• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.

Comments ( 185 )

Well now this is just kinda fun and that end was cute.

I might have lied on the previous post, I do have a question for Flicker.

(Not a gen 5 name) Rainy Skies: "As a shape shifter, wouldn't it be too easy to only do a half-flanked transformation to more easily blend in? I don't think I can trust that you only do things in full as it were. Not that I think you're a bad pony or anything and want to trick us. Uh... Well you don't have to answer that, but I was also wondering if you could do a performance at the museum to show everyone what the important ponies at the time were like, I'm sure Sunny would like it. I'd like to be there if you make an appearance too, wouldn't want to miss it.
(Dunno if you want to do cameo's in here since it's basically a chat decided story, but if so, Rainy Skies here would have the same palette as my avatar, just a pegasus, not thestral Alicorn.)
(Also, I hope you didn't expect the first commenter to ask about her first day here in Maretime bay like your synopsis hinted at)

As an aside, damn people already disliking this, and I'm 99% sure it's because of the gen 5 tag and nothing else, as the story itself says what it's about in the synopsis and the writing is still great like it's always been.
Hope it's not too discouraging, I think you have something great here, and quality G5 is always welcome. Oddly enough, this would be the second vlog anonymous G5 that I've seen. The first being Anon Thestral

Nice time jump, and never explaining the prank will become an in joke, I'd imagine.

Anon is being a bad influence on Misty.

I absolutely love this! I can’t wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

Kinda sorta. I do plan on explaining in time, and it will be hilarious (from Anon's PoV). As it stands, right now, though, I've committed myself to a bit that dragged on a bit long in the next entry and now my mind is mush. My brain keeps trying to rhyme.

I got excited but then I realized I misread the title. :derpytongue2:

:coolphoto: fantastic, bravo
ah memories~

In the time it took me to read the first two chapters, you managed to upload another one. Fuck, I guess sleep can wait another, eh, ten minutes?

Yeah, it feels like my creative juices have just been completely overflowing lately, and in order to prevent creative burnout on Diaries, this serves as an excellent alternative outlet.

Oh wow, now I know what you mean when you said your brain is mush with trying to rhyme. Honestly tho I read it all in Zecora's voice so I think it was worth it.
You even nabbed from my mind what Rainy was going to say at the end, nice foresight in that regard. That said she would have been horrified to learn of what happened to Flicker there and is sorry for making her remember that. When she asked the question, she meant the cutie marks. She didn't mean to say that Anon put half the effort in, and would apologize for the confusion almost immediately.

I'd ask another question here, but it's only fair somepony else gets a chance.

I'm already shipping Anon with Izzy. Like, "Yes Anon, this dwelling is inadequate, go live with the purple one. Muahahahaha!"

Compared to Opaline, Anon is a saint.

Man I hope you get other questions in the comments, or otherwise Rainy Skies here is gonna sound like a creepy stalker, asking questions every vlog, and plot will demand that Flicker seek her out for an interview because of the questions or call the police.

We have confirmation that Discord does appear to be alive in G5 at least in the comics so of course he's going to do that kind of post

They currently had no means to contain her or her power if she was hostile.

You have no idea on how right you are.

dear old

I know her name is Opaline
but I keep call her Opaltine on accident

I have a question. Is this Changeling look like the reformed changelings? Like the colorful and cute ones, or like the original black, and scary looking with holes all over their hooves?

She's of the unreformed black-shell variety, although she's healthy and whole.

Edit: Not unlike Bug-Mom's appearance in FIENDship Is Magic Vol. 5

Kinda weird she doesn't know Anonymous, and I REALLY hope Twilight is still alive

Rainy Skies: I saw what you did to that fruit, giving it a 'chilling smile' pretty 'cool' trick.
Ok ok, enough with the ice jokes, but runes, huh? Could anypony learn this? You made it sound like we could, but is it realistically possible? Gotta say, conjuring up ice on command would pretty nice, it gets warm around here.

(Still not gonna take the bait with the suggested questions)

I'll play along. Try my hand at a few questions for buggie.
SoraBorealis: You said something before about eating emotions. Does that mean you can tell what ponies are feeling? Can you read minds?

Morning Dew: If magic can grow huge plants and make ice from thin air, could it be used to heal somepony who's hurt or sick? If so, how much can it cure?

Crazy_Eightball: When Sunny brought the gem things together, she got those weird wing and horn things, right? Does that mean she's like you, since you have wings and a horn, too? What's the difference?

I should mention that I have not followed Gen 5 beyond a few clips and reviews of the movie. It just doesn't seem to have the same soul as FiM. Therefor if I get little details wrong, that's why.

Also, personal question, this time. I saw a preview somewhere that Discord is alive and well and a villain once more in the Gen 5 comics. You planning to do anything with that?

Firewhiskey: You said that changelings can feed on love... does it TASTE, and if yes can you describe it pretty please...

WIth Discord? Not in particular. I feel anything involving him might create too much adventure.

Cracked_Egg: Did you ever have a pet? Are you planning to have a pet, and if so, what kind?

(Question for Anon)

Celeste: Hi Anon, I was reading some science fiction and it got me thinking about something. Are you able to turn ponies into changelings like you, or just transform them into something else in general? I've never really felt right in this body of mine and ever since I've found your blog I've been insanely jealous of your ability to shapeshift.

I nodded, smiling fondly at the memory. Even if I did cause a huge panic and alienate myself like a huge fuckin' moron, the reactions on everyone's faces were priceless. Like, what would they have done if I'd actually been a super-villain? These ponies could barely control the new and improved magic. They were nowhere near ready to protect themselves.

"Oh, come on!" I faux-whined, grabbing the smoothie set down in front of me. "You seriously wouldn't try and prank a bunch of people after being asleep for thousands of years?" Sipping at the chocolate-strawberry smoothie under their withering glares, I sighed. That's good shit. "Fine, I'll even apologise. Until ponies don't think I'm some bug monster here to conquer them all, I probably shouldn't transform outside. Know a spot I can do the first vlog?"

Pulled a Rita Repulsa I see.

All things considered with him still existing and having some contact with Sunny and the others having him show up at least in private to help Anon recover her memories would be a good thing (I mean in the comics he didn't want magic to return so of course he's going to try to do it privately)

So she doesn't have the genetic damage Celestia put on all subsequent changelings because that's how they got holes celestia's attack caused radiation to create the holes in all subsequent changeling's birthed from chrysalis thanks to her damaged genetics

After taking a few moments to think, I began to steadily climb until I reached the main cloud layer. Weather here was wild, but after a careful tentative step, I found out quickly enough that I was still capable of cloud walking. Though I still hated the way it felt, I could not fault the evolutionary choice that allowed changelings to at least blend in with pegasi. Can the pegasus ponies today not walk among the clouds? Have they not tried? I considered mentioning it directly, but why not do it subliminally instead?

I am interested by what this quote means, and am interested to see Anon's first cloudwalking experience in the mainline story. Also, pegasi seeing him streaming a video from the clouds is sure to draw at least some attention. Maybe even from Pipp if she has to review every video before it's posted.

Twas not the last friend to be made from a foe. Twilight's many friendships would certainly grow. The God of Chaos, Discord, he was so absurd, Trixie the showmare sought vengeance with nary a word.

Hmm, Discord has been brought up in the G5 comics (I haven't read them yet myself), so I wonder how his character will be dealt with here, especially since he is yet to appear in the mainline story.

Anon's first cloud experience is actually present in the next chapter of diaries. Things are kinda wonky due to my having prewritten that chapter, and then starting this side-story and getting ahead of myself.

As for Discord, having not read the relevant comics either, I'm hesitant to touch on him more.

A few days passed without much worth mention. Following the release of the newest vlog, there were a few super creepy DMs asking to see pics of me without my skin. I blocked all the offending parties and put a warning out on my channel that I didn't appreciate ponies asking for creepy pictures. It wasn't like I even lost my skin in the story I shared. That was my legs and half my jaw.

Yeah that's really damn creepy. Better to ask for something on the weird end of the spectrum instead, like turning into a furless pony.

Where did this information come from?

yesssss, Opaltine, be concerned, be very concerned~

I really want Opaline to be reformed, I think Anon can do it being honest

Now I'm curious as to what Opaline knows or doesn't know regarding the past if she knows about Emerald.

Rainy Skies has no questions, as she's not stalking Anon to be able to ask about the other happenings. Also a lot of good questions were already answered.

Fire Whiskey: you said that Fluttershy was your friend... Does that mean that you were friends with other guardians of harmony? If yes, can you describe them as characters, please

Yay my question got answered! Also feel bad for the pony version of myself in that story. Guess she'll have to go on her own adventure to get the power she wants.

Though it's kinda funny imagining the pony version of myself wanting to gain shapeshifting powers since I'd already do unspeakable acts to gain shapeshifting powers, or end up in Equestria, or turn into a pony and lose human form forever.

Here's a whole bunch of questions for Anon from Celeste:

Hi Anon, thanks for answering my question, it's disappointing that changeling metamorphosis isn't a 'get out of jail free' card for my problems but I guess it is my mountain to climb after all. Your responses have given me some new questions though if you don't mind.

So you said "the hunger might drive you feral" and that love is something you can't get enough of. What does changeling hunger feel like and how does it compare to the type of hunger for love that anyone can get from emotional insecurity/attachment disorders? For me anyway, it feels like I'm an endless void but instead of going 'feral' I just get depressed and anxious lol.

Also the way you describe love makes it sound like a type of magic in of itself. Not just love but emotions in general. Are you able to consume magic? Are emotions able to be used to augment magic or even used entirely to cast spells? I think my cutiemark is related to this but I don't know where to start with it, books on magic didn't really survive all that well in the time since you've been gone.

Sorry, I tried keeping this short but there's so many questions to ask lol. I only have a few more, I swear.

What's your theory on ponies today having our cutie marks on one flank vs ponies of old having them on two? Since magic returned, I've been wondering if maybe it has to do with our lack of unity and magic. That we could only be half of what we're meant to be because we lacked friendship and magic so we only have a half set instead of the full shebang.

Was there a stereotype in your time of changelings being lascivious or ponies that'd try to take advantage of changelings? That seems like a nasty thing that'd happen when your main food source is love.

Final question, if you only eat love and haven't had physical food in days, do you still poop?

For a creature to talk about their own suffering as if it was merely Tuesday for her was rattling, even today.

Some pretty deep implications in this chapter. Anon’ last question went really deep with its meaning. Also the implications of humans in Equestria at some point. Interesting to see Opalines response. I wonder what she is thinking on doing. I see you are kinda following the order of chapters in the current Make your Mark episode list, so it’s a nice way to keep on track with what’s going on.

Even if I've still got a grudge against the entity Harmony, I've warmed up to the principles.

We know the entity of Chaos (discord) is still alive (from the comics), but I wonder about Harmony and Hunger. I'm curious as to what they would have to say about the current state of magic in the world and happens since magic was locked away if Anon were to attempt to contact them again.

Reverting to her original form, Anon looked down at the ground. "I know you're probably coping with your own kinds of hurt, but what it would take to turn someone into a changeling isn't something I'd inflict on anyone," she apologised. "It'd take a number of attendant changelings to create the amount of royal jelly needed for such a transformation, in addition to a whole lot of harvested love. It'd be a long time stuffed in a pod undergoing a painful transformation, and if that didn't break you, the hunger just might drive you feral..."

" Or, if you just can't wait that long, have the literal embodiment of Want and Desire possess you for a bit and give in. May or may not require you to have a history with a certain crystalline manipulative bitch embodiment of Harmony and Order to appease Desiree's grudge tho. Good question, thanks for asking!"

I honestly believe that dopaline wouldn't stand a chance against anonymous flicker. Not with how overpowered our Not so little bug queen is.

Now I'm regretting that I didn't get in on asking any questions when I had the chance.


You can add something like this:

"Question from Tinted Glass: Who else could survive from your Equestria?"
"I don't know. Everything material dies, it seems even alicorns. Only ideas live forever. Maybe also alicorn of ideas if such exists."
"Question from Inked Quill: Do you have any future plans? Also thanks for mentioning."
"In a bit. Right now I'm searching for where to sleep and I mention everyone who asks quesrion."
You guessed who Inked Quill is.

From ebon dash: hey anon, how good were pegasi at manipulating electricity when you were from? Ever since magic returned, I've been getting bits of static arcing from my wings and shocking things around me, or ponies. Even fried my last phone!

It's fan speculation based on science explaining why the changelings before Chrysalis became Queen didn't have holes it's also shown directly that Chrysalis got her holes because of the attack by Celestia and there are only changelings with holes after. that kind of damage doesn't stay with someone through multiple generations unless it's genetic otherwise changelings born from Chrysalis would have been without the holes already

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