit as Billy's and Kimberly's, except red instead of blue or pink, and the same emblem on his chest from his morpher. Right now, Rocky was in the form of the Red Ranger.

"MASTODON!!!" cried Adam, holding up a black morpher that had an emblem with a mastodon on it.

Upon that happening, after another flash of light, Adam was now wearing the same outfit as the others, except black instead of red, blue, or pink, and the same mastodon emblem from his morpher. The boy was now none other than the Black Ranger of the group.

"SABER-TOOTHED TIGER!!!" Aisha shouted as she held up a yellow morpher with a saber-toothed tiger emblem.

After that, Aisha's outfit changed into the same attire as Kimberly, Billy, Rocky, and Adam, except the color of her outfit was yellow, and the same emblem from her morpher. By now, Aisha was none other than the Yellow Ranger.

"WHITE TIGER!!!" Tommy shouted, holding up a white morpher with a tiger emblem on the front.

After yet another flash of light, in his now current attire, Tommy's outfit was entirely white, except for the rims of his gloves, which were gold and black in color. What made his outfit the most different from the other five was that he had a black chest plate, on which the front was the same emblem from his morpher. In this form, Tommy was none other than the White Ranger, the leader of the Power Rangers.

As they watched their six human friends transform, Twilight and her group all had their mouths hung open in shock, their eyes practically as big as saucers. Their shocked expressions turned to eye-shimmering excitement as they watched them somersault forward in midair with battle cries.

Go go Power Rangers!

Go go Power Rangers!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

“That… was AWESOME!!!!” Spike cheered.

Nyx bounced up and down, her wings fluttering with excitement. "WOW!!!! This is so cool!! I've never seen anything like this before!"

"Totally awesome!" Phobos roared, his wings flaring open in excitement.

Fluttershy clapped her hooves together with unbridled enthusiasm. "Oh, my goodness! They're transformed just like magical heroes!"

Rarity's eyes sparkled with delight as she clasped her hooves together. "How utterly marvelous! It's like a symphony of transformation!"

Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof in the air, her signature grin wide on her face. "Now that's what I call an entrance!"

Pinkie Pie hopped up and down in excitement, her mane bouncing with each jump. "I've seen parties, I've seen pranks, but I've never seen anything as amazing as this!"

Applejack grinned and nodded in approval. "Well, howdy! Looks like we're in for a good ol' power-packed showdown!"

Tommy's bravery and leadership inspired Twilight. Her eyes sparkled as she leaned closer to her friends. "This is so amazing!" Her excited expression turned to confidence as she said, "Everypony, it's time to POWER PONY UP!!!!"

"YEAH!!!" The others in Twilight's group shouted in agreement.

"LET’S GO, FRIENDSHIP FORCE!!!!" The Equestrians shouted in unison.

Rarity smiled and held out a similar morpher to the one the Rangers carried. “RADIANCE!!!”

In a flash of light, Rarity now wore a dark blue bodysuit marked with light blue gems; light pink ones on bracelets around both front hooves and worked into her mane/tail; her mane was gathered/curled at the top and back of her head. She also wore a light blue collar with a pink gem in a gold setting around her neck, and a purple eye mask.

“MISTRESS MARE-VELOUS!” Applejack exclaimed, holding out her own morpher.

After a flash of light, Applejack now wore a collared red bodysuit sporting green buttons in front and a dark brown hood that leaves her eyes, mane, and muzzle exposed. Around her midsection is a set of small black saddlebags that contain gold horseshoes; the loop of rope is clipped to one of these. She also wore black apple-marked spats. With the exception of her forelock and the tip of her tail, all of the blond hair is covered by green wrappings.

“S- Saddle Rager!!” Fluttershy stammered, holding out her morpher.

In a third flash of light, Fluttershy now wore a blue-green bodysuit that leaves her head and wings exposed, butterfly bracelets on both forelegs, a purple eye mask, and a matching lacy scarf marked with a flower pin. Her mane and tail now started streaming behind her.

“FILI-SECOND!!!” Pinkie exclaimed enthusiastically, holding her morpher.

Once the fourth flash ended, Pinkie now wore a white suit with a violet arrow pointing ahead along the flank and matching zigzag bands around the hooves, each of which is also marked with a white balloon. The suit covers everything except her face, ears, and forelock, the last hanging backward along her head instead of over her face and also sporting a zigzag at its end Pinkie’s tail hangs behind the rump, its edges and end styled into a zigzag. An additional violet band circles her neck and trails down into an arrowhead pointing toward her chest.

"ZAPP!!!" Rainbow shouted with confidence, holding her morpher.

After a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder, Rainbow now wore a dark blue bodysuit with holes for the wings, whose hood has been cut away to cover only her forehead and the back of her head. The hooves are white, each marked with a gold lightning bolt, and a white band and gold lightning-bolt pendant encircle her neck. The face portion of her suit is edged in white, with lightning bolts on the temples, and her mane is swept back similar to Twilight’s bangs but still keeps its unruly appearance.

“HUMDRUM!” Spike exclaimed, holding his own morpher as he looked excited.

After a flash of light, Spike now wore blue gloves, a red cape, and a black eye mask. The cape is secured with a small gold pin, and a blue belt with a large, round gold buckle encircling his waist.

"SHADOWHEART!!!" Nyx shouted while holding her morpher.

When the flashing light subsided, Nyx now wore a sleek bodysuit in shades of black and purple, a flowing purple cape, a matching eye mask, and a stylish emblem of a crescent moon on her chest.

"LUNAFLARE!" Phobos exclaimed while holding his own morpher.

When the flashing light subsided, Phobos now donned a celestial-inspired outfit with a dragon-shaped emblem on his chest. His scales shimmered with a starry pattern, and his wings now look like like cosmic nebulae.

"KNIGHT SENTINEL!!!" Ben shouted as he held up his morpher.

After a flash of light, Ben now wore a suit of gleaming armor that glows with a golden aura, topped with a dynamic cape, while wielding his Master Sword.

"MASKED MATTER-HORN!!!" Twilight shouted with confidence while holding up her own morpher.

In a flash of light, Twilight now wore a dark magenta bodysuit and an armor plate in a darker blue covering her back and chest, with holes for her wings. She also wore light blue boots marked with dark magenta trim and the pink star from her cutie mark. At her throat is a small pink lozenge-shaped gem, and she wears a magenta eye mask beneath gold-framed goggles. Her horn is protected by an armor piece the same color as the one on her back, with a magenta lozenge gem set between her eyes. Her bangs are swept back from her forehead, while the rest of her mane streams down behind one shoulder and her tail retains its usual straight-cut contour.

Now transformed into the Power Ponies, they all mimicked the Power Rangers by doing midair somersaults with battle cries.

Know that your time is coming soon
As the sun rises, so does the moon
As love finds a place in every heart
You are a princess, you'll play your part

You are a princess, you'll play your part

But upon landing, the Power Rangers and Power Ponies looked to see that their enemies had disappeared. In fact, the entire construction site seemed to be devoid of any sign of life.

"Where'd they go?" asked Kimberly.

“They probably took advantage of us morphing to run off.” Twilight replied, scanning for a sign of any Oozemen.

“We probably overdid the whole transformation thing, didn’t we?” Spike admitted sheepishly.

"Keep your eyes peeled." Adam said.

Rocky turned to his right. “Heads up, guys! Over there!” He exclaimed, pointing in the direction he was looking at.

The others looked in that direction. As they did so, they saw the last of the Oozemen run away into the depths of a building currently under construction.

"They headed into that purple fog!" Nyx said.

“Careful, it could be a trap.” Tommy spoke.

"Right!" agreed the rest of the Rangers and the Power Ponies.

"Let's go." said Tommy, and the heroes walked towards the partially constructed building.

They knew that they had to go inside the building to finish these creeps that Ivan summoned on them. What the Rangers and the Power Ponies did not know was that he might have summoned the Oozemen to create a diversion so Ivan could 'visit' an old friend. And when I say 'visit', I mean, make sure that his 'friend' suffered.