• Member Since 17th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Sunday



Twilight's mind is beginning to falter. Her memories are steadily fading, her life feels near to its conclusion. She decides to immortalize her friends and the memories they've shared so they can be cherished and appreciated until the end of time.

This is her final story.

Entry for the horror category of the 1,000 words story contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

But, she needed them more than they needed their happy endings.

And this is why Twilight would NEVER actually do anything to her friends like this fandom has a fetish for. Whatever else is wrong with her, Twilight is not like this.

And I'm still waiting for a valid excuse from writers on why they think she would. Nothing justifies this level of OOC.

Have you read the most recent chapters of "The Only Mark That Matters"? That presents a decent idea on Twilight's less than stellar actions throughout the series, and her penchant for using magic that affects the minds of others.

Haven't read it. Probably won't either.

I feel sorry for the others.

Sometimes it’s for plot and other times it’s for drama.

Do you do this on every Evil!Twilight fic you stumble across? I've seen you around a few times but I can't recall which fics exactly.

Good read.

While I didn't reslly feel anything when I read this(Probably because I have desensitized myself) I kind of understand the concept.:rainbowderp:

It's intriguing why Twi has done this, while you can only go so far without having one or two screws loose, immortality being a curse in disguise and all that, It still doesn't give you the right to do what Twi has done to her friends.:moustache:

This is a good story, I like how Twi's thought process is explained and the reason behind It.
Her motivation is screwd up and down right diabotical.

The real question is when she did this ...

How wondrous writing was. You could condense somepony's life into a neat little package, a thing to hold and cherish forever, to pull off the shelf for a lonely evening's read. A book could never leave you, could never walk away or say goodbye. A book was a forever friend. Her friend.

augh, Twilight’s lifelong adoration of books and how it looks like from this other side of her beloved friends’ lives

It wouldn't work if the words didn't come together the way they were meant to. If the story wasn't true to itself, it'd be merely a fairy tale. No, this was no foal's bedtime story. This was her story, the story of her friends, the story of her world, of triumphs and hardships, of happiness and sorrow.

Of everything.

that is such a burden to place on a work, but there are so many that bear such weights. it will never feel good enough

The night slowly passed, the fire in her study crackled, and her friends grew colder. They'd gone peacefully, Twilight had made sure of that, but it still stung to think about. She'd leave that bit out of the final edit. They deserved a better ending. A soft ending, with family and friends.

and oof, taking her friends’ endings from them in order to preserve her memories of them. while this choice is only given to Twilight thanks to magical powers, we each have our own version of the tradeoff between creating memories and preserving them, of experiencing life and a person in all their messiness and fitting what they were into something meaningful and beautiful. it’s something i can very much see Twilight being tempted by, given her temperament. well done here, thank you for writing!

Certainly one of the more creative approaches to “Twilight preserves her friends at any cost,” but the base concept always rings hollow to me. Yes, she’ll always remember and cherish those first friends of hers, but she makes plenty more even in canon, much less however much time she has afterwards. And after that? That’s what faithful students are for. And books with lower production costs.

I appreciate the quiet, subtle, somber approach to magical atrocity, but the atrocity itself still feels wrong. That being said, thank you for the entry.

Of course it feels wrong. That's what makes it horror. Well, one of the facets, anyway. I agree that the concept is a bit played out and out of character for Twilight, but the idea was so enthralling when it slipped into my head I just couldn't not write it. Another aspect of horror is seeing how terrible things could realistically come to pass given the right circumstances and events, how a life or a whole bunch of lives can change in ways you never expect but that could realistically occur. The tangible, all too easily imagined ways it could happen is definitely an aspect that frightens me.

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