• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 1,473 Views, 109 Comments

Ben 10: Equestria Pony - MLPFan98

After Ben Tennyson and Rook Blonko are accidentally summoned by Twilight Sparkle. The two heroes will make new friends and get used to this newest world as famlair enemies plan to strike back.

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Planning Ahead

Author's Note:

Hey, sorry for the delay everyone, I was going through a tough spot, and with Thanksgiving coming up and doing other fanfics...it's been difficult for me.

anyways, I hope you all enjoy this one and I know its a day early, but Happy Thanksgiving :)

Castle of Friendship

“Giant Snow monsters?” Twilight asked with shock. Ben and his group arrived back at the castle and explained what had happened to Twilight. And while she was not too happy with the fact that Spike was involved in this, she was very happy that everypony was alright.

“Yea, and no matter how many times we attacked our attacks wouldn't keep them down.” Ben said. “Even with fire attacks from Spike and I, they wouldn't stay down.”

“We think it might have something to do with this gem.” Rook said as he placed the shard right on the table, making Twilight use her horn to pick it up and inspect it.

"Hmm," She said with interest, and for everypony to look at her. Then her eyes widened a bit. "I know what this is."

"Well," Ben started. "Don't keep us in the dark Twi-Spri, tell us!"

Twilight gave the hero a small glare before sighing. "This is a piece to an Ice Gem, basically if you attach this gem to any object it can never melt, even dragon fire can't melt it away." She said as everyone in the room looked at the gem in awe.

“I need to get one of those.” Ben mused a bit.

Twilight gave him a short glare though, not amused. “This is not funny Ben!” She said to him. “Whoever did this probably has more, and we need to figure out who does! But the question is where would all the snow come from? It’s not even Winter yet.” asked with confusion, and that was something everypony else was wondering as well.

Twilight then sighed. “Well, let's think about it later, we need to get ready for the Grand Galloping Gala.” She said to them all, making Spike nod his head in agreement.

Ben, Rook, and Starlight looked confused. “Grand Galloping Gala?” They asked in unison, but then turned to each other. “Jinx!” they said before laughing a bit.

Twilight smiled. “Oh right, I didn't tell you guys about it. Well, the Grand Galloping Gala is a social event that celebrates the completion of Canterlot after Equestria was founded.” She said, making Ben raise an eyebrow. “In human terms, think of it like a ball or as what do you call it…a dance of some sort.”

“So kinda like the Prom then.” Ben said. “Ok, sounds cool.” He said. “Well, I guess you can all go and me and Rook can look after the place while you-”

“Actually, you are invited.” Twilight said, much to Ben's shock. Twilight smiled as she used her magic to levitate eleven tickets over. “I have to give these to the other girls, but I got tickets for Spike, Starlight, you, and Rook.” She said as she then handed them their tickets, making Ben, Rook, and Starlight look at them with awe.

“Wow…” They said in unison.

Twilight however looked at the other ticket with confusion. “I don't know about this other ticket though.” Twilight said as she held another ticket and looked at it weirdly. “Maybe the princess and it by mistake or something.

Ben looked at that ticket and wondered. “Hey Twilight, if you are bringing a guest, do they need a ticket as well?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, but why?” She asked.

“I think I might know how to give the ticket to you.” He said as he took the ticket out of his hand and trotted off, leaving some of hsi group bewildered. “

“What was that all about?” Spike asked.

“I have no idea.” Twilight said. “As I said, let's focus on the Gala for now and we can figure out the snow monster issue later.” She said. “I gotta go talk to Rarity and get us all dresses and suits.” As she went to leave. She imagines what the gala would be like with Ben and Rook there. Sure the upper class might find him…well…who knows, but she was looking forward to it, with all her friends there and Ben and Rook as well. Maybe… she and Ben could share a dance? The very thought made her blush a bit.

spike was in the same predicament, he could imagine himself and Sweetie Belle at the dance, sharing drinks or two. the very thought made him blush as well. "Hopefully it will go better than the first time I was there....hopefully, Sweetie Bell won't abandon me like the others did..." He thought with hope and dread

Meanwhile, Ben went out into Ponyville to see if he could find Derpy. “I can give this to Derpy and then we can all hang out together at this Gala.” He thought with an excited smile on his face.

He then imagined what the Gala would be like, of course in his mind images of prom were there, but it would be of the many ponies rather than humans there. He, Rook, Spike, and the girls. Spike would be dancing with Sweetie Belle, and Ben himself would be dancing with Twilight and the others, all of them looking so classy, elegant..beautiful.

Ben then shook his head and sighed. "Why do I keep thinking about this?' He asked himself. "I gotta figure this out somehow." He said with a sigh. "Maybe I should talk to someone or somepony..whatever comes first."


Ben looked up for a moment before…


Ben collided with a familiar mare, the two then fell to the ground and landed with a thud. Ben shook the dizziness off and looked to see that Derpoy had collided with him. “Hey, Derps.” He said.

The mare in question looked at who she hit and smiled. “Oh, hi Ben. sorry about that.” she said sheepishly.

Ben scoffed. “No problem,” He said as he helped her up. “Doing your usual mail duty?” He asked.

Depry nodded. “Yeah, and then after that, I'm going to be done for the day.” Derpy said with a smile. “So what have you been up to?”

Ben shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I just got back from Manehattan, and fought a bunch of snow monsters.” He said, making Derpy gasp.

“Snow Monsters?”

“Mmhm, but I handled them all with ease.” Ben said with a cocky grin. “Well I did have help but still.” He said with a grin. “And I heard that the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up.”

Deroys eyed winded. “Really? Wow! That’s so cool.” she said with a smile, a smile then faltered a bit, something Ben noticed.

“Are you alright, Derps?” He asked.

Derpy nodded a bit. “Yea…I’m fine.” she said. “It’s just…I always wished to go to the Gala.” She said, “I could just imagine it. The ponies gathered around, socializing.” But then she sighed. “But who would want to go with a clutz like me?” She asked with a sigh.

Ben looked at her, and then he remembered the extra ticket in his shirt pocket and he thought of something. “Hey, Derps.” He said to get her attention. “I got an extra ticket in my pocket, we all did, me, Twilight, the girls, and Spike.”

“Oh wow…but why are you telling me?” Derpy asked with a tilt of her head.

Ben chuckled a bit. “Well, do you want to go too?” He asked her.

When he asked that, it made Depy stammer a bit as a pink tinge was forming. “W-what do you mean?”

“I am asking if you want to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with me?” He asked her with a warm smile on his face.

As soon as he asked that, Derpy’s face immediately turned red as a cherry as a stem appeared to be coming out from her head. Was…was he asking her on a date? No, he could be…it was just to hang out right? Right? Depy gulped a bit as she was trying to get all of it through.

“A-are you sure?” Derpy asked him. “I-I don't w-want to embarrass you or-something.” She stammered.

Ben laughed a bit. “Derps, you wouldn't believe how many times I have been embarrassed, and that was mostly all my fault.” He said as he then used his hoof to pat her shoulder. “You’ll be fine.” He said with a smile on his face.

“O-ok.” She said with a bit of hesitation, but she gave him a smile, a smile that he returned.

“Hey, why don't you and I hang out for a while?” He said. “You are off duty right? after your last mail delivery” He asked.

Derpy nodded rapidly. “I would love to.” She said to him. "Let me get done this delivery and I will be all done." She said with a smile, but inwardly she was sharing with joy at spending time with the stallion she liked very much

However, unknown to them, a small flurry had flown right by them and into the air…

King Charlatans Kingdom

Charlatan was in his throne room, sitting on his icy throne with a glare on his face, his right flipper tapping the armrest with impatience. “Who were those creatures?” He growled in anger. Who were they? He needed to know, and he needed to know right now!


Charlatan then looked over to see a snow flurry come over and circle around his scepter. “Did you follow them?” He asked as the flurry tinkled again. “Good, and now tell me what you know.” He said.

Meanwhile, Edgar was in his bedroom pondering on the vents that had just transpired. Who was the pony? And how did he turn into that green plant creature? These were just one too many questions the young penguin asked. But truth be told he found the creature to be rather intriguing.

A pony that turned into a plant creature that can control fire…” Edgar thought with intrigue in his voice. “I wonder how such a creature can do that…magic?” This was one of the many questions he had in his mind…and he knew that there was only one thing he could do to solve them....to leave. But the question was, how can he leave? What with the many guards around his and his father's castle.

Meanwhile, back in the throne room, the flurry was done telling King Charlatan what it had discovered and he was intrigued. “A creature from another world, who has access to a device that allows him to turn into that plant creature and other creatures?” He asked, with the flurry twinkling in response. “And he is in Ponyville? And they are talking about a Grand Galloping Gala?” He asked. When the flurry twinkled again, he looked intrigued. “Go back and find out anything else.” He said.

Meanwhile, Edgar was speaking to a flurry right in his room. He had been telling it about his plan, but the flurry was not too happy about it.

“Just for at least an hour or two?” Edgar asked him. “I promise if anything happens, I will take the heat. Please.” He begged. “I want to see more of the world outside the kingdom.”


“Well yeah, but I also wish to see that plant creature who took on papa’s snowmen. Papa might get mad at me for saying this, but that creature was pretty cool as well.” He said. He could notice teh flurry still not so sure about this and he sighed. “Please, all I am saying is just one hour or two, and after that, we will be home and no one will notice.” He said.

After what seemed to be a few minutes the flurry then decided to swirl around Edgar, with him forming into snow and he smiled. “Alright!” He said with a grin as he was turning into small flurries. “Outside world, here we come!” He said happily as he then turned into a bunch of flurries as he and his personal flurry floated out of the room and out the castle window.