• Member Since 14th Jul, 2023
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Comments ( 26 )

I'm curious to see where this goes. Will our MC be able to stop the Caribou before they really start? Will his supernatural affinity towards magic affect his physical development in ways beyond most would consider? Keep up the good work!

This is a pretty interesting start, some mistakes but it’s a pretty good read. Your MC is basically acting like Magnus from Warhammer 40k “If the Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device” and I love him for it!! Really curious to see where his development will lead. I also hope you go full God of War on the Caribou.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

I confess that I didn't expect much from this story, mainly because I'm not a big fan of the "Fall of Equestria" universe. But his idea of ​​a human being reincarnated into a Caribou with divine status caught my attention, especially the fact that he will apparently fight against caribou domination. And I confess that having Queen Novo's name on the tags helped, I like her a lot and having her with one of the MC's possible romantic partners made me excited.

Man Silver Stag be needing a name to fit his Chunni Powerset of Saitama and Primarch Magnus insanity. I’m thinking something Norse like Tyr, Baldur. Something Grandiose, Over the Top but fitting the theme of being an OP Old World Style Hero.

You know I actually thought about giving him a name that belonged to one of the Norse gods, but decided against it as that would be too obvious, though I did name his main weapon after a very familiar God :raritywink: .

The name at end of chapter 3 was the one I chose, it being a rune name whose meaning is what my MC represents, I suggest you check out what its mean :ajsmug:

Very True, Mannaz does fit really well so I will not complain or rag on you. Kinda forgot his name for a second there, sorry.

Thanks for the chapter! Its amazing!

Honestly this chapter just shows how badass Mannaz is, he ended up with everyone ninja style. I think he's going to get a big shock when he sees his brother again.

Loved the chapter, keep up the good work.

Honestly can’t blame Olga for attacking, Mannaz just coming in and letting her unchained doesn’t exactly present a Benevolent image. He didn’t talk, didn’t wait, just unlocked her chains and showed her his back. Mannaz is showing his Saitama side here, makes this more interesting to see Mannaz ain’t exactly the most sane of people.

Ok, I just caught up and I have to say that I'm liking this story. Someone is going to say that the Mane character is over powered. (There is always one in every comments thread.) But this is MLP, with characters like Celestia, Luna, Discord, and Starlight Glimmer. With characters like those wondering the world of Equis, this character fits right in.

Keep up the good work.

“Puberty was a curse for those inflicted with it, and boundless amusement for others who survived the process.” -Scarheart

Ok I read this story and I have to say I enjoyed this very much and I liked how its taking place in a totally different land then in Equestria, very original and refreshing in many ways. Im liking the MC Mannaz with his character and personality and his origins here. Im looking forward to see how his journey goes and where it will lead him in the wider world and how his actions will effect it and the people and more

Im looking forward to seeing the reactions of Dainn, his father and the Caribou with them when they return home and see all their dead and missing now free former slaves. Im getting the idea when Mannaz and Dainn eventually fight it be similar to a Dragon Ball battle with the former showing how stronger and superior he is to his older brother, and bet he will humble Dainn like never before and shatter his pride, body and spirit

Thou I admit I do hope some pictures will be added in future chapter later on, its always nice and helps the stories in my opinion with there being pictures or even videos among the chapters. Also Im eager to see how Mannaz will get some girls to be with him, how the romance between them develops, how many there will be and who they are later on. And Im eager to see when and how we will get to the more Equestria lands and elements in this world and how things there will change with Mannaz there and such

Nice work here and good to see an update

Interesting with the beginning and wonder what that will mean for the story later on

Have to admit that reaction from the freed slaves was pretty much expected and not all that surprising with all the hate, pain and sorrow they endured by the caribou and them hating the race and not one gender. Wonder if he will meet them again later on with leaving cloths for them and likely save them from something. Which could maybe get some to realize hes not like the others with him actually being what they could be in a more noble and better way then what they are now

Man that young crow died a pretty sad and full of stupid and paid for his arrogance and naivety

Good to see the does are starting their new lives free from the corruption of the caribou perverted ideals/views and Im looking forward to see how they turn out later on and how they grow into actual people and individuals. Bet later on they will fight their raping male counterparts and help remake the caribous very culture and ideals and into something better. Im quite curious on these whole wings coming from their backs and hope this will get an explanation later on, and maybe also leads to some rediscovering and learning some long past forgotten history of the caribou to what they might have been like before their perverted degenerate ideals

Im looking forward to see how long it will take Mannaz to not only teach the freed does the many things and subject they need to live and survive until they can do it themselves but how many more caribou settlements he will attack and free slaves from. And if he finds any children in them and show them a better way in life. As well how long it will be until Dainn becomes aware of his forces being attacked, slaughtered and slaves are gone by his unknown brother

Can't wait to read the next chapter.

And another reason for Mannaz to go full Norse God on some Caribou ass. Man it’s sad seeing the slaves abiding by their want to commit violence on the Does who literally cannot HELP themselves with those fucking runes and enslavement since birth. It’s like Druchari levels of horror to realise how ingrained misogyny had been laid upon the Caribou. Mannaz is either going to help reclaim the ‘glory’ of his race through his own way or sterilise his entire race to stop this horror from ever happening again when he’s gone,

This is a Fall of Equestria story, right?

Technically yes, but it pre-dates those events as everything that's taking place now is really far in the past

J’espère que ce chapitre n’est pas le dernier et que tu veux continuer cette histoire parce que tout est génial et Est-ce qu’il va finalement tu es son frère ou pas parce que Je pense pas qu’il puisse rééduquer et je voudrais pas ça donc vous demander s’il allait finir sur la guillotine son frère ou pas sinon continue parce que tu écris trop bien. L’histoire est génial et. J’ai lue chromosomes XY. Et franchement ton histoire est meilleur, mais je dis pas que l’autre est mauvais. C’est juste que le protagoniste du chromosome XYZ il est juste trop faible, il arrive pas à te faire ballottés à droite à gauche sans pouvoir jamais réagir. Bon ça fait du bien d’avoir une personne puissante comme protagoniste dans ce genre de monde sombres du coup je poste ça pour ton courage à continuer cette merveilleuse histoire

“Look at them begging like their whores they are to their masters!” the same crow women pointed out to the gathering of naked furry women “All the caribou are dead except for him and those bitches behind him, let’s fucking make it official!!” she encouraged the women, her swearing coming out as off as if she’s not used to it.

The surrounding circle of women all released battle cries as the charge, pseudo weapons, fists and claws at the ready.

Guy made a ton of really stupid mistakes. Mistake 1, he freed people without letting anyone know it was him that did it. When you look like the enemy and you sneak around like a fool, those you save WILL knife you in the neck. Mistake 2. He didn't kill the troublemaker crow/freed prisoner. You have to gain control of that situation otherwise no one you saved will live. They will screw around and get recaptured. You have to get control at all costs. He needed to kill her to save those people who, lets face, he didn't actually save.

What did he actually do? He killed all the Caraboo and let everyone go wander around the middle of the town. And then left. Those women aren't saved. What they actually are, is going to be recaptured, then most likely hung for killing the men of that village. To have actually saved them, he needed to gain total control of that group and then taken them to a safer location.

Oh and this, He is 12 thing. Stop it. Just stop it. He grew up in the woods. No society. The woods. Biologically a 12 year old is of mating age or entering it. Not society, or right or wrong, Im talking about the jungle, nature and biology. Someone who spent 12 years wondering around the woods, murdering his food and living in a cave, is not going to think. "You can't have sex with me, Im just a little child!" No, what he will think is, "Whats that wonderful smell?" This the first time in his life he has been around Adult Females of his race. So this, your a pervert and I'm just a little boy, whats wrong with you lady......Doesn't fit the reality of the story. It doesn't. So tone that down.

I know we are a group of sex and touch phobics, but let's at least try to keep things realistic. He is a male of the age of puberty and surrounded by adult females of his own kind for the first time in his life. Will he bang everything that moves, probably not, but he is also not autistic.

I see your enjoying the story, plus thanks for pointing out a spelling mistake I made even though it was unintentional, I think, and about the age thing he and his brother are actually 8 years old with Mannaz appearing as a 12 year and Dainn looking like he just hit twenty all due to their "unique" nature(with Dàinn having his growth accelerated by a group of runemasters), he may have grown up in the woods but in his mind and soul he was a human man in his middle twenties who lived in a society where doing anything sexual to minors is viewed as extremely bad

hope this story keeps going.

Oh it will, I'm just buried in alot of work, I'm actually half way done :eeyup:

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