• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 964 Views, 44 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

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ACT I: Episode 2: Chapter 7

The group would spend the next few hours walking through grassy fields as everyone kept up a moderate pace with Spike and the digimon trying to keep up with the humans speed.

“Least Noir packed us some food.” Applejack commented as she looked over the knapsack they were provided. A homemade one with a brown coloring. Most would nod in agreement, but not Sunset as she was looking over the new digivice she was given. As she pressed the buttons it would display information and images on not only all their digimon friends, but also Tuskmon.

“Wow, it's got information on all the digimon we’ve seen. It’s like an encyclopedia entry.”

“May I see?” Twilight asked. Sunset would oblige as she handed the digivice to her. Twilight would do the same tinkering as she looked it over.

“Hey, this has a usb port.”

“Wait really?”

“I can only imagine what we would find. Ugh if only we were back home so I can study this.”

“I’m getting kinda hungry.” Spike commented.

“I guess it has been hours since we left.” Hagurumon said aloud. All the digimon would just look at one another.

“You eat? Oh that’s right you did back at the church too.” Twilight asked as she looked over Hagurumon.

“Of course I do! I am a digimon.” He replied in a harsh tone as he rolled his eyes.

“Oh look a lake. We should probably set camp for the night.” Applejack stated as she looked at everyone.

“I am not loving the idea of camping out here. I do not even have my camping luxury supplies!” Rarity whined.

“Does she always do this buzz? Fanbeemon asked as he flew to Applejacks face to be eye level.”

“You get used to it.”

“Okay let’s get things done. Applejack can you gather food out there? We have some supplies from the Sistermon but we need to think long term and have those for rations if possible.”

“Can do Sunset.”

“I can help buzz.”

“Let me come too. I’m sure some man power can help.” Flash said.

“Gee thanks strong man.” Applejack said with a smirk and a roll of her eyes. Flash would respond with a chuckle as Liolmon would join the group.

“Oh I can help! Fanbeemon and I can find something edible if we work together.” Floramon added.

“Come on Rarity.” Applejack said as she started to drag her.

“Huh? What? What?”

“You’re not moping around here trying to gussy yourself up. Let’s get er done.”

“Ohhhhh….!” Rarity would just groan as Floramon rolled her eyes as the four would leave.

“Rainbow, can you get firewood?”

“On it!” Hawkmon would fly a bit over her as he spoke.

“I can help. I can get a good vantage point.”

“Yeah dodo I don’t think we will have trouble finding wood around here.”

“I’m not a dodo!”

Rainbow would just laugh at that as the two of them go to find wood for their fire.

“The rest of us can set up camp.” Everyone nodded as everyone would split to do their duties. Kamemon would splash around in the water as Pinkie giggled at him.

“Now what are you doing cutie?”

“He is ruining my patchwork, that's what he's doing!” Hagurumon cried out.

“But the water feels so goooood.” Kamemon said as he splashed around. Hagurumon would seethe as Kamemon would splash around and dive deeper into the lake as Pinkie just giggled. Twilight would pat Hagurumon’s head in a comforting manner while stifling her own giggle with Spike.

“Now now be nice. I can understand getting frazzled but don’t let it get you carried away.”

“Trust her. She speaks from experience.” Spike commented with a smirk.

“That’s not true….ish…” Twilight replied with a blush as Hagurumon just stared in annoyance.

“So what’s your world like?” Hawkmon asked Rainbow as she was carrying some wood.

“Well like this but not? I don’t know how to explain it. Though we have been to another world that’s not here.”

“Whoa really?”

“Yeah it was awesome. We changed forms when we did so. Sunset, Twilight and me. It was full of ponies and other creatures i've heard and full of magic.”

“Sounds like here. Least based on Hagurumon’s books…”

“Wait, you really never been to the outside world?!”

“No…we were very sheltered by the sistermon.”

“Well you’re with us now! And we will make sure we show you what life has to offer you. Oh I wish I had my geode then we could see who’s the best flyer.”

“Humans can fly?”

“Well I could. I had a magic rock, a geode. But we seem to lose them when we came to this world. It sucks!”

“You lie.”

“Hey I’m not lying! It’s true. All us girls had them. I just wish I knew what happened to them…”

“If you’re telling the truth then what could the other humans do?”

“Wow, so get this. They-”

As Rainbow excitedly talked about their superheroic exploits with Hawkmon, Fluttershy would walk around the camp holding Patamon in her arms in a gentle embrace. As if holding onto a small dog or cat.

“You don’t mind if I hold you like this?”

“Noooo. I like it like this. It reminds me of when Noir held me…”

“Oh sweetie. I’m sorry you had to leave, but I’m sure you will be reunited someday. And thank you for the hug…I needed it too…” Patamon would just snicker to himself as he just relaxed in Fluttershy’s hold as the pair continued to walk around the camp.

Applejack would walk as Fanbeemon would fly next to her. They would go along the treeline exploring as they picked various herbs with Flash, Liollmon, Floramon and Rarity. Flash would occasionally look at the little cub before speaking up.

“Sorry we drove you from home…” Liollmon’s ears would flatten when Flash apologized but would perk up again.

“It’s whatever. Least we get to finally go outside the forest though and we go tot meet all of you. I think that's worth it a little. I just wonder who can make me digivolve though.” Liollmon’s eyes would just sparkle at the thought with Flash just chuckling and even petting his head.

“Well still I thought it was worth saying. If we ever get back home then all of you can too.”

“I hope…”

“You spot anything Fanbeemon?”

“No not quite…”

“Oh! Up there!” Floramon cried out. Their group would look to a tree that looked similar to an apple tree. It bore a light green hue of apples.

“Oh! That can work! Let me get to picking.”

“Oh sweetie let me.” Floramon would reach out with her hands as the little vine like tendril from them would extend out as she controlled them with a careful dexterity. She would pluck the apples as Fanbeemon and Liollmon would go to catch them.

“YEEHAW now that’s what I’m talking about.”

“Oh dahling you have been a wondrous help!” Rarity would pat Floramon on the head as the latter would beam with pride as she continued to pick the fruit. As everyone would gather the fruit they would stop dad in their tracks at the sound of a distant howl.

“Oh man…” Flash said as she looked to the girls who returned his worried glance.

“Safety in numbers. Let’s just get back to camp. We got plenty of food here.”

“I found some herbs.” Fanbeemon commented.

“That will help. We can go over what he found at camp. Come on everyone.” The group would follow Applejack with their haul of goods. The howl would continue off but closer in the distance.